public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-core', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-core
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


Utility class for image related operations.


public static final intDEFAULT_RGBA_PIXEL_STRIDE

Default RGBA pixel stride used by CameraX, with R, G, B and A each occupies 1 byte.

public static RectcomputeCropRectFromAspectRatio(Size sourceSize, Rational aspectRatio)

Calculates crop rect with the specified aspect ratio on the given size.

public static RectcomputeCropRectFromDispatchInfo(Rect surfaceCropRect, int surfaceToOutputDegrees, Size dispatchResolution, int dispatchToOutputDegrees)

Calculates crop rect based on the dispatch resolution and rotation degrees info.

public static BitmapcreateBitmapFromImageProxy(ImageProxy imageProxy)

Creates Bitmap from ImageProxy.

public static BitmapcreateBitmapFromPlane(ImageProxy.PlaneProxy planes[], int width, int height)

Creates a Bitmap from an array.

public static java.nio.ByteBuffercreateDirectByteBuffer(Bitmap bitmap)

Creates a direct java.nio.ByteBuffer and copy the content of the Bitmap.

public static RationalgetRotatedAspectRatio(int rotationDegrees, Rational aspectRatio)

Rotates aspect ratio based on rotation degrees.

public static booleanisAspectRatioValid(Rational aspectRatio)

True if the given aspect ratio is meaningful.

public static booleanisAspectRatioValid(Size sourceSize, Rational aspectRatio)

True if the given aspect ratio is meaningful and has effect on the given size.

public static booleanisJpegFormats(int imageFormat)

True if the given image format is JPEG or JPEG/R.

public static byte[]jpegImageToJpegByteArray(ImageProxy image)

Converts JPEG or JPEG_R ImageProxy to JPEG byte array.

public static byte[]jpegImageToJpegByteArray(ImageProxy image, Rect cropRect, int jpegQuality)

Converts JPEG ImageProxy to JPEG byte array.

public static floatmin(float value1, float value2, float value3, float value4)

Returns the min value.

public static BitmaprotateBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, int rotationDegrees)

Rotates the bitmap by the given rotation degrees.

public static booleanshouldCropImage(ImageProxy image)

Checks whether the image's crop rectangle is the same as the source image size.

public static booleanshouldCropImage(int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int cropRectWidth, int cropRectHeight)

Checks whether the image's crop rectangle is the same as the source image size.

public static float[]sizeToVertexes(Size size)

Converts a to an float array of vertexes.

public static byte[]yuv_420_888toNv21(ImageProxy image)

to NV21 byte array.

public static byte[]yuvImageToJpegByteArray(ImageProxy image, Rect cropRect, int jpegQuality, int rotationDegrees)

Converts YUV_420_888 ImageProxy to JPEG byte array.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final int DEFAULT_RGBA_PIXEL_STRIDE

Default RGBA pixel stride used by CameraX, with R, G, B and A each occupies 1 byte.


public static Bitmap createBitmapFromImageProxy(ImageProxy imageProxy)

Creates Bitmap from ImageProxy.

Currently only , , and are supported. If the format is invalid, an java.lang.IllegalArgumentException will be thrown. If the conversion to bimap failed, an java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException will be thrown.


imageProxy: The input ImageProxy instance.


Bitmap instance.

public static Bitmap createBitmapFromPlane(ImageProxy.PlaneProxy planes[], int width, int height)

Creates a Bitmap from an array.

This method expects a single plane with a pixel stride of 4 and a row stride of (width * 4).

public static Bitmap rotateBitmap(Bitmap bitmap, int rotationDegrees)

Rotates the bitmap by the given rotation degrees.

public static java.nio.ByteBuffer createDirectByteBuffer(Bitmap bitmap)

Creates a direct java.nio.ByteBuffer and copy the content of the Bitmap.

public static float[] sizeToVertexes(Size size)

Converts a to an float array of vertexes.

public static float min(float value1, float value2, float value3, float value4)

Returns the min value.

public static Rational getRotatedAspectRatio(int rotationDegrees, Rational aspectRatio)

Rotates aspect ratio based on rotation degrees.

public static byte[] jpegImageToJpegByteArray(ImageProxy image)

Converts JPEG or JPEG_R ImageProxy to JPEG byte array.

public static byte[] jpegImageToJpegByteArray(ImageProxy image, Rect cropRect, int jpegQuality)

Converts JPEG ImageProxy to JPEG byte array. The input JPEG image will be cropped by the specified crop rectangle and compressed by the specified quality value.

public static byte[] yuvImageToJpegByteArray(ImageProxy image, Rect cropRect, int jpegQuality, int rotationDegrees)

Converts YUV_420_888 ImageProxy to JPEG byte array. The input YUV_420_888 image will be cropped if a non-null crop rectangle is specified. The output JPEG byte array will be compressed by the specified quality value. The rotationDegrees is set to the EXIF of the JPEG if it is not 0.

public static byte[] yuv_420_888toNv21(ImageProxy image)

to NV21 byte array.

public static boolean isAspectRatioValid(Rational aspectRatio)

True if the given aspect ratio is meaningful.

public static boolean isJpegFormats(int imageFormat)

True if the given image format is JPEG or JPEG/R.

public static boolean isAspectRatioValid(Size sourceSize, Rational aspectRatio)

True if the given aspect ratio is meaningful and has effect on the given size.

public static Rect computeCropRectFromAspectRatio(Size sourceSize, Rational aspectRatio)

Calculates crop rect with the specified aspect ratio on the given size. Assuming the rect is at the center of the source.

public static Rect computeCropRectFromDispatchInfo(Rect surfaceCropRect, int surfaceToOutputDegrees, Size dispatchResolution, int dispatchToOutputDegrees)

Calculates crop rect based on the dispatch resolution and rotation degrees info.

The original crop rect is calculated based on camera sensor buffer. On some devices, the buffer is rotated before being passed to users, in which case the crop rect also needs additional transformations.

There are two most common scenarios: 1) exif rotation is 0, or 2) exif rotation equals output rotation. 1) means the HAL rotated the buffer based on target rotation. 2) means HAL no-oped on the rotation. Theoretically only 1) needs additional transformations, but this method is also generic enough to handle all possible HAL rotations.

public static boolean shouldCropImage(ImageProxy image)

Checks whether the image's crop rectangle is the same as the source image size.

public static boolean shouldCropImage(int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int cropRectWidth, int cropRectHeight)

Checks whether the image's crop rectangle is the same as the source image size.


 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static androidx.core.util.Preconditions.checkArgument;

import static java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocateDirect;

import android.util.Rational;
import android.util.Size;

import androidx.annotation.IntRange;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;

import java.nio.ByteBuffer;

 * Utility class for image related operations.
public final class ImageUtil {
    private static final String TAG = "ImageUtil";

     * Default RGBA pixel stride used by CameraX, with R, G, B and A each occupies 1 byte.
    public static final int DEFAULT_RGBA_PIXEL_STRIDE = 4;

    private ImageUtil() {

     * Creates {@link Bitmap} from {@link ImageProxy}.
     * <p> Currently only {@link ImageFormat#YUV_420_888}, {@link ImageFormat#JPEG},
     * {@link ImageFormat#JPEG_R} and {@link PixelFormat#RGBA_8888} are supported. If the format
     * is invalid, an {@link IllegalArgumentException} will be thrown. If the conversion to bimap
     * failed, an {@link UnsupportedOperationException} will be thrown.
     * @param imageProxy The input {@link ImageProxy} instance.
     * @return {@link Bitmap} instance.
    public static Bitmap createBitmapFromImageProxy(@NonNull ImageProxy imageProxy) {
        switch (imageProxy.getFormat()) {
            case ImageFormat.YUV_420_888:
                return ImageProcessingUtil.convertYUVToBitmap(imageProxy);
            case ImageFormat.JPEG:
            case ImageFormat.JPEG_R:
                return createBitmapFromJpegImage(imageProxy);
            case PixelFormat.RGBA_8888:
                return createBitmapFromRgbaImage(imageProxy);
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Incorrect image format of the input image proxy: "
                                + imageProxy.getFormat() + ", only ImageFormat.YUV_420_888 and "
                                + "PixelFormat.RGBA_8888 are supported");

     * Creates a {@link Bitmap} from an {@link ImageProxy.PlaneProxy} array.
     * <p>This method expects a single plane with a pixel stride of 4 and a row stride of (width *
     * 4).
    public static Bitmap createBitmapFromPlane(
            @NonNull ImageProxy.PlaneProxy[] planes, int width, int height) {
        checkArgument(planes.length == 1, "Expect a single plane");
        checkArgument(planes[0].getPixelStride() == DEFAULT_RGBA_PIXEL_STRIDE,
                "Expect pixelStride=" + DEFAULT_RGBA_PIXEL_STRIDE);
                planes[0].getRowStride() == DEFAULT_RGBA_PIXEL_STRIDE * width,
                "Expect rowStride=width*" + DEFAULT_RGBA_PIXEL_STRIDE);
        Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(width, height, Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888);
        // Rewind the buffer just to be safe.
        ImageProcessingUtil.copyByteBufferToBitmap(bitmap, planes[0].getBuffer(),
        return bitmap;

     * Rotates the bitmap by the given rotation degrees.
    public static Bitmap rotateBitmap(@NonNull Bitmap bitmap, int rotationDegrees) {
        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
        return Bitmap.createBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, bitmap.getWidth(), bitmap.getHeight(), matrix,

     * Creates a direct {@link ByteBuffer} and copy the content of the {@link Bitmap}.
    public static ByteBuffer createDirectByteBuffer(@NonNull Bitmap bitmap) {
        checkArgument(bitmap.getConfig() == Bitmap.Config.ARGB_8888,
                "Only accept Bitmap with ARGB_8888 format for now.");
        ByteBuffer byteBuffer = allocateDirect(bitmap.getAllocationByteCount());
        ImageProcessingUtil.copyBitmapToByteBuffer(bitmap, byteBuffer, bitmap.getRowBytes());
        return byteBuffer;

     * Converts a {@link Size} to an float array of vertexes.
    public static float[] sizeToVertexes(@NonNull Size size) {
        return new float[]{0, 0, size.getWidth(), 0, size.getWidth(), size.getHeight(), 0,

     * Returns the min value.
    public static float min(float value1, float value2, float value3, float value4) {
        return Math.min(Math.min(value1, value2), Math.min(value3, value4));

     * Rotates aspect ratio based on rotation degrees.
    public static Rational getRotatedAspectRatio(
            @IntRange(from = 0, to = 359) int rotationDegrees,
            @NonNull Rational aspectRatio) {
        if (rotationDegrees == 90 || rotationDegrees == 270) {
            return inverseRational(aspectRatio);

        return new Rational(aspectRatio.getNumerator(), aspectRatio.getDenominator());

     * Converts JPEG or JPEG_R {@link ImageProxy} to JPEG byte array.
    public static byte[] jpegImageToJpegByteArray(@NonNull ImageProxy image) {
        if (!isJpegFormats(image.getFormat())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Incorrect image format of the input image proxy: " + image.getFormat());

        ImageProxy.PlaneProxy[] planes = image.getPlanes();
        ByteBuffer buffer = planes[0].getBuffer();
        byte[] data = new byte[buffer.capacity()];

        return data;

     * Converts JPEG {@link ImageProxy} to JPEG byte array. The input JPEG image will be cropped
     * by the specified crop rectangle and compressed by the specified quality value.
    public static byte[] jpegImageToJpegByteArray(@NonNull ImageProxy image,
            @NonNull Rect cropRect, @IntRange(from = 1, to = 100) int jpegQuality)
            throws CodecFailedException {
        if (!isJpegFormats(image.getFormat())) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Incorrect image format of the input image proxy: " + image.getFormat());

        byte[] data = jpegImageToJpegByteArray(image);
        data = cropJpegByteArray(data, cropRect, jpegQuality);

        return data;

     * Converts YUV_420_888 {@link ImageProxy} to JPEG byte array. The input YUV_420_888 image
     * will be cropped if a non-null crop rectangle is specified. The output JPEG byte array will
     * be compressed by the specified quality value. The rotationDegrees is set to the EXIF of
     * the JPEG if it is not 0.
    public static byte[] yuvImageToJpegByteArray(@NonNull ImageProxy image,
            @Nullable Rect cropRect,
            @IntRange(from = 1, to = 100)
            int jpegQuality,
            int rotationDegrees) throws CodecFailedException {
        if (image.getFormat() != ImageFormat.YUV_420_888) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Incorrect image format of the input image proxy: " + image.getFormat());

        byte[] yuvBytes = yuv_420_888toNv21(image);
        YuvImage yuv = new YuvImage(yuvBytes, ImageFormat.NV21, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(),

        ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOutputStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        OutputStream out = new ExifOutputStream(
                byteArrayOutputStream, ExifData.create(image, rotationDegrees));
        if (cropRect == null) {
            cropRect = new Rect(0, 0, image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());
        boolean success =
                yuv.compressToJpeg(cropRect, jpegQuality, out);
        if (!success) {
            throw new CodecFailedException("YuvImage failed to encode jpeg.",
        return byteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();

    /** {@link} to NV21 byte array. */
    public static byte[] yuv_420_888toNv21(@NonNull ImageProxy image) {
        ImageProxy.PlaneProxy yPlane = image.getPlanes()[0];
        ImageProxy.PlaneProxy uPlane = image.getPlanes()[1];
        ImageProxy.PlaneProxy vPlane = image.getPlanes()[2];

        ByteBuffer yBuffer = yPlane.getBuffer();
        ByteBuffer uBuffer = uPlane.getBuffer();
        ByteBuffer vBuffer = vPlane.getBuffer();

        int ySize = yBuffer.remaining();

        int position = 0;
        // TODO(b/115743986): Pull these bytes from a pool instead of allocating for every image.
        byte[] nv21 = new byte[ySize + (image.getWidth() * image.getHeight() / 2)];

        // Add the full y buffer to the array. If rowStride > 1, some padding may be skipped.
        for (int row = 0; row < image.getHeight(); row++) {
            yBuffer.get(nv21, position, image.getWidth());
            position += image.getWidth();
                    Math.min(ySize, yBuffer.position() - image.getWidth() + yPlane.getRowStride()));

        int chromaHeight = image.getHeight() / 2;
        int chromaWidth = image.getWidth() / 2;
        int vRowStride = vPlane.getRowStride();
        int uRowStride = uPlane.getRowStride();
        int vPixelStride = vPlane.getPixelStride();
        int uPixelStride = uPlane.getPixelStride();

        // Interleave the u and v frames, filling up the rest of the buffer. Use two line buffers to
        // perform faster bulk gets from the byte buffers.
        byte[] vLineBuffer = new byte[vRowStride];
        byte[] uLineBuffer = new byte[uRowStride];
        for (int row = 0; row < chromaHeight; row++) {
            vBuffer.get(vLineBuffer, 0, Math.min(vRowStride, vBuffer.remaining()));
            uBuffer.get(uLineBuffer, 0, Math.min(uRowStride, uBuffer.remaining()));
            int vLineBufferPosition = 0;
            int uLineBufferPosition = 0;
            for (int col = 0; col < chromaWidth; col++) {
                nv21[position++] = vLineBuffer[vLineBufferPosition];
                nv21[position++] = uLineBuffer[uLineBufferPosition];
                vLineBufferPosition += vPixelStride;
                uLineBufferPosition += uPixelStride;

        return nv21;

    /** Crops JPEG or JPEG_R byte array with given {@link}. */
    private static byte[] cropJpegByteArray(@NonNull byte[] data, @NonNull Rect cropRect,
            @IntRange(from = 1, to = 100) int jpegQuality) throws CodecFailedException {
        Bitmap bitmap;
        try {
            BitmapRegionDecoder decoder = BitmapRegionDecoder.newInstance(data, 0, data.length,
            bitmap = decoder.decodeRegion(cropRect, new BitmapFactory.Options());
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw new CodecFailedException("Decode byte array failed with illegal argument." + e,
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new CodecFailedException("Decode byte array failed.",

        if (bitmap == null) {
            throw new CodecFailedException("Decode byte array failed.",

        ByteArrayOutputStream out = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
        boolean success = bitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, jpegQuality, out);
        if (!success) {
            throw new CodecFailedException("Encode bitmap failed.",

        return out.toByteArray();

    /** True if the given aspect ratio is meaningful. */
    public static boolean isAspectRatioValid(@Nullable Rational aspectRatio) {
        return aspectRatio != null && aspectRatio.floatValue() > 0 && !aspectRatio.isNaN();

    /** True if the given image format is JPEG or JPEG/R. */
    public static boolean isJpegFormats(int imageFormat) {
        return imageFormat == ImageFormat.JPEG || imageFormat == ImageFormat.JPEG_R;

    /** True if the given aspect ratio is meaningful and has effect on the given size. */
    public static boolean isAspectRatioValid(@NonNull Size sourceSize,
            @Nullable Rational aspectRatio) {
        return aspectRatio != null
                && aspectRatio.floatValue() > 0
                && isCropAspectRatioHasEffect(sourceSize, aspectRatio)
                && !aspectRatio.isNaN();

     * Calculates crop rect with the specified aspect ratio on the given size. Assuming the rect is
     * at the center of the source.
    public static Rect computeCropRectFromAspectRatio(@NonNull Size sourceSize,
            @NonNull Rational aspectRatio) {
        if (!isAspectRatioValid(aspectRatio)) {
            Logger.w(TAG, "Invalid view ratio.");
            return null;

        int sourceWidth = sourceSize.getWidth();
        int sourceHeight = sourceSize.getHeight();
        float srcRatio = sourceWidth / (float) sourceHeight;
        int cropLeft = 0;
        int cropTop = 0;
        int outputWidth = sourceWidth;
        int outputHeight = sourceHeight;
        int numerator = aspectRatio.getNumerator();
        int denominator = aspectRatio.getDenominator();

        if (aspectRatio.floatValue() > srcRatio) {
            outputHeight = Math.round((sourceWidth / (float) numerator) * denominator);
            cropTop = (sourceHeight - outputHeight) / 2;
        } else {
            outputWidth = Math.round((sourceHeight / (float) denominator) * numerator);
            cropLeft = (sourceWidth - outputWidth) / 2;

        return new Rect(cropLeft, cropTop, cropLeft + outputWidth, cropTop + outputHeight);

     * Calculates crop rect based on the dispatch resolution and rotation degrees info.
     * <p> The original crop rect is calculated based on camera sensor buffer. On some devices,
     * the buffer is rotated before being passed to users, in which case the crop rect also
     * needs additional transformations.
     * <p> There are two most common scenarios: 1) exif rotation is 0, or 2) exif rotation
     * equals output rotation. 1) means the HAL rotated the buffer based on target
     * rotation. 2) means HAL no-oped on the rotation. Theoretically only 1) needs
     * additional transformations, but this method is also generic enough to handle all possible
     * HAL rotations.
    public static Rect computeCropRectFromDispatchInfo(@NonNull Rect surfaceCropRect,
            int surfaceToOutputDegrees, @NonNull Size dispatchResolution,
            int dispatchToOutputDegrees) {
        // There are 3 coordinate systems: surface, dispatch and output. Surface is where
        // the original crop rect is defined. We need to figure out what HAL
        // has done to the buffer (the surface->dispatch mapping) and apply the same
        // transformation to the crop rect.
        // The surface->dispatch mapping is calculated by inverting a dispatch->surface mapping.

        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
        // Apply the dispatch->surface rotation.
        matrix.setRotate(dispatchToOutputDegrees - surfaceToOutputDegrees);
        // Apply the dispatch->surface translation. The translation is calculated by
        // compensating for the offset caused by the dispatch->surface rotation.
        float[] vertexes = sizeToVertexes(dispatchResolution);
        float left = min(vertexes[0], vertexes[2], vertexes[4], vertexes[6]);
        float top = min(vertexes[1], vertexes[3], vertexes[5], vertexes[7]);
        matrix.postTranslate(-left, -top);
        // Inverting the dispatch->surface mapping to get the surface->dispatch mapping.

        // Apply the surface->dispatch mapping to surface crop rect.
        RectF dispatchCropRectF = new RectF();
        matrix.mapRect(dispatchCropRectF, new RectF(surfaceCropRect));
        Rect dispatchCropRect = new Rect();
        return dispatchCropRect;

    private static boolean isCropAspectRatioHasEffect(@NonNull Size sourceSize,
            @NonNull Rational aspectRatio) {
        int sourceWidth = sourceSize.getWidth();
        int sourceHeight = sourceSize.getHeight();
        int numerator = aspectRatio.getNumerator();
        int denominator = aspectRatio.getDenominator();

        return sourceHeight != Math.round((sourceWidth / (float) numerator) * denominator)
                || sourceWidth != Math.round((sourceHeight / (float) denominator) * numerator);

    private static Rational inverseRational(@Nullable Rational rational) {
        if (rational == null) {
            return rational;
        return new Rational(
                /*numerator=*/ rational.getDenominator(),
                /*denominator=*/ rational.getNumerator());

    private static Bitmap createBitmapFromRgbaImage(@NonNull ImageProxy imageProxy) {
        Bitmap bitmap =
        // Rewind the buffer just to be safe.
        ImageProcessingUtil.copyByteBufferToBitmap(bitmap, imageProxy.getPlanes()[0].getBuffer(),
        return bitmap;

    private static Bitmap createBitmapFromJpegImage(@NonNull ImageProxy imageProxy) {
        byte[] bytes = jpegImageToJpegByteArray(imageProxy);
        Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeByteArray(bytes, 0, bytes.length, null);
        if (bitmap == null) {
            throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Decode jpeg byte array failed");
        return bitmap;

     * Checks whether the image's crop rectangle is the same as the source image size.
    public static boolean shouldCropImage(@NonNull ImageProxy image) {
        return shouldCropImage(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight(), image.getCropRect().width(),

     * Checks whether the image's crop rectangle is the same as the source image size.
    public static boolean shouldCropImage(int sourceWidth, int sourceHeight, int cropRectWidth,
            int cropRectHeight) {
        return sourceWidth != cropRectWidth || sourceHeight != cropRectHeight;

    /** Exception for error during transcoding image. */
    public static final class CodecFailedException extends Exception {
        public enum FailureType {

        private final FailureType mFailureType;

        CodecFailedException(@NonNull String message) {
            mFailureType = FailureType.UNKNOWN;

        CodecFailedException(@NonNull String message, @NonNull FailureType failureType) {
            mFailureType = failureType;

        public FailureType getFailureType() {
            return mFailureType;