public abstract class


extends java.lang.Object

implements MediaTimeProvider.OnMediaTimeListener



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media2', name: 'media2', version: '1.0.0-alpha04'

  • groupId: androidx.media2
  • artifactId: media2
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha04

Artifact androidx.media2:media2:1.0.0-alpha04 it located at Google repository (

Androidx artifact mapping:



A subtitle track abstract base class that is responsible for parsing and displaying an instance of a particular type of subtitle.


public booleanDEBUG

protected HandlermHandler

protected MediaTimeProvidermTimeProvider

protected booleanmVisible

publicSubtitleTrack(MediaFormat format)

protected synchronized booleanaddCue(androidx.media2.subtitle.SubtitleTrack.Cue cue)

protected synchronized voidclearActiveCues()

protected voidfinalize()

protected voidfinishedRun(long runID)

update mRunsByEndTime (with default end time)

public final MediaFormatgetFormat()

public abstract SubtitleTrack.RenderingWidgetgetRenderingWidget()

Called when adding the subtitle rendering widget to the view hierarchy, as well as when showing or hiding the subtitle track, or when the video surface position has changed.

public intgetTrackType()

whether this is a text track who fires events instead getting rendered

public voidhide()

Hides subtitle rendering widget

protected abstract voidonData(byte[] data[], boolean eos, long runID)

Called when there is input data for the subtitle track.

public voidonData(SubtitleData data)

Called when there is input data for the subtitle track.

public voidonSeek(long timeUs)

public voidonStop()

public voidonTimedEvent(long timeUs)

protected voidscheduleTimedEvents()

public voidsetRunDiscardTimeMs(long runID, long timeMs)

update mRunsByEndTime with given end time

public synchronized voidsetTimeProvider(MediaTimeProvider timeProvider)

Sets MediaTimeProvider

public voidshow()

Shows subtitle rendering widget

protected synchronized voidupdateActiveCues(boolean rebuild, long timeMs)

public abstract voidupdateView(java.util.ArrayList<androidx.media2.subtitle.SubtitleTrack.Cue> activeCues)

Called when the active cues have changed, and the contents of the subtitle view should be updated.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


protected boolean mVisible

public boolean DEBUG

protected Handler mHandler

protected MediaTimeProvider mTimeProvider


public SubtitleTrack(MediaFormat format)


public final MediaFormat getFormat()

public void onData(SubtitleData data)

Called when there is input data for the subtitle track.

protected abstract void onData(byte[] data[], boolean eos, long runID)

Called when there is input data for the subtitle track. The complete subtitle for a track can include multiple whole units (runs). Each of these units can have multiple sections. The contents of a run are submitted in sequential order, with eos indicating the last section of the run. Calls from different runs must not be intermixed.


data: subtitle data byte buffer
eos: true if this is the last section of the run.
runID: mostly-unique ID for this run of data. Subtitle cues with runID of 0 are discarded immediately after display. Cues with runID of ~0 are discarded only at the deletion of the track object. Cues with other runID-s are discarded at the end of the run, which defaults to the latest timestamp of any of its cues (with this runID).

public abstract SubtitleTrack.RenderingWidget getRenderingWidget()

Called when adding the subtitle rendering widget to the view hierarchy, as well as when showing or hiding the subtitle track, or when the video surface position has changed.


the widget that renders this subtitle track. For most renderers there should be a single shared instance that is used for all tracks supported by that renderer, as at most one subtitle track is visible at one time.

public abstract void updateView(java.util.ArrayList<androidx.media2.subtitle.SubtitleTrack.Cue> activeCues)

Called when the active cues have changed, and the contents of the subtitle view should be updated.

protected synchronized void updateActiveCues(boolean rebuild, long timeMs)

protected void finalize()

protected synchronized void clearActiveCues()

protected void scheduleTimedEvents()

public void onTimedEvent(long timeUs)

public void onSeek(long timeUs)

public void onStop()

public void show()

Shows subtitle rendering widget

public void hide()

Hides subtitle rendering widget

protected synchronized boolean addCue(androidx.media2.subtitle.SubtitleTrack.Cue cue)

public synchronized void setTimeProvider(MediaTimeProvider timeProvider)

Sets MediaTimeProvider

protected void finishedRun(long runID)

update mRunsByEndTime (with default end time)

public void setRunDiscardTimeMs(long runID, long timeMs)

update mRunsByEndTime with given end time

public int getTrackType()

whether this is a text track who fires events instead getting rendered


 * Copyright 2018 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.media2.subtitle;

import static androidx.annotation.RestrictTo.Scope.LIBRARY_GROUP;

import android.os.Handler;
import android.util.Log;
import android.util.LongSparseArray;
import android.util.Pair;

import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.media2.SubtitleData;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.NoSuchElementException;
import java.util.SortedMap;
import java.util.TreeMap;

// Note: This is forked from since P
 * A subtitle track abstract base class that is responsible for parsing and displaying
 * an instance of a particular type of subtitle.
 * @hide
public abstract class SubtitleTrack implements MediaTimeProvider.OnMediaTimeListener {
    private static final String TAG = "SubtitleTrack";
    private long mLastUpdateTimeMs;
    private long mLastTimeMs;

    @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic access */
    Runnable mRunnable;

    private final LongSparseArray<Run> mRunsByEndTime = new LongSparseArray<Run>();
    private final LongSparseArray<Run> mRunsByID = new LongSparseArray<Run>();

    private CueList mCues;
    @SuppressWarnings("WeakerAccess") /* synthetic access */
    final ArrayList<Cue> mActiveCues = new ArrayList<Cue>();
    protected boolean mVisible;

    public boolean DEBUG = false;

    protected Handler mHandler = new Handler();

    private MediaFormat mFormat;

    public SubtitleTrack(MediaFormat format) {
        mFormat = format;
        mCues = new CueList();
        mLastTimeMs = -1;

    public final MediaFormat getFormat() {
        return mFormat;

    private long mNextScheduledTimeMs = -1;

     * Called when there is input data for the subtitle track.
    public void onData(SubtitleData data) {
        long runID = data.getStartTimeUs() + 1;
        onData(data.getData(), true /* eos */, runID);
                (data.getStartTimeUs() + data.getDurationUs()) / 1000);

     * Called when there is input data for the subtitle track.  The
     * complete subtitle for a track can include multiple whole units
     * (runs).  Each of these units can have multiple sections.  The
     * contents of a run are submitted in sequential order, with eos
     * indicating the last section of the run.  Calls from different
     * runs must not be intermixed.
     * @param data subtitle data byte buffer
     * @param eos true if this is the last section of the run.
     * @param runID mostly-unique ID for this run of data.  Subtitle cues
     *              with runID of 0 are discarded immediately after
     *              display.  Cues with runID of ~0 are discarded
     *              only at the deletion of the track object.  Cues
     *              with other runID-s are discarded at the end of the
     *              run, which defaults to the latest timestamp of
     *              any of its cues (with this runID).
    protected abstract void onData(byte[] data, boolean eos, long runID);

     * Called when adding the subtitle rendering widget to the view hierarchy,
     * as well as when showing or hiding the subtitle track, or when the video
     * surface position has changed.
     * @return the widget that renders this subtitle track. For most renderers
     *         there should be a single shared instance that is used for all
     *         tracks supported by that renderer, as at most one subtitle track
     *         is visible at one time.
    public abstract RenderingWidget getRenderingWidget();

     * Called when the active cues have changed, and the contents of the subtitle
     * view should be updated.
    public abstract void updateView(ArrayList<Cue> activeCues);

    protected synchronized void updateActiveCues(boolean rebuild, long timeMs) {
        // out-of-order times mean seeking or new active cues being added
        // (during their own timespan)
        if (rebuild || mLastUpdateTimeMs > timeMs) {

        for (Iterator<Pair<Long, Cue>> it =
                mCues.entriesBetween(mLastUpdateTimeMs, timeMs).iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
            Pair<Long, Cue> event =;
            Cue cue = event.second;

            if (cue.mEndTimeMs == event.first) {
                // remove past cues
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Removing " + cue);
                if (cue.mRunID == 0) {
            } else if (cue.mStartTimeMs == event.first) {
                // add new cues
                // TRICKY: this will happen in start order
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Adding " + cue);
                if (cue.mInnerTimesMs != null) {
            } else if (cue.mInnerTimesMs != null) {
                // cue is modified

        /* complete any runs */
        while (mRunsByEndTime.size() > 0 && mRunsByEndTime.keyAt(0) <= timeMs) {
            removeRunsByEndTimeIndex(0); // removes element
        mLastUpdateTimeMs = timeMs;

    private void removeRunsByEndTimeIndex(int ix) {
        Run run = mRunsByEndTime.valueAt(ix);
        while (run != null) {
            Cue cue = run.mFirstCue;
            while (cue != null) {
                Cue nextCue = cue.mNextInRun;
                cue.mNextInRun = null;
                cue = nextCue;
            Run nextRun = run.mNextRunAtEndTimeMs;
            run.mPrevRunAtEndTimeMs = null;
            run.mNextRunAtEndTimeMs = null;
            run = nextRun;

    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
        /* remove all cues (untangle all cross-links) */
        int size = mRunsByEndTime.size();
        for (int ix = size - 1; ix >= 0; ix--) {


    private synchronized void takeTime(long timeMs) {
        mLastTimeMs = timeMs;

    protected synchronized void clearActiveCues() {
        if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "Clearing " + mActiveCues.size() + " active cues");
        mLastUpdateTimeMs = -1;

    protected void scheduleTimedEvents() {
        /* get times for the next event */
        if (mTimeProvider != null) {
            mNextScheduledTimeMs = mCues.nextTimeAfter(mLastTimeMs);
            if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "sched @" + mNextScheduledTimeMs + " after " + mLastTimeMs);
            mTimeProvider.notifyAt(mNextScheduledTimeMs >= 0
                    ? (mNextScheduledTimeMs * 1000) : MediaTimeProvider.NO_TIME, this);

    public void onTimedEvent(long timeUs) {
        if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onTimedEvent " + timeUs);
        synchronized (this) {
            long timeMs = timeUs / 1000;
            updateActiveCues(false, timeMs);

    public void onSeek(long timeUs) {
        if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onSeek " + timeUs);
        synchronized (this) {
            long timeMs = timeUs / 1000;
            updateActiveCues(true, timeMs);

    public void onStop() {
        synchronized (this) {
            if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "onStop");
            mLastTimeMs = -1;
        mNextScheduledTimeMs = -1;
        mTimeProvider.notifyAt(MediaTimeProvider.NO_TIME, this);

    protected MediaTimeProvider mTimeProvider;

     * Shows subtitle rendering widget
    public void show() {
        if (mVisible) {

        mVisible = true;
        RenderingWidget renderingWidget = getRenderingWidget();
        if (renderingWidget != null) {
        if (mTimeProvider != null) {

     * Hides subtitle rendering widget
    public void hide() {
        if (!mVisible) {

        if (mTimeProvider != null) {
        RenderingWidget renderingWidget = getRenderingWidget();
        if (renderingWidget != null) {
        mVisible = false;

    protected synchronized boolean addCue(Cue cue) {

        if (cue.mRunID != 0) {
            Run run = mRunsByID.get(cue.mRunID);
            if (run == null) {
                run = new Run();
                mRunsByID.put(cue.mRunID, run);
                run.mEndTimeMs = cue.mEndTimeMs;
            } else if (run.mEndTimeMs < cue.mEndTimeMs) {
                run.mEndTimeMs = cue.mEndTimeMs;

            // link-up cues in the same run
            cue.mNextInRun = run.mFirstCue;
            run.mFirstCue = cue;

        // if a cue is added that should be visible, need to refresh view
        long nowMs = -1;
        if (mTimeProvider != null) {
            try {
                nowMs = mTimeProvider.getCurrentTimeUs(
                        false /* precise */, true /* monotonic */) / 1000;
            } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
                // handle as it we are not playing

        if (DEBUG) {
            Log.v(TAG, "mVisible=" + mVisible + ", "
                    + cue.mStartTimeMs + " <= " + nowMs + ", "
                    + cue.mEndTimeMs + " >= " + mLastTimeMs);

        if (mVisible && cue.mStartTimeMs <= nowMs
                // we don't trust nowMs, so check any cue since last callback
                && cue.mEndTimeMs >= mLastTimeMs) {
            if (mRunnable != null) {
            final SubtitleTrack track = this;
            final long thenMs = nowMs;
            mRunnable = new Runnable() {
                public void run() {
                    // even with synchronized, it is possible that we are going
                    // to do multiple updates as the runnable could be already
                    // running.
                    synchronized (track) {
                        mRunnable = null;
                        updateActiveCues(true, thenMs);
            // delay update so we don't update view on every cue.  TODO why 10?
            if (mHandler.postDelayed(mRunnable, 10 /* delay */)) {
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, "scheduling update");
            } else {
                if (DEBUG) Log.w(TAG, "failed to schedule subtitle view update");
            return true;

        if (mVisible && cue.mEndTimeMs >= mLastTimeMs
                && (cue.mStartTimeMs < mNextScheduledTimeMs || mNextScheduledTimeMs < 0)) {

        return false;

     * Sets MediaTimeProvider
    public synchronized void setTimeProvider(MediaTimeProvider timeProvider) {
        if (mTimeProvider == timeProvider) {
        if (mTimeProvider != null) {
        mTimeProvider = timeProvider;
        if (mTimeProvider != null) {

    static class CueList {
        private static final String TAG = "CueList";
        // simplistic, inefficient implementation
        SortedMap<Long, ArrayList<Cue>> mCues;
        public boolean DEBUG = false;

        private boolean addEvent(Cue cue, long timeMs) {
            ArrayList<Cue> cues = mCues.get(timeMs);
            if (cues == null) {
                cues = new ArrayList<Cue>(2);
                mCues.put(timeMs, cues);
            } else if (cues.contains(cue)) {
                // do not duplicate cues
                return false;

            return true;

        void removeEvent(Cue cue, long timeMs) {
            ArrayList<Cue> cues = mCues.get(timeMs);
            if (cues != null) {
                if (cues.size() == 0) {

        public void add(Cue cue) {
            // ignore non-positive-duration cues
            if (cue.mStartTimeMs >= cue.mEndTimeMs) return;

            if (!addEvent(cue, cue.mStartTimeMs)) {

            long lastTimeMs = cue.mStartTimeMs;
            if (cue.mInnerTimesMs != null) {
                for (long timeMs: cue.mInnerTimesMs) {
                    if (timeMs > lastTimeMs && timeMs < cue.mEndTimeMs) {
                        addEvent(cue, timeMs);
                        lastTimeMs = timeMs;

            addEvent(cue, cue.mEndTimeMs);

        public void remove(Cue cue) {
            removeEvent(cue, cue.mStartTimeMs);
            if (cue.mInnerTimesMs != null) {
                for (long timeMs: cue.mInnerTimesMs) {
                    removeEvent(cue, timeMs);
            removeEvent(cue, cue.mEndTimeMs);

        public Iterable<Pair<Long, Cue>> entriesBetween(
                final long lastTimeMs, final long timeMs) {
            return new Iterable<Pair<Long, Cue>>() {
                public Iterator<Pair<Long, Cue>> iterator() {
                    if (DEBUG) Log.d(TAG, "slice (" + lastTimeMs + ", " + timeMs + "]=");
                    try {
                        return new EntryIterator(
                                mCues.subMap(lastTimeMs + 1, timeMs + 1));
                    } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                        return new EntryIterator(null);

        public long nextTimeAfter(long timeMs) {
            SortedMap<Long, ArrayList<Cue>> tail = null;
            try {
                tail = mCues.tailMap(timeMs + 1);
                if (tail != null) {
                    return tail.firstKey();
                } else {
                    return -1;
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                return -1;
            } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
                return -1;

        class EntryIterator implements Iterator<Pair<Long, Cue>> {
            public boolean hasNext() {
                return !mDone;

            public Pair<Long, Cue> next() {
                if (mDone) {
                    throw new NoSuchElementException("");
                mLastEntry = new Pair<Long, Cue>(
                mLastListIterator = mListIterator;
                if (!mListIterator.hasNext()) {
                return mLastEntry;

            public void remove() {
                // only allow removing end tags
                if (mLastListIterator == null
                        || mLastEntry.second.mEndTimeMs != mLastEntry.first) {
                    throw new IllegalStateException("");

                // remove end-cue
                mLastListIterator = null;
                if (mCues.get(mLastEntry.first).size() == 0) {

                // remove rest of the cues
                Cue cue = mLastEntry.second;
                removeEvent(cue, cue.mStartTimeMs);
                if (cue.mInnerTimesMs != null) {
                    for (long timeMs: cue.mInnerTimesMs) {
                        removeEvent(cue, timeMs);

            EntryIterator(SortedMap<Long, ArrayList<Cue>> cues) {
                if (DEBUG) Log.v(TAG, cues + "");
                mRemainingCues = cues;
                mLastListIterator = null;

            private void nextKey() {
                do {
                    try {
                        if (mRemainingCues == null) {
                            throw new NoSuchElementException("");
                        mCurrentTimeMs = mRemainingCues.firstKey();
                        mListIterator =
                        try {
                            mRemainingCues =
                                mRemainingCues.tailMap(mCurrentTimeMs + 1);
                        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                            mRemainingCues = null;
                        mDone = false;
                    } catch (NoSuchElementException e) {
                        mDone = true;
                        mRemainingCues = null;
                        mListIterator = null;
                } while (!mListIterator.hasNext());

            private long mCurrentTimeMs;
            private Iterator<Cue> mListIterator;
            private boolean mDone;
            private SortedMap<Long, ArrayList<Cue>> mRemainingCues;
            private Iterator<Cue> mLastListIterator;
            private Pair<Long, Cue> mLastEntry;

        CueList() {
            mCues = new TreeMap<Long, ArrayList<Cue>>();

    static class Cue {
        public long mStartTimeMs;
        public long mEndTimeMs;
        public long[] mInnerTimesMs;
        public long mRunID;

        public Cue mNextInRun;

         * Called to inform current timeMs to the cue
        public void onTime(long timeMs) { }

    /** update mRunsByEndTime (with default end time) */
    protected void finishedRun(long runID) {
        if (runID != 0 && runID != ~0) {
            Run run = mRunsByID.get(runID);
            if (run != null) {

    /** update mRunsByEndTime with given end time */
    public void setRunDiscardTimeMs(long runID, long timeMs) {
        if (runID != 0 && runID != ~0) {
            Run run = mRunsByID.get(runID);
            if (run != null) {
                run.mEndTimeMs = timeMs;

    /** whether this is a text track who fires events instead getting rendered */
    public int getTrackType() {
        return getRenderingWidget() == null
                ? TrackInfo.MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_TIMEDTEXT
                : TrackInfo.MEDIA_TRACK_TYPE_SUBTITLE;

    private static class Run {
        public Cue mFirstCue;
        public Run mNextRunAtEndTimeMs;
        public Run mPrevRunAtEndTimeMs;
        public long mEndTimeMs = -1;
        public long mRunID = 0;
        private long mStoredEndTimeMs = -1;

        Run() {

        public void storeByEndTimeMs(LongSparseArray<Run> runsByEndTime) {
            // remove old value if any
            int ix = runsByEndTime.indexOfKey(mStoredEndTimeMs);
            if (ix >= 0) {
                if (mPrevRunAtEndTimeMs == null) {
                    assert (this == runsByEndTime.valueAt(ix));
                    if (mNextRunAtEndTimeMs == null) {
                    } else {
                        runsByEndTime.setValueAt(ix, mNextRunAtEndTimeMs);

            // add new value
            if (mEndTimeMs >= 0) {
                mPrevRunAtEndTimeMs = null;
                mNextRunAtEndTimeMs = runsByEndTime.get(mEndTimeMs);
                if (mNextRunAtEndTimeMs != null) {
                    mNextRunAtEndTimeMs.mPrevRunAtEndTimeMs = this;
                runsByEndTime.put(mEndTimeMs, this);
                mStoredEndTimeMs = mEndTimeMs;

        public void removeAtEndTimeMs() {
            Run prev = mPrevRunAtEndTimeMs;

            if (mPrevRunAtEndTimeMs != null) {
                mPrevRunAtEndTimeMs.mNextRunAtEndTimeMs = mNextRunAtEndTimeMs;
                mPrevRunAtEndTimeMs = null;
            if (mNextRunAtEndTimeMs != null) {
                mNextRunAtEndTimeMs.mPrevRunAtEndTimeMs = prev;
                mNextRunAtEndTimeMs = null;

     * Interface for rendering subtitles onto a Canvas.
    public interface RenderingWidget {
         * Sets the widget's callback, which is used to send updates when the
         * rendered data has changed.
         * @param callback update callback
        void setOnChangedListener(OnChangedListener callback);

         * Sets the widget's size.
         * @param width width in pixels
         * @param height height in pixels
        void setSize(int width, int height);

         * Sets whether the widget should draw subtitles.
         * @param visible true if subtitles should be drawn, false otherwise
        void setVisible(boolean visible);

         * Renders subtitles onto a {@link Canvas}.
         * @param c canvas on which to render subtitles
        void draw(Canvas c);

         * Called when the widget is attached to a window.
        void onAttachedToWindow();

         * Called when the widget is detached from a window.
        void onDetachedFromWindow();

         * Callback used to send updates about changes to rendering data.
        public interface OnChangedListener {
             * Called when the rendering data has changed.
             * @param renderingWidget the widget whose data has changed
            void onChanged(RenderingWidget renderingWidget);