


Id3Decoder.FramePredicateA predicate for determining whether individual frames should be decoded.


ApicFrameAPIC (Attached Picture) ID3 frame.
BinaryFrameBinary ID3 frame.
ChapterFrameChapter information ID3 frame.
ChapterTocFrameChapter table of contents ID3 frame.
CommentFrameComment ID3 frame.
GeobFrameGEOB (General Encapsulated Object) ID3 frame.
Id3DecoderDecodes ID3 tags.
Id3FrameBase class for ID3 frames.
Id3UtilUtility methods for working with ID3 metadata.
InternalFrameInternal ID3 frame that is intended for use by the player.
MlltFrameMPEG location lookup table frame.
PrivFramePRIV (Private) ID3 frame.
TextInformationFrameText information ID3 frame.
UrlLinkFrameUrl link ID3 frame.