


AnnexBToAvccConverterConverts a buffer containing H.264/H.265 NAL units from the Annex-B format (ISO/IEC 14496-14 Annex B, which uses start codes to delineate NAL units) to the avcC format (ISO/IEC 14496-15, which uses length prefixes).
Mp4Muxer.EditableVideoParameters.CacheFileProviderProvides temporary cache files to be used by the muxer.
MuxerThe muxer for producing media container files.
Muxer.FactoryFactory for muxers.
Muxer.TrackTokenA token representing an added track.


FragmentedMp4MuxerA muxer for creating a fragmented MP4 file.
FragmentedMp4Muxer.BuilderA builder for FragmentedMp4Muxer instances.
Mp4MuxerA muxer for creating an MP4 container file.
Mp4Muxer.BuilderA builder for Mp4Muxer instances.
Mp4Muxer.EditableVideoParametersParameters for Mp4Muxer.FILE_FORMAT_EDITABLE_VIDEO.
MuxerUtilUtility methods for muxer.

Annotation Types

Mp4Muxer.FileFormatThe specific MP4 file format.
Mp4Muxer.LastSampleDurationBehaviorBehavior for the duration of the last sample.