


LoggingUtilsLogger used for extensive logging.
ProviderStatsLoggerLogger used for collecting metrics.
ProviderStatsLogger.InflaterStatsLoggerLogger used for logging inflation stats.
RenderingArtifactArtifacts resulted from the layout rendering.


ConstantsShared constants.
LoggingUtilsImplLogger used for extensive logging.
NoOpProviderStatsLoggerA No-Op implementation of ProviderStatsLogger.
NoOpProviderStatsLogger.NoOpInflaterStatsLoggerA No-Op implementation of .
ProtoLayoutDifferUtility to diff two proto layouts in order to be able to partially update the display.
ProtoLayoutDiffer.LayoutDiffA diff in layout, containing information about the tree nodes that have changed.
ProtoLayoutDiffer.TreeNodeWithChangeA node in a layout tree, that has a change compared to a previous version.
RenderingArtifact.FailedRenderingArtifactArtifacts resulted from a failed layout rendering.
RenderingArtifact.SkippedRenderingArtifactArtifacts resulted from a skipped layout rendering.
RenderingArtifact.SuccessfulRenderingArtifactArtifacts resulted from a successful layout rendering.


ProtoLayoutDiffer.NodeChangeTypeType of the change applied to the node.

Annotation Types

Constants.UpdateRequestReasonThe reason why an update was requested.
ProviderStatsLogger.IgnoredFailureFailures that doesn't cause the inflation to fail.
ProviderStatsLogger.InflationFailureReasonFailures that causes the inflation to fail.