

AudioProcessorInterface for audio processors, which take audio data as input and transform it, potentially modifying its channel count, encoding and/or sample rate.
AudioProcessorChainProvides a chain of audio processors, which are used for any user-defined processing and applying playback parameters (if supported).
SpeedProviderA custom interface that determines the speed for media at specific timestamps.


AudioMixingUtilUtility for mixing audio buffers.
AudioProcessingPipelineHandles passing buffers through multiple AudioProcessor instances.
AudioProcessor.AudioFormatPCM audio format that may be handled by an audio processor.
BaseAudioProcessorBase class for audio processors that keep an output buffer and an internal buffer that is reused whenever input is queued.
ChannelMixingAudioProcessorAn AudioProcessor that handles mixing and scaling audio channels.
ChannelMixingMatrixAn immutable matrix that describes the mapping of input channels to output channels.
SonicAudioProcessorAn AudioProcessor that uses the Sonic library to modify audio speed/pitch/sample rate.
SpeedChangingAudioProcessorAn AudioProcessor that changes the speed of audio samples depending on their timestamp.
ToInt16PcmAudioProcessorAn AudioProcessor that converts different PCM audio encodings to 16-bit integer PCM.