


SafeParcelableAppSearch's own version of SafeParcelable so we don't need to include a complete version here, which is not needed inside Jetpack.


AbstractSafeParcelableImplements SafeParcelable.
GenericDocumentParcelHolds data for a GenericDocument.
GenericDocumentParcel.BuilderThe builder class for GenericDocumentParcel.
GenericDocumentParcelCreatorAn implemented creator for GenericDocumentParcel.
PackageIdentifierParcelHolds data for a PackageIdentifier.
PackageIdentifierParcelCreatorAn implemented creator for PackageIdentifierParcel.
PropertyConfigParcelClass to hold property configuration for one property defined in AppSearchSchema.
PropertyConfigParcel.DocumentIndexingConfigParcelClass to hold configuration for document property type.
PropertyConfigParcel.EmbeddingIndexingConfigParcelClass to hold configuration for embedding property.
PropertyConfigParcel.IntegerIndexingConfigParcelClass to hold configuration for integer property type.
PropertyConfigParcel.JoinableConfigParcelClass to hold join configuration for a String type.
PropertyConfigParcel.StringIndexingConfigParcelClass to hold configuration a string type.
PropertyParcelA SafeParcelable to hold the value of a property in GenericDocument#mProperties.
PropertyParcel.BuilderBuilder for PropertyParcel.
PropertyParcelCreatorAn implemented creator for PropertyParcel.

Annotation Types

AbstractSafeParcelable.ConstructorUse this to indicate the constructor that the creator should use.
AbstractSafeParcelable.FieldUse this annotation on members that you wish to be marshalled in the SafeParcelable.
AbstractSafeParcelable.IndicatorUse this to indicate the member field that holds whether a field was set or not.
AbstractSafeParcelable.ParamUse this on each parameter passed in to the Constructor to indicate to which field id each formal parameter corresponds.
AbstractSafeParcelable.RemovedParamUse this on a parameter passed in to the Constructor to indicate that a removed field should be read on construction.
AbstractSafeParcelable.ReservedUse this to mark tombstones for removed Fields or VersionFields.
AbstractSafeParcelable.VersionFieldThere may be exactly one member annotated with VersionField, which represents the version of this safe parcelable.
SafeParcelable.ClassThis annotates your class and specifies the name of the generated "creator" class for marshalling/unmarshalling a SafeParcelable to/from a .