





Annotation Types

CanIgnoreReturnValueIndicates that the return value of the annotated API is ignorable.
DocumentMarks a class as an entity known to AppSearch containing a data record.
Document.BooleanPropertyConfigures a boolean member field of a class as a property known to AppSearch.
Document.BuilderProducerMarks a static method or a builder class directly as a builder producer.
Document.BytesPropertyConfigures a byte array member field of a class as a property known to AppSearch.
Document.CreationTimestampMillisMarks a member field of a document as the document's creation timestamp.
Document.DocumentPropertyConfigures a member field of a class as a property known to AppSearch.
Document.DoublePropertyConfigures a double-precision decimal number field of a class as a property known to AppSearch.
Document.EmbeddingPropertyConfigures an EmbeddingVector field of a class as a property known to AppSearch.
Document.IdMarks a member field of a document as the document's unique identifier (ID).
Document.LongPropertyConfigures a 64-bit integer field of a class as a property known to AppSearch.
Document.NamespaceMarks a member field of a document as the document's namespace.
Document.ScoreMarks a member field of a document as the document's query-independent score.
Document.StringPropertyConfigures a string member field of a class as a property known to AppSearch.
Document.TtlMillisMarks a member field of a document as the document's time-to-live (TTL).
SystemApiIndicates an API is exposed for use by bundled system applications.
SystemApi.ContainerContainer for SystemApi that allows it to be applied repeatedly to types.