

CameraCharacteristicsProviderAn interface for providing camera characteristics from .
ForceCloseCaptureSession.OnConfiguredInterface to forward call of the onConfigured() method.
WaitForRepeatingRequestStart.OpenCaptureSessionInterface to forward call of the openCaptureSession() method.
WaitForRepeatingRequestStart.SingleRepeatingRequestInterface to forward call of the setSingleRepeatingRequest() method.


AeFpsRangeSets an AE target FPS range on legacy devices to maintain good exposure.
AutoFlashAEModeDisablerA workaround to turn off the auto flash AE mode if device has the CrashWhenTakingPhotoWithAutoFlashAEModeQuirk or ImageCaptureFailWithAutoFlashQuirk.
CamcorderProfileResolutionValidatorValidates the video resolution of .
CloseCameraBeforeCreateNewSessionA workaround to determine whether the camera device should be closed before creating a new capture session when a capture session has been opened.
DisplaySizeCorrectorProvides the correct display size for the problematic devices which might return abnormally small display size.
ExcludedSupportedSizesContainerGets problematic surface sizes that need to be excluded on the current device for a given camera and image format.
ExtraSupportedSurfaceCombinationsContainerGets the extra supported surface combinations which are additional to the guaranteed supported configurations.
FlashAvailabilityCheckerA workaround for devices which may throw a java.nio.BufferUnderflowException when checking flash availability.
ForceCloseCaptureSessionThe workaround is used to set the to closed state since the may not be called after the android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession is closed.
ForceCloseDeferrableSurfaceThe workaround is used to close the DeferrableSurface when the android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession is closed.
ImageCapturePixelHDRPlusWorkaround that handles turning on/off HDR+ on Pixel devices.
MaxPreviewSizeHelper class that overrides the maximum preview size used in surface combination check.
MeteringRegionCorrectionCorrect the metering point if necessary.
OutputSizesCorrectorHelper class to provide the StreamConfigurationMap output sizes related correction functions.
OverrideAeModeForStillCaptureThe workaround sets AE_MODE to AE_MODE_ON_ALWAYS_FLASH in still capture requests.
PreviewPixelHDRnetWorkaround that handles turning on the WYSIWYG preview on Pixel devices.
RequestMonitorMonitors in-flight capture sequences on devices with specific quirks.
ResolutionCorrectorHelper class that overrides user configured resolution with resolution selected based on device quirks.
SessionResetPolicyIndicate the required actions when going to switch CameraCaptureSession.
StillCaptureFlowWorkaround to fix device issues such as calling stopRepeating ahead of still capture on some devices when flash is on or auto.
SupportedRepeatingSurfaceSizeGets the supported surface for configurations.
TargetAspectRatioWorkaround to get corrected target aspect ratio.
TemplateParamsOverrideWorkaround to get those capture parameters used to override the template default parameters.
TorchStateResetThis is a workaround for b/228272227 where the Torch is unexpectedly closed after a single capturing.
UseFlashModeTorchFor3aUpdateWorkaround to use torch as flash.
UseTorchAsFlashWorkaround to use torch as flash.
WaitForRepeatingRequestStartThe workaround is used to wait for the other CameraCaptureSessions to complete their in-flight capture sequences before opening the current session.

Annotation Types
