


ByteBufferGlEffect.Processor<T>A processor that takes in ByteBuffers that represent input image data, and produces results of type .
ColorLutSpecifies color transformations using color lookup tables to apply to each frame in the fragment shader.
ConvolutionFunction1DAn interface for 1 dimensional convolution functions.
ConvolutionFunction1D.ProviderA configurable provider for ConvolutionFunction1D instances.
DefaultVideoFrameProcessor.ReleaseOutputTextureCallbackReleases the output information stored for textures before and at presentationTimeUs.
GlEffectInterface for a video frame effect with a GlShaderProgram implementation.
GlMatrixTransformationSpecifies a 4x4 transformation to apply in the vertex shader for each input frame.
GlShaderProgramProcesses frames from one OpenGL 2D texture to another.
GlShaderProgram.ErrorListenerListener for video frame processing errors.
GlShaderProgram.InputListenerListener for input-related video frame processing events.
GlShaderProgram.OutputListenerListener for output-related video frame processing events.
GlTextureProducerA component that outputs OpenGL textures.
GlTextureProducer.ListenerListener for texture output.
MatrixTransformationSpecifies a 3x3 transformation to apply in the vertex shader for each frame.
RgbMatrixSpecifies a 4x4 RGB color transformation matrix to apply to each frame in the fragment shader.
TimestampAdjustment.TimestampMapMaps input timestamps to output timestamps asynchronously.
VideoCompositorInterface for a video compositor that combines frames from multiple input sources to produce output frames.
VideoCompositor.ListenerListener for errors.
VideoCompositorSettingsSettings for the VideoCompositor.


AlphaScaleScales the alpha value (i.e.
BaseGlShaderProgramA base implementation of GlShaderProgram.
BitmapOverlayCreates TextureOverlays from Bitmaps.
BrightnessModifies brightness of an input frame.
ByteBufferGlEffect<T>A GlEffect implementation that runs an asynchronous ByteBufferGlEffect.Processor on video frame data passed in as a ByteBufferGlEffect.Image.
ByteBufferGlEffect.ImageA class that represents image data is backed by a java.nio.ByteBuffer.
ContrastA RgbMatrix to control the contrast of video frames.
CropSpecifies a crop to apply in the vertex shader.
DebugTraceUtilA debugging tracing utility.
DefaultGlObjectsProviderImplementation of GlObjectsProvider that configures an to share data with a preexisting sharedEglContext.
DefaultVideoCompositorA basic VideoCompositor implementation that takes in frames from input sources' streams and combines them into one output stream.
DefaultVideoFrameProcessorA VideoFrameProcessor implementation that applies GlEffect instances using OpenGL on a background thread.
DefaultVideoFrameProcessor.FactoryA factory for DefaultVideoFrameProcessor instances.
DefaultVideoFrameProcessor.Factory.BuilderA builder for DefaultVideoFrameProcessor.Factory instances.
DrawableOverlayCreates a TextureOverlay from Drawable.
FrameCacheCaches the input frames.
FrameDropEffectDrops frames to lower average frame rate to around targetFrameRate.
GaussianBlurA SeparableConvolution to apply a Gaussian blur on image data.
GaussianBlurWithFrameOverlaidA SeparableConvolution to apply a Gaussian blur on image data.
GaussianFunctionImplementation of a symmetric Gaussian function with a limited domain.
HslAdjustmentAdjusts the HSL (Hue, Saturation, and Lightness) of a frame.
HslAdjustment.BuilderA builder for HslAdjustment instances.
LanczosResampleA GlEffect that applies a Lanczos-windowed sinc function when resampling an image.
MultipleInputVideoGraphA VideoGraph that handles multiple input streams.
OverlayEffectApplies a list of TextureOverlays to a frame in FIFO order (the last overlay in the list is displayed on top).
OverlaySettingsContains information to control how an input texture (for example, a VideoCompositor or TextureOverlay) is displayed on a background.
OverlaySettings.BuilderA builder for OverlaySettings instances.
PassthroughShaderProgramA GlShaderProgram that passes a frame from the input to the output listener without copying.
PresentationControls how a frame is presented with options to set the output resolution and choose how to map the input pixels onto the output frame geometry (for example, by stretching the input frame to match the specified output frame, or fitting the input frame using letterboxing).
PreviewingSingleInputVideoGraphA Previewing specific implementation of SingleInputVideoGraph.
PreviewingSingleInputVideoGraph.FactoryA factory for creating a PreviewingSingleInputVideoGraph.
RgbAdjustmentScales the red, green, and blue color channels of a frame.
RgbAdjustment.BuilderA builder for RgbAdjustment instances.
RgbFilterProvides common color filters.
ScaleAndRotateTransformationSpecifies a simple rotation and/or scale to apply in the vertex shader.
ScaleAndRotateTransformation.BuilderA builder for ScaleAndRotateTransformation instances.
SeparableConvolutionA GlEffect for performing separable convolutions.
SeparableConvolutionShaderProgramA GlShaderProgram for performing separable convolutions.
SingleColorLutTransforms the colors of a frame by applying the same color lookup table to each frame.
SingleFrameGlShaderProgramManages a GLSL shader program for processing a frame.
SingleInputVideoGraphA VideoGraph that handles one input stream.
SpeedChangeEffectApplies a speed change by updating the frame timestamps.
TextOverlayCreates a TextureOverlay from text.
TextureOverlayCreates overlays from OpenGL textures.
TimestampAdjustmentChanges the frame timestamps using the TimestampAdjustment.TimestampMap.
TimestampAdjustmentShaderProgramChanges the frame timestamps using the TimestampAdjustment.TimestampMap.
TimestampWrapperApplies a GlEffect from startTimeUs to endTimeUs, and no change on all other timestamps.

Annotation Types

DebugTraceUtil.ComponentComponents logged by DebugTraceUtil.logEvent(String, String, long, String, Object...).
DebugTraceUtil.EventEvents logged by DebugTraceUtil.logEvent(String, String, long, String, Object...).
DefaultVideoFrameProcessor.WorkingColorSpaceSpecifies the color space that frames passed to intermediate GlShaderPrograms will be represented in.
Presentation.LayoutStrategies controlling the layout of input pixels in the output frame.