


MosaicView.BitmapSourceBroker of Bitmaps for this view.


FastScrollViewA FrameLayout that draws a draggable scrollbar over its child views.
MosaicViewA View that can display a very large image (bitmap).
PageIndicatorA Toast-like overlay that surfaces details about the current view (mostly page number, but also zoom factor) to the user.
ReusableToastA single toast that can be shown and hidden any number of times.
SearchEditTextEditText for search queries which shows/hides the keyboard on focus change.
TileViewA basic image view that holds one tile (a bitmap that is a part of a larger image).
ZoomableSelectionHandles<S>Base class for selection handles on content inside a ZoomView.
ZoomViewLayout container for a content View that enables zooming and panning, in the same way a ScrollView does for scrolling.
ZoomView.ContentResizedModeDifferent options for how the viewport should move when the content changes size.
ZoomView.FitModeDifferent options for how this ZoomView should fit the content to the screen.
ZoomView.InitialZoomModeDifferent options for the initial zoom that this ZoomView should start with.
ZoomView.RotateModeDifferent options for how the zoom should change or not change when screen rotates.
ZoomView.ZoomGestureHandlerGesture handler.
ZoomView.ZoomScrollThe position (zoom and scroll) of the underlying view.


WidgetTypeRepresents a type of form widget.