public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'app', version: '1.7.0-beta01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: app
  • version: 1.7.0-beta01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


Container class for information about the ClimateProfileRequest.FEATURE_CABIN_TEMPERATURE feature such as supported min/max values and increments for the feature.


public java.util.Map<java.util.Set, >getCarZoneSetsToCabinCelsiusTemperatureRanges()

Returns a pair of supported min/max range values in Celsius for the feature mapped to the set of car zones.

public floatgetCelsiusSupportedIncrement()

Returns the increment number by which the Celsius values in the range differ.

public floatgetFahrenheitSupportedIncrement()

Returns the increment number by which the Fahrenheit values in the range differ.

public <any>getSupportedMinMaxCelsiusRange()

Returns a pair of min and max range for the values of the property in Celsius.

public <any>getSupportedMinMaxFahrenheitRange()

Returns a pair of min and max range for the values of the property in Fahrenheit.

public booleanhasCarZoneSetsToCabinCelsiusTemperatureRanges()

Reports whether the min/max Celsius mapped to the car zones is available or not.

public booleanhasCelsiusSupportedIncrement()

Reports whether the increment value in Celsius is available or not.

public booleanhasFahrenheitSupportedIncrement()

Reports whether the increment value in Fahrenheit is available or not.

public booleanhasSupportedMinMaxCelsiusRange()

Reports whether the min/max Celsius from the config array is available or not.

public booleanhasSupportedMinMaxFahrenheitRange()

Reports whether the min/max Fahrenheit from the config array is available or not.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public boolean hasSupportedMinMaxCelsiusRange()

Reports whether the min/max Celsius from the config array is available or not.

public boolean hasSupportedMinMaxFahrenheitRange()

Reports whether the min/max Fahrenheit from the config array is available or not.

public boolean hasCarZoneSetsToCabinCelsiusTemperatureRanges()

Reports whether the min/max Celsius mapped to the car zones is available or not.

public boolean hasCelsiusSupportedIncrement()

Reports whether the increment value in Celsius is available or not.

public boolean hasFahrenheitSupportedIncrement()

Reports whether the increment value in Fahrenheit is available or not.

public <any> getSupportedMinMaxCelsiusRange()

Returns a pair of min and max range for the values of the property in Celsius.

public <any> getSupportedMinMaxFahrenheitRange()

Returns a pair of min and max range for the values of the property in Fahrenheit.

public java.util.Map<java.util.Set, > getCarZoneSetsToCabinCelsiusTemperatureRanges()

Returns a pair of supported min/max range values in Celsius for the feature mapped to the set of car zones.

The values that can be regulated together for a set of car zones are combined together.

public float getCelsiusSupportedIncrement()

Returns the increment number by which the Celsius values in the range differ.

For example, for the range [16.0, 28.0] and increment 0.5 would mean possible values like [16.0, 16.5, 17.0, ...., 27.5, 28.0].

throws IllegalStateException if the values of the increment is not present.

public float getFahrenheitSupportedIncrement()

Returns the increment number by which the Fahrenheit values in the range differ.

For example, for the range [60.5, 82.5] and increment 1.0 would mean possible values like [60.5, 61.5, 62.0, ...., 81.5, 82.5].

throws IllegalStateException if the values of the increment is not present.


 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;

import android.util.Pair;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;


import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

 * Container class for information about the {@link
 * ClimateProfileRequest#FEATURE_CABIN_TEMPERATURE} feature such as supported min/max values and
 * increments for the feature.
public final class CabinTemperatureProfile {

    static final float DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE_INCREMENT = -1f;
    static final Pair<Float, Float> DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE_RANGE = new Pair<>(-1f, -1f);
    static final Map<Set<CarZone>, Pair<Float, Float>> DEFAULT_CELSIUS_TEMPERATURE_MAP =
            ImmutableMap.<Set<CarZone>, Pair<Float, Float>>builder().put(Collections.singleton(
                    CAR_ZONE_GLOBAL), new Pair<>(-1f, -1f)).buildKeepingLast();

    private final Pair<Float, Float> mSupportedMinMaxCelsiusRange;

    private final Pair<Float, Float> mSupportedMinMaxFahrenheitRange;

    private final Map<Set<CarZone>, Pair<Float, Float>> mCarZoneSetsToCabinCelsiusTemperatureRanges;

    private final float mCelsiusSupportedIncrement;

    private final float mFahrenheitSupportedIncrement;

    /** Reports whether the min/max Celsius from the config array is available or not. */
    public boolean hasSupportedMinMaxCelsiusRange() {
        return !mSupportedMinMaxCelsiusRange.equals(DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE_RANGE);

    /** Reports whether the min/max Fahrenheit from the config array is available or not. */
    public boolean hasSupportedMinMaxFahrenheitRange() {
        return !mSupportedMinMaxFahrenheitRange.equals(DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE_RANGE);

    /** Reports whether the min/max Celsius mapped to the car zones is available or not. */
    public boolean hasCarZoneSetsToCabinCelsiusTemperatureRanges() {
        return mCarZoneSetsToCabinCelsiusTemperatureRanges != DEFAULT_CELSIUS_TEMPERATURE_MAP;

    /** Reports whether the increment value in Celsius is available or not. */
    public boolean hasCelsiusSupportedIncrement() {
        return mCelsiusSupportedIncrement != DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE_INCREMENT;

    /** Reports whether the increment value in Fahrenheit is available or not. */
    public boolean hasFahrenheitSupportedIncrement() {
        return mFahrenheitSupportedIncrement != DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE_INCREMENT;

     * Returns a pair of min and max range for the values of the property in Celsius.
    public Pair<Float, Float> getSupportedMinMaxCelsiusRange() {
        if (hasSupportedMinMaxCelsiusRange()) {
            return mSupportedMinMaxCelsiusRange;
        throw new IllegalStateException("Celsius min/max range is not available.");

     * Returns a pair of min and max range for the values of the property in Fahrenheit.
    public Pair<Float, Float> getSupportedMinMaxFahrenheitRange() {
        if (hasSupportedMinMaxFahrenheitRange()) {
            return mSupportedMinMaxFahrenheitRange;
        throw new IllegalStateException("Fahrenheit min/max range is not available.");

     * Returns a pair of supported min/max range values in Celsius for the feature mapped to the
     * set of car zones.
     * <p>The values that can be regulated together for a set of car zones are combined together.
    public Map<Set<CarZone>, Pair<Float, Float>> getCarZoneSetsToCabinCelsiusTemperatureRanges() {
        if (hasCarZoneSetsToCabinCelsiusTemperatureRanges()) {
            return mCarZoneSetsToCabinCelsiusTemperatureRanges;
        throw new IllegalStateException("Celsius min/max range corresponding to car zones is not "
                + "available.");

     * Returns the increment number by which the Celsius values in the range differ.
     * <p>For example, for the range [16.0, 28.0] and increment 0.5 would mean possible values
     * like [16.0, 16.5, 17.0, ...., 27.5, 28.0].
     * <p> throws IllegalStateException if the values of the increment is not present. </p>
    public float getCelsiusSupportedIncrement() {
        if (hasCelsiusSupportedIncrement()) {
            return mCelsiusSupportedIncrement;
        throw new IllegalStateException("Celsius increment value is not available.");

     * Returns the increment number by which the Fahrenheit values in the range differ.
     * <p>For example, for the range [60.5, 82.5] and increment 1.0 would mean possible values
     * like [60.5, 61.5, 62.0, ...., 81.5, 82.5].
     * <p> throws IllegalStateException if the values of the increment is not present. </p>
    public float getFahrenheitSupportedIncrement() {
        if (hasFahrenheitSupportedIncrement()) {
            return mFahrenheitSupportedIncrement;
        throw new IllegalStateException("Fahrenheit increment value is not available.");

    CabinTemperatureProfile(Builder builder) {
        mSupportedMinMaxCelsiusRange = builder.mSupportedMinMaxCelsiusRange;
        mSupportedMinMaxFahrenheitRange = builder.mSupportedMinMaxFahrenheitRange;
        mCarZoneSetsToCabinCelsiusTemperatureRanges =
        mCelsiusSupportedIncrement = builder.mCelsiusSupportedIncrement;
        mFahrenheitSupportedIncrement = builder.mFahrenheitSupportedIncrement;

    /** A builder for CabinTemperatureProfile. */
    public static final class Builder {
        Pair<Float, Float> mSupportedMinMaxCelsiusRange = DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE_RANGE;
        Pair<Float, Float> mSupportedMinMaxFahrenheitRange = DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE_RANGE;
        Map<Set<CarZone>, Pair<Float, Float>> mCarZoneSetsToCabinCelsiusTemperatureRanges =
        float mCelsiusSupportedIncrement = DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE_INCREMENT;
        float mFahrenheitSupportedIncrement = DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE_INCREMENT;

        /** Sets the supported min/max Celsius range for the {@link CabinTemperatureProfile}. */
        public @NonNull Builder setSupportedMinMaxCelsiusRange(
                @NonNull Pair<Float, Float> supportedMinMaxCelsiusRange) {
            mSupportedMinMaxCelsiusRange = supportedMinMaxCelsiusRange;
            return this;

        /** Sets the supported min/max Fahrenheit range for the {@link CabinTemperatureProfile}. */
        public @NonNull Builder setSupportedMinMaxFahrenheitRange(
                @NonNull Pair<Float, Float> supportedMinMaxFahrenheitRange) {
            mSupportedMinMaxFahrenheitRange = supportedMinMaxFahrenheitRange;
            return this;

        /** Sets the car zone to Celsius range mapping for the
         *  {@link CabinTemperatureProfile}. */
        public @NonNull Builder setCarZoneSetsToCabinCelsiusTemperatureRanges(
                @NonNull Map<Set<CarZone>, Pair<Float, Float>>
                        carZoneSetsToCabinCelsiusTemperatureRanges) {
            mCarZoneSetsToCabinCelsiusTemperatureRanges =
            return this;

        /** Sets the supported Celsius increment for the {@link CabinTemperatureProfile}. */
        public @NonNull Builder setCelsiusSupportedIncrement(
                float celsiusSupportedIncrement) {
            mCelsiusSupportedIncrement = celsiusSupportedIncrement;
            return this;

        /** Sets the supported Fahrenheit increment for the {@link CabinTemperatureProfile}. */
        public @NonNull Builder setFahrenheitSupportedIncrement(
                float fahrenheitSupportedIncrement) {
            mFahrenheitSupportedIncrement = fahrenheitSupportedIncrement;
            return this;
        /** Creates an instance of builder. */
        public Builder() {};

        /** Create a CabinTemperatureProfile. */
        public CabinTemperatureProfile build() {
            return new CabinTemperatureProfile(this);
