


IMediaControllerCallbackCallback interface for a MediaSessionCompat to send updates to a MediaControllerCompat.
IMediaSessionInterface to a MediaSessionCompat.
MediaSessionCompat.RegistrationCallbackCallback to be called when a controller has registered or unregistered controller callback.


AudioAttributesCompatA class to encapsulate a collection of attributes describing information about an audio stream.
AudioAttributesCompat.BuilderBuilder class for AudioAttributesCompat objects.
IMediaControllerCallback.StubLocal-side IPC implementation stub class.
IMediaSession.StubLocal-side IPC implementation stub class.
LegacyParcelableUtilUtilities to convert android.os.Parcelable instances to and from legacy package names when writing to or reading them from a .
MediaBrowserCompatBrowses media content offered by a MediaBrowserServiceCompat.
MediaBrowserCompat.ConnectionCallbackCallbacks for connection related events.
MediaBrowserCompat.CustomActionCallbackCallback for receiving the result of MediaBrowserCompat.sendCustomAction(String, Bundle, MediaBrowserCompat.CustomActionCallback).
MediaBrowserCompat.ItemCallbackCallback for receiving the result of MediaBrowserCompat.getItem(String, MediaBrowserCompat.ItemCallback).
MediaBrowserCompat.MediaItemA class with information on a single media item for use in browsing/searching media.
MediaBrowserCompat.SearchCallbackCallback for receiving the result of, Bundle, MediaBrowserCompat.SearchCallback).
MediaBrowserCompat.SubscriptionCallbackCallbacks for subscription related events.
MediaBrowserProtocolDefines the communication protocol for media browsers and media browser services.
MediaBrowserServiceCompatBase class for media browse services.
MediaBrowserServiceCompat.BrowserRootContains information that the browser service needs to send to the client when first connected.
MediaBrowserServiceCompat.Result<T>Completion handler for asynchronous callback methods in MediaBrowserServiceCompat.
MediaButtonReceiverA media button receiver receives and helps translate hardware media playback buttons, such as those found on wired and wireless headsets, into the appropriate callbacks in your app.
MediaConstantsMedia constants for sharing constants between media provider and consumer apps
MediaControllerCompatAllows an app to interact with an ongoing media session.
MediaControllerCompat.CallbackCallback for receiving updates on from the session.
MediaControllerCompat.PlaybackInfoHolds information about the way volume is handled for this session.
MediaControllerCompat.TransportControlsInterface for controlling media playback on a session.
MediaDescriptionCompatA simple set of metadata for a media item suitable for display.
MediaDescriptionCompat.BuilderBuilder for MediaDescriptionCompat objects.
MediaMetadataCompatContains metadata about an item, such as the title, artist, etc.
MediaMetadataCompat.BuilderUse to build MediaMetadata objects.
MediaSessionCompatAllows interaction with media controllers, volume keys, media buttons, and transport controls.
MediaSessionCompat.CallbackReceives transport controls, media buttons, and commands from controllers and the system.
MediaSessionCompat.QueueItemA single item that is part of the play queue.
MediaSessionCompat.TokenRepresents an ongoing session.
MediaSessionManagerProvides support for interacting with media sessions that applications have published to express their ongoing media playback state.
MediaSessionManager.RemoteUserInfoInformation of a remote user of MediaSessionCompat or MediaBrowserServiceCompat.
ParcelableVolumeInfoConvenience class for passing information about the audio configuration of a MediaSessionCompat.
PlaybackStateCompatPlayback state for a MediaSessionCompat.
PlaybackStateCompat.BuilderBuilder for PlaybackStateCompat objects.
PlaybackStateCompat.CustomActionCustomActions can be used to extend the capabilities of the standard transport controls by exposing app specific actions to Controllers.
PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction.BuilderBuilder for PlaybackStateCompat.CustomAction objects.
RatingCompatA class to encapsulate rating information used as content metadata.
VolumeProviderCompatHandles requests to adjust or set the volume on a session.
VolumeProviderCompat.CallbackListens for changes to the volume.

Annotation Types

PlaybackStateCompat.ErrorCodeSupported error codes.