


MediaPlayer.OnDrmConfigHelperInterface definition of a callback to be invoked when the app can do DRM configuration (get/set properties) before the session is opened.
MediaPlayer2.OnDrmConfigHelperInterface definition of a callback to be invoked when the app can do DRM configuration (get/set properties) before the session is opened.
RatingAn interface to encapsulate rating information used as content metadata.


AudioFocusHandlerHandles audio focus and noisy intent depending on the AudioAttributesCompat.
CallbackMediaItemStructure for media item descriptor for DataSourceCallback.
CallbackMediaItem.BuilderThis Builder class simplifies the creation of a CallbackMediaItem object.
DataSourceCallbackFor supplying media data, implement this if your app has special requirements for the way media data is obtained.
FileMediaItemStructure for media item for a file.
FileMediaItem.BuilderThis Builder class simplifies the creation of a FileMediaItem object.
HeartRatingA class for rating with a single degree of rating, "heart" vs "no heart".
MediaBrowserBrowses media content offered by a MediaLibraryService.
MediaBrowser.BrowserCallbackCallback to listen events from MediaLibraryService.
MediaBrowser.BrowserResultResult class to be used with for asynchronous calls.
MediaControllerAllows an app to interact with an active MediaSession or a MediaSessionService which would provide MediaSession.
MediaController.ControllerCallbackInterface for listening to change in activeness of the MediaSession.
MediaController.ControllerResultResult class to be used with for asynchronous calls.
MediaController.PlaybackInfoHolds information about the the way volume is handled for this session.
MediaItemA class with information on a single media item with the metadata information.
MediaItem.BuilderBuilder for MediaItem.
MediaItem.BuilderBase<T>Base builder for MediaItem and its subclass.
MediaLibraryServiceBase class for media library services, which is the service containing MediaLibraryService.MediaLibrarySession.
MediaLibraryService.LibraryParamsContains information that the library service needs to send to the client.
MediaLibraryService.LibraryParams.BuilderBuilds MediaLibraryService.LibraryParams.
MediaLibraryService.LibraryResultResult class to be used with for asynchronous calls.
MediaLibraryService.MediaLibrarySessionSession for the MediaLibraryService.
MediaLibraryService.MediaLibrarySession.BuilderBuilder for MediaLibraryService.MediaLibrarySession.
MediaLibraryService.MediaLibrarySession.MediaLibrarySessionCallbackCallback for the MediaLibraryService.MediaLibrarySession.
MediaMetadataContains metadata about an item, such as the title, artist, etc.
MediaMetadata.BuilderUse to build MediaMetadatax objects.
MediaNotificationHandlerProvides default media notification for MediaSessionService, and set the service as foreground/background according to the player state.
MediaPlayerA media player which plays MediaItems.
MediaPlayer.DrmInfoEncapsulates the DRM properties of the source.
MediaPlayer.DrmResultResult class of the asynchronous DRM APIs.
MediaPlayer.MetricsConstantsDefinitions for the metrics that are reported via the MediaPlayer.getMetrics() call.
MediaPlayer.NoDrmSchemeExceptionThrown when a DRM method is called before preparing a DRM scheme through prepareDrm().
MediaPlayer.PlayerCallbackInterface definition for callbacks to be invoked when the player has the corresponding events.
MediaPlayer.TrackInfoClass for the player to return each audio/video/subtitle track's metadata.
MediaPlayer2MediaPlayer2 class can be used to control playback of audio/video files and streams.
MediaPlayer2.DrmEventCallbackInterface definition for callbacks to be invoked when the player has the corresponding DRM events.
MediaPlayer2.DrmInfoEncapsulates the DRM properties of the source.
MediaPlayer2.EventCallbackInterface definition for callbacks to be invoked when the player has the corresponding events.
MediaPlayer2.MetricsConstantsDefinitions for the metrics that are reported via the MediaPlayer2.getMetrics() call.
MediaPlayer2.NoDrmSchemeExceptionThrown when a DRM method is called before preparing a DRM scheme through prepareDrm().
MediaPlayer2.TrackInfoClass for MediaPlayer2 to return each audio/video/subtitle track's metadata.
MediaPlayer2ImplMediaPlayer2 implementation for platform version P (28).
MediaPlayer2Impl.DrmInfoImplEncapsulates the DRM properties of the source.
MediaSessionAllows a media app to expose its transport controls and playback information in a process to other processes including the Android framework and other apps.
MediaSession.BuilderBuilder for MediaSession.
MediaSession.CommandButtonButton for a SessionCommand that will be shown by the controller.
MediaSession.CommandButton.BuilderBuilder for MediaSession.CommandButton.
MediaSession.ControllerInfoInformation of a controller.
MediaSession.SessionCallbackCallback to be called for all incoming commands from MediaControllers.
MediaSession.SessionResultResult class to be used with for asynchronous calls.
MediaSessionManagerProvides support for interacting with media sessions that applications have published in order to express their ongoing media playback state.
MediaSessionServiceBase class for media session services, which is the service containing MediaSession.
MediaSessionService.MediaNotificationReturned by MediaSessionService.onUpdateNotification(MediaSession) for making session service foreground service to keep playback running in the background.
MediaTimestampAn immutable object that represents the linear correlation between the media time and the system time.
ParcelImplListSliceTransfer a large list of ParcelImpl objects across an IPC.
PercentageRatingA class for rating expressed as a percentage.
PlaybackParamsStructure for common playback params.
PlaybackParams.BuilderThe builder class that makes it easy to chain setters to create a PlaybackParams object.
RemoteSessionPlayerBase interface for all remote media players that want media session and playback happens on the remote device through MediaRouter.
SessionCommandDefine a command that a MediaController can send to a MediaSession.
SessionCommandGroupA set of SessionCommand which represents a command group.
SessionCommandGroup.BuilderBuilds a SessionCommandGroup object.
SessionPlayerBase interface for all media players that want media session.
SessionPlayer.PlayerCallbackA callback class to receive notifications for events on the session player.
SessionPlayer.PlayerResultResult class of the asynchronous APIs.
SessionTokenRepresents an ongoing MediaSession or a MediaSessionService.
StarRatingA class for rating expressed as the number of stars.
SubtitleDataClass encapsulating subtitle data, as received through the MediaPlayer.PlayerCallback.onSubtitleData(MediaPlayer, MediaItem, SubtitleData) interface.
ThumbRatingA class for rating with a single degree of rating, "thumb up" vs "thumb down".
TimedMetaDataClass that embodies one timed metadata access unit, including
  • a time stamp, and
  • raw uninterpreted byte-array extracted directly from the container.
UriMediaItemStructure for media item descriptor for .
UriMediaItem.BuilderThis Builder class simplifies the creation of a UriMediaItem object.
VideoSizeImmutable class for describing video size.

Annotation Types
