

FutureValue<T>The result of an asynchronous operation that may complete at a later time.
FutureValue.Callback<T>A callback to receive the result when available.
FutureValues.Converter<F, T>An object that can be used for converting an object of type F to one of type T.
OpenableA portable (i.e.
Openable.OpenAn object that represents an open connection to obtain the data, and gives ways to read it.
ProgressReport the progress of a long running process.
Supplier<T>Supply a value that may take a long time to complete.


ContentOpenableAn Openable on a 'content' asset, wrapping a .
DisplayDataFile data that can be displayed in a Viewer.
FileOpenableA file's data that is saved on disk (e.g.
FutureValuesBasic FutureValues and related helpers.
FutureValues.BlockingCallback<T>Allows for a blocking get.
FutureValues.DeferredFutureValue<T>A FutureValue which wraps a Supplier for another FutureValue.
FutureValues.SettableFutureValue<T>A FutureValue that accepts multiple FutureValue.Callbacks and can be set.
FutureValues.SimpleCallback<T>A convenient base implementation of FutureValue.Callback that does nothing.
ListOfList<T>Represents a List of List of type T, but only uses two 1-dimensional lists internally to minimize overhead.
OpenerOpens an Openable into a ready-to-use Openable.Open object.
RangeA range of continuous numbers: [Range.mFirst, Range.mLast].
TextSelectionRepresents the selection of part of a piece of text - a start and a stop.
UiFutureValuesHelpers to create FutureValues that are ready to be used for UI operations: their callbacks will always execute on the UI thread.

