


BasePreloadManager.ListenerListener for events in a preload manager.
PreloadMediaSource.PreloadControlControls preloading of PreloadMediaSource.
TargetPreloadStatusControl<T>Controls the target preload status.
TargetPreloadStatusControl.PreloadStatusDefines the status of the preloading for a MediaSource.


BasePreloadManager<T>A base implementation of a preload manager, which maintains the lifecycle of media sources.
BasePreloadManager.BuilderBase<T>A base class of the builder of the concrete extension of BasePreloadManager.
DefaultPreloadManagerA preload manager that preloads with the PreloadMediaSource to load the media data into the SampleQueue.
DefaultPreloadManager.StatusAn implementation of TargetPreloadStatusControl.PreloadStatus that describes the preload status of the PreloadMediaSource.
PreloadMediaSourcePreloads a MediaSource and provides a MediaPeriod that has data loaded before playback.
PreloadMediaSource.FactoryFactory for PreloadMediaSource.

Annotation Types

DefaultPreloadManager.Status.StageStages for the preload status.