public final class


extends java.lang.Object

implements AnalyticsListener, PlaybackSessionManager.Listener



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-exoplayer', version: '1.0.0-alpha03'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-exoplayer
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha03

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer:1.0.0-alpha03 it located at Google repository (


AnalyticsListener to gather PlaybackStats from the player.

For accurate measurements, the listener should be added to the player before loading media, i.e., Player.getPlaybackState() should be Player.STATE_IDLE.

Playback stats are gathered separately for each playback session, i.e. each window in the Timeline and each single ad.


publicPlaybackStatsListener(boolean keepHistory, PlaybackStatsListener.Callback callback)

Creates listener for playback stats.

public PlaybackStatsgetCombinedPlaybackStats()

Returns the combined PlaybackStats for all playback sessions this listener was and is listening to.

public PlaybackStatsgetPlaybackStats()

Returns the PlaybackStats for the currently playback session, or null if no session is active.

public voidonAdPlaybackStarted(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, java.lang.String contentSessionId, java.lang.String adSessionId)

public voidonBandwidthEstimate(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, int totalLoadTimeMs, long totalBytesLoaded, long bitrateEstimate)

public voidonDownstreamFormatChanged(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, MediaLoadData mediaLoadData)

public voidonDrmSessionManagerError(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, java.lang.Exception error)

public voidonDroppedVideoFrames(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, int droppedFrames, long elapsedMs)

public voidonEvents(Player player, AnalyticsListener.Events events)

public voidonLoadError(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, LoadEventInfo loadEventInfo, MediaLoadData mediaLoadData, error, boolean wasCanceled)

public voidonPositionDiscontinuity(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, Player.PositionInfo oldPosition, Player.PositionInfo newPosition, int reason)

public voidonSessionActive(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, java.lang.String sessionId)

public voidonSessionCreated(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, java.lang.String sessionId)

public voidonSessionFinished(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, java.lang.String sessionId, boolean automaticTransitionToNextPlayback)

public voidonVideoSizeChanged(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, VideoSize videoSize)

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public PlaybackStatsListener(boolean keepHistory, PlaybackStatsListener.Callback callback)

Creates listener for playback stats.


keepHistory: Whether the reported PlaybackStats should keep the full history of events.
callback: An optional callback for finished PlaybackStats.


public PlaybackStats getCombinedPlaybackStats()

Returns the combined PlaybackStats for all playback sessions this listener was and is listening to.

Note that these PlaybackStats will not contain the full history of events.


The combined PlaybackStats for all playback sessions.

public PlaybackStats getPlaybackStats()

Returns the PlaybackStats for the currently playback session, or null if no session is active.


PlaybackStats for the current playback session.

public void onSessionCreated(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, java.lang.String sessionId)

public void onSessionActive(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, java.lang.String sessionId)

public void onAdPlaybackStarted(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, java.lang.String contentSessionId, java.lang.String adSessionId)

public void onSessionFinished(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, java.lang.String sessionId, boolean automaticTransitionToNextPlayback)

public void onPositionDiscontinuity(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, Player.PositionInfo oldPosition, Player.PositionInfo newPosition, int reason)

public void onDroppedVideoFrames(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, int droppedFrames, long elapsedMs)

public void onLoadError(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, LoadEventInfo loadEventInfo, MediaLoadData mediaLoadData, error, boolean wasCanceled)

public void onDrmSessionManagerError(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, java.lang.Exception error)

public void onBandwidthEstimate(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, int totalLoadTimeMs, long totalBytesLoaded, long bitrateEstimate)

public void onDownstreamFormatChanged(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, MediaLoadData mediaLoadData)

public void onVideoSizeChanged(AnalyticsListener.EventTime eventTime, VideoSize videoSize)

public void onEvents(Player player, AnalyticsListener.Events events)


 * Copyright (C) 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

import static androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions.checkNotNull;
import static java.lang.Math.max;

import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.util.Pair;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.Format;
import androidx.media3.common.PlaybackException;
import androidx.media3.common.Player;
import androidx.media3.common.Timeline;
import androidx.media3.common.Timeline.Period;
import androidx.media3.common.TracksInfo;
import androidx.media3.common.VideoSize;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Assertions;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.source.LoadEventInfo;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.source.MediaLoadData;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.source.MediaSource.MediaPeriodId;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * {@link AnalyticsListener} to gather {@link PlaybackStats} from the player.
 * <p>For accurate measurements, the listener should be added to the player before loading media,
 * i.e., {@link Player#getPlaybackState()} should be {@link Player#STATE_IDLE}.
 * <p>Playback stats are gathered separately for each playback session, i.e. each window in the
 * {@link Timeline} and each single ad.
public final class PlaybackStatsListener
    implements AnalyticsListener, PlaybackSessionManager.Listener {

  /** A listener for {@link PlaybackStats} updates. */
  public interface Callback {

     * Called when a playback session ends and its {@link PlaybackStats} are ready.
     * @param eventTime The {@link EventTime} at which the playback session started. Can be used to
     *     identify the playback session.
     * @param playbackStats The {@link PlaybackStats} for the ended playback session.
    void onPlaybackStatsReady(EventTime eventTime, PlaybackStats playbackStats);

  private final PlaybackSessionManager sessionManager;
  private final Map<String, PlaybackStatsTracker> playbackStatsTrackers;
  private final Map<String, EventTime> sessionStartEventTimes;
  @Nullable private final Callback callback;
  private final boolean keepHistory;
  private final Period period;

  private PlaybackStats finishedPlaybackStats;

  @Nullable private String discontinuityFromSession;
  private long discontinuityFromPositionMs;
  private @Player.DiscontinuityReason int discontinuityReason;
  private int droppedFrames;
  @Nullable private Exception nonFatalException;
  private long bandwidthTimeMs;
  private long bandwidthBytes;
  @Nullable private Format videoFormat;
  @Nullable private Format audioFormat;
  private VideoSize videoSize;

   * Creates listener for playback stats.
   * @param keepHistory Whether the reported {@link PlaybackStats} should keep the full history of
   *     events.
   * @param callback An optional callback for finished {@link PlaybackStats}.
  public PlaybackStatsListener(boolean keepHistory, @Nullable Callback callback) {
    this.callback = callback;
    this.keepHistory = keepHistory;
    sessionManager = new DefaultPlaybackSessionManager();
    playbackStatsTrackers = new HashMap<>();
    sessionStartEventTimes = new HashMap<>();
    finishedPlaybackStats = PlaybackStats.EMPTY;
    period = new Period();
    videoSize = VideoSize.UNKNOWN;

   * Returns the combined {@link PlaybackStats} for all playback sessions this listener was and is
   * listening to.
   * <p>Note that these {@link PlaybackStats} will not contain the full history of events.
   * @return The combined {@link PlaybackStats} for all playback sessions.
  public PlaybackStats getCombinedPlaybackStats() {
    PlaybackStats[] allPendingPlaybackStats = new PlaybackStats[playbackStatsTrackers.size() + 1];
    allPendingPlaybackStats[0] = finishedPlaybackStats;
    int index = 1;
    for (PlaybackStatsTracker tracker : playbackStatsTrackers.values()) {
      allPendingPlaybackStats[index++] =* isFinal= */ false);
    return PlaybackStats.merge(allPendingPlaybackStats);

   * Returns the {@link PlaybackStats} for the currently playback session, or null if no session is
   * active.
   * @return {@link PlaybackStats} for the current playback session.
  public PlaybackStats getPlaybackStats() {
    @Nullable String activeSessionId = sessionManager.getActiveSessionId();
    PlaybackStatsTracker activeStatsTracker =
        activeSessionId == null ? null : playbackStatsTrackers.get(activeSessionId);
    return activeStatsTracker == null ? null :* isFinal= */ false);

  // PlaybackSessionManager.Listener implementation.

  public void onSessionCreated(EventTime eventTime, String sessionId) {
    PlaybackStatsTracker tracker = new PlaybackStatsTracker(keepHistory, eventTime);
    playbackStatsTrackers.put(sessionId, tracker);
    sessionStartEventTimes.put(sessionId, eventTime);

  public void onSessionActive(EventTime eventTime, String sessionId) {

  public void onAdPlaybackStarted(
      EventTime eventTime, String contentSessionId, String adSessionId) {

  public void onSessionFinished(
      EventTime eventTime, String sessionId, boolean automaticTransitionToNextPlayback) {
    PlaybackStatsTracker tracker = checkNotNull(playbackStatsTrackers.remove(sessionId));
    EventTime startEventTime = checkNotNull(sessionStartEventTimes.remove(sessionId));
    long discontinuityFromPositionMs =
            ? this.discontinuityFromPositionMs
            : C.TIME_UNSET;
    tracker.onFinished(eventTime, automaticTransitionToNextPlayback, discontinuityFromPositionMs);
    PlaybackStats playbackStats =* isFinal= */ true);
    finishedPlaybackStats = PlaybackStats.merge(finishedPlaybackStats, playbackStats);
    if (callback != null) {
      callback.onPlaybackStatsReady(startEventTime, playbackStats);

  // AnalyticsListener implementation.

  public void onPositionDiscontinuity(
      EventTime eventTime,
      Player.PositionInfo oldPosition,
      Player.PositionInfo newPosition,
      @Player.DiscontinuityReason int reason) {
    if (discontinuityFromSession == null) {
      discontinuityFromSession = sessionManager.getActiveSessionId();
      discontinuityFromPositionMs = oldPosition.positionMs;
    discontinuityReason = reason;

  public void onDroppedVideoFrames(EventTime eventTime, int droppedFrames, long elapsedMs) {
    this.droppedFrames = droppedFrames;

  public void onLoadError(
      EventTime eventTime,
      LoadEventInfo loadEventInfo,
      MediaLoadData mediaLoadData,
      IOException error,
      boolean wasCanceled) {
    nonFatalException = error;

  public void onDrmSessionManagerError(EventTime eventTime, Exception error) {
    nonFatalException = error;

  public void onBandwidthEstimate(
      EventTime eventTime, int totalLoadTimeMs, long totalBytesLoaded, long bitrateEstimate) {
    bandwidthTimeMs = totalLoadTimeMs;
    bandwidthBytes = totalBytesLoaded;

  public void onDownstreamFormatChanged(EventTime eventTime, MediaLoadData mediaLoadData) {
    if (mediaLoadData.trackType == C.TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO
        || mediaLoadData.trackType == C.TRACK_TYPE_DEFAULT) {
      videoFormat = mediaLoadData.trackFormat;
    } else if (mediaLoadData.trackType == C.TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO) {
      audioFormat = mediaLoadData.trackFormat;

  public void onVideoSizeChanged(EventTime eventTime, VideoSize videoSize) {
    this.videoSize = videoSize;

  public void onEvents(Player player, Events events) {
    if (events.size() == 0) {
    for (String session : playbackStatsTrackers.keySet()) {
      Pair<EventTime, Boolean> eventTimeAndBelongsToPlayback = findBestEventTime(events, session);
      PlaybackStatsTracker tracker = playbackStatsTrackers.get(session);
      boolean hasDiscontinuityToPlayback = hasEvent(events, session, EVENT_POSITION_DISCONTINUITY);
      boolean hasDroppedFrames = hasEvent(events, session, EVENT_DROPPED_VIDEO_FRAMES);
      boolean hasAudioUnderrun = hasEvent(events, session, EVENT_AUDIO_UNDERRUN);
      boolean startedLoading = hasEvent(events, session, EVENT_LOAD_STARTED);
      boolean hasFatalError = hasEvent(events, session, EVENT_PLAYER_ERROR);
      boolean hasNonFatalException =
          hasEvent(events, session, EVENT_LOAD_ERROR)
              || hasEvent(events, session, EVENT_DRM_SESSION_MANAGER_ERROR);
      boolean hasBandwidthData = hasEvent(events, session, EVENT_BANDWIDTH_ESTIMATE);
      boolean hasFormatData = hasEvent(events, session, EVENT_DOWNSTREAM_FORMAT_CHANGED);
      boolean hasVideoSize = hasEvent(events, session, EVENT_VIDEO_SIZE_CHANGED);
          /* eventTime= */ eventTimeAndBelongsToPlayback.first,
          /* belongsToPlayback= */ eventTimeAndBelongsToPlayback.second,
          session.equals(discontinuityFromSession) ? discontinuityFromPositionMs : C.TIME_UNSET,
          hasDroppedFrames ? droppedFrames : 0,
          hasFatalError ? player.getPlayerError() : null,
          hasNonFatalException ? nonFatalException : null,
          hasBandwidthData ? bandwidthTimeMs : 0,
          hasBandwidthData ? bandwidthBytes : 0,
          hasFormatData ? videoFormat : null,
          hasFormatData ? audioFormat : null,
          hasVideoSize ? videoSize : null);
    videoFormat = null;
    audioFormat = null;
    discontinuityFromSession = null;
    if (events.contains(AnalyticsListener.EVENT_PLAYER_RELEASED)) {

  private void maybeAddSessions(Events events) {
    for (int i = 0; i < events.size(); i++) {
      @EventFlags int event = events.get(i);
      EventTime eventTime = events.getEventTime(event);
      if (event == EVENT_TIMELINE_CHANGED) {
      } else if (event == EVENT_POSITION_DISCONTINUITY) {
        sessionManager.updateSessionsWithDiscontinuity(eventTime, discontinuityReason);
      } else {

  private Pair<EventTime, Boolean> findBestEventTime(Events events, String session) {
    @Nullable EventTime eventTime = null;
    boolean belongsToPlayback = false;
    for (int i = 0; i < events.size(); i++) {
      @EventFlags int event = events.get(i);
      EventTime newEventTime = events.getEventTime(event);
      boolean newBelongsToPlayback = sessionManager.belongsToSession(newEventTime, session);
      if (eventTime == null
          || (newBelongsToPlayback && !belongsToPlayback)
          || (newBelongsToPlayback == belongsToPlayback
              && newEventTime.realtimeMs > eventTime.realtimeMs)) {
        // Prefer event times for the current playback and prefer later timestamps.
        eventTime = newEventTime;
        belongsToPlayback = newBelongsToPlayback;
    if (!belongsToPlayback && eventTime.mediaPeriodId != null && eventTime.mediaPeriodId.isAd()) {
      // Replace ad event time with content event time unless it's for the ad playback itself.
      long contentPeriodPositionUs =
              .getPeriodByUid(eventTime.mediaPeriodId.periodUid, period)
      if (contentPeriodPositionUs == C.TIME_END_OF_SOURCE) {
        contentPeriodPositionUs = period.durationUs;
      long contentWindowPositionUs = contentPeriodPositionUs + period.getPositionInWindowUs();
      eventTime =
          new EventTime(
              new MediaPeriodId(
              /* eventPlaybackPositionMs= */ Util.usToMs(contentWindowPositionUs),
      belongsToPlayback = sessionManager.belongsToSession(eventTime, session);
    return Pair.create(eventTime, belongsToPlayback);

  private boolean hasEvent(Events events, String session, @EventFlags int event) {
    return events.contains(event)
        && sessionManager.belongsToSession(events.getEventTime(event), session);

  /** Tracker for playback stats of a single playback. */
  private static final class PlaybackStatsTracker {

    // Final stats.
    private final boolean keepHistory;
    private final long[] playbackStateDurationsMs;
    private final List<EventTimeAndPlaybackState> playbackStateHistory;
    private final List<long[]> mediaTimeHistory;
    private final List<EventTimeAndFormat> videoFormatHistory;
    private final List<EventTimeAndFormat> audioFormatHistory;
    private final List<EventTimeAndException> fatalErrorHistory;
    private final List<EventTimeAndException> nonFatalErrorHistory;
    private final boolean isAd;

    private long firstReportedTimeMs;
    private boolean hasBeenReady;
    private boolean hasEnded;
    private boolean isJoinTimeInvalid;
    private int pauseCount;
    private int pauseBufferCount;
    private int seekCount;
    private int rebufferCount;
    private long maxRebufferTimeMs;
    private int initialVideoFormatHeight;
    private long initialVideoFormatBitrate;
    private long initialAudioFormatBitrate;
    private long videoFormatHeightTimeMs;
    private long videoFormatHeightTimeProduct;
    private long videoFormatBitrateTimeMs;
    private long videoFormatBitrateTimeProduct;
    private long audioFormatTimeMs;
    private long audioFormatBitrateTimeProduct;
    private long bandwidthTimeMs;
    private long bandwidthBytes;
    private long droppedFrames;
    private long audioUnderruns;
    private int fatalErrorCount;
    private int nonFatalErrorCount;

    // Current player state tracking.
    private @PlaybackState int currentPlaybackState;
    private long currentPlaybackStateStartTimeMs;
    private boolean isSeeking;
    private boolean isForeground;
    private boolean isInterruptedByAd;
    private boolean hasFatalError;
    private boolean startedLoading;
    private long lastRebufferStartTimeMs;
    @Nullable private Format currentVideoFormat;
    @Nullable private Format currentAudioFormat;
    private long lastVideoFormatStartTimeMs;
    private long lastAudioFormatStartTimeMs;
    private float currentPlaybackSpeed;

     * Creates a tracker for playback stats.
     * @param keepHistory Whether to keep a full history of events.
     * @param startTime The {@link EventTime} at which the playback stats start.
    public PlaybackStatsTracker(boolean keepHistory, EventTime startTime) {
      this.keepHistory = keepHistory;
      playbackStateDurationsMs = new long[PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_COUNT];
      playbackStateHistory = keepHistory ? new ArrayList<>() : Collections.emptyList();
      mediaTimeHistory = keepHistory ? new ArrayList<>() : Collections.emptyList();
      videoFormatHistory = keepHistory ? new ArrayList<>() : Collections.emptyList();
      audioFormatHistory = keepHistory ? new ArrayList<>() : Collections.emptyList();
      fatalErrorHistory = keepHistory ? new ArrayList<>() : Collections.emptyList();
      nonFatalErrorHistory = keepHistory ? new ArrayList<>() : Collections.emptyList();
      currentPlaybackState = PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_NOT_STARTED;
      currentPlaybackStateStartTimeMs = startTime.realtimeMs;
      firstReportedTimeMs = C.TIME_UNSET;
      maxRebufferTimeMs = C.TIME_UNSET;
      isAd = startTime.mediaPeriodId != null && startTime.mediaPeriodId.isAd();
      initialAudioFormatBitrate = C.LENGTH_UNSET;
      initialVideoFormatBitrate = C.LENGTH_UNSET;
      initialVideoFormatHeight = C.LENGTH_UNSET;
      currentPlaybackSpeed = 1f;

    /** Notifies the tracker that the current playback became the active foreground playback. */
    public void onForeground() {
      isForeground = true;

    /** Notifies the tracker that the current playback is interrupted by an ad. */
    public void onInterruptedByAd() {
      isInterruptedByAd = true;
      isSeeking = false;

     * Notifies the tracker that the current playback has finished.
     * @param eventTime The {@link EventTime}. Does not belong to this playback.
     * @param automaticTransition Whether the playback finished because of an automatic transition
     *     to the next playback item.
     * @param discontinuityFromPositionMs The position before the discontinuity from this playback,
     *     {@link C#TIME_UNSET} if no discontinuity started from this playback.
    public void onFinished(
        EventTime eventTime, boolean automaticTransition, long discontinuityFromPositionMs) {
      // Simulate state change to ENDED to record natural ending of playback.
      int finalPlaybackState =
          currentPlaybackState == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_ENDED || automaticTransition
              ? PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_ENDED
              : PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_ABANDONED;
      maybeUpdateMediaTimeHistory(eventTime.realtimeMs, discontinuityFromPositionMs);
      updatePlaybackState(finalPlaybackState, eventTime);

     * Notifies the tracker of new events.
     * @param player The {@link Player}.
     * @param eventTime The {@link EventTime} of the events.
     * @param belongsToPlayback Whether the {@code eventTime} belongs to this playback.
     * @param discontinuityFromPositionMs The position before the discontinuity from this playback,
     *     or {@link C#TIME_UNSET} if no discontinuity started from this playback.
     * @param hasDiscontinuity Whether a discontinuity to this playback occurred.
     * @param droppedFrameCount The number of newly dropped frames for this playback.
     * @param hasAudioUnderun Whether a new audio underrun occurred for this playback.
     * @param startedLoading Whether this playback started loading.
     * @param fatalError A fatal error for this playback, or null.
     * @param nonFatalException A non-fatal exception for this playback, or null.
     * @param bandwidthTimeMs The time in milliseconds spent loading for this playback.
     * @param bandwidthBytes The number of bytes loaded for this playback.
     * @param videoFormat A reported downstream video format for this playback, or null.
     * @param audioFormat A reported downstream audio format for this playback, or null.
     * @param videoSize The reported video size for this playback, or null.
    public void onEvents(
        Player player,
        EventTime eventTime,
        boolean belongsToPlayback,
        long discontinuityFromPositionMs,
        boolean hasDiscontinuity,
        int droppedFrameCount,
        boolean hasAudioUnderun,
        boolean startedLoading,
        @Nullable PlaybackException fatalError,
        @Nullable Exception nonFatalException,
        long bandwidthTimeMs,
        long bandwidthBytes,
        @Nullable Format videoFormat,
        @Nullable Format audioFormat,
        @Nullable VideoSize videoSize) {
      if (discontinuityFromPositionMs != C.TIME_UNSET) {
        maybeUpdateMediaTimeHistory(eventTime.realtimeMs, discontinuityFromPositionMs);
        isSeeking = true;
      if (player.getPlaybackState() != Player.STATE_BUFFERING) {
        isSeeking = false;
      int playerPlaybackState = player.getPlaybackState();
      if (playerPlaybackState == Player.STATE_IDLE
          || playerPlaybackState == Player.STATE_ENDED
          || hasDiscontinuity) {
        isInterruptedByAd = false;
      if (fatalError != null) {
        hasFatalError = true;
        if (keepHistory) {
          fatalErrorHistory.add(new EventTimeAndException(eventTime, fatalError));
      } else if (player.getPlayerError() == null) {
        hasFatalError = false;
      if (isForeground && !isInterruptedByAd) {
        TracksInfo currentTracksInfo = player.getCurrentTracksInfo();
        if (!currentTracksInfo.isTypeSelected(C.TRACK_TYPE_VIDEO)) {
          maybeUpdateVideoFormat(eventTime, /* newFormat= */ null);
        if (!currentTracksInfo.isTypeSelected(C.TRACK_TYPE_AUDIO)) {
          maybeUpdateAudioFormat(eventTime, /* newFormat= */ null);
      if (videoFormat != null) {
        maybeUpdateVideoFormat(eventTime, videoFormat);
      if (audioFormat != null) {
        maybeUpdateAudioFormat(eventTime, audioFormat);
      if (currentVideoFormat != null
          && currentVideoFormat.height == Format.NO_VALUE
          && videoSize != null) {
        Format formatWithHeightAndWidth =
        maybeUpdateVideoFormat(eventTime, formatWithHeightAndWidth);
      if (startedLoading) {
        this.startedLoading = true;
      if (hasAudioUnderun) {
      this.droppedFrames += droppedFrameCount;
      this.bandwidthTimeMs += bandwidthTimeMs;
      this.bandwidthBytes += bandwidthBytes;
      if (nonFatalException != null) {
        if (keepHistory) {
          nonFatalErrorHistory.add(new EventTimeAndException(eventTime, nonFatalException));

      @PlaybackState int newPlaybackState = resolveNewPlaybackState(player);
      float newPlaybackSpeed = player.getPlaybackParameters().speed;
      if (currentPlaybackState != newPlaybackState || currentPlaybackSpeed != newPlaybackSpeed) {
            belongsToPlayback ? eventTime.eventPlaybackPositionMs : C.TIME_UNSET);
      currentPlaybackSpeed = newPlaybackSpeed;
      if (currentPlaybackState != newPlaybackState) {
        updatePlaybackState(newPlaybackState, eventTime);

     * Builds the playback stats.
     * @param isFinal Whether this is the final build and no further events are expected.
    public PlaybackStats build(boolean isFinal) {
      long[] playbackStateDurationsMs = this.playbackStateDurationsMs;
      List<long[]> mediaTimeHistory = this.mediaTimeHistory;
      if (!isFinal) {
        long buildTimeMs = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();
        playbackStateDurationsMs =
            Arrays.copyOf(this.playbackStateDurationsMs, PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_COUNT);
        long lastStateDurationMs = max(0, buildTimeMs - currentPlaybackStateStartTimeMs);
        playbackStateDurationsMs[currentPlaybackState] += lastStateDurationMs;
        mediaTimeHistory = new ArrayList<>(this.mediaTimeHistory);
        if (keepHistory && currentPlaybackState == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_PLAYING) {
      boolean isJoinTimeInvalid = this.isJoinTimeInvalid || !hasBeenReady;
      long validJoinTimeMs =
              ? C.TIME_UNSET
              : playbackStateDurationsMs[PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_JOINING_FOREGROUND];
      boolean hasBackgroundJoin =
          playbackStateDurationsMs[PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_JOINING_BACKGROUND] > 0;
      List<EventTimeAndFormat> videoHistory =
          isFinal ? videoFormatHistory : new ArrayList<>(videoFormatHistory);
      List<EventTimeAndFormat> audioHistory =
          isFinal ? audioFormatHistory : new ArrayList<>(audioFormatHistory);
      return new PlaybackStats(
          /* playbackCount= */ 1,
          isFinal ? playbackStateHistory : new ArrayList<>(playbackStateHistory),
          /* foregroundPlaybackCount= */ isForeground ? 1 : 0,
          /* abandonedBeforeReadyCount= */ hasBeenReady ? 0 : 1,
          /* endedCount= */ hasEnded ? 1 : 0,
          /* backgroundJoiningCount= */ hasBackgroundJoin ? 1 : 0,
          /* validJoinTimeCount= */ isJoinTimeInvalid ? 0 : 1,
          /* adPlaybackCount= */ isAd ? 1 : 0,
          /* initialVideoFormatHeightCount= */ initialVideoFormatHeight == C.LENGTH_UNSET ? 0 : 1,
          /* initialVideoFormatBitrateCount= */ initialVideoFormatBitrate == C.LENGTH_UNSET ? 0 : 1,
          /* initialAudioFormatBitrateCount= */ initialAudioFormatBitrate == C.LENGTH_UNSET ? 0 : 1,
          /* fatalErrorPlaybackCount= */ fatalErrorCount > 0 ? 1 : 0,

    private void updatePlaybackState(@PlaybackState int newPlaybackState, EventTime eventTime) {
      Assertions.checkArgument(eventTime.realtimeMs >= currentPlaybackStateStartTimeMs);
      long stateDurationMs = eventTime.realtimeMs - currentPlaybackStateStartTimeMs;
      playbackStateDurationsMs[currentPlaybackState] += stateDurationMs;
      if (firstReportedTimeMs == C.TIME_UNSET) {
        firstReportedTimeMs = eventTime.realtimeMs;
      isJoinTimeInvalid |= isInvalidJoinTransition(currentPlaybackState, newPlaybackState);
      hasBeenReady |= isReadyState(newPlaybackState);
      hasEnded |= newPlaybackState == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_ENDED;
      if (!isPausedState(currentPlaybackState) && isPausedState(newPlaybackState)) {
      if (newPlaybackState == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_SEEKING) {
      if (!isRebufferingState(currentPlaybackState) && isRebufferingState(newPlaybackState)) {
        lastRebufferStartTimeMs = eventTime.realtimeMs;
      if (isRebufferingState(currentPlaybackState)
          && currentPlaybackState != PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_PAUSED_BUFFERING
          && newPlaybackState == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_PAUSED_BUFFERING) {

      currentPlaybackState = newPlaybackState;
      currentPlaybackStateStartTimeMs = eventTime.realtimeMs;
      if (keepHistory) {
        playbackStateHistory.add(new EventTimeAndPlaybackState(eventTime, currentPlaybackState));

    private @PlaybackState int resolveNewPlaybackState(Player player) {
      @Player.State int playerPlaybackState = player.getPlaybackState();
      if (isSeeking && isForeground) {
        // Seeking takes precedence over errors such that we report a seek while in error state.
        return PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_SEEKING;
      } else if (hasFatalError) {
        return PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_FAILED;
      } else if (!isForeground) {
        // Before the playback becomes foreground, only report background joining and not started.
        return startedLoading
            : PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_NOT_STARTED;
      } else if (isInterruptedByAd) {
        return PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_INTERRUPTED_BY_AD;
      } else if (playerPlaybackState == Player.STATE_ENDED) {
        return PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_ENDED;
      } else if (playerPlaybackState == Player.STATE_BUFFERING) {
        if (currentPlaybackState == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_NOT_STARTED
            || currentPlaybackState == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_JOINING_BACKGROUND
            || currentPlaybackState == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_JOINING_FOREGROUND
            || currentPlaybackState == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_INTERRUPTED_BY_AD) {
          return PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_JOINING_FOREGROUND;
        if (!player.getPlayWhenReady()) {
          return PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_PAUSED_BUFFERING;
        return player.getPlaybackSuppressionReason() != Player.PLAYBACK_SUPPRESSION_REASON_NONE
            : PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_BUFFERING;
      } else if (playerPlaybackState == Player.STATE_READY) {
        if (!player.getPlayWhenReady()) {
          return PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_PAUSED;
        return player.getPlaybackSuppressionReason() != Player.PLAYBACK_SUPPRESSION_REASON_NONE
            ? PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_SUPPRESSED
            : PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_PLAYING;
      } else if (playerPlaybackState == Player.STATE_IDLE
          && currentPlaybackState != PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_NOT_STARTED) {
        // This case only applies for calls to player.stop(). All other IDLE cases are handled by
        // !isForeground, hasFatalError or isSuspended. NOT_STARTED is deliberately ignored.
        return PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_STOPPED;
      return currentPlaybackState;

    private void maybeUpdateMaxRebufferTimeMs(long nowMs) {
      if (isRebufferingState(currentPlaybackState)) {
        long rebufferDurationMs = nowMs - lastRebufferStartTimeMs;
        if (maxRebufferTimeMs == C.TIME_UNSET || rebufferDurationMs > maxRebufferTimeMs) {
          maxRebufferTimeMs = rebufferDurationMs;

    private void maybeUpdateMediaTimeHistory(long realtimeMs, long mediaTimeMs) {
      if (!keepHistory) {
      if (currentPlaybackState != PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_PLAYING) {
        if (mediaTimeMs == C.TIME_UNSET) {
        if (!mediaTimeHistory.isEmpty()) {
          long previousMediaTimeMs = mediaTimeHistory.get(mediaTimeHistory.size() - 1)[1];
          if (previousMediaTimeMs != mediaTimeMs) {
            mediaTimeHistory.add(new long[] {realtimeMs, previousMediaTimeMs});

      if (mediaTimeMs != C.TIME_UNSET) {
        mediaTimeHistory.add(new long[] {realtimeMs, mediaTimeMs});
      } else if (!mediaTimeHistory.isEmpty()) {

    private long[] guessMediaTimeBasedOnElapsedRealtime(long realtimeMs) {
      long[] previousKnownMediaTimeHistory = mediaTimeHistory.get(mediaTimeHistory.size() - 1);
      long previousRealtimeMs = previousKnownMediaTimeHistory[0];
      long previousMediaTimeMs = previousKnownMediaTimeHistory[1];
      long elapsedMediaTimeEstimateMs =
          (long) ((realtimeMs - previousRealtimeMs) * currentPlaybackSpeed);
      long mediaTimeEstimateMs = previousMediaTimeMs + elapsedMediaTimeEstimateMs;
      return new long[] {realtimeMs, mediaTimeEstimateMs};

    private void maybeUpdateVideoFormat(EventTime eventTime, @Nullable Format newFormat) {
      if (Util.areEqual(currentVideoFormat, newFormat)) {
      if (newFormat != null) {
        if (initialVideoFormatHeight == C.LENGTH_UNSET && newFormat.height != Format.NO_VALUE) {
          initialVideoFormatHeight = newFormat.height;
        if (initialVideoFormatBitrate == C.LENGTH_UNSET && newFormat.bitrate != Format.NO_VALUE) {
          initialVideoFormatBitrate = newFormat.bitrate;
      currentVideoFormat = newFormat;
      if (keepHistory) {
        videoFormatHistory.add(new EventTimeAndFormat(eventTime, currentVideoFormat));

    private void maybeUpdateAudioFormat(EventTime eventTime, @Nullable Format newFormat) {
      if (Util.areEqual(currentAudioFormat, newFormat)) {
      if (newFormat != null
          && initialAudioFormatBitrate == C.LENGTH_UNSET
          && newFormat.bitrate != Format.NO_VALUE) {
        initialAudioFormatBitrate = newFormat.bitrate;
      currentAudioFormat = newFormat;
      if (keepHistory) {
        audioFormatHistory.add(new EventTimeAndFormat(eventTime, currentAudioFormat));

    private void maybeRecordVideoFormatTime(long nowMs) {
      if (currentPlaybackState == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_PLAYING
          && currentVideoFormat != null) {
        long mediaDurationMs = (long) ((nowMs - lastVideoFormatStartTimeMs) * currentPlaybackSpeed);
        if (currentVideoFormat.height != Format.NO_VALUE) {
          videoFormatHeightTimeMs += mediaDurationMs;
          videoFormatHeightTimeProduct += mediaDurationMs * currentVideoFormat.height;
        if (currentVideoFormat.bitrate != Format.NO_VALUE) {
          videoFormatBitrateTimeMs += mediaDurationMs;
          videoFormatBitrateTimeProduct += mediaDurationMs * currentVideoFormat.bitrate;
      lastVideoFormatStartTimeMs = nowMs;

    private void maybeRecordAudioFormatTime(long nowMs) {
      if (currentPlaybackState == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_PLAYING
          && currentAudioFormat != null
          && currentAudioFormat.bitrate != Format.NO_VALUE) {
        long mediaDurationMs = (long) ((nowMs - lastAudioFormatStartTimeMs) * currentPlaybackSpeed);
        audioFormatTimeMs += mediaDurationMs;
        audioFormatBitrateTimeProduct += mediaDurationMs * currentAudioFormat.bitrate;
      lastAudioFormatStartTimeMs = nowMs;

    private static boolean isReadyState(@PlaybackState int state) {
      return state == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_PLAYING
          || state == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_PAUSED
          || state == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_SUPPRESSED;

    private static boolean isPausedState(@PlaybackState int state) {
      return state == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_PAUSED
          || state == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_PAUSED_BUFFERING;

    private static boolean isRebufferingState(@PlaybackState int state) {
      return state == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_BUFFERING
          || state == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_PAUSED_BUFFERING
          || state == PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_SUPPRESSED_BUFFERING;

    private static boolean isInvalidJoinTransition(
        @PlaybackState int oldState, @PlaybackState int newState) {
      if (oldState != PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_JOINING_BACKGROUND
          && oldState != PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_JOINING_FOREGROUND
          && oldState != PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_INTERRUPTED_BY_AD) {
        return false;
      return newState != PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_JOINING_BACKGROUND
          && newState != PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_JOINING_FOREGROUND
          && newState != PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_INTERRUPTED_BY_AD
          && newState != PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_PLAYING
          && newState != PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_PAUSED
          && newState != PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_SUPPRESSED
          && newState != PlaybackStats.PLAYBACK_STATE_ENDED;