public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.core', name: 'core-location-altitude', version: '1.0.0-alpha02'

  • groupId: androidx.core
  • artifactId: core-location-altitude
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha02

Artifact androidx.core:core-location-altitude:1.0.0-alpha02 it located at Google repository (


Implements AltitudeConverterCompat.



Creates an instance that manages an independent cache to optimized conversions of locations in proximity to one another.

public voidaddMslAltitudeToLocation(Context context, Location location)

Implements AltitudeConverterCompat.addMslAltitudeToLocation(Context, Location).

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public AltitudeConverter()

Creates an instance that manages an independent cache to optimized conversions of locations in proximity to one another.


public void addMslAltitudeToLocation(Context context, Location location)

Implements AltitudeConverterCompat.addMslAltitudeToLocation(Context, Location).


 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.core.location.altitude.impl;

import android.content.Context;
import android.location.Location;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.core.location.LocationCompat;
import androidx.core.location.altitude.impl.proto.MapParamsProto;
import androidx.core.util.Preconditions;


/** Implements {@link androidx.core.location.altitude.AltitudeConverterCompat}. */
public final class AltitudeConverter {

    private static final double MAX_ABS_VALID_LATITUDE = 90;
    private static final double MAX_ABS_VALID_LONGITUDE = 180;

    /** Manages a mapping of geoid heights associated with S2 cells. */
    private final GeoidHeightMap mGeoidHeightMap = new GeoidHeightMap();

     * Creates an instance that manages an independent cache to optimized conversions of locations
     * in proximity to one another.
    public AltitudeConverter() {

     * Throws an {@link IllegalArgumentException} if the {@code location} has an invalid latitude,
     * longitude, or altitude above WGS84.
    private static void validate(@NonNull Location location) {
                isFiniteAndAtAbsMost(location.getLatitude(), MAX_ABS_VALID_LATITUDE),
                "Invalid latitude: %f", location.getLatitude());
                isFiniteAndAtAbsMost(location.getLongitude(), MAX_ABS_VALID_LONGITUDE),
                "Invalid longitude: %f", location.getLongitude());
        Preconditions.checkArgument(location.hasAltitude(), "Missing altitude above WGS84");
                "Invalid altitude above WGS84: %f", location.getAltitude());

    private static boolean isFiniteAndAtAbsMost(double value, double rhs) {
        return isFinite(value) && Math.abs(value) <= rhs;

    private static boolean isFinite(double value) {
        return !Double.isInfinite(value) && !Double.isNaN(value);

     * Returns the four S2 cell IDs for the map square associated with the {@code location}.
     * <p>The first map cell, denoted z11 in the appendix of the referenced paper below, contains
     * the location. The others are the map cells denoted z21, z12, and z22, in that order.
     * <p>Reference:
     * <pre>
     * Brian Julian and Michael Angermann.
     * "Resource efficient and accurate altitude conversion to Mean Sea Level."
     * 2023 IEEE/ION Position, Location and Navigation Symposium (PLANS).
     * </pre>
    private static long[] findMapSquare(@NonNull MapParamsProto params,
            @NonNull Location location) {
        long s2CellId =
                S2CellIdUtils.fromLatLngDegrees(location.getLatitude(), location.getLongitude());

        // Cell-space properties and coordinates.
        int sizeIj = 1 << (S2CellIdUtils.MAX_LEVEL - params.getMapS2Level());
        int maxIj = 1 << S2CellIdUtils.MAX_LEVEL;
        long z11 = S2CellIdUtils.getParent(s2CellId, params.getMapS2Level());
        int f11 = S2CellIdUtils.getFace(s2CellId);
        int i1 = S2CellIdUtils.getI(s2CellId);
        int j1 = S2CellIdUtils.getJ(s2CellId);
        int i2 = i1 + sizeIj;
        int j2 = j1 + sizeIj;

        // Non-boundary region calculation - simplest and most common case.
        if (i2 < maxIj && j2 < maxIj) {
            return new long[]{
                    S2CellIdUtils.getParent(S2CellIdUtils.fromFij(f11, i2, j1),
                    S2CellIdUtils.getParent(S2CellIdUtils.fromFij(f11, i1, j2),
                    S2CellIdUtils.getParent(S2CellIdUtils.fromFij(f11, i2, j2),

        // Boundary region calculation
        long[] edgeNeighbors = new long[4];
        S2CellIdUtils.getEdgeNeighbors(z11, edgeNeighbors);
        long z11W = edgeNeighbors[0];
        long z11S = edgeNeighbors[1];
        long z11E = edgeNeighbors[2];
        long z11N = edgeNeighbors[3];

        long[] otherEdgeNeighbors = new long[4];
        S2CellIdUtils.getEdgeNeighbors(z11W, otherEdgeNeighbors);
        S2CellIdUtils.getEdgeNeighbors(z11S, edgeNeighbors);
        long z11SW = findCommonNeighbor(edgeNeighbors, otherEdgeNeighbors, z11);
        S2CellIdUtils.getEdgeNeighbors(z11E, otherEdgeNeighbors);
        long z11SE = findCommonNeighbor(edgeNeighbors, otherEdgeNeighbors, z11);
        S2CellIdUtils.getEdgeNeighbors(z11N, edgeNeighbors);
        long z11NE = findCommonNeighbor(edgeNeighbors, otherEdgeNeighbors, z11);

        long z21 = (f11 % 2 == 1 && i2 >= maxIj) ? z11SW : z11S;
        long z12 = (f11 % 2 == 0 && j2 >= maxIj) ? z11NE : z11E;
        long z22 = (z21 == z11SW) ? z11S : (z12 == z11NE) ? z11E : z11SE;

        // Reuse edge neighbors' array to avoid an extra allocation.
        edgeNeighbors[0] = z11;
        edgeNeighbors[1] = z21;
        edgeNeighbors[2] = z12;
        edgeNeighbors[3] = z22;
        return edgeNeighbors;

     * Returns the first common non-z11 neighbor found between the two arrays of edge neighbors. If
     * such a common neighbor does not exist, returns z11.
    private static long findCommonNeighbor(
            @NonNull long[] edgeNeighbors, @NonNull long[] otherEdgeNeighbors, long z11) {
        for (long edgeNeighbor : edgeNeighbors) {
            if (edgeNeighbor == z11) {
            for (long otherEdgeNeighbor : otherEdgeNeighbors) {
                if (edgeNeighbor == otherEdgeNeighbor) {
                    return edgeNeighbor;
        return z11;

     * Adds to {@code location} the bilinearly interpolated Mean Sea Level altitude. In addition, a
     * Mean Sea Level altitude accuracy is added if the {@code location} has a valid vertical
     * accuracy; otherwise, does not add a corresponding accuracy.
    private static void addMslAltitude(@NonNull MapParamsProto params,
            @NonNull double[] geoidHeightsMeters, @NonNull Location location) {
        double h0 = geoidHeightsMeters[0];
        double h1 = geoidHeightsMeters[1];
        double h2 = geoidHeightsMeters[2];
        double h3 = geoidHeightsMeters[3];

        // Bilinear interpolation on an S2 square of size equal to that of a map cell. wi and wj
        // are the normalized [0,1] weights in the i and j directions, respectively, allowing us to
        // employ the simplified unit square formulation.
        long s2CellId = S2CellIdUtils.fromLatLngDegrees(location.getLatitude(),
        double sizeIj = 1 << (S2CellIdUtils.MAX_LEVEL - params.getMapS2Level());
        double wi = (S2CellIdUtils.getI(s2CellId) % sizeIj) / sizeIj;
        double wj = (S2CellIdUtils.getJ(s2CellId) % sizeIj) / sizeIj;
        double offsetMeters = h0 + (h1 - h0) * wi + (h2 - h0) * wj + (h3 - h1 - h2 + h0) * wi * wj;

        LocationCompat.setMslAltitudeMeters(location, location.getAltitude() - offsetMeters);
        if (LocationCompat.hasVerticalAccuracy(location)) {
            double verticalAccuracyMeters = LocationCompat.getVerticalAccuracyMeters(location);
            if (isFinite(verticalAccuracyMeters) && verticalAccuracyMeters >= 0) {
                        (float) Math.hypot(verticalAccuracyMeters, params.getModelRmseMeters()));

     * Implements
     * {@link androidx.core.location.altitude.AltitudeConverterCompat#addMslAltitudeToLocation(Context, Location)}.
    public void addMslAltitudeToLocation(@NonNull Context context, @NonNull Location location)
            throws IOException {
        MapParamsProto params = GeoidHeightMap.getParams(context);
        long[] s2CellIds = findMapSquare(params, location);
        double[] geoidHeightsMeters = mGeoidHeightMap.readGeoidHeights(params, context, s2CellIds);
        addMslAltitude(params, geoidHeightsMeters, location);