


ButtonProtoLayout component Button that represents clickable button with the given content.
Button.BuilderBuilder class for Button.
ButtonColorsRepresents the background and content colors used in Button.
ButtonDefaultsContains the default values used by Button.
ChipProtoLayout component Chip that represents clickable object with the text, optional label and optional icon or with custom content.
Chip.BuilderBuilder class for Chip.
ChipColorsRepresents the background and content colors used in Chip.
ChipDefaultsContains the default values used by Chip.
CircularProgressIndicatorProtoLayout component CircularProgressIndicator that represents circular progress indicator which supports a gap in the circular track between startAngle and endAngle.
CircularProgressIndicator.BuilderBuilder class for CircularProgressIndicator
ColorsRepresent the container for default color scheme in your Tile, that can be used to create color objects for all Material components.
CompactChipProtoLayout component CompactChip that represents clickable object with the text.
CompactChip.BuilderBuilder class for CompactChip.
ProgressIndicatorColorsRepresents the indicator and track colors used in CircularProgressIndicator.
ProgressIndicatorDefaultsContains the default values used by CircularProgressIndicator.
TextProtoLayout component Text that represents text object holding any information.
Text.BuilderBuilder class for Text.
TitleChipProtoLayout component TitleChip that represents clickable object with the text.
TitleChip.BuilderBuilder class for TitleChip.
TypographyTypography styles, currently set up to match Wear's styling.