


ActionProvider.VisibilityListenerListens to changes in visibility as reported by ActionProvider.refreshVisibility().
DifferentialMotionFlingTargetRepresents an entity that may be flung by a differential motion or an entity that initiates fling on a target View.
DragStartHelper.OnDragStartListenerInterface definition for a callback to be invoked when a drag start gesture is detected.
KeyEventDispatcher.ComponentImplement this in any component that dispatches s.
LayoutInflaterFactoryUsed with LayoutInflaterCompat.setFactory().
MenuHostA class that allows you to host and keep track of MenuProviders that will supply android.view.MenuItems to the app bar.
MenuItemCompat.OnActionExpandListenerInterface definition for a callback to be invoked when a menu item marked with MenuItemCompat.SHOW_AS_ACTION_COLLAPSE_ACTION_VIEW is expanded or collapsed.
MenuProviderInterface for indicating that a component will be supplying MenuItems to the component owning the app bar.
NestedScrollingChildThis interface should be implemented by View subclasses that wish to support dispatching nested scrolling operations to a cooperating parent ViewGroup.
NestedScrollingChild2This interface should be implemented by View subclasses that wish to support dispatching nested scrolling operations to a cooperating parent ViewGroup.
NestedScrollingChild3This interface should be implemented by View subclasses that wish to support dispatching nested scrolling operations to a cooperating parent ViewGroup.
NestedScrollingParentThis interface should be implemented by ViewGroup subclasses that wish to support scrolling operations delegated by a nested child view.
NestedScrollingParent2This interface should be implemented by ViewGroup subclasses that wish to support scrolling operations delegated by a nested child view.
NestedScrollingParent3This interface should be implemented by ViewGroup subclasses that wish to support scrolling operations delegated by a nested child view.
OnApplyWindowInsetsListenerListener for applying window insets on a view in a custom way.
OnReceiveContentListenerListener for apps to implement handling for insertion of content.
OnReceiveContentViewBehaviorInterface for widgets to implement default behavior for receiving content.
ScrollingViewAn interface that can be implemented by Views to provide scroll related APIs.
TintableBackgroundViewInterface which allows a android.view.View to receive background tinting calls from ViewCompat when running on API v20 devices or lower.
ViewCompat.OnUnhandledKeyEventListenerCompatInterface definition for a callback to be invoked when a hardware key event hasn't been handled by the view hierarchy.

An animation listener receives notifications from an animation.

ViewPropertyAnimatorUpdateListenerImplementors of this interface can add themselves as update listeners to an ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat instance to receive callbacks on every animation frame, after the current frame's values have been calculated for that ViewPropertyAnimatorCompat.
WindowInsetsAnimationControlListenerCompatListener that encapsulates a request to WindowInsetsControllerCompat.controlWindowInsetsAnimation(int, long, Interpolator, CancellationSignal, WindowInsetsAnimationControlListenerCompat).
WindowInsetsControllerCompat.OnControllableInsetsChangedListenerListener to be notified when the set of controllable WindowInsetsCompat.Type controlled by a WindowInsetsController changes.


AccessibilityDelegateCompatHelper for accessing .
ActionProviderThis class is a mediator for accomplishing a given task, for example sharing a file.
ContentInfoCompatHolds all the relevant data for a request to OnReceiveContentListener.
ContentInfoCompat.BuilderBuilder for ContentInfoCompat.
DifferentialMotionFlingControllerController differential motion flings.
DisplayCompatA class for retrieving accurate display modes for a display.
DisplayCompat.ModeCompatCompat class which provides access to the underlying display mode, if there is one, and a more reliable display mode size.
DisplayCutoutCompatRepresents the area of the display that is not functional for displaying content.
DragAndDropPermissionsCompatHelper for accessing features in a backwards compatible fashion.
DragStartHelperDragStartHelper is a utility class for implementing drag and drop support.
GestureDetectorCompatDetects various gestures and events using the supplied MotionEvents.
GravityCompatCompatibility shim for accessing newer functionality from .
HapticFeedbackConstantsCompatHelper class for accessing values in .
InputDeviceCompatHelper class for accessing values in .
KeyEventDispatcherAllows dependent components to enable full dispatch compatibility in core.
LayoutInflaterCompatHelper for accessing features in LayoutInflater.
MarginLayoutParamsCompatHelper for accessing API features in in a backwards compatible way.
MenuCompatHelper for accessing features in .
MenuHostHelperHelper class for implementing MenuHost.
MenuItemCompatHelper for accessing features in MenuItem.
MotionEventCompatHelper for accessing features in MotionEvent.
NestedScrollingChildHelperHelper class for implementing nested scrolling child views compatible with Android platform versions earlier than Android 5.0 Lollipop (API 21).
NestedScrollingParentHelperHelper class for implementing nested scrolling parent views compatible with Android platform versions earlier than Android 5.0 Lollipop (API 21).
OneShotPreDrawListenerAn OnPreDrawListener that will remove itself after one OnPreDraw call.
PointerIconCompatHelper for accessing features in in a backwards compatible fashion.
ScaleGestureDetectorCompatHelper for accessing features in ScaleGestureDetector.
SoftwareKeyboardControllerCompatProvide controls for showing and hiding the IME.
VelocityTrackerCompatHelper for accessing features in .
ViewCompatHelper for accessing features in View.
ViewConfigurationCompatHelper for accessing features in .
ViewGroupCompatHelper for accessing features in ViewGroup.
ViewParentCompatHelper for accessing features in .
ViewPropertyAnimatorListenerAdapterThis adapter class provides empty implementations of the methods from ViewPropertyAnimatorListener.
ViewStructureCompatHelper for accessing features in .
WindowCompatHelper for accessing features in Window.
WindowInsetsAnimationCompatClass representing an animation of a set of windows that cause insets.
WindowInsetsAnimationCompat.BoundsCompatClass representing the range of an WindowInsetsAnimationCompat
WindowInsetsAnimationCompat.CallbackInterface that allows the application to listen to animation events for windows that cause insets.
WindowInsetsAnimationControllerCompatController for app-driven animation of system windows.
WindowInsetsCompatDescribes a set of insets for window content.
WindowInsetsCompat.BuilderBuilder for WindowInsetsCompat.
WindowInsetsCompat.TypeClass that defines different types of sources causing window insets.
WindowInsetsControllerCompatProvide simple controls of windows that generate insets.

Annotation Types

ContentInfoCompat.FlagsFlags to configure the insertion behavior.
ContentInfoCompat.SourceSpecifies the UI through which content is being inserted.
HapticFeedbackConstantsCompat.HapticFeedbackFlagsFlags for performing haptic feedback.
HapticFeedbackConstantsCompat.HapticFeedbackTypeHaptic feedback types.