public abstract class


extends java.lang.Object




SegmentBase.SingleSegmentBase, SegmentBase.MultiSegmentBase, SegmentBase.SegmentList, SegmentBase.SegmentTemplate

Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.media3', name: 'media3-exoplayer-dash', version: '1.0.0-alpha03'

  • groupId: androidx.media3
  • artifactId: media3-exoplayer-dash
  • version: 1.0.0-alpha03

Artifact androidx.media3:media3-exoplayer-dash:1.0.0-alpha03 it located at Google repository (


An approximate representation of a SegmentBase manifest element.


publicSegmentBase(RangedUri initialization, long timescale, long presentationTimeOffset)

public RangedUrigetInitialization(Representation representation)

Returns the RangedUri defining the location of initialization data for a given representation, or null if no initialization data exists.

public longgetPresentationTimeOffsetUs()

Returns the presentation time offset, in microseconds.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public SegmentBase(RangedUri initialization, long timescale, long presentationTimeOffset)


initialization: A RangedUri corresponding to initialization data, if such data exists.
timescale: The timescale in units per second.
presentationTimeOffset: The presentation time offset. The value in seconds is the division of this value and timescale.


public RangedUri getInitialization(Representation representation)

Returns the RangedUri defining the location of initialization data for a given representation, or null if no initialization data exists.


representation: The Representation for which initialization data is required.


A RangedUri defining the location of the initialization data, or null.

public long getPresentationTimeOffsetUs()

Returns the presentation time offset, in microseconds.


 * Copyright (C) 2016 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package androidx.media3.exoplayer.dash.manifest;

import static androidx.media3.exoplayer.dash.DashSegmentIndex.INDEX_UNBOUNDED;
import static java.lang.Math.max;
import static java.lang.Math.min;

import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.media3.common.C;
import androidx.media3.common.util.UnstableApi;
import androidx.media3.common.util.Util;
import androidx.media3.exoplayer.dash.DashSegmentIndex;
import java.math.BigInteger;
import java.math.RoundingMode;
import java.util.List;

/** An approximate representation of a SegmentBase manifest element. */
public abstract class SegmentBase {

  @Nullable /* package */ final RangedUri initialization;
  /* package */ final long timescale;
  /* package */ final long presentationTimeOffset;

   * @param initialization A {@link RangedUri} corresponding to initialization data, if such data
   *     exists.
   * @param timescale The timescale in units per second.
   * @param presentationTimeOffset The presentation time offset. The value in seconds is the
   *     division of this value and {@code timescale}.
  public SegmentBase(
      @Nullable RangedUri initialization, long timescale, long presentationTimeOffset) {
    this.initialization = initialization;
    this.timescale = timescale;
    this.presentationTimeOffset = presentationTimeOffset;

   * Returns the {@link RangedUri} defining the location of initialization data for a given
   * representation, or null if no initialization data exists.
   * @param representation The {@link Representation} for which initialization data is required.
   * @return A {@link RangedUri} defining the location of the initialization data, or null.
  public RangedUri getInitialization(Representation representation) {
    return initialization;

  /** Returns the presentation time offset, in microseconds. */
  public long getPresentationTimeOffsetUs() {
    return Util.scaleLargeTimestamp(presentationTimeOffset, C.MICROS_PER_SECOND, timescale);

  /** A {@link SegmentBase} that defines a single segment. */
  public static class SingleSegmentBase extends SegmentBase {

    /* package */ final long indexStart;
    /* package */ final long indexLength;

     * @param initialization A {@link RangedUri} corresponding to initialization data, if such data
     *     exists.
     * @param timescale The timescale in units per second.
     * @param presentationTimeOffset The presentation time offset. The value in seconds is the
     *     division of this value and {@code timescale}.
     * @param indexStart The byte offset of the index data in the segment.
     * @param indexLength The length of the index data in bytes.
    public SingleSegmentBase(
        @Nullable RangedUri initialization,
        long timescale,
        long presentationTimeOffset,
        long indexStart,
        long indexLength) {
      super(initialization, timescale, presentationTimeOffset);
      this.indexStart = indexStart;
      this.indexLength = indexLength;

    public SingleSegmentBase() {
          /* initialization= */ null,
          /* timescale= */ 1,
          /* presentationTimeOffset= */ 0,
          /* indexStart= */ 0,
          /* indexLength= */ 0);

    public RangedUri getIndex() {
      return indexLength <= 0
          ? null
          : new RangedUri(/* referenceUri= */ null, indexStart, indexLength);

  /** A {@link SegmentBase} that consists of multiple segments. */
  public abstract static class MultiSegmentBase extends SegmentBase {

    /* package */ final long startNumber;
    /* package */ final long duration;
    @Nullable /* package */ final List<SegmentTimelineElement> segmentTimeline;
    private final long timeShiftBufferDepthUs;
    private final long periodStartUnixTimeUs;

     * Offset to the current realtime at which segments become available, in microseconds, or {@link
     * C#TIME_UNSET} if all segments are available immediately.
     * <p>Segments will be available once their end time &le; currentRealTime +
     * availabilityTimeOffset.
    @VisibleForTesting /* package */ final long availabilityTimeOffsetUs;

     * @param initialization A {@link RangedUri} corresponding to initialization data, if such data
     *     exists.
     * @param timescale The timescale in units per second.
     * @param presentationTimeOffset The presentation time offset. The value in seconds is the
     *     division of this value and {@code timescale}.
     * @param startNumber The sequence number of the first segment.
     * @param duration The duration of each segment in the case of fixed duration segments. The
     *     value in seconds is the division of this value and {@code timescale}. If {@code
     *     segmentTimeline} is non-null then this parameter is ignored.
     * @param segmentTimeline A segment timeline corresponding to the segments. If null, then
     *     segments are assumed to be of fixed duration as specified by the {@code duration}
     *     parameter.
     * @param availabilityTimeOffsetUs The offset to the current realtime at which segments become
     *     available in microseconds, or {@link C#TIME_UNSET} if not applicable.
     * @param timeShiftBufferDepthUs The time shift buffer depth in microseconds.
     * @param periodStartUnixTimeUs The start of the enclosing period in microseconds since the Unix
     *     epoch.
    public MultiSegmentBase(
        @Nullable RangedUri initialization,
        long timescale,
        long presentationTimeOffset,
        long startNumber,
        long duration,
        @Nullable List<SegmentTimelineElement> segmentTimeline,
        long availabilityTimeOffsetUs,
        long timeShiftBufferDepthUs,
        long periodStartUnixTimeUs) {
      super(initialization, timescale, presentationTimeOffset);
      this.startNumber = startNumber;
      this.duration = duration;
      this.segmentTimeline = segmentTimeline;
      this.availabilityTimeOffsetUs = availabilityTimeOffsetUs;
      this.timeShiftBufferDepthUs = timeShiftBufferDepthUs;
      this.periodStartUnixTimeUs = periodStartUnixTimeUs;

    /** See {@link DashSegmentIndex#getSegmentNum(long, long)}. */
    public long getSegmentNum(long timeUs, long periodDurationUs) {
      final long firstSegmentNum = getFirstSegmentNum();
      final long segmentCount = getSegmentCount(periodDurationUs);
      if (segmentCount == 0) {
        return firstSegmentNum;
      if (segmentTimeline == null) {
        // All segments are of equal duration (with the possible exception of the last one).
        long durationUs = (duration * C.MICROS_PER_SECOND) / timescale;
        long segmentNum = startNumber + timeUs / durationUs;
        // Ensure we stay within bounds.
        return segmentNum < firstSegmentNum
            ? firstSegmentNum
            : segmentCount == INDEX_UNBOUNDED
                ? segmentNum
                : min(segmentNum, firstSegmentNum + segmentCount - 1);
      } else {
        // The index cannot be unbounded. Identify the segment using binary search.
        long lowIndex = firstSegmentNum;
        long highIndex = firstSegmentNum + segmentCount - 1;
        while (lowIndex <= highIndex) {
          long midIndex = lowIndex + (highIndex - lowIndex) / 2;
          long midTimeUs = getSegmentTimeUs(midIndex);
          if (midTimeUs < timeUs) {
            lowIndex = midIndex + 1;
          } else if (midTimeUs > timeUs) {
            highIndex = midIndex - 1;
          } else {
            return midIndex;
        return lowIndex == firstSegmentNum ? lowIndex : highIndex;

    /** See {@link DashSegmentIndex#getDurationUs(long, long)}. */
    public final long getSegmentDurationUs(long sequenceNumber, long periodDurationUs) {
      if (segmentTimeline != null) {
        long duration = segmentTimeline.get((int) (sequenceNumber - startNumber)).duration;
        return (duration * C.MICROS_PER_SECOND) / timescale;
      } else {
        long segmentCount = getSegmentCount(periodDurationUs);
        return segmentCount != INDEX_UNBOUNDED
                && sequenceNumber == (getFirstSegmentNum() + segmentCount - 1)
            ? (periodDurationUs - getSegmentTimeUs(sequenceNumber))
            : ((duration * C.MICROS_PER_SECOND) / timescale);

    /** See {@link DashSegmentIndex#getTimeUs(long)}. */
    public final long getSegmentTimeUs(long sequenceNumber) {
      long unscaledSegmentTime;
      if (segmentTimeline != null) {
        unscaledSegmentTime =
            segmentTimeline.get((int) (sequenceNumber - startNumber)).startTime
                - presentationTimeOffset;
      } else {
        unscaledSegmentTime = (sequenceNumber - startNumber) * duration;
      return Util.scaleLargeTimestamp(unscaledSegmentTime, C.MICROS_PER_SECOND, timescale);

     * Returns a {@link RangedUri} defining the location of a segment for the given index in the
     * given representation.
     * <p>See {@link DashSegmentIndex#getSegmentUrl(long)}.
    public abstract RangedUri getSegmentUrl(Representation representation, long index);

    /** See {@link DashSegmentIndex#getFirstSegmentNum()}. */
    public long getFirstSegmentNum() {
      return startNumber;

    /** See {@link DashSegmentIndex#getFirstAvailableSegmentNum(long, long)}. */
    public long getFirstAvailableSegmentNum(long periodDurationUs, long nowUnixTimeUs) {
      long segmentCount = getSegmentCount(periodDurationUs);
      if (segmentCount != INDEX_UNBOUNDED || timeShiftBufferDepthUs == C.TIME_UNSET) {
        return getFirstSegmentNum();
      // The index is itself unbounded. We need to use the current time to calculate the range of
      // available segments.
      long liveEdgeTimeInPeriodUs = nowUnixTimeUs - periodStartUnixTimeUs;
      long timeShiftBufferStartInPeriodUs = liveEdgeTimeInPeriodUs - timeShiftBufferDepthUs;
      long timeShiftBufferStartSegmentNum =
          getSegmentNum(timeShiftBufferStartInPeriodUs, periodDurationUs);
      return max(getFirstSegmentNum(), timeShiftBufferStartSegmentNum);

    /** See {@link DashSegmentIndex#getAvailableSegmentCount(long, long)}. */
    public long getAvailableSegmentCount(long periodDurationUs, long nowUnixTimeUs) {
      long segmentCount = getSegmentCount(periodDurationUs);
      if (segmentCount != INDEX_UNBOUNDED) {
        return segmentCount;
      // The index is itself unbounded. We need to use the current time to calculate the range of
      // available segments.
      long liveEdgeTimeInPeriodUs = nowUnixTimeUs - periodStartUnixTimeUs;
      long availabilityTimeOffsetUs = liveEdgeTimeInPeriodUs + this.availabilityTimeOffsetUs;
      // getSegmentNum(availabilityTimeOffsetUs) will not be completed yet.
      long firstIncompleteSegmentNum = getSegmentNum(availabilityTimeOffsetUs, periodDurationUs);
      long firstAvailableSegmentNum = getFirstAvailableSegmentNum(periodDurationUs, nowUnixTimeUs);
      return (int) (firstIncompleteSegmentNum - firstAvailableSegmentNum);

    /** See {@link DashSegmentIndex#getNextSegmentAvailableTimeUs(long, long)}. */
    public long getNextSegmentAvailableTimeUs(long periodDurationUs, long nowUnixTimeUs) {
      if (segmentTimeline != null) {
        return C.TIME_UNSET;
      long firstIncompleteSegmentNum =
          getFirstAvailableSegmentNum(periodDurationUs, nowUnixTimeUs)
              + getAvailableSegmentCount(periodDurationUs, nowUnixTimeUs);
      return getSegmentTimeUs(firstIncompleteSegmentNum)
          + getSegmentDurationUs(firstIncompleteSegmentNum, periodDurationUs)
          - availabilityTimeOffsetUs;

    /** See {@link DashSegmentIndex#isExplicit()} */
    public boolean isExplicit() {
      return segmentTimeline != null;

    /** See {@link DashSegmentIndex#getSegmentCount(long)}. */
    public abstract long getSegmentCount(long periodDurationUs);

  /** A {@link MultiSegmentBase} that uses a SegmentList to define its segments. */
  public static final class SegmentList extends MultiSegmentBase {

    @Nullable /* package */ final List<RangedUri> mediaSegments;

     * @param initialization A {@link RangedUri} corresponding to initialization data, if such data
     *     exists.
     * @param timescale The timescale in units per second.
     * @param presentationTimeOffset The presentation time offset. The value in seconds is the
     *     division of this value and {@code timescale}.
     * @param startNumber The sequence number of the first segment.
     * @param duration The duration of each segment in the case of fixed duration segments. The
     *     value in seconds is the division of this value and {@code timescale}. If {@code
     *     segmentTimeline} is non-null then this parameter is ignored.
     * @param segmentTimeline A segment timeline corresponding to the segments. If null, then
     *     segments are assumed to be of fixed duration as specified by the {@code duration}
     *     parameter.
     * @param availabilityTimeOffsetUs The offset to the current realtime at which segments become
     *     available in microseconds, or {@link C#TIME_UNSET} if not applicable.
     * @param mediaSegments A list of {@link RangedUri}s indicating the locations of the segments.
     * @param timeShiftBufferDepthUs The time shift buffer depth in microseconds.
     * @param periodStartUnixTimeUs The start of the enclosing period in microseconds since the Unix
     *     epoch.
    public SegmentList(
        RangedUri initialization,
        long timescale,
        long presentationTimeOffset,
        long startNumber,
        long duration,
        @Nullable List<SegmentTimelineElement> segmentTimeline,
        long availabilityTimeOffsetUs,
        @Nullable List<RangedUri> mediaSegments,
        long timeShiftBufferDepthUs,
        long periodStartUnixTimeUs) {
      this.mediaSegments = mediaSegments;

    public RangedUri getSegmentUrl(Representation representation, long sequenceNumber) {
      return mediaSegments.get((int) (sequenceNumber - startNumber));

    public long getSegmentCount(long periodDurationUs) {
      return mediaSegments.size();

    public boolean isExplicit() {
      return true;

  /** A {@link MultiSegmentBase} that uses a SegmentTemplate to define its segments. */
  public static final class SegmentTemplate extends MultiSegmentBase {

    @Nullable /* package */ final UrlTemplate initializationTemplate;
    @Nullable /* package */ final UrlTemplate mediaTemplate;
    /* package */ final long endNumber;

     * @param initialization A {@link RangedUri} corresponding to initialization data, if such data
     *     exists. The value of this parameter is ignored if {@code initializationTemplate} is
     *     non-null.
     * @param timescale The timescale in units per second.
     * @param presentationTimeOffset The presentation time offset. The value in seconds is the
     *     division of this value and {@code timescale}.
     * @param startNumber The sequence number of the first segment.
     * @param endNumber The sequence number of the last segment as specified by the
     *     SupplementalProperty with schemeIdUri="",
     *     or {@link C#INDEX_UNSET}.
     * @param duration The duration of each segment in the case of fixed duration segments. The
     *     value in seconds is the division of this value and {@code timescale}. If {@code
     *     segmentTimeline} is non-null then this parameter is ignored.
     * @param segmentTimeline A segment timeline corresponding to the segments. If null, then
     *     segments are assumed to be of fixed duration as specified by the {@code duration}
     *     parameter.
     * @param availabilityTimeOffsetUs The offset to the current realtime at which segments become
     *     available in microseconds, or {@link C#TIME_UNSET} if not applicable.
     * @param initializationTemplate A template defining the location of initialization data, if
     *     such data exists. If non-null then the {@code initialization} parameter is ignored. If
     *     null then {@code initialization} will be used.
     * @param mediaTemplate A template defining the location of each media segment.
     * @param timeShiftBufferDepthUs The time shift buffer depth in microseconds.
     * @param periodStartUnixTimeUs The start of the enclosing period in microseconds since the Unix
     *     epoch.
    public SegmentTemplate(
        RangedUri initialization,
        long timescale,
        long presentationTimeOffset,
        long startNumber,
        long endNumber,
        long duration,
        @Nullable List<SegmentTimelineElement> segmentTimeline,
        long availabilityTimeOffsetUs,
        @Nullable UrlTemplate initializationTemplate,
        @Nullable UrlTemplate mediaTemplate,
        long timeShiftBufferDepthUs,
        long periodStartUnixTimeUs) {
      this.initializationTemplate = initializationTemplate;
      this.mediaTemplate = mediaTemplate;
      this.endNumber = endNumber;

    public RangedUri getInitialization(Representation representation) {
      if (initializationTemplate != null) {
        String urlString =
      , 0, representation.format.bitrate, 0);
        return new RangedUri(urlString, 0, C.LENGTH_UNSET);
      } else {
        return super.getInitialization(representation);

    public RangedUri getSegmentUrl(Representation representation, long sequenceNumber) {
      long time;
      if (segmentTimeline != null) {
        time = segmentTimeline.get((int) (sequenceNumber - startNumber)).startTime;
      } else {
        time = (sequenceNumber - startNumber) * duration;
      String uriString =
    , sequenceNumber, representation.format.bitrate, time);
      return new RangedUri(uriString, 0, C.LENGTH_UNSET);

    public long getSegmentCount(long periodDurationUs) {
      if (segmentTimeline != null) {
        return segmentTimeline.size();
      } else if (endNumber != C.INDEX_UNSET) {
        return endNumber - startNumber + 1;
      } else if (periodDurationUs != C.TIME_UNSET) {
        BigInteger numerator =
        BigInteger denominator =
        return BigIntegerMath.divide(numerator, denominator, RoundingMode.CEILING).longValue();
      } else {
        return INDEX_UNBOUNDED;

  /** Represents a timeline segment from the MPD's SegmentTimeline list. */
  public static final class SegmentTimelineElement {

    /* package */ final long startTime;
    /* package */ final long duration;

     * @param startTime The start time of the element. The value in seconds is the division of this
     *     value and the {@code timescale} of the enclosing element.
     * @param duration The duration of the element. The value in seconds is the division of this
     *     value and the {@code timescale} of the enclosing element.
    public SegmentTimelineElement(long startTime, long duration) {
      this.startTime = startTime;
      this.duration = duration;

    public boolean equals(@Nullable Object o) {
      if (this == o) {
        return true;
      if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
        return false;
      SegmentTimelineElement that = (SegmentTimelineElement) o;
      return startTime == that.startTime && duration == that.duration;

    public int hashCode() {
      return 31 * (int) startTime + (int) duration;