

OnePixelShiftQuirkA Quirk interface which enables one pixel shift for YUV data when converting to RGB.
SoftwareJpegEncodingPreferredQuirkA Quirk interface which denotes CameraX should prefer producing JPEGs itself from other formats rather than the camera producing JPEGs directly.
SurfaceProcessingQuirkA Quirk interface denotes devices have specific issue and can be workaround by enabling surface processing (OpenGL) pipeline.



QuirkSummary Bug Id: 242683221 Description: Quirk that allows ImageCapture to retry once when encountering capture failures.

DeviceQuirksProvider of device specific quirks, which are used for device specific workarounds.
DeviceQuirksLoaderLoads all device specific quirks required for the current device
HuaweiMediaStoreLocationValidationQuirkQuirk that displays a notification when an image in android.provider.MediaStore has been deleted.

QuirkSummary Bug Id: 359062845 Description: Quirk required to check whether still image capture can run failed when a specific combination of UseCases are bound together.


QuirkSummary Bug Id: b/171492111 Description: Quirk required to check whether ImageCapture supports a specific capture config option.


QuirkSummary Bug Id: 309005680 Description: Quirk required to check whether the captured JPEG image has incorrect metadata.


QuirkSummary Bug Id: 288828159, 299069235 Description: Quirk required to check whether the captured JPEG image contains redundant 0's padding data.


QuirkSummary Bug Id: 235321365 Description: For the devices in low spec which may not have enough memory to process the image cropping and apply effects in parallel.


QuirkSummary Bug Id: 196755459, 205340278 Description: Quirk that requires Preview surface is in front of the MediaCodec surface when creating a CameraCaptureSession.