


EdgeContentLayoutProtoLayout layout that represents the suggested layout style for Material ProtoLayout, which has content around the edge of the screen (e.g.
EdgeContentLayout.BuilderBuilder class for EdgeContentLayout.
LayoutDefaultsContains the default values used by layout templates for ProtoLayout.
LayoutDefaults.MultiButtonLayoutDefaultsContains default values used for MultiButtonLayout.
MultiButtonLayoutOpinionated ProtoLayout layout, that can contain between 1 and LayoutDefaults.MultiButtonLayoutDefaults.MAX_BUTTONS number of buttons arranged inline with the Material guidelines.
MultiButtonLayout.BuilderBuilder class for MultiButtonLayout.
MultiSlotLayoutOpinionated ProtoLayout layout, row like style with horizontally aligned and spaced slots (for icons or other small content).
MultiSlotLayout.BuilderBuilder class for MultiSlotLayout.
PrimaryLayoutProtoLayout layout that represents a suggested layout style for Material ProtoLayout with the primary (compact) chip at the bottom with the given content in the center and the recommended margin and padding applied.
PrimaryLayout.BuilderBuilder class for PrimaryLayout.

Annotation Types

MultiButtonLayout.ButtonDistributionButton distribution values.