

CarSetOperationStatusCallbackA callback for status being returned from the car hardware after completing the associated set operation.
CarZoneAreaIdConverterInterface for zone to area mapping functionality
OnCarDataAvailableListener<T>A listener for data being returned about from the car hardware.
OnCarPropertyResponseListenerRegisters this listener to get property updates by CarPropertyResponse.


CarHardwareHostDispatcherDispatcher of calls to the host and manages possible exceptions.
CarPropertyProfile<T>Container class for information about property profile such as the car zones and supported property values associated with them.
CarPropertyProfile.Builder<T>A builder for CarPropertyProfile
CarPropertyResponse<T>Container class for information about property value and status.
CarPropertyResponse.Builder<T>A builder for CarPropertyResponse
CarResultStub<T>Convenience class wrapping all the calls to car hardware host
CarResultStubMap<T, U>Convenience class wrapping calls to the car host that involve subscribing and unsubscribing to an ongoing listener.
CarUnitUnits such as speed, distance and volume for car hardware measurements and display.
CarValue<T>A data value object returned from car hardware with associated metadata including status, timestamp, and the actual value.
CarValueUtilsUtility functions to work with AutomotiveCarInfo and AutomotiveCarClimate
CarZoneAllows specification of a car zone using rows and columns.
CarZone.BuilderA builder for instantiating CarZone.
CarZoneAreaIdConstantsCar Zone area mapping constants
CarZoneAreaIdConstants.VehicleAreaSeatSeat car zone area mapping constants
CarZoneUtilsCar zone utility methods.
GetPropertyRequestContainer class for information about getting property values.
GetPropertyRequest.BuilderA builder for the GetPropertyRequest.
GlobalCarZoneAreaIdConverterCarZone to areaId converter for Global zones.
PropertyIdAreaIdContainer class for information about property Ids and area Ids.
PropertyIdAreaId.BuilderA builder for PropertyIdAreaId
PropertyManagerManages the communication between the apps and backend Android platform car service.
PropertyUtilsUtility functions to work with
SeatCarZoneAreaIdConverterCarZone to areaId converter for Seat

Annotation Types

CarPropertyProfile.HvacFanDirectionPossible hvac fan direction values.
CarSetOperationStatusCallback.StatusCodeDefines the possible status code for the set operation.
CarUnit.CarDistanceUnitDefines the possible distance units from car hardware.
CarUnit.CarSpeedUnitDefines the possible distance units from car hardware.
CarUnit.CarVolumeUnitDefines the possible volume units from car hardware.
CarValue.StatusCodeDefines the possible status codes when trying to access car hardware properties, sensors, and actions.
CarZone.CarZoneColumnPossible column values.
CarZone.CarZoneRowPossible row values.
CarZoneUtils.AreaTypeArea types determine how CarZones are converted to and from platform area ids.