public class


extends java.lang.Object

implements StopEngine



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.constraintlayout', name: 'constraintlayout-core', version: '1.1.0-alpha01'

  • groupId: androidx.constraintlayout
  • artifactId: constraintlayout-core
  • version: 1.1.0-alpha01

Artifact androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout-core:1.1.0-alpha01 it located at Google repository (


This contains the class to provide the logic for an animation to come to a stop. The setup defines a series of velocity gradients that gets to the desired position ending at 0 velocity. The path is computed such that the velocities are continuous



public voidconfig(float currentPos, float destination, float currentVelocity, float maxTime, float maxAcceleration, float maxVelocity)

public java.lang.Stringdebug(java.lang.String desc, float time)

Debugging logic to log the state.

public floatgetInterpolation(float v)

public floatgetVelocity()

public floatgetVelocity(float x)

public booleanisStopped()

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public StopLogicEngine()


public java.lang.String debug(java.lang.String desc, float time)

Debugging logic to log the state.


desc: Description to pre append
time: Time during animation


string useful for debugging the state of the StopLogic

public float getVelocity(float x)

public void config(float currentPos, float destination, float currentVelocity, float maxTime, float maxAcceleration, float maxVelocity)

public float getInterpolation(float v)

public float getVelocity()

public boolean isStopped()


 * Copyright (C) 2020 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.constraintlayout.core.motion.utils;

 * This contains the class to provide the logic for an animation to come to a stop.
 * The setup defines a series of velocity gradients that gets to the desired position
 * ending at 0 velocity.
 * The path is computed such that the velocities are continuous
 * @DoNotShow
public class StopLogicEngine implements StopEngine {
    // the velocity at the start of each period
    private float mStage1Velocity, mStage2Velocity, mStage3Velocity;
    private float mStage1Duration, mStage2Duration, mStage3Duration; // the time for each period
    private float mStage1EndPosition, mStage2EndPosition, mStage3EndPosition; // ending position
    private int mNumberOfStages;
    private String mType;
    private boolean mBackwards = false;
    private float mStartPosition;
    private float mLastPosition;
    private boolean mDone = false;
    private static final float EPSILON = 0.00001f;

     * Debugging logic to log the state.
     * @param desc Description to pre append
     * @param time Time during animation
     * @return string useful for debugging the state of the StopLogic
    public String debug(String desc, float time) {
        String ret = desc + " ===== " + mType + "\n";
        ret += desc + (mBackwards ? "backwards" : "forward ")
                + " time = " + time + "  stages " + mNumberOfStages + "\n";
        ret += desc + " dur " + mStage1Duration + " vel "
                + mStage1Velocity + " pos " + mStage1EndPosition + "\n";

        if (mNumberOfStages > 1) {
            ret += desc + " dur " + mStage2Duration + " vel "
                    + mStage2Velocity + " pos " + mStage2EndPosition + "\n";

        if (mNumberOfStages > 2) {
            ret += desc + " dur " + mStage3Duration + " vel "
                    + mStage3Velocity + " pos " + mStage3EndPosition + "\n";

        if (time <= mStage1Duration) {
            ret += desc + "stage 0" + "\n";
            return ret;
        if (mNumberOfStages == 1) {
            ret += desc + "end stage 0" + "\n";
            return ret;
        time -= mStage1Duration;
        if (time < mStage2Duration) {

            ret += desc + " stage 1" + "\n";
            return ret;
        if (mNumberOfStages == 2) {
            ret += desc + "end stage 1" + "\n";
            return ret;
        time -= mStage2Duration;
        if (time < mStage3Duration) {

            ret += desc + " stage 2" + "\n";
            return ret;
        ret += desc + " end stage 2" + "\n";
        return ret;

     * @TODO: add description
    public float getVelocity(float x) {
        if (x <= mStage1Duration) {
            return mStage1Velocity + (mStage2Velocity - mStage1Velocity) * x / (mStage1Duration);
        if (mNumberOfStages == 1) {
            return 0;
        x -= mStage1Duration;
        if (x < mStage2Duration) {

            return mStage2Velocity + (mStage3Velocity - mStage2Velocity) * x / (mStage2Duration);
        if (mNumberOfStages == 2) {
            return mStage2EndPosition;
        x -= mStage2Duration;
        if (x < mStage3Duration) {

            return mStage3Velocity - mStage3Velocity * x / (mStage3Duration);
        return mStage3EndPosition;

    private float calcY(float time) {
        mDone = false;
        if (time <= mStage1Duration) {
            return mStage1Velocity * time + (mStage2Velocity - mStage1Velocity)
                    * time * time / (2 * mStage1Duration);
        if (mNumberOfStages == 1) {
            return mStage1EndPosition;
        time -= mStage1Duration;
        if (time < mStage2Duration) {

            return mStage1EndPosition + mStage2Velocity * time
                    + (mStage3Velocity - mStage2Velocity) * time * time / (2 * mStage2Duration);
        if (mNumberOfStages == 2) {
            return mStage2EndPosition;
        time -= mStage2Duration;
        if (time <= mStage3Duration) {

            return mStage2EndPosition + mStage3Velocity
                    * time - mStage3Velocity * time * time / (2 * mStage3Duration);
        mDone = true;
        return mStage3EndPosition;

     * @TODO: add description
    public void config(float currentPos, float destination, float currentVelocity,
            float maxTime, float maxAcceleration, float maxVelocity) {
        mDone = false;
        mStartPosition = currentPos;
        mBackwards = (currentPos > destination);
        if (mBackwards) {
            setup(-currentVelocity, currentPos - destination,
                    maxAcceleration, maxVelocity, maxTime);
        } else {
            setup(currentVelocity, destination - currentPos, maxAcceleration, maxVelocity, maxTime);

     * @TODO: add description
    public float getInterpolation(float v) {
        float y = calcY(v);
        mLastPosition = v;
        return (mBackwards) ? mStartPosition - y : mStartPosition + y;

    public float getVelocity() {
        return (mBackwards) ? -getVelocity(mLastPosition) : getVelocity(mLastPosition);

    public boolean isStopped() {
        return getVelocity() < EPSILON && Math.abs(mStage3EndPosition - mLastPosition) < EPSILON;

    private void setup(float velocity, float distance, float maxAcceleration, float maxVelocity,
            float maxTime) {
        mDone = false;
        if (velocity == 0) {
            velocity = 0.0001f;
        this.mStage1Velocity = velocity;
        float min_time_to_stop = velocity / maxAcceleration;
        float stopDistance = min_time_to_stop * velocity / 2;

        if (velocity < 0) { // backward
            float timeToZeroVelocity = (-velocity) / maxAcceleration;
            float reversDistanceTraveled = timeToZeroVelocity * velocity / 2;
            float totalDistance = distance - reversDistanceTraveled;
            float peak_v = (float) Math.sqrt(maxAcceleration * totalDistance);
            if (peak_v < maxVelocity) { // accelerate then decelerate
                mType = "backward accelerate, decelerate";
                this.mNumberOfStages = 2;
                this.mStage1Velocity = velocity;
                this.mStage2Velocity = peak_v;
                this.mStage3Velocity = 0;
                this.mStage1Duration = (peak_v - velocity) / maxAcceleration;
                this.mStage2Duration = peak_v / maxAcceleration;
                this.mStage1EndPosition = (velocity + peak_v) * this.mStage1Duration / 2;
                this.mStage2EndPosition = distance;
                this.mStage3EndPosition = distance;
            mType = "backward accelerate cruse decelerate";
            this.mNumberOfStages = 3;
            this.mStage1Velocity = velocity;
            this.mStage2Velocity = maxVelocity;
            this.mStage3Velocity = maxVelocity;

            this.mStage1Duration = (maxVelocity - velocity) / maxAcceleration;
            this.mStage3Duration = maxVelocity / maxAcceleration;
            float accDist = (velocity + maxVelocity) * this.mStage1Duration / 2;
            float decDist = (maxVelocity * this.mStage3Duration) / 2;
            this.mStage2Duration = (distance - accDist - decDist) / maxVelocity;
            this.mStage1EndPosition = accDist;
            this.mStage2EndPosition = (distance - decDist);
            this.mStage3EndPosition = distance;

        if (stopDistance >= distance) { // we cannot make it hit the breaks.
            // we do a force hard stop
            mType = "hard stop";
            float time = 2 * distance / velocity;
            this.mNumberOfStages = 1;
            this.mStage1Velocity = velocity;
            this.mStage2Velocity = 0;
            this.mStage1EndPosition = distance;
            this.mStage1Duration = time;

        float distance_before_break = distance - stopDistance;
        float cruseTime = distance_before_break / velocity; // do we just Cruse then stop?
        if (cruseTime + min_time_to_stop < maxTime) { // close enough maintain v then break
            mType = "cruse decelerate";
            this.mNumberOfStages = 2;
            this.mStage1Velocity = velocity;
            this.mStage2Velocity = velocity;
            this.mStage3Velocity = 0;
            this.mStage1EndPosition = distance_before_break;
            this.mStage2EndPosition = distance;
            this.mStage1Duration = cruseTime;
            this.mStage2Duration = velocity / maxAcceleration;

        float peak_v = (float) Math.sqrt(maxAcceleration * distance + velocity * velocity / 2);
        this.mStage1Duration = (peak_v - velocity) / maxAcceleration;
        this.mStage2Duration = peak_v / maxAcceleration;
        if (peak_v < maxVelocity) { // accelerate then decelerate
            mType = "accelerate decelerate";
            this.mNumberOfStages = 2;
            this.mStage1Velocity = velocity;
            this.mStage2Velocity = peak_v;
            this.mStage3Velocity = 0;
            this.mStage1Duration = (peak_v - velocity) / maxAcceleration;
            this.mStage2Duration = peak_v / maxAcceleration;
            this.mStage1EndPosition = (velocity + peak_v) * this.mStage1Duration / 2;
            this.mStage2EndPosition = distance;

        mType = "accelerate cruse decelerate";
        // accelerate, cruse then decelerate
        this.mNumberOfStages = 3;
        this.mStage1Velocity = velocity;
        this.mStage2Velocity = maxVelocity;
        this.mStage3Velocity = maxVelocity;

        this.mStage1Duration = (maxVelocity - velocity) / maxAcceleration;
        this.mStage3Duration = maxVelocity / maxAcceleration;
        float accDist = (velocity + maxVelocity) * this.mStage1Duration / 2;
        float decDist = (maxVelocity * this.mStage3Duration) / 2;

        this.mStage2Duration = (distance - accDist - decDist) / maxVelocity;
        this.mStage1EndPosition = accDist;
        this.mStage2EndPosition = (distance - decDist);
        this.mStage3EndPosition = distance;