public class


extends java.lang.Object

implements KalmanPredictor



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.input', name: 'input-motionprediction', version: '1.0.0-beta04'

  • groupId: androidx.input
  • artifactId: input-motionprediction
  • version: 1.0.0-beta04

Artifact androidx.input:input-motionprediction:1.0.0-beta04 it located at Google repository (


publicSinglePointerPredictor(int strategy, int pointerId, int toolType)

Kalman based predictor, predicting the location of the pen `predictionTarget` milliseconds into the future.

protected MotionEventappendPredictedEvent(MotionEvent predictedEvent)

Append predicted event with samples where position and pressure are constant if predictor consumer expect more samples

public booleanonTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)

public MotionEventpredict(int predictionTargetMs)

public voidsetReportRate(int reportRateMs)

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public SinglePointerPredictor(int strategy, int pointerId, int toolType)

Kalman based predictor, predicting the location of the pen `predictionTarget` milliseconds into the future.

This filter can provide solid prediction up to 25ms into the future. If you are not achieving close-to-zero latency, prediction errors can be more visible and the target should be reduced to 20ms.


public void setReportRate(int reportRateMs)

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent event)

public MotionEvent predict(int predictionTargetMs)

protected MotionEvent appendPredictedEvent(MotionEvent predictedEvent)

Append predicted event with samples where position and pressure are constant if predictor consumer expect more samples




 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.input.motionprediction.kalman;

import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY;

import android.util.Log;
import android.view.MotionEvent;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.input.motionprediction.common.Configuration;
import androidx.input.motionprediction.kalman.matrix.DVector2;

import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

public class SinglePointerPredictor implements KalmanPredictor {
    private static final String TAG = "SinglePointerPredictor";

    // Influence of jank during each prediction sample
    private static final float JANK_INFLUENCE = 0.1f;

    // Influence of acceleration during each prediction sample
    private static final float ACCELERATION_INFLUENCE = 0.5f;

    // Influence of velocity during each prediction sample
    private static final float VELOCITY_INFLUENCE = 1.0f;

    // Range of jank values to expect.
    // Low value will use maximum prediction, high value will use no prediction.
    private static final float LOW_JANK = 0.02f;
    private static final float HIGH_JANK = 0.2f;
    private static final float ACCURATE_LOW_JANK = 0.1f;
    private static final float ACCURATE_HIGH_JANK = 0.2f;

    // Range of pen speed to expect (in dp / ms).
    // Low value will not use prediction, high value will use full prediction.
    private static final float LOW_SPEED = 0.0f;
    private static final float HIGH_SPEED = 2.0f;
    private static final float ACCURATE_LOW_SPEED = 0.0f;
    private static final float ACCURATE_HIGH_SPEED = 0.0f;

    private static final int EVENT_TIME_IGNORED_THRESHOLD_MS = 20;

    // Minimum number of Kalman filter samples needed for predicting the next point
    private static final int MIN_KALMAN_FILTER_ITERATIONS = 4;

    // The Kalman filter is tuned to smooth noise while maintaining fast reaction to direction
    // changes. The stronger the filter, the smoother the prediction result will be, at the
    // cost of possible prediction errors.
    private final PointerKalmanFilter mKalman = new PointerKalmanFilter(0.01, 1.0);

    private final DVector2 mLastPosition = new DVector2();
    private long mLastSeenEventTime;
    private long mLastPredictEventTime;
    private long mDownEventTime;
    private List<Float> mReportRates = new LinkedList<>();
    private int mExpectedPredictionSampleSize = -1;
    private float mReportRateMs = 0;

    private final DVector2 mPosition = new DVector2();
    private final DVector2 mVelocity = new DVector2();
    private final DVector2 mAcceleration = new DVector2();
    private final DVector2 mJank = new DVector2();

    /* pointer of the gesture that requires prediction */
    private int mPointerId;

    /* tool type of the gesture that requires prediction */
    private int mToolType;

    private double mPressure = 0;
    private double mLastOrientation = 0;
    private double mLastTilt = 0;

    private final boolean mPredictLift;
    private final int mStrategy;

     * Kalman based predictor, predicting the location of the pen `predictionTarget`
     * milliseconds into the future.
     * <p>This filter can provide solid prediction up to 25ms into the future. If you are not
     * achieving close-to-zero latency, prediction errors can be more visible and the target should
     * be reduced to 20ms.
    public SinglePointerPredictor(int strategy, int pointerId, int toolType) {
        mStrategy = strategy;
        mLastSeenEventTime = 0;
        mLastPredictEventTime = 0;
        mDownEventTime = 0;
        mPointerId = pointerId;
        mToolType = toolType;
        mPredictLift = Configuration.getInstance().predictLift();

    private void update(float x, float y, float pressure, float orientation,
            float tilt, long eventTime) {
        if (x == mLastPosition.a1
                && y == mLastPosition.a2
                && (eventTime <= (mLastSeenEventTime + EVENT_TIME_IGNORED_THRESHOLD_MS))) {
            // Reduce Kalman filter jank by ignoring input event with similar coordinates
            // and eventTime as previous input event.
            // This is particularly useful when multiple pointer are on screen as in this case the
            // application will receive simultaneously multiple ACTION_MOVE MotionEvent
            // where position on screen and eventTime is unchanged.
            // This behavior that happens only in ARC++ and is likely due to Chrome Aura
            // implementation.

        mKalman.update(x, y, pressure);
        mLastPosition.a1 = x;
        mLastPosition.a2 = y;
        mLastOrientation = orientation;
        mLastTilt = tilt;

        // Calculate average report rate over the first 20 samples. Most sensors will not
        // provide reliable timestamps and do not report at an even interval, so this is just
        // to be used as an estimate.
        if (mReportRates != null && mReportRates.size() < 20) {
            if (mLastSeenEventTime > 0) {
                float dt = eventTime - mLastSeenEventTime;
                float sum = 0;
                for (float rate : mReportRates) {
                    sum += rate;
                mReportRateMs = sum / mReportRates.size();
        mLastSeenEventTime = eventTime;

    public void setReportRate(int reportRateMs) {
        if (reportRateMs <= 0) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "reportRateMs should always be a strictly" + "positive number");
        mReportRateMs = reportRateMs;
        mReportRates = null;

    public boolean onTouchEvent(@NonNull MotionEvent event) {
        if (event.getActionMasked() == MotionEvent.ACTION_CANCEL) {
            mLastSeenEventTime = 0;
            mLastPredictEventTime = 0;
            return false;
        int pointerIndex = event.findPointerIndex(mPointerId);

        if (pointerIndex == -1) {
                            "onTouchEvent: Cannot find pointerId=%d in motionEvent=%s",
            return false;

        mDownEventTime = event.getDownTime();

        for (BatchedMotionEvent ev : BatchedMotionEvent.iterate(event)) {
            MotionEvent.PointerCoords pointerCoords = ev.coords[pointerIndex];
            update(pointerCoords.x, pointerCoords.y, pointerCoords.pressure,
                    pointerCoords.getAxisValue(MotionEvent.AXIS_TILT), ev.timeMs);
        return true;

    public @Nullable MotionEvent predict(int predictionTargetMs) {
        if (mReportRates == null) {
            mExpectedPredictionSampleSize = (int) Math.ceil(predictionTargetMs / mReportRateMs);

        if (mExpectedPredictionSampleSize == -1
                && mKalman.getNumIterations() < MIN_KALMAN_FILTER_ITERATIONS) {
            return null;


        mPressure = mKalman.getPressure();
        double pressureChange = mKalman.getPressureChange();

        // Adjust prediction distance based on confidence of mKalman filter as well as movement
        // speed.
        double speedAbs = mVelocity.magnitude() / mReportRateMs;
        float lowSpeed, highSpeed, lowJank, highJank;
        if (usingAccurateTool()) {
            lowSpeed = ACCURATE_LOW_SPEED;
            highSpeed = ACCURATE_HIGH_SPEED;
            lowJank = ACCURATE_LOW_JANK;
            highJank = ACCURATE_HIGH_JANK;
        } else {
            lowSpeed = LOW_SPEED;
            highSpeed = HIGH_SPEED;
            lowJank = LOW_JANK;
            highJank = HIGH_JANK;
        double speedFactor = normalizeRange(speedAbs, lowSpeed, highSpeed);
        double jankAbs = mJank.magnitude();
        double jankFactor = 1.0 - normalizeRange(jankAbs, lowJank, highJank);
        double confidenceFactor = speedFactor * jankFactor;

        if (mStrategy == Configuration.STRATEGY_AGGRESSIVE) {
            // We are very confident
            confidenceFactor = 1;

        MotionEvent predictedEvent = null;
        final MotionEvent.PointerProperties[] pointerProperties =
                new MotionEvent.PointerProperties[1];
        pointerProperties[0] = new MotionEvent.PointerProperties();
        pointerProperties[0].id = mPointerId;
        pointerProperties[0].toolType = mToolType;

        // Project physical state of the pen into the future.
        int predictionTargetInSamples =
                (int) Math.ceil(predictionTargetMs / mReportRateMs * confidenceFactor);

        // Predict at least as far in time as the previous prediction.
        // Otherwise, it may appear that the coordinates are going backwards.
        if (mLastPredictEventTime > mLastSeenEventTime) {
            int minimumPredictionSampleSize = (int) Math.floor(
                    (mLastPredictEventTime - mLastSeenEventTime) / mReportRateMs
            if (predictionTargetInSamples < minimumPredictionSampleSize) {
                predictionTargetInSamples = minimumPredictionSampleSize;
        if (mExpectedPredictionSampleSize != -1) {
            // Normally this should always be false as confidenceFactor should be less than 1.0
            if (predictionTargetInSamples > mExpectedPredictionSampleSize) {
                predictionTargetInSamples = mExpectedPredictionSampleSize;

        if (mStrategy == Configuration.STRATEGY_SAFE) {
            // Just a single prediction step is very accurate
            predictionTargetInSamples = Math.max(predictionTargetInSamples, 1);

        long predictedEventTime = mLastSeenEventTime;
        int i = 0;
        for (; i < predictionTargetInSamples; i++) {
            mAcceleration.a1 += mJank.a1 * JANK_INFLUENCE;
            mAcceleration.a2 += mJank.a2 * JANK_INFLUENCE;
            mVelocity.a1 += mAcceleration.a1 * ACCELERATION_INFLUENCE;
            mVelocity.a2 += mAcceleration.a2 * ACCELERATION_INFLUENCE;
            mPosition.a1 += mVelocity.a1 * VELOCITY_INFLUENCE;
            mPosition.a2 += mVelocity.a2 * VELOCITY_INFLUENCE;
            mPressure += pressureChange;

            // Ensure it's in the valid range
            if (mPressure < 0) {
                mPressure = 0;
            } else if (mPressure > 1) {
                mPressure = 1;

            long nextPredictedEventTime = predictedEventTime + Math.round(mReportRateMs);

            // Abort prediction if the pen is to be lifted.
            if (mPredictLift
                    && mPressure < 0.1
                    && nextPredictedEventTime > mLastPredictEventTime) {
                //TODO: Should we generate ACTION_UP MotionEvent instead of ACTION_MOVE?

            MotionEvent.PointerCoords[] coords = {new MotionEvent.PointerCoords()};
            coords[0].x = (float) mPosition.a1;
            coords[0].y = (float) mPosition.a2;
            coords[0].pressure = (float) mPressure;
            coords[0].orientation = (float) mLastOrientation;
            coords[0].setAxisValue(MotionEvent.AXIS_TILT, (float) mLastTilt);
            if (predictedEvent == null) {
                predictedEvent =
                                mDownEventTime /* downTime */,
                                nextPredictedEventTime /* eventTime */,
                                MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE /* action */,
                                1 /* pointerCount */,
                                pointerProperties /* pointer properties */,
                                coords /* pointerCoords */,
                                0 /* metaState */,
                                0 /* button state */,
                                1.0f /* xPrecision */,
                                1.0f /* yPrecision */,
                                0 /* deviceId */,
                                0 /* edgeFlags */,
                                0 /* source */,
                                0 /* flags */);
            } else {
                predictedEvent.addBatch(nextPredictedEventTime, coords, 0);
            predictedEventTime = nextPredictedEventTime;

        // Store the last predicted time
        mLastPredictEventTime = predictedEventTime;

        return predictedEvent;

    private boolean usingAccurateTool() {
        return (mToolType != MotionEvent.TOOL_TYPE_FINGER);

    private double normalizeRange(double x, double min, double max) {
        double normalized = (x - min) / (max - min);
        return Math.min(1.0, Math.max(normalized, 0.0));

     * Append predicted event with samples where position and pressure are constant if predictor
     * consumer expect more samples
     * @param predictedEvent
    protected @Nullable MotionEvent appendPredictedEvent(@Nullable MotionEvent predictedEvent) {
        int predictedEventSize = (predictedEvent == null) ? 0 : predictedEvent.getHistorySize();
        for (int i = predictedEventSize; i < mExpectedPredictionSampleSize; i++) {
            MotionEvent.PointerCoords[] coords = {new MotionEvent.PointerCoords()};
            coords[0].x = (float) mPosition.a1;
            coords[0].y = (float) mPosition.a2;
            coords[0].pressure = (float) mPressure;
            if (predictedEvent == null) {
                final MotionEvent.PointerProperties[] pointerProperties =
                        new MotionEvent.PointerProperties[1];
                pointerProperties[0] = new MotionEvent.PointerProperties();
                pointerProperties[0].id = mPointerId;
                pointerProperties[0].toolType = mToolType;
                predictedEvent =
                                0 /* downTime */,
                                0 /* eventTime */,
                                MotionEvent.ACTION_MOVE /* action */,
                                1 /* pointerCount */,
                                pointerProperties /* pointer properties */,
                                coords /* pointerCoords */,
                                0 /* metaState */,
                                0 /* buttonState */,
                                1.0f /* xPrecision */,
                                1.0f /* yPrecision */,
                                0 /* deviceId */,
                                0 /* edgeFlags */,
                                0 /* source */,
                                0 /* flags */);
            } else {
                predictedEvent.addBatch(0, coords, 0);
        return predictedEvent;