


DataBindingComponentThis interface is generated during compilation to contain getters for all used instance BindingAdapters.
InverseBindingListenerA listener implemented by all two-way bindings to be notified when a triggering change happens.
ObservableObservable classes provide a way in which data bound UI can be notified of changes.
ObservableList<T>A java.util.List that notifies when changes are made.
ObservableMap<K, V>A java.util.Map that notifies when items change.


BaseObservableA convenience class that implements Observable interface and provides BaseObservable.notifyPropertyChanged(int) and BaseObservable.notifyChange() methods.
CallbackRegistry<C, T, A>A utility for storing and notifying callbacks.
CallbackRegistry.NotifierCallback<C, T, A>Class used to notify events from CallbackRegistry.
DataBinderMapperImplThis class will be stripped from the jar and then replaced by the annotation processor as part of the code generation step.
DataBindingUtilUtility class to create ViewDataBinding from layouts.
ListChangeRegistryUtility class for managing ObservableList callbacks.
MapChangeRegistryUtility class for managing ObservableMap callbacks.
Observable.OnPropertyChangedCallbackThe callback that is called by Observable when an observable property has changed.
ObservableArrayList<T>An ObservableList implementation using ArrayList as an implementation.
ObservableArrayMap<K, V>
ObservableBooleanAn observable class that holds a primitive boolean.
ObservableByteAn observable class that holds a primitive byte.
ObservableCharAn observable class that holds a primitive char.
ObservableDoubleAn observable class that holds a primitive double.
ObservableField<T>An object wrapper to make it observable.
ObservableFloatAn observable class that holds a primitive float.
ObservableIntAn observable class that holds a primitive int.
ObservableList.OnListChangedCallback<T>The callback that is called by ObservableList when the list has changed.
ObservableLongAn observable class that holds a primitive long.
ObservableMap.OnMapChangedCallback<T, K, V>A callback receiving notifications when an ObservableMap changes.
ObservableParcelable<T>An observable class that holds a parcelable object.
ObservableShortAn observable class that holds a primitive short.
OnRebindCallback<T>Listener set on ViewDataBinding.addOnRebindCallback(OnRebindCallback) that is called when bound values must be reevaluated in ViewDataBinding.executePendingBindings().
PropertyChangeRegistryUtility class for managing Observable callbacks.
ViewDataBindingBase class for generated data binding classes.
ViewDataBinding.IncludedLayoutsThis class is used by generated subclasses of ViewDataBinding to track the included layouts contained in the bound layout.
ViewDataBinding.PropertyChangedInverseListenerThis class is used by generated subclasses of ViewDataBinding to listen for changes on variables of Bindings.
ViewStubProxyThis class represents a ViewStub before and after inflation.

Annotation Types

BindableThe Bindable annotation should be applied to any getter accessor method of an Observable class.
BindingAdapterBindingAdapter is applied to methods that are used to manipulate how values with expressions are set to views.
BindingConversionAnnotate methods that are used to automatically convert from the expression type to the value used in the setter.
BindingMethodUsed within an BindingMethods annotation to describe a renaming of an attribute to the setter used to set that attribute.
BindingMethodsUsed to enumerate attribute-to-setter renaming.
InverseBindingAdapterInverseBindingAdapter is associated with a method used to retrieve the value for a View when setting values gathered from the View.
InverseBindingMethodInverseBindingMethod is used to identify how to listen for changes to a View property and which getter method to call.
InverseBindingMethodsUsed to enumerate attribute, getter, and event association.
InverseMethodThe InverseMethod annotation may be applied to any method used in two-way data binding to declare the method used to invert the call when going from the View's attribute value to the bound data value.