


LayoutHandler.OnDimensCallbackCallback is called everytime dimensions for a page have loaded.
PageViewFactory.PageViewInterface encapsulating a single page, and accessibility view if necessary.
PaginationModelObserverDenotes a class that implements methods that should be called when the PaginationModel is updated.


AccessibilityPageWrapperContainer to hold a PageMosaicView, a PageLinksView and sometimes a .
LoadingViewerThis base class offers logic to save the DisplayData it receives (without any heavy contents) and restore it after a destroy/create cycle, including re-fetching (on a separate thread) the actual contents from the saved data.
PageLinksViewA transparent container for virtual views representing clickable links within the Page.
PageMosaicViewRenders one Page.
PageViewFactoryFactory to create the appropriate PageViewFactory.PageView, determined by whether TalkBack is on or off.
PaginatedViewView to display the PDF pages assembled in a vertical strip by #model.
PaginationModelModel representing PDF pages as a vertical, paginated layout.
PdfHighlightOverlayA HighlightOverlay overlay that highlights all of the matches described in the given MatchRects object or a given PageSelection.
PdfPasswordDialogThis instance requires a Fragment.getTargetFragment() to be set to give back the typed password.
PdfSelectionHandlesImplementation of SelectionHandles for PdfViewer.
PdfSelectionModelSelection model for pdfs.
PdfViewerA Viewer that can display paginated PDFs.
SearchModelStores data relevant to the current search, including the query and the selected match, and the number of matches on each page.
SelectedMatchRepresents a currently selected match, including the query that was matched, the page the match is on, all the matches on that page, and which of these matches on the page is currently selected.
ViewerA widget that displays the contents of a file in a given PDF format.


Viewer.ViewStateThe state of the view hierarchy for this Fragment, as exposed by Viewer.mViewState.