public abstract class


extends java.lang.Object

implements MenuPresenter



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.appcompat', name: 'appcompat', version: '1.6.0-alpha04'

  • groupId: androidx.appcompat
  • artifactId: appcompat
  • version: 1.6.0-alpha04

Artifact androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.6.0-alpha04 it located at Google repository (

Androidx artifact mapping:


Androidx class mapping:


Base class for MenuPresenters that have a consistent container view and item views. Behaves similarly to an AdapterView in that existing item views will be reused if possible when items change.


protected ContextmContext

protected LayoutInflatermInflater

protected MenuBuildermMenu

protected MenuViewmMenuView

protected ContextmSystemContext

protected LayoutInflatermSystemInflater

publicBaseMenuPresenter(Context context, int menuLayoutRes, int itemLayoutRes)

Construct a new BaseMenuPresenter.

protected voidaddItemView(View itemView, int childIndex)

Add an item view at the given index.

public abstract voidbindItemView(MenuItemImpl item, MenuView.ItemView itemView)

Bind item data to an existing item view.

public booleancollapseItemActionView(MenuBuilder menu, MenuItemImpl item)

public MenuView.ItemViewcreateItemView(ViewGroup parent)

Create a new item view that can be re-bound to other item data later.

public booleanexpandItemActionView(MenuBuilder menu, MenuItemImpl item)

protected booleanfilterLeftoverView(ViewGroup parent, int childIndex)

Filter the child view at index and remove it if appropriate.

public booleanflagActionItems()

public MenuPresenter.CallbackgetCallback()

public intgetId()

public ViewgetItemView(MenuItemImpl item, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)

Prepare an item view for use.

public MenuViewgetMenuView(ViewGroup root)

public voidinitForMenu(Context context, MenuBuilder menu)

public voidonCloseMenu(MenuBuilder menu, boolean allMenusAreClosing)

public booleanonSubMenuSelected(SubMenuBuilder menu)

public voidsetCallback(MenuPresenter.Callback cb)

public voidsetId(int id)

public booleanshouldIncludeItem(int childIndex, MenuItemImpl item)

Filter item by child index and item data.

public voidupdateMenuView(boolean cleared)

Reuses item views when it can

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


protected Context mSystemContext

protected Context mContext

protected MenuBuilder mMenu

protected LayoutInflater mSystemInflater

protected LayoutInflater mInflater

protected MenuView mMenuView


public BaseMenuPresenter(Context context, int menuLayoutRes, int itemLayoutRes)

Construct a new BaseMenuPresenter.


context: Context for generating system-supplied views
menuLayoutRes: Layout resource ID for the menu container view
itemLayoutRes: Layout resource ID for a single item view


public void initForMenu(Context context, MenuBuilder menu)

public MenuView getMenuView(ViewGroup root)

public void updateMenuView(boolean cleared)

Reuses item views when it can

protected void addItemView(View itemView, int childIndex)

Add an item view at the given index.


itemView: View to add
childIndex: Index within the parent to insert at

protected boolean filterLeftoverView(ViewGroup parent, int childIndex)

Filter the child view at index and remove it if appropriate.


parent: Parent to filter from
childIndex: Index to filter


true if the child view at index was removed

public void setCallback(MenuPresenter.Callback cb)

public MenuPresenter.Callback getCallback()

public MenuView.ItemView createItemView(ViewGroup parent)

Create a new item view that can be re-bound to other item data later.


The new item view

public View getItemView(MenuItemImpl item, View convertView, ViewGroup parent)

Prepare an item view for use. See AdapterView for the basic idea at work here. This may require creating a new item view, but well-behaved implementations will re-use the view passed as convertView if present. The returned view will be populated with data from the item parameter.


item: Item to present
convertView: Existing view to reuse
parent: Intended parent view - use for inflation.


View that presents the requested menu item

public abstract void bindItemView(MenuItemImpl item, MenuView.ItemView itemView)

Bind item data to an existing item view.


item: Item to bind
itemView: View to populate with item data

public boolean shouldIncludeItem(int childIndex, MenuItemImpl item)

Filter item by child index and item data.


childIndex: Indended presentation index of this item
item: Item to present


true if this item should be included in this menu presentation; false otherwise

public void onCloseMenu(MenuBuilder menu, boolean allMenusAreClosing)

public boolean onSubMenuSelected(SubMenuBuilder menu)

public boolean flagActionItems()

public boolean expandItemActionView(MenuBuilder menu, MenuItemImpl item)

public boolean collapseItemActionView(MenuBuilder menu, MenuItemImpl item)

public int getId()

public void setId(int id)


 * Copyright (C) 2011 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP_PREFIX;

import android.content.Context;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;

import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;

import java.util.ArrayList;

 * Base class for MenuPresenters that have a consistent container view and item views. Behaves
 * similarly to an AdapterView in that existing item views will be reused if possible when items
 * change.
 * @hide
public abstract class BaseMenuPresenter implements MenuPresenter {

    protected Context mSystemContext;
    protected Context mContext;
    protected MenuBuilder mMenu;
    protected LayoutInflater mSystemInflater;
    protected LayoutInflater mInflater;
    private Callback mCallback;

    private int mMenuLayoutRes;
    private int mItemLayoutRes;

    protected MenuView mMenuView;

    private int mId;

     * Construct a new BaseMenuPresenter.
     * @param context Context for generating system-supplied views
     * @param menuLayoutRes Layout resource ID for the menu container view
     * @param itemLayoutRes Layout resource ID for a single item view
    public BaseMenuPresenter(Context context, int menuLayoutRes, int itemLayoutRes) {
        mSystemContext = context;
        mSystemInflater = LayoutInflater.from(context);
        mMenuLayoutRes = menuLayoutRes;
        mItemLayoutRes = itemLayoutRes;

    public void initForMenu(Context context, MenuBuilder menu) {
        mContext = context;
        mInflater = LayoutInflater.from(mContext);
        mMenu = menu;

    public MenuView getMenuView(ViewGroup root) {
        if (mMenuView == null) {
            mMenuView = (MenuView) mSystemInflater.inflate(mMenuLayoutRes, root, false);

        return mMenuView;

     * Reuses item views when it can
    public void updateMenuView(boolean cleared) {
        final ViewGroup parent = (ViewGroup) mMenuView;
        if (parent == null) return;

        int childIndex = 0;
        if (mMenu != null) {
            ArrayList<MenuItemImpl> visibleItems = mMenu.getVisibleItems();
            final int itemCount = visibleItems.size();
            for (int i = 0; i < itemCount; i++) {
                MenuItemImpl item = visibleItems.get(i);
                if (shouldIncludeItem(childIndex, item)) {
                    final View convertView = parent.getChildAt(childIndex);
                    final MenuItemImpl oldItem = convertView instanceof MenuView.ItemView ?
                            ((MenuView.ItemView) convertView).getItemData() : null;
                    final View itemView = getItemView(item, convertView, parent);
                    if (item != oldItem) {
                        // Don't let old states linger with new data.
                    if (itemView != convertView) {
                        addItemView(itemView, childIndex);

        // Remove leftover views.
        while (childIndex < parent.getChildCount()) {
            if (!filterLeftoverView(parent, childIndex)) {

     * Add an item view at the given index.
     * @param itemView View to add
     * @param childIndex Index within the parent to insert at
    protected void addItemView(View itemView, int childIndex) {
        final ViewGroup currentParent = (ViewGroup) itemView.getParent();
        if (currentParent != null) {
        ((ViewGroup) mMenuView).addView(itemView, childIndex);

     * Filter the child view at index and remove it if appropriate.
     * @param parent Parent to filter from
     * @param childIndex Index to filter
     * @return true if the child view at index was removed
    protected boolean filterLeftoverView(ViewGroup parent, int childIndex) {
        return true;

    public void setCallback(Callback cb) {
        mCallback = cb;

    public Callback getCallback() {
        return mCallback;

     * Create a new item view that can be re-bound to other item data later.
     * @return The new item view
    public MenuView.ItemView createItemView(ViewGroup parent) {
        return (MenuView.ItemView) mSystemInflater.inflate(mItemLayoutRes, parent, false);

     * Prepare an item view for use. See AdapterView for the basic idea at work here.
     * This may require creating a new item view, but well-behaved implementations will
     * re-use the view passed as convertView if present. The returned view will be populated
     * with data from the item parameter.
     * @param item Item to present
     * @param convertView Existing view to reuse
     * @param parent Intended parent view - use for inflation.
     * @return View that presents the requested menu item
    public View getItemView(MenuItemImpl item, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
        MenuView.ItemView itemView;
        if (convertView instanceof MenuView.ItemView) {
            itemView = (MenuView.ItemView) convertView;
        } else {
            itemView = createItemView(parent);
        bindItemView(item, itemView);
        return (View) itemView;

     * Bind item data to an existing item view.
     * @param item Item to bind
     * @param itemView View to populate with item data
    public abstract void bindItemView(MenuItemImpl item, MenuView.ItemView itemView);

     * Filter item by child index and item data.
     * @param childIndex Indended presentation index of this item
     * @param item Item to present
     * @return true if this item should be included in this menu presentation; false otherwise
    public boolean shouldIncludeItem(int childIndex, MenuItemImpl item) {
        return true;

    public void onCloseMenu(MenuBuilder menu, boolean allMenusAreClosing) {
        if (mCallback != null) {
            mCallback.onCloseMenu(menu, allMenusAreClosing);

    public boolean onSubMenuSelected(SubMenuBuilder menu) {
        if (mCallback != null) {
            // Use the root menu if we were passed a null subMenu
            return mCallback.onOpenSubMenu(menu != null ? menu : mMenu);
        return false;

    public boolean flagActionItems() {
        return false;

    public boolean expandItemActionView(MenuBuilder menu, MenuItemImpl item) {
        return false;

    public boolean collapseItemActionView(MenuBuilder menu, MenuItemImpl item) {
        return false;

    public int getId() {
        return mId;

    public void setId(int id) {
        mId = id;