


Observable<T>Interface for a subject that wants to expose changes to its state with notifications.
ObservableArray<T>Interface for an observable array of values, which can be exposed by a Subject.
ObservableArray.ArrayObserver<T>Interface to be provided by observers of this container.
ObservableValue<T>Interface for an observable property value, which can be exposed by a Subject.
ObservableValue.ValueObserver<T>Interface to be provided by observers of this value.
StrictModeUtils.CallbackWithoutReturnValueCallback to be executed without return values.
StrictModeUtils.CallbackWithReturnValue<T>Callback to be executed with return value.
TileBoard.CancelTilesCallbackCallback for cancelling on-going tile requests
TileBoard.ViewAreaUpdateCallbackCallback for TileBoard.updateViewArea(Rect, TileBoard.ViewAreaUpdateCallback).
ZoomScrollRestorerInterface to restore scroll position.


AccessibilityHelper methods for interacting with accessibility services.
AnnotationUtilsUtility class for enabling the functionality of Edit FAB.
AppInfoInformation about the installed app (package).
BaseParcelableBase class for simple Parcelable classes.
BitmapRecyclerHolds on to wasted bitmaps for a while in the hope they can be reused.
BundleUtilsUtils to deal with s.
CollectUtilsUtilities related to Collections.
ContentUriOpenerOpens content s.
CycleRangeCycles through a range of numbers from [0 to size-1], but starting at any number between the two.
CycleRange.IteratorCycleRange is an java.lang.Iterable, this is its java.util.Iterator.
DrawSpecA list of rects to be drawn, and the Paint to draw them with.
EnumKeyGeneratorUtility to generate java.lang.String keys from java.util.Collections of java.lang.Enums.
ExifThumbnailUtilsHandles extracting Exif data for content Uri thumbnails, which don't have exif data embedded.
ExternalLinksUtilities for describing and opening external links.
GestureTrackerFeed me events, I'll tell you what gesture is happening.
GestureTracker.GestureHandlerA recipient for all gesture handling.
GestureTrackingViewA FrameLayout plus helper methods to reliably share gestures with its hierarchy, by:
  • providing a GestureTracker that will detect what gesture is happening, regardless of where it is aimed at
  • handling generic gesture detection and passing it on in simple callbacks
  • forcing a priority order of handling an event bottom up (from the actual target View up to any containing View and finally the Activity), including when intercepts trigger.
GestureTrackingView.PatchedSimpleGestureHandlerA wrapping that corrects the method GestureTrackingView.PatchedSimpleGestureHandler.onScroll(MotionEvent, MotionEvent, float, float) so that it's not called with absurd values for distanceX and distanceY.
HighlightOverlayA Drawable overlay that highlights given list of DrawSpec.
HighlightPaintPaint objects used for highlighting in various contexts.
IntentsUtility functions for dealing with intents.
MathUtilsStatic utility methods (like Math.min but which aren't included in Math).
ObservablesA few ready-to-use Observables.
Observables.AbstractObservable<O>A convenient way to make a Subject class observable is by inheriting this base class.
Observables.ExposedArray<V>An array that can be read and observed.
Observables.ExposedValue<V>A value that can be read and observed.
Observables.MultiObservers<O>An Observable that accepts multiple observers.
PaginationUtilsUtils class for [PaginatedView]
PreconditionsSimple parameter checking.
QuickScaleBypassDeciderThis class is a workaround for when Android mishandles fast scrolling as a QuickScale gesture.
RectDrawSpecBase implementation of DrawSpec which just draws basic s.
RectUtilsUtilities related to s.
ScreenWrapper around to give shortcut access to commonly used values.
StrictModeUtilsUtility class for temporarily disabling StrictMode to do I/O on UI threads.
SystemGestureExclusionHelperUtility to configure system gesture exclusion rects for disabling the back gesture on the left and right sides of the screen when using gesture navigation.
ThreadUtilsThread-related utilities.
TileBoardA mosaic of tiles matching an image.
TileBoard.AreaDescribes an area (sub-rectangle) of a tiling.
TileBoard.TileInfoSpecifies one tile of the board, by coordinates (row, column) or index in a tiles matrix.
TimerSimple timer for profiling methods.
ToasterPops a toast.
UrisHelpers with s
ZoomUtilsUtils for calculating scale and zoom operations.


CycleRange.DirectionDirections to iterate around a cycle.
GestureTracker.GestureA recognized user gesture.