public class


extends VirtualLayout

Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.constraintlayout', name: 'constraintlayout-core', version: '1.1.0-beta01'

  • groupId: androidx.constraintlayout
  • artifactId: constraintlayout-core
  • version: 1.1.0-beta01

Artifact androidx.constraintlayout:constraintlayout-core:1.1.0-beta01 it located at Google repository (


The Grid Helper in the Core library that helps to enable Grid in Compose


public static final intHORIZONTAL

public static final intSPANS_RESPECT_WIDGET_ORDER

public static final intSUB_GRID_BY_COL_ROW

public static final intVERTICAL

from VirtualLayoutmMeasure
from HelperWidgetmWidgets[], mWidgetsCount
from ConstraintWidgetANCHOR_BASELINE, ANCHOR_BOTTOM, ANCHOR_LEFT, ANCHOR_RIGHT, ANCHOR_TOP, BOTH, CHAIN_PACKED, CHAIN_SPREAD, CHAIN_SPREAD_INSIDE, DEFAULT_BIAS, DIRECT, frame, GONE, horizontalChainRun, horizontalGroup, INVISIBLE, isTerminalWidget[], mAnchors, MATCH_CONSTRAINT_PERCENT, MATCH_CONSTRAINT_RATIO, MATCH_CONSTRAINT_RATIO_RESOLVED, MATCH_CONSTRAINT_SPREAD, MATCH_CONSTRAINT_WRAP, mBaseline, mBottom, mCenter, mCircleConstraintAngle, mDimensionRatio, mDimensionRatioSide, measured, mHorizontalResolution, mHorizontalRun, mIsHeightWrapContent, mIsWidthWrapContent, mLeft, mListAnchors[], mListDimensionBehaviors[], mListNextMatchConstraintsWidget[], mMatchConstraintDefaultHeight, mMatchConstraintDefaultWidth, mMatchConstraintMaxHeight, mMatchConstraintMaxWidth, mMatchConstraintMinHeight, mMatchConstraintMinWidth, mMatchConstraintPercentHeight, mMatchConstraintPercentWidth, mMinHeight, mMinWidth, mNextChainWidget[], mOffsetX, mOffsetY, mParent, mResolvedMatchConstraintDefault[], mRight, mTop, mVerticalResolution, mVerticalRun, mWeight[], mX, mY, run[], SOLVER, stringId, UNKNOWN, verticalChainRun, verticalGroup, VISIBLE, WRAP_BEHAVIOR_HORIZONTAL_ONLY, WRAP_BEHAVIOR_INCLUDED, WRAP_BEHAVIOR_SKIPPED, WRAP_BEHAVIOR_VERTICAL_ONLY

publicGridCore(int rows, int columns)

public voidaddToSolver(LinearSystem system, boolean optimize)

Add this widget to the solver

public java.lang.StringgetColumnWeights()

get the string value of columnWeights

public ConstraintWidgetContainergetContainer()

get the parent ConstraintWidgetContainer

public intgetFlags()

Get all the flags of a Grid

public floatgetHorizontalGaps()

get the value of horizontalGaps

public intgetOrientation()

get the value of orientation

public java.lang.StringgetRowWeights()

get the string value of rowWeights

public floatgetVerticalGaps()

get the value of verticalGaps

public voidmeasure(int widthMode, int widthSize, int heightMode, int heightSize)

public voidsetColumns(int columns)

set new columns value

public voidsetColumnWeights(java.lang.String columnWeights)

set new columnWeights value and also invoke invalidate

public voidsetContainer(ConstraintWidgetContainer container)

Set the parent ConstraintWidgetContainer

public voidsetFlags(int flags)

Set flags of a Grid

public voidsetHorizontalGaps(float horizontalGaps)

set new horizontalGaps value and also invoke invalidate

public voidsetOrientation(int orientation)

set new orientation value

public voidsetRows(int rows)

set new rows value

public voidsetRowWeights(java.lang.String rowWeights)

set new rowWeights value and also invoke invalidate

public voidsetSkips(java.lang.String skips)

set new skips value

public voidsetSpans(java.lang.CharSequence spans)

set new spans value

public voidsetVerticalGaps(float verticalGaps)

set new verticalGaps value and also invoke invalidate

from VirtualLayoutapplyRtl, captureWidgets, contains, getMeasuredHeight, getMeasuredWidth, getPaddingBottom, getPaddingLeft, getPaddingRight, getPaddingTop, measure, measureChildren, needsCallbackFromSolver, needSolverPass, setMeasure, setPadding, setPaddingBottom, setPaddingEnd, setPaddingLeft, setPaddingRight, setPaddingStart, setPaddingTop, updateConstraints
from HelperWidgetadd, addDependents, copy, findGroupInDependents, removeAllIds
from ConstraintWidgetaddChildrenToSolverByDependency, allowedInBarrier, connect, connect, connect, connectCircularConstraint, createObjectVariables, ensureMeasureRequested, ensureWidgetRuns, getAnchor, getAnchors, getBaselineDistance, getBiasPercent, getBottom, getCompanionWidget, getContainerItemSkip, getDebugName, getDimensionBehaviour, getDimensionRatio, getDimensionRatioSide, getHasBaseline, getHeight, getHorizontalBiasPercent, getHorizontalChainControlWidget, getHorizontalChainStyle, getHorizontalDimensionBehaviour, getHorizontalMargin, getLastHorizontalMeasureSpec, getLastVerticalMeasureSpec, getLeft, getLength, getMaxHeight, getMaxWidth, getMinHeight, getMinWidth, getNextChainMember, getOptimizerWrapHeight, getOptimizerWrapWidth, getParent, getPreviousChainMember, getRight, getRootX, getRootY, getRun, getSceneString, getTop, getType, getVerticalBiasPercent, getVerticalChainControlWidget, getVerticalChainStyle, getVerticalDimensionBehaviour, getVerticalMargin, getVisibility, getWidth, getWrapBehaviorInParent, getX, getY, hasBaseline, hasDanglingDimension, hasDependencies, hasDimensionOverride, hasResolvedTargets, immediateConnect, isAnimated, isHeightWrapContent, isHorizontalSolvingPassDone, isInBarrier, isInHorizontalChain, isInPlaceholder, isInVerticalChain, isInVirtualLayout, isMeasureRequested, isResolvedHorizontally, isResolvedVertically, isRoot, isSpreadHeight, isSpreadWidth, isVerticalSolvingPassDone, isWidthWrapContent, markHorizontalSolvingPassDone, markVerticalSolvingPassDone, oppositeDimensionDependsOn, oppositeDimensionsTied, reset, resetAllConstraints, resetAnchor, resetAnchors, resetFinalResolution, resetSolverVariables, resetSolvingPassFlag, serialize, setAnimated, setBaselineDistance, setCompanionWidget, setContainerItemSkip, setDebugName, setDebugSolverName, setDimension, setDimensionRatio, setDimensionRatio, setFinalBaseline, setFinalFrame, setFinalHorizontal, setFinalLeft, setFinalTop, setFinalVertical, setFrame, setFrame, setGoneMargin, setHasBaseline, setHeight, setHeightWrapContent, setHorizontalBiasPercent, setHorizontalChainStyle, setHorizontalDimension, setHorizontalDimensionBehaviour, setHorizontalMatchStyle, setHorizontalWeight, setInBarrier, setInPlaceholder, setInVirtualLayout, setLastMeasureSpec, setLength, setMaxHeight, setMaxWidth, setMeasureRequested, setMinHeight, setMinWidth, setOffset, setOrigin, setParent, setType, setupDimensionRatio, setVerticalBiasPercent, setVerticalChainStyle, setVerticalDimension, setVerticalDimensionBehaviour, setVerticalMatchStyle, setVerticalWeight, setVisibility, setWidth, setWidthWrapContent, setWrapBehaviorInParent, setX, setY, toString, updateFromRuns, updateFromSolver
from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait


public static final int HORIZONTAL

public static final int VERTICAL

public static final int SUB_GRID_BY_COL_ROW

public static final int SPANS_RESPECT_WIDGET_ORDER


public GridCore()

public GridCore(int rows, int columns)


public ConstraintWidgetContainer getContainer()

get the parent ConstraintWidgetContainer


the parent ConstraintWidgetContainer

public void setContainer(ConstraintWidgetContainer container)

Set the parent ConstraintWidgetContainer


container: the parent ConstraintWidgetContainer

public void setSpans(java.lang.CharSequence spans)

set new spans value


spans: new spans value

public void setSkips(java.lang.String skips)

set new skips value


skips: new spans value

public float getHorizontalGaps()

get the value of horizontalGaps


the value of horizontalGaps

public void setHorizontalGaps(float horizontalGaps)

set new horizontalGaps value and also invoke invalidate


horizontalGaps: new horizontalGaps value

public float getVerticalGaps()

get the value of verticalGaps


the value of verticalGaps

public void setVerticalGaps(float verticalGaps)

set new verticalGaps value and also invoke invalidate


verticalGaps: new verticalGaps value

public java.lang.String getRowWeights()

get the string value of rowWeights


the string value of rowWeights

public void setRowWeights(java.lang.String rowWeights)

set new rowWeights value and also invoke invalidate


rowWeights: new rowWeights value

public java.lang.String getColumnWeights()

get the string value of columnWeights


the string value of columnWeights

public void setColumnWeights(java.lang.String columnWeights)

set new columnWeights value and also invoke invalidate


columnWeights: new columnWeights value

public int getOrientation()

get the value of orientation


the value of orientation

public void setOrientation(int orientation)

set new orientation value


orientation: new orientation value

public void setRows(int rows)

set new rows value


rows: new rows value

public void setColumns(int columns)

set new columns value


columns: new rows value

public int getFlags()

Get all the flags of a Grid


an int value containing flag information

public void setFlags(int flags)

Set flags of a Grid


flags: an int value containing flag information

public void measure(int widthMode, int widthSize, int heightMode, int heightSize)

public void addToSolver(LinearSystem system, boolean optimize)

Add this widget to the solver


system: the solver we want to add the widget to
optimize: true if Optimizer.OPTIMIZATION_GRAPH is on


 * Copyright (C) 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.constraintlayout.core.utils;

import static androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidget.DimensionBehaviour.MATCH_CONSTRAINT;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.LinearSystem;
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidget;
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.ConstraintWidgetContainer;
import androidx.constraintlayout.core.widgets.VirtualLayout;

import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Set;

 * The Grid Helper in the Core library that helps to enable Grid in Compose
public class GridCore extends VirtualLayout {
    // TODO: Handle padding from VirtualLayout. It should represent the padding applied around the
    //  Grid itself. Usually decreasing its size.

    public static final int HORIZONTAL = 0;
    public static final int VERTICAL = 1;

    // Flags using incremental bit positions
    public static final int SUB_GRID_BY_COL_ROW = 1;
    public static final int SPANS_RESPECT_WIDGET_ORDER = 2;

    private static final int DEFAULT_SIZE = 3; // default rows and columns.
    private static final int MAX_ROWS = 50; // maximum number of rows can be specified.
    private static final int MAX_COLUMNS = 50; // maximum number of columns can be specified.

     * Container for all the ConstraintWidgets
    ConstraintWidgetContainer mContainer;

     * boxWidgets were created as anchor points for arranging the associated widgets
    private ConstraintWidget[] mBoxWidgets;

     * Check if skips/spans of a Row or a Columns is handled
    private boolean mExtraSpaceHandled = false;

     * number of rows of the grid
    private int mRows;

     * number of rows set by the JSON or API
    private int mRowsSet;

     * number of columns of the grid
    private int mColumns;

     * number of columns set by the XML or API
    private int mColumnsSet;

     * Horizontal gaps in Dp
    private float mHorizontalGaps;

     * Vertical gaps in Dp
    private float mVerticalGaps;

     * string format of the row weight
    private String mRowWeights;

     * string format of the column weight
    private String mColumnWeights;

     * string format of the input Spans
    private String mSpans;

     * string format of the input Skips
    private String mSkips;

     * orientation of the widget arrangement - vertical or horizontal
    private int mOrientation;

     * Indicates what is the next available position to place a widget
    private int mNextAvailableIndex = 0;

     * A boolean matrix that tracks the positions that are occupied by skips and spans
     * true: available position
     * false: non-available position
    private boolean[][] mPositionMatrix;

     * Store the widget ids of handled spans
    Set<String> mSpanIds = new HashSet<>();

     * A int matrix that contains the positions where a widget would constraint to at each direction
     * Each row contains 4 values that indicate the position to constraint of a widget.
     * Example row: [left, top, right, bottom]
    private int[][] mConstraintMatrix;

     * An int value containing flag information.
    private int mFlags;

     * A int matrix to store the span related information
    private int[][] mSpanMatrix;

     * Index specify the next span to be handled.
    private int mSpanIndex = 0;

    public GridCore() {

    public GridCore(int rows, int columns) {
        mRowsSet = rows;
        mColumnsSet = columns;
        if (rows > MAX_ROWS) {
            mRowsSet = DEFAULT_SIZE;

        if (columns > MAX_COLUMNS) {
            mColumnsSet = DEFAULT_SIZE;


     * get the parent ConstraintWidgetContainer
     * @return the parent ConstraintWidgetContainer
    public ConstraintWidgetContainer getContainer() {
        return mContainer;

     * Set the parent ConstraintWidgetContainer
     * @param container the parent ConstraintWidgetContainer
    public void setContainer(@NonNull ConstraintWidgetContainer container) {
        mContainer = container;

     * set new spans value
     * @param spans new spans value
    public void setSpans(@NonNull CharSequence spans) {
        if (mSpans != null && mSpans.equals(spans.toString())) {
        mExtraSpaceHandled = false;
        mSpans = spans.toString();

     * set new skips value
     * @param skips new spans value
    public void setSkips(@NonNull String skips) {
        if (mSkips != null && mSkips.equals(skips)) {
        mExtraSpaceHandled = false;
        mSkips = skips;


     * get the value of horizontalGaps
     * @return the value of horizontalGaps
    public float getHorizontalGaps() {
        return mHorizontalGaps;

     * set new horizontalGaps value and also invoke invalidate
     * @param horizontalGaps new horizontalGaps value
    public void setHorizontalGaps(float horizontalGaps) {
        if (horizontalGaps < 0) {

        if (mHorizontalGaps == horizontalGaps) {

        mHorizontalGaps = horizontalGaps;

     * get the value of verticalGaps
     * @return the value of verticalGaps
    public float getVerticalGaps() {
        return mVerticalGaps;

     * set new verticalGaps value and also invoke invalidate
     * @param verticalGaps new verticalGaps value
    public void setVerticalGaps(float verticalGaps) {
        if (verticalGaps < 0) {

        if (mVerticalGaps == verticalGaps) {

        mVerticalGaps = verticalGaps;

     * get the string value of rowWeights
     * @return the string value of rowWeights
    public String getRowWeights() {
        return mRowWeights;

     * set new rowWeights value and also invoke invalidate
     * @param rowWeights new rowWeights value
    public void setRowWeights(@NonNull String rowWeights) {
        if (mRowWeights != null && mRowWeights.equals(rowWeights)) {

        mRowWeights = rowWeights;

     * get the string value of columnWeights
     * @return the string value of columnWeights
    public String getColumnWeights() {
        return mColumnWeights;

     * set new columnWeights value and also invoke invalidate
     * @param columnWeights new columnWeights value
    public void setColumnWeights(@NonNull String columnWeights) {
        if (mColumnWeights != null && mColumnWeights.equals(columnWeights)) {

        mColumnWeights = columnWeights;

     * get the value of orientation
     * @return the value of orientation
    public int getOrientation() {
        return mOrientation;

     * set new orientation value
     * @param orientation new orientation value
    public void setOrientation(int orientation) {
        if (!(orientation == HORIZONTAL || orientation == VERTICAL)) {

        if (mOrientation == orientation) {

        mOrientation = orientation;

     * set new rows value
     * @param rows new rows value
    public void setRows(int rows) {
        if (rows > MAX_ROWS) {

        if (mRowsSet == rows) {

        mRowsSet = rows;

     * set new columns value
     * @param columns new rows value
    public void setColumns(int columns) {
        if (columns > MAX_COLUMNS) {

        if (mColumnsSet == columns) {

        mColumnsSet = columns;

     * Get all the flags of a Grid
     * @return an int value containing flag information
    public int getFlags() {
        return mFlags;

     * Set flags of a Grid
     * @param flags an int value containing flag information
    public void setFlags(int flags) {
        mFlags = flags;

     * Handle the span use cases
     * @param spansMatrix a int matrix that contains span information
    private void handleSpans(int[][] spansMatrix) {
        if (isSpansRespectWidgetOrder()) {

        for (int i = 0; i < spansMatrix.length; i++) {
            int row = getRowByIndex(spansMatrix[i][0]);
            int col = getColByIndex(spansMatrix[i][0]);
            if (!invalidatePositions(row, col,
                    spansMatrix[i][1], spansMatrix[i][2])) {
            connectWidget(mWidgets[i], row, col,
                    spansMatrix[i][1], spansMatrix[i][2]);

     * Arrange the widgets in the constraint_referenced_ids
    private void arrangeWidgets() {
        int position;

        // @TODO handle RTL
        for (int i = 0; i < mWidgetsCount; i++) {
            if (mSpanIds.contains(mWidgets[i].stringId)) {
                // skip the widget Id that's already handled by handleSpans

            position = getNextPosition();
            int row = getRowByIndex(position);
            int col = getColByIndex(position);
            if (position == -1) {
                // no more available position.

            if (isSpansRespectWidgetOrder() && mSpanMatrix != null) {
                if (mSpanIndex < mSpanMatrix.length && mSpanMatrix[mSpanIndex][0] == position) {
                    // when invoke getNextPosition this position would be set to false
                    mPositionMatrix[row][col] = true;
                    // if there is not enough space to constrain the span, don't do it.
                    if (!invalidatePositions(row, col,
                            mSpanMatrix[mSpanIndex][1], mSpanMatrix[mSpanIndex][2])) {
                    connectWidget(mWidgets[i], row, col,
                            mSpanMatrix[mSpanIndex][1], mSpanMatrix[mSpanIndex][2]);
            connectWidget(mWidgets[i], row, col, 1, 1);

     * generate the Grid form based on the input attributes
     * @param isUpdate whether to update the existing grid (true) or create a new one (false)
    private void setupGrid(boolean isUpdate) {
        if (mRows < 1 || mColumns < 1) {

        if (isUpdate) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mPositionMatrix.length; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < mPositionMatrix[0].length; j++) {
                    mPositionMatrix[i][j] = true;

        mNextAvailableIndex = 0;

        if (mSkips != null && !mSkips.trim().isEmpty()) {
            int[][] mSkips = parseSpans(this.mSkips, false);
            if (mSkips != null) {

        if (mSpans != null && !mSpans.trim().isEmpty()) {
            mSpanMatrix = parseSpans(this.mSpans, true);

        // Need to create boxes before handleSpans since the spanned widgets would be
        // constrained in this step.

        if (mSpanMatrix != null) {

     * Convert a 1D index to a 2D index that has index for row
     * @param index index in 1D
     * @return row as its values.
    private int getRowByIndex(int index) {
        if (mOrientation == 1) {
            return index % mRows;

        } else {
            return index / mColumns;

     * Convert a 1D index to a 2D index that has index for column
     * @param index index in 1D
     * @return column as its values.
    private int getColByIndex(int index) {
        if (mOrientation == 1) {
            return index / mRows;
        } else {
            return index % mColumns;

     * Make positions in the grid unavailable based on the skips attr
     * @param skipsMatrix a int matrix that contains skip information
    private void handleSkips(int[][] skipsMatrix) {
        for (int[] matrix : skipsMatrix) {
            int row = getRowByIndex(matrix[0]);
            int col = getColByIndex(matrix[0]);
            if (!invalidatePositions(row, col,
                    matrix[1], matrix[2])) {

     * Make the specified positions in the grid unavailable.
     * @param startRow the row of the staring position
     * @param startColumn the column of the staring position
     * @param rowSpan how many rows to span
     * @param columnSpan how many columns to span
     * @return true if we could properly invalidate the positions else false
    private boolean invalidatePositions(int startRow, int startColumn,
                                        int rowSpan, int columnSpan) {
        for (int i = startRow; i < startRow + rowSpan; i++) {
            for (int j = startColumn; j < startColumn + columnSpan; j++) {
                if (i >= mPositionMatrix.length || j >= mPositionMatrix[0].length
                        || !mPositionMatrix[i][j]) {
                    // the position is already occupied.
                    return false;
                mPositionMatrix[i][j] = false;
        return true;

     * Parse the weights/pads in the string format into a float array. Note that weight are
     * normally expected to match the size. But in case they don't, we trim or pad the weight with
     * trailing 1 to match the expected size.
     * @param size size of the return array
     * @param str  weights/pads in a string format
     * @return a float array with weights/pads values
    private float[] parseWeights(int size, String str) {
        if (str == null || str.trim().isEmpty()) {
            return null;

        String[] values = str.split(",");

        // Return array must be of the expected size, effectively trimming excess weights
        float[] arr = new float[size];
        for (int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {
            if (i < values.length) {
                try {
                    arr[i] = Float.parseFloat(values[i]);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    System.err.println("Error parsing `" + values[i] + "`: " + e.getMessage());
                    // Fallback to 1f.
                    arr[i] = 1f;
            } else {
                // Fill in missing weights with 1f
                arr[i] = 1f;
        return arr;

     * Get the next available position for widget arrangement.
     * @return int[] -> [row, column]
    private int getNextPosition() {
        int position = 0;
        boolean positionFound = false;

        while (!positionFound) {
            if (mNextAvailableIndex >= mRows * mColumns) {
                return -1;

            position = mNextAvailableIndex;
            int row = getRowByIndex(mNextAvailableIndex);
            int col = getColByIndex(mNextAvailableIndex);
            if (mPositionMatrix[row][col]) {
                mPositionMatrix[row][col] = false;
                positionFound = true;

        return position;

     * Compute the actual rows and columns given what was set
     * if 0,0 find the most square rows and columns that fits
     * if 0,n or n,0 scale to fit
    private void updateActualRowsAndColumns() {
        if (mRowsSet == 0 || mColumnsSet == 0) {
            if (mColumnsSet > 0) {
                mColumns = mColumnsSet;
                mRows = (mWidgetsCount + mColumns - 1) / mColumnsSet; // round up
            } else  if (mRowsSet > 0) {
                mRows = mRowsSet;
                mColumns = (mWidgetsCount + mRowsSet - 1) / mRowsSet; // round up
            } else { // as close to square as possible favoring more rows
                mRows = (int)  (1.5 + Math.sqrt(mWidgetsCount));
                mColumns = (mWidgetsCount + mRows - 1) / mRows;
        } else {
            mRows = mRowsSet;
            mColumns = mColumnsSet;

     * Create a new boxWidget for constraining widgets
     * @return the created boxWidget
    private ConstraintWidget makeNewWidget() {
        ConstraintWidget widget = new ConstraintWidget();
        widget.mListDimensionBehaviors[HORIZONTAL] = MATCH_CONSTRAINT;
        widget.mListDimensionBehaviors[VERTICAL] = MATCH_CONSTRAINT;
        widget.stringId = String.valueOf(widget.hashCode());
        return widget;

     * Connect the widget to the corresponding widgetBoxes based on the input params
     * @param widget the widget that we want to add constraints to
     * @param row    row position to place the widget
     * @param column column position to place the widget
    private void connectWidget(ConstraintWidget widget, int row, int column,
                               int rowSpan, int columnSpan) {
        // Connect the 4 sides
        widget.mLeft.connect(mBoxWidgets[column].mLeft, 0);
        widget.mTop.connect(mBoxWidgets[row].mTop, 0);
        widget.mRight.connect(mBoxWidgets[column + columnSpan - 1].mRight, 0);
        widget.mBottom.connect(mBoxWidgets[row + rowSpan - 1].mBottom, 0);

     * Set chain between boxWidget horizontally
    private void setBoxWidgetHorizontalChains() {
        int maxVal = Math.max(mRows, mColumns);

        ConstraintWidget widget = mBoxWidgets[0];
        float[] columnWeights = parseWeights(mColumns, mColumnWeights);
        // chain all the widgets on the longer side (either horizontal or vertical)
        if (mColumns == 1) {
            widget.mLeft.connect(mLeft, 0);
            widget.mRight.connect(mRight, 0);

        //  chains are grid <- box <-> box <-> box -> grid
        for (int i = 0; i < mColumns; i++) {
            widget = mBoxWidgets[i];
            if (columnWeights != null) {
            if (i > 0) {
                widget.mLeft.connect(mBoxWidgets[i - 1].mRight, 0);
            } else {
                widget.mLeft.connect(mLeft, 0);
            if (i < mColumns - 1) {
                widget.mRight.connect(mBoxWidgets[i + 1].mLeft, 0);
            } else {
                widget.mRight.connect(mRight, 0);
            if (i > 0) {
                widget.mLeft.mMargin = (int) mHorizontalGaps;
        // excess boxes are connected to grid those sides are not use
        // for efficiency they should be connected to parent
        for (int i = mColumns; i < maxVal; i++) {
            widget = mBoxWidgets[i];
            widget.mLeft.connect(mLeft, 0);
            widget.mRight.connect(mRight, 0);

     * Set chain between boxWidget vertically
    private void setBoxWidgetVerticalChains() {
        int maxVal = Math.max(mRows, mColumns);

        ConstraintWidget widget = mBoxWidgets[0];
        float[] rowWeights = parseWeights(mRows, mRowWeights);
        // chain all the widgets on the longer side (either horizontal or vertical)
        if (mRows == 1) {
            widget.mTop.connect(mTop, 0);
            widget.mBottom.connect(mBottom, 0);

        // chains are constrained like this: grid <- box <-> box <-> box -> grid
        for (int i = 0; i < mRows; i++) {
            widget = mBoxWidgets[i];
            if (rowWeights != null) {
            if (i > 0) {
                widget.mTop.connect(mBoxWidgets[i - 1].mBottom, 0);
            } else {
                widget.mTop.connect(mTop, 0);
            if (i < mRows - 1) {
                widget.mBottom.connect(mBoxWidgets[i + 1].mTop, 0);
            } else {
                widget.mBottom.connect(mBottom, 0);
            if (i > 0) {
                widget.mTop.mMargin = (int) mVerticalGaps;

        // excess boxes are connected to grid those sides are not use
        // for efficiency they should be connected to parent
        for (int i = mRows; i < maxVal; i++) {
            widget = mBoxWidgets[i];
            widget.mTop.connect(mTop, 0);
            widget.mBottom.connect(mBottom, 0);

     * Chains the boxWidgets and add constraints to the widgets
    private void addConstraints() {

     * Create all the boxWidgets that will be used to constrain widgets
    private void createBoxes() {
        int boxCount = Math.max(mRows, mColumns);
        if (mBoxWidgets == null) { // no box widgets build all
            mBoxWidgets = new ConstraintWidget[boxCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < mBoxWidgets.length; i++) {
                mBoxWidgets[i] = makeNewWidget(); // need to remove old Widgets
        } else {
            if (boxCount != mBoxWidgets.length) {
                ConstraintWidget[] temp = new ConstraintWidget[boxCount];
                for (int i = 0; i < boxCount; i++) {
                    if (i < mBoxWidgets.length) { // use old one
                        temp[i] = mBoxWidgets[i];
                    } else { // make new one
                        temp[i] = makeNewWidget();
                // remove excess
                for (int j = boxCount; j < mBoxWidgets.length; j++) {
                    ConstraintWidget widget = mBoxWidgets[j];
                mBoxWidgets = temp;

     * Clear the vertical related attributes
     * @param widget widget that has the attributes to be cleared
    private void clearVerticalAttributes(ConstraintWidget widget) {

     * Clear the horizontal related attributes
     * @param widget widget that has the attributes to be cleared
    private void clearHorizontalAttributes(ConstraintWidget widget) {

     * Initialize the relevant variables
    private void initVariables() {
        mPositionMatrix = new boolean[mRows][mColumns];
        for (boolean[] row : mPositionMatrix) {
            Arrays.fill(row, true);

        if (mWidgetsCount > 0) {
            mConstraintMatrix = new int[mWidgetsCount][4];
            for (int[] row : mConstraintMatrix) {
                Arrays.fill(row, -1);

     * parse the skips/spans in the string format into a int matrix
     * that each row has the information - [index, row_span, col_span]
     * the format of the input string is index:row_spanxcol_span.
     * index - the index of the starting position
     * row_span - the number of rows to span
     * col_span- the number of columns to span
     * @param str string format of skips or spans
     * @param isSpans whether is spans to be parsed (it is skips if not)
     * @return a int matrix that contains skip information.
    private int[][] parseSpans(String str, boolean isSpans) {
        try {
            int extraRows = 0;
            int extraColumns = 0;
            String[] spans = str.split(",");
            // Sort the spans by the position
            Arrays.sort(spans, (span1, span2) -> Integer.parseInt(span1.split(":")[0])
                    - Integer.parseInt(span2.split(":")[0]));
            int[][] spanMatrix = new int[spans.length][3];
            String[] indexAndSpan;
            if (mRows == 1 || mColumns == 1) {
                for (int i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
                    indexAndSpan = spans[i].trim().split(":");
                    spanMatrix[i][0] = Integer.parseInt(indexAndSpan[0]);
                    spanMatrix[i][1] = 1;
                    spanMatrix[i][2] = 1;

                    if (mColumns == 1) {
                        spanMatrix[i][1] = Integer.parseInt(indexAndSpan[1]);
                        extraRows += spanMatrix[i][1];
                        if (isSpans) {
                    if (mRows == 1) {
                        spanMatrix[i][2] = Integer.parseInt(indexAndSpan[1]);
                        extraColumns += spanMatrix[i][2];
                        if (isSpans) {

                if (extraRows != 0 && !mExtraSpaceHandled) {
                    this.setRows(mRows + extraRows);
                if (extraColumns != 0 && !mExtraSpaceHandled) {
                    this.setColumns(mColumns + extraColumns);
                mExtraSpaceHandled = true;
            } else {
                String[] rowAndCol;
                for (int i = 0; i < spans.length; i++) {
                    indexAndSpan = spans[i].trim().split(":");
                    rowAndCol = indexAndSpan[1].split("x");
                    spanMatrix[i][0] = Integer.parseInt(indexAndSpan[0]);
                    if (isSubGridByColRow()) {
                        spanMatrix[i][1] = Integer.parseInt(rowAndCol[1]);
                        spanMatrix[i][2] = Integer.parseInt(rowAndCol[0]);
                    } else {
                        spanMatrix[i][1] = Integer.parseInt(rowAndCol[0]);
                        spanMatrix[i][2] = Integer.parseInt(rowAndCol[1]);

            return spanMatrix;
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return null;

     * fill the constraintMatrix based on the input attributes
     * @param isUpdate whether to update the existing grid (true) or create a new one (false)
    private void fillConstraintMatrix(boolean isUpdate) {
        if (isUpdate) {
            for (int i = 0; i < mPositionMatrix.length; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < mPositionMatrix[0].length; j++) {
                    mPositionMatrix[i][j] = true;

            for (int i = 0; i < mConstraintMatrix.length; i++) {
                for (int j = 0; j < mConstraintMatrix[0].length; j++) {
                    mConstraintMatrix[i][j] = -1;

        mNextAvailableIndex = 0;

        if (mSkips != null && !mSkips.trim().isEmpty()) {
            int[][] mSkips = parseSpans(this.mSkips, false);
            if (mSkips != null) {

        if (mSpans != null && !mSpans.trim().isEmpty()) {
            int[][] mSpans = parseSpans(this.mSpans, true);
            if (mSpans != null) {

     * Set up the Grid engine.
    private void initMatrices() {
        boolean isUpdate = mConstraintMatrix != null
                && mConstraintMatrix.length == mWidgetsCount
                && mPositionMatrix != null
                && mPositionMatrix.length == mRows
                && mPositionMatrix[0].length == mColumns;

        if (!isUpdate) {


     * Flag to implicitly reverse the order of width/height specified in spans & skips.
     * E.g.: 1:3x2 is read as 1:2x3
    private boolean isSubGridByColRow() {
        return (mFlags & SUB_GRID_BY_COL_ROW) > 0;

     * Flag to respect the order of the Widgets when arranging for spans.
    private boolean isSpansRespectWidgetOrder() {
        return (mFlags & SPANS_RESPECT_WIDGET_ORDER) > 0;

    public void measure(int widthMode, int widthSize, int heightMode, int heightSize) {
        super.measure(widthMode, widthSize, heightMode, heightSize);
        mContainer = (ConstraintWidgetContainer) getParent();

    public void addToSolver(@Nullable LinearSystem system, boolean optimize) {
        super.addToSolver(system, optimize);