public @interface


implements java.lang.annotation.Annotation


Marks a method in a Dao class as a transaction method.

When used on a non-abstract method of an abstract Dao class, the derived implementation of the method will execute the super method in a database transaction. All the parameters and return types are preserved. The transaction will be marked as successful unless an exception is thrown in the method body.


 public abstract class SongDao {
   public abstract void insert(Song song);
   public abstract void delete(Song song);
   public void insertAndDeleteInTransaction(Song newSong, Song oldSong) {
     // Anything inside this method runs in a single transaction.

When used on a Query method that has a SELECT statement, the generated code for the Query will be run in a transaction. There are 2 main cases where you may want to do that:

  1. If the result of the query is fairly big, it is better to run it inside a transaction to receive a consistent result. Otherwise, if the query result does not fit into a single , the query result may be corrupted due to changes in the database in between cursor window swaps.
  2. If the result of the query is a POJO with Relation fields, these fields are queried separately. To receive consistent results between these queries, you also want to run them in a single transaction.
 class AlbumWithSongs extends Album {
      @Relation(parentColumn = "albumId", entityColumn = "songId")
     public List<Song> songs;

 public interface AlbumDao {
      @Transaction  @Query("SELECT * FROM album")
     public List<AlbumWithSongs> loadAll();
If the query is asynchronous (e.g. returns a LiveData or RxJava Flowable), the transaction is properly handled when the query is run, not when the method is called.

Putting this annotation on an Insert, Update or Delete method has no impact because those methods are always run inside a transaction. Similarly, if a method is annotated with Query but runs an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement, it is automatically wrapped in a transaction and this annotation has no effect.

Room will only perform at most one transaction at a time, additional transactions are queued and executed on a first come, first serve order.



 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import java.lang.annotation.ElementType;
import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.lang.annotation.Target;

 * Marks a method in a {@link Dao} class as a transaction method.
 * <p>
 * When used on a non-abstract method of an abstract {@link Dao} class,
 * the derived implementation of the method will execute the super method in a database transaction.
 * All the parameters and return types are preserved. The transaction will be marked as successful
 * unless an exception is thrown in the method body.
 * <p>
 * Example:
 * <pre>
 * {@literal @}Dao
 * public abstract class SongDao {
 *   {@literal @}Insert
 *   public abstract void insert(Song song);
 *   {@literal @}Delete
 *   public abstract void delete(Song song);
 *   {@literal @}Transaction
 *   public void insertAndDeleteInTransaction(Song newSong, Song oldSong) {
 *     // Anything inside this method runs in a single transaction.
 *     insert(newSong);
 *     delete(oldSong);
 *   }
 * }
 * </pre>
 * <p>
 * When used on a {@link Query} method that has a {@code SELECT} statement, the generated code for
 * the Query will be run in a transaction. There are 2 main cases where you may want to do that:
 * <ol>
 *     <li>If the result of the query is fairly big, it is better to run it inside a transaction
 *     to receive a consistent result. Otherwise, if the query result does not fit into a single
 *     {@link android.database.CursorWindow CursorWindow}, the query result may be corrupted due to
 *     changes in the database in between cursor window swaps.
 *     <li>If the result of the query is a POJO with {@link Relation} fields, these fields are
 *     queried separately. To receive consistent results between these queries, you also want
 *     to run them in a single transaction.
 * </ol>
 * Example:
 * <pre>
 * class AlbumWithSongs extends Album {
 *     {@literal @}Relation(parentColumn = "albumId", entityColumn = "songId")
 *     public List&lt;Song&gt; songs;
 * }
 * {@literal @}Dao
 * public interface AlbumDao {
 *     {@literal @}Transaction {@literal @}Query("SELECT * FROM album")
 *     public List&lt;AlbumWithSongs&gt; loadAll();
 * }
 * </pre>
 * If the query is asynchronous (e.g. returns a {@link androidx.lifecycle.LiveData LiveData}
 * or RxJava {@code Flowable}), the transaction is properly handled when the query is run, not when
 * the method is called.
 * <p>
 * Putting this annotation on an {@link Insert}, {@link Update} or {@link Delete} method has no
 * impact because those methods are always run inside a transaction. Similarly, if a method is
 * annotated with {@link Query} but runs an INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE statement, it is automatically
 * wrapped in a transaction and this annotation has no effect.
 * <p>
 * Room will only perform at most one transaction at a time, additional transactions are queued
 * and executed on a first come, first serve order.
public @interface Transaction {