public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.appcompat', name: 'appcompat', version: '1.6.0-alpha04'

  • groupId: androidx.appcompat
  • artifactId: appcompat
  • version: 1.6.0-alpha04

Artifact androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.6.0-alpha04 it located at Google repository (

Androidx artifact mapping:


Androidx class mapping:


This class is used by AppCompat to automatically "substitute" all usages of core Android widgets inflated from layout files by the AppCompat extensions of those widgets.

This class two main responsibilities: the first is to 'inject' our tinted views in place of the framework versions in layout inflation; the second is backport the android:theme functionality for any inflated widgets. This include theme inheritance from its parent.

In order to provide your own extensions, follow these steps:

  • Extend this class, or the relevant subclass if you're using the Material components library
  • Override one or more of the createXYZ methods
  • Add the viewInflaterClass attribute on your application theme. The value of the attribute should be the fully-qualified class name of your custom inflater class.



protected AppCompatAutoCompleteTextViewcreateAutoCompleteTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatButtoncreateButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatCheckBoxcreateCheckBox(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatCheckedTextViewcreateCheckedTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatEditTextcreateEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatImageButtoncreateImageButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatImageViewcreateImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatMultiAutoCompleteTextViewcreateMultiAutoCompleteTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatRadioButtoncreateRadioButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatRatingBarcreateRatingBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatSeekBarcreateSeekBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatSpinnercreateSpinner(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatTextViewcreateTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatToggleButtoncreateToggleButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected ViewcreateView(Context context, java.lang.String name, AttributeSet attrs)

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public AppCompatViewInflater()


protected AppCompatTextView createTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatImageView createImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatButton createButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatEditText createEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatSpinner createSpinner(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatImageButton createImageButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatCheckBox createCheckBox(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatRadioButton createRadioButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatCheckedTextView createCheckedTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatAutoCompleteTextView createAutoCompleteTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatMultiAutoCompleteTextView createMultiAutoCompleteTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatRatingBar createRatingBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatSeekBar createSeekBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected AppCompatToggleButton createToggleButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

protected View createView(Context context, java.lang.String name, AttributeSet attrs)


 * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.content.Context;
import android.content.ContextWrapper;
import android.content.res.TypedArray;
import android.os.Build;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.InflateException;
import android.view.View;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.appcompat.R;
import androidx.appcompat.view.ContextThemeWrapper;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatAutoCompleteTextView;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatButton;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatCheckBox;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatCheckedTextView;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatEditText;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageButton;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatMultiAutoCompleteTextView;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatRadioButton;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatRatingBar;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatSeekBar;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatSpinner;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatToggleButton;
import androidx.appcompat.widget.TintContextWrapper;
import androidx.collection.SimpleArrayMap;
import androidx.core.view.ViewCompat;

import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;

 * This class is used by AppCompat to automatically "substitute" all usages of core Android
 * widgets inflated from layout files by the AppCompat extensions of those widgets.
 * <p>This class two main responsibilities: the first is to 'inject' our tinted views in place of
 * the framework versions in layout inflation; the second is backport the {@code android:theme}
 * functionality for any inflated widgets. This include theme inheritance from its parent.</p>
 * <p>In order to provide your own extensions, follow these steps:
 *    <ul>
 *        <li>Extend this class, or the relevant subclass if you're using the Material
 *        components library</li>
 *        <li>Override one or more of the <code>createXYZ</code> methods</li>
 *        <li>Add the <code>viewInflaterClass</code> attribute on your application theme. The
 *        value of the attribute should be the fully-qualified class name of your custom inflater
 *        class.</li>
 *    </ul>
 * </p>
public class AppCompatViewInflater {

    private static final Class<?>[] sConstructorSignature = new Class<?>[]{
            Context.class, AttributeSet.class};
    private static final int[] sOnClickAttrs = new int[]{android.R.attr.onClick};
    private static final int[] sAccessibilityHeading =
            new int[]{android.R.attr.accessibilityHeading};
    private static final int[] sAccessibilityPaneTitle =
            new int[]{android.R.attr.accessibilityPaneTitle};
    private static final int[] sScreenReaderFocusable =
            new int[]{android.R.attr.screenReaderFocusable};

    private static final String[] sClassPrefixList = {

    private static final String LOG_TAG = "AppCompatViewInflater";

    private static final SimpleArrayMap<String, Constructor<? extends View>> sConstructorMap =
            new SimpleArrayMap<>();

    private final Object[] mConstructorArgs = new Object[2];

    final View createView(View parent, final String name, @NonNull Context context,
            @NonNull AttributeSet attrs, boolean inheritContext,
            boolean readAndroidTheme, boolean readAppTheme, boolean wrapContext) {
        final Context originalContext = context;

        // We can emulate Lollipop's android:theme attribute propagating down the view hierarchy
        // by using the parent's context
        if (inheritContext && parent != null) {
            context = parent.getContext();
        if (readAndroidTheme || readAppTheme) {
            // We then apply the theme on the context, if specified
            context = themifyContext(context, attrs, readAndroidTheme, readAppTheme);
        if (wrapContext) {
            context = TintContextWrapper.wrap(context);

        View view = null;

        // We need to 'inject' our tint aware Views in place of the standard framework versions
        switch (name) {
            case "TextView":
                view = createTextView(context, attrs);
                verifyNotNull(view, name);
            case "ImageView":
                view = createImageView(context, attrs);
                verifyNotNull(view, name);
            case "Button":
                view = createButton(context, attrs);
                verifyNotNull(view, name);
            case "EditText":
                view = createEditText(context, attrs);
                verifyNotNull(view, name);
            case "Spinner":
                view = createSpinner(context, attrs);
                verifyNotNull(view, name);
            case "ImageButton":
                view = createImageButton(context, attrs);
                verifyNotNull(view, name);
            case "CheckBox":
                view = createCheckBox(context, attrs);
                verifyNotNull(view, name);
            case "RadioButton":
                view = createRadioButton(context, attrs);
                verifyNotNull(view, name);
            case "CheckedTextView":
                view = createCheckedTextView(context, attrs);
                verifyNotNull(view, name);
            case "AutoCompleteTextView":
                view = createAutoCompleteTextView(context, attrs);
                verifyNotNull(view, name);
            case "MultiAutoCompleteTextView":
                view = createMultiAutoCompleteTextView(context, attrs);
                verifyNotNull(view, name);
            case "RatingBar":
                view = createRatingBar(context, attrs);
                verifyNotNull(view, name);
            case "SeekBar":
                view = createSeekBar(context, attrs);
                verifyNotNull(view, name);
            case "ToggleButton":
                view = createToggleButton(context, attrs);
                verifyNotNull(view, name);
                // The fallback that allows extending class to take over view inflation
                // for other tags. Note that we don't check that the result is not-null.
                // That allows the custom inflater path to fall back on the default one
                // later in this method.
                view = createView(context, name, attrs);

        if (view == null && originalContext != context) {
            // If the original context does not equal our themed context, then we need to manually
            // inflate it using the name so that android:theme takes effect.
            view = createViewFromTag(context, name, attrs);

        if (view != null) {
            // If we have created a view, check its android:onClick
            checkOnClickListener(view, attrs);
            backportAccessibilityAttributes(context, view, attrs);

        return view;

    protected AppCompatTextView createTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        return new AppCompatTextView(context, attrs);

    protected AppCompatImageView createImageView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        return new AppCompatImageView(context, attrs);

    protected AppCompatButton createButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        return new AppCompatButton(context, attrs);

    protected AppCompatEditText createEditText(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        return new AppCompatEditText(context, attrs);

    protected AppCompatSpinner createSpinner(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        return new AppCompatSpinner(context, attrs);

    protected AppCompatImageButton createImageButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        return new AppCompatImageButton(context, attrs);

    protected AppCompatCheckBox createCheckBox(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        return new AppCompatCheckBox(context, attrs);

    protected AppCompatRadioButton createRadioButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        return new AppCompatRadioButton(context, attrs);

    protected AppCompatCheckedTextView createCheckedTextView(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        return new AppCompatCheckedTextView(context, attrs);

    protected AppCompatAutoCompleteTextView createAutoCompleteTextView(Context context,
            AttributeSet attrs) {
        return new AppCompatAutoCompleteTextView(context, attrs);

    protected AppCompatMultiAutoCompleteTextView createMultiAutoCompleteTextView(Context context,
            AttributeSet attrs) {
        return new AppCompatMultiAutoCompleteTextView(context, attrs);

    protected AppCompatRatingBar createRatingBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        return new AppCompatRatingBar(context, attrs);

    protected AppCompatSeekBar createSeekBar(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        return new AppCompatSeekBar(context, attrs);

    protected AppCompatToggleButton createToggleButton(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        return new AppCompatToggleButton(context, attrs);

    private void verifyNotNull(View view, String name) {
        if (view == null) {
            throw new IllegalStateException(this.getClass().getName()
                    + " asked to inflate view for <" + name + ">, but returned null");

    protected View createView(Context context, String name, AttributeSet attrs) {
        return null;

    private View createViewFromTag(Context context, String name, AttributeSet attrs) {
        if (name.equals("view")) {
            name = attrs.getAttributeValue(null, "class");

        try {
            mConstructorArgs[0] = context;
            mConstructorArgs[1] = attrs;

            if (-1 == name.indexOf('.')) {
                for (int i = 0; i < sClassPrefixList.length; i++) {
                    final View view = createViewByPrefix(context, name, sClassPrefixList[i]);
                    if (view != null) {
                        return view;
                return null;
            } else {
                return createViewByPrefix(context, name, null);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // We do not want to catch these, lets return null and let the actual LayoutInflater
            // try
            return null;
        } finally {
            // Don't retain references on context.
            mConstructorArgs[0] = null;
            mConstructorArgs[1] = null;

     * android:onClick doesn't handle views with a ContextWrapper context. This method
     * backports new framework functionality to traverse the Context wrappers to find a
     * suitable target.
    private void checkOnClickListener(View view, AttributeSet attrs) {
        final Context context = view.getContext();

        if (!(context instanceof ContextWrapper) ||
                (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= 15 && !ViewCompat.hasOnClickListeners(view))) {
            // Skip our compat functionality if: the Context isn't a ContextWrapper, or
            // the view doesn't have an OnClickListener (we can only rely on this on API 15+ so
            // always use our compat code on older devices)

        final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, sOnClickAttrs);
        final String handlerName = a.getString(0);
        if (handlerName != null) {
            view.setOnClickListener(new DeclaredOnClickListener(view, handlerName));

    private View createViewByPrefix(Context context, String name, String prefix)
            throws ClassNotFoundException, InflateException {
        Constructor<? extends View> constructor = sConstructorMap.get(name);

        try {
            if (constructor == null) {
                // Class not found in the cache, see if it's real, and try to add it
                Class<? extends View> clazz = Class.forName(
                        prefix != null ? (prefix + name) : name,

                constructor = clazz.getConstructor(sConstructorSignature);
                sConstructorMap.put(name, constructor);
            return constructor.newInstance(mConstructorArgs);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            // We do not want to catch these, lets return null and let the actual LayoutInflater
            // try
            return null;

     * Allows us to emulate the {@code android:theme} attribute for devices before L.
    private static Context themifyContext(Context context, AttributeSet attrs,
            boolean useAndroidTheme, boolean useAppTheme) {
        final TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, R.styleable.View, 0, 0);
        int themeId = 0;
        if (useAndroidTheme) {
            // First try reading android:theme if enabled
            themeId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.View_android_theme, 0);
        if (useAppTheme && themeId == 0) {
            // ...if that didn't work, try reading app:theme (for legacy reasons) if enabled
            themeId = a.getResourceId(R.styleable.View_theme, 0);

            if (themeId != 0) {
                Log.i(LOG_TAG, "app:theme is now deprecated. "
                        + "Please move to using android:theme instead.");

        if (themeId != 0 && (!(context instanceof ContextThemeWrapper)
                || ((ContextThemeWrapper) context).getThemeResId() != themeId)) {
            // If the context isn't a ContextThemeWrapper, or it is but does not have
            // the same theme as we need, wrap it in a new wrapper
            context = new ContextThemeWrapper(context, themeId);
        return context;

    private void backportAccessibilityAttributes(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull View view,
            @NonNull AttributeSet attrs) {
        if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT < 19 || Build.VERSION.SDK_INT > 28) {

        TypedArray a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, sAccessibilityHeading);
        if (a.hasValue(0)) {
            ViewCompat.setAccessibilityHeading(view, a.getBoolean(0, false));

        a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, sAccessibilityPaneTitle);
        if (a.hasValue(0)) {
            ViewCompat.setAccessibilityPaneTitle(view, a.getString(0));

        a = context.obtainStyledAttributes(attrs, sScreenReaderFocusable);
        if (a.hasValue(0)) {
            ViewCompat.setScreenReaderFocusable(view, a.getBoolean(0, false));

     * An implementation of OnClickListener that attempts to lazily load a
     * named click handling method from a parent or ancestor context.
    private static class DeclaredOnClickListener implements View.OnClickListener {
        private final View mHostView;
        private final String mMethodName;

        private Method mResolvedMethod;
        private Context mResolvedContext;

        public DeclaredOnClickListener(@NonNull View hostView, @NonNull String methodName) {
            mHostView = hostView;
            mMethodName = methodName;

        public void onClick(@NonNull View v) {
            if (mResolvedMethod == null) {

            try {
                mResolvedMethod.invoke(mResolvedContext, v);
            } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Could not execute non-public method for android:onClick", e);
            } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Could not execute method for android:onClick", e);

        private void resolveMethod(@Nullable Context context) {
            while (context != null) {
                try {
                    if (!context.isRestricted()) {
                        final Method method = context.getClass().getMethod(mMethodName, View.class);
                        if (method != null) {
                            mResolvedMethod = method;
                            mResolvedContext = context;
                } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
                    // Failed to find method, keep searching up the hierarchy.

                if (context instanceof ContextWrapper) {
                    context = ((ContextWrapper) context).getBaseContext();
                } else {
                    // Can't search up the hierarchy, null out and fail.
                    context = null;

            final int id = mHostView.getId();
            final String idText = id == View.NO_ID ? "" : " with id '"
                    + mHostView.getContext().getResources().getResourceEntryName(id) + "'";
            throw new IllegalStateException("Could not find method " + mMethodName
                    + "(View) in a parent or ancestor Context for android:onClick "
                    + "attribute defined on view " + mHostView.getClass() + idText);