

Node<I, O>A pub/sub based unit for CameraX post-processing.
Operation<I, O>Operation that turns a single input image frame to a output .
ShaderProviderA provider that supplies OpenGL shader code.
SurfaceProcessorInternalAn internal SurfaceProcessor that is releasable.


DefaultSurfaceProcessorA default implementation of SurfaceProcessor.
DefaultSurfaceProcessor.FactoryFactory class that produces DefaultSurfaceProcessor.
Edge<T>A Consumer that can be listened to by another Consumer.
ImageProcessorRequestInternal implementation of for sending ImageProxy to effect implementations.
InternalImageProcessorAn internal ImageProcessor that wraps a CameraEffect targeting CameraEffect.IMAGE_CAPTURE.
OpenGlRendererOpenGLRenderer renders texture image to the output surface.
Packet<T>Represents a single image and its metadata such as Exif and transformation info.
SurfaceEdgeAn edge between two Node that is based on a DeferrableSurface.
SurfaceProcessorNodeA Node implementation that wraps around the public SurfaceProcessor interface.
SurfaceProcessorNode.InThe input of a SurfaceProcessorNode.
SurfaceProcessorNode.OutThe output of a SurfaceProcessorNode.
SurfaceProcessorWithExecutorA wrapper of a pair of SurfaceProcessor and java.util.concurrent.Executor.
TargetUtilsUtility class for CameraEffect.Targets.