


FontResourcesParserCompat.FamilyResourceEntryA class that represents a single entry of font-family in an xml file.


CamColorA color appearance model, based on CAM16, extended to use L* as the lightness dimension, and coupled to a gamut mapping algorithm.
ComplexColorCompatRepresents a color which is one of either:
  1. A Gradient; as represented by a Shader.
  2. A
  3. A simple color represented by an int
ConfigurationHelperHelper class which allows access to properties of in a backward compatible fashion.
FontResourcesParserCompatParser for xml type font resources.
FontResourcesParserCompat.FontFamilyFilesResourceEntryA class that represents a file based font-family element in an xml font file.
FontResourcesParserCompat.FontFileResourceEntryA class that represents a font element in an xml file which points to a file in resources.
FontResourcesParserCompat.ProviderResourceEntryA class that represents a font provider based font-family element in an xml file.
ResourcesCompatHelper for accessing features in Resources.
ResourcesCompat.FontCallbackInterface used to receive asynchronous font fetching events.
ResourcesCompat.ThemeCompatProvides backward-compatible implementations for new APIs.
TypedArrayUtilsCompat methods for accessing TypedArray values.

Annotation Types
