

CarClimateManages access to car climate system such as cabin temperatures, fan speeds and fan directions.
CarClimateProfileCallbackA callback for the car climate profiles returned from the car hardware, for example, Fan speed, Temperature etc.
CarClimateStateCallbackA callback for the car climate state returned from the car hardware, for example, Fan speed, Temperature etc.


AutomotiveCarClimateManages access to car climate system such as cabin temperatures, fan speeds and fan directions.
CabinTemperatureProfileContainer class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_CABIN_TEMPERATURE feature such as supported min/max values and increments for the feature.
CabinTemperatureProfile.BuilderA builder for CabinTemperatureProfile.
CarClimateFeatureA data value used in climate related requests to indicate the features and zones the caller is interested in.
CarClimateFeature.BuilderA builder for CarClimateFeature.
CarZoneMappingInfoProfileContainer class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_CAR_ZONE_MAPPING feature such as supported values for the feature.
CarZoneMappingInfoProfile.BuilderA builder for CarZoneMappingInfoProfile.
ClimateProfileRequestAllows specification of a request for fetching the climate profile information using integer flags and car zones.
ClimateProfileRequest.BuilderA builder of ClimateProfileRequest.
ClimateStateRequest<T>Allows specification of a request for setting the car climate states using string flags and car zones.
ClimateStateRequest.Builder<T>A builder of ClimateStateRequest
DefrosterProfileContainer class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_HVAC_DEFROSTER feature such as supported values for the feature.
DefrosterProfile.BuilderA builder for DefrosterProfile.
ElectricDefrosterProfileContainer class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_HVAC_ELECTRIC_DEFROSTER feature such as supported values for the feature.
ElectricDefrosterProfile.BuilderA builder for ElectricDefrosterProfile.
FanDirectionProfileContainer class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_FAN_DIRECTION feature such as supported values for the feature specific to sets of car zones.
FanDirectionProfile.BuilderA builder for FanDirectionProfile.
FanSpeedLevelProfileContainer class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_FAN_SPEED feature such as supported min/max range values for the feature.
FanSpeedLevelProfile.BuilderA builder for FanSpeedLevelProfile.
HvacAcProfileContainer class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_HVAC_AC feature such as supported values for the feature.
HvacAcProfile.BuilderA builder for HvacAcProfile.
HvacAutoModeProfileContainer class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_HVAC_AUTO_MODE feature such as supported values for the feature.
HvacAutoModeProfile.BuilderA builder for HvacAutoModeProfile.
HvacAutoRecirculationProfileContainer class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_HVAC_AUTO_RECIRCULATION feature such as supported values for the feature.
HvacAutoRecirculationProfile.BuilderA builder for HvacAutoRecirculationProfile.
HvacDualModeProfileContainer class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_HVAC_DUAL_MODE feature such as supported values for the feature.
HvacDualModeProfile.BuilderA builder for HvacDualModeProfile.
HvacMaxAcModeProfileContainer class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_HVAC_MAX_AC feature such as supported values for the feature.
HvacMaxAcModeProfile.BuilderA builder for HvacMaxAcModeProfile.
HvacPowerProfileContainer class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_HVAC_POWER feature such as supported values for the feature.
HvacPowerProfile.BuilderA builder for HvacPowerProfile.
HvacRecirculationProfileContainer class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_HVAC_RECIRCULATION feature such as supported values for the feature.
HvacRecirculationProfile.BuilderA builder for HvacRecirculationProfile.
MaxDefrosterProfileContainer class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_HVAC_MAX_DEFROSTER feature such as supported values for the feature.
MaxDefrosterProfile.BuilderA builder for MaxDefrosterProfile.
RegisterClimateStateRequestAllows specification of a request for registering the climate state events using string flags and car zones.
RegisterClimateStateRequest.BuilderA builder of RegisterClimateStateRequest.
SeatTemperatureProfileContainer class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_SEAT_TEMPERATURE_LEVEL feature such as supported min/max range values for the feature.
SeatTemperatureProfile.BuilderA builder for SeatTemperatureProfile.
SeatVentilationProfileContainer class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_SEAT_VENTILATION_LEVEL feature such as supported min/max range values for the feature.
SeatVentilationProfile.BuilderA builder for SeatVentilationProfile.
SteeringWheelHeatProfileContainer class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_STEERING_WHEEL_HEAT feature such as supported min/max range values for the feature.
SteeringWheelHeatProfile.BuilderA builder for SteeringWheelHeatProfile.

Annotation Types

ClimateProfileRequest.ClimateProfileFeaturePossible feature flags can be used to create request.