public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.test.espresso', name: 'espresso-core', version: '3.5.0-alpha06'

  • groupId: androidx.test.espresso
  • artifactId: espresso-core
  • version: 3.5.0-alpha06

Artifact androidx.test.espresso:espresso-core:3.5.0-alpha06 it located at Google repository (

Androidx artifact mapping:


Androidx class mapping:



Utility methods for iterating over tree structured items.

Since the view hierarchy is a tree - having a method of iterating over its contents is useful.

This is generalized for any object which can display tree like qualities - but this generalization was done for testability concerns (since creating View hierarchies is a pain).

Only public methods of this utility class are considered public API of the test framework.


public static java.lang.Iterable<View>breadthFirstViewTraversal(View root)

Returns an iterable which iterates thru the provided view and its children in a breadth-first, row-level-order traversal.

public static java.lang.Iterable<View>depthFirstViewTraversal(View root)

Returns an iterable which iterates thru the provided view and its children in a depth-first, in-order traversal.

public static java.lang.Iterable<TreeIterables.ViewAndDistance>depthFirstViewTraversalWithDistance(View root)

Creates an iterable that traverses the tree formed by the given root.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static java.lang.Iterable<TreeIterables.ViewAndDistance> depthFirstViewTraversalWithDistance(View root)

Creates an iterable that traverses the tree formed by the given root.

Along with iteration order, the distance from the root element is also tracked.


root: the root view to track from.


An iterable of ViewAndDistance containing the view tree in a depth first order with the distance of a given node from the root.

public static java.lang.Iterable<View> depthFirstViewTraversal(View root)

Returns an iterable which iterates thru the provided view and its children in a depth-first, in-order traversal. That is to say that for a view such as: Root / | \ A R U /| |\ B D G N Will be iterated: Root, A, B, D, R, G, N, U.


root: the non-null, root view.

public static java.lang.Iterable<View> breadthFirstViewTraversal(View root)

Returns an iterable which iterates thru the provided view and its children in a breadth-first, row-level-order traversal. That is to say that for a view such as: Root / | \ A R U /| |\ B D G N Will be iterated: Root, A, R, U, B, D, G, N


root: the non-null, root view.


 * Copyright (C) 2014 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.test.espresso.util;

import static;

import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

 * Utility methods for iterating over tree structured items.
 * <p>Since the view hierarchy is a tree - having a method of iterating over its contents is useful.
 * <p>This is generalized for any object which can display tree like qualities - but this
 * generalization was done for testability concerns (since creating View hierarchies is a pain).
 * <p>Only public methods of this utility class are considered public API of the test framework.
public final class TreeIterables {
  private static final TreeViewer<View> VIEW_TREE_VIEWER = new ViewTreeViewer();

  private TreeIterables() {}

   * Creates an iterable that traverses the tree formed by the given root.
   * <p>Along with iteration order, the distance from the root element is also tracked.
   * @param root the root view to track from.
   * @return An iterable of ViewAndDistance containing the view tree in a depth first order with the
   *     distance of a given node from the root.
  public static Iterable<ViewAndDistance> depthFirstViewTraversalWithDistance(View root) {
    final DistanceRecordingTreeViewer<View> distanceRecorder =
        new DistanceRecordingTreeViewer<View>(root, VIEW_TREE_VIEWER);

    return Iterables.transform(
        depthFirstTraversal(root, distanceRecorder),
        new Function<View, ViewAndDistance>() {
          public ViewAndDistance apply(View view) {
            return new ViewAndDistance(view, distanceRecorder.getDistance(view));

   * Returns an iterable which iterates thru the provided view and its children in a depth-first,
   * in-order traversal. That is to say that for a view such as: Root / | \ A R U /| |\ B D G N Will
   * be iterated: Root, A, B, D, R, G, N, U.
   * @param root the non-null, root view.
  public static Iterable<View> depthFirstViewTraversal(View root) {
    return depthFirstTraversal(root, VIEW_TREE_VIEWER);

   * Returns an iterable which iterates thru the provided view and its children in a breadth-first,
   * row-level-order traversal. That is to say that for a view such as: Root / | \ A R U /| |\ B D G
   * N Will be iterated: Root, A, R, U, B, D, G, N
   * @param root the non-null, root view.
  public static Iterable<View> breadthFirstViewTraversal(View root) {
    return breadthFirstTraversal(root, VIEW_TREE_VIEWER);

   * Creates a depth first traversing iterator of the tree rooted at root.
   * @param root the root of the tree
   * @param viewer a TreeViewer which can determine leafiness of any instance of T and generate
   *     Iterables for the direct children of any instance of T.
  static <T> Iterable<T> depthFirstTraversal(final T root, final TreeViewer<T> viewer) {
    return new TreeTraversalIterable<T>(root, TraversalStrategy.DEPTH_FIRST, viewer);

   * Creates a breadth first traversing iterator of the tree rooted at root.
   * @param root the root of the tree
   * @param viewer a TreeViewer which can determine leafiness of any instance of T and generate
   *     Iterables for the direct children of any instance of T.
  static <T> Iterable<T> breadthFirstTraversal(final T root, final TreeViewer<T> viewer) {
    return new TreeTraversalIterable<T>(root, TraversalStrategy.BREADTH_FIRST, viewer);

  /** Converts a tree into an Iterable of the tree's nodes presented in a given traversal order. */
  private static class TreeTraversalIterable<T> implements Iterable<T> {
    private final T root;
    private final TraversalStrategy traversalStrategy;
    private final TreeViewer<T> treeViewer;

    private TreeTraversalIterable(
        T root, TraversalStrategy traversalStrategy, TreeViewer<T> treeViewer) {
      this.root = checkNotNull(root);
      this.traversalStrategy = checkNotNull(traversalStrategy);
      this.treeViewer = checkNotNull(treeViewer);

    public Iterator<T> iterator() {
      final LinkedList<T> nodes = Lists.newLinkedList();
      return new AbstractIterator<T>() {
        public T computeNext() {
          if (nodes.isEmpty()) {
            return endOfData();
          } else {
            T nextItem = checkNotNull(, "Null items not allowed!");
            traversalStrategy.combineNewChildren(nodes, treeViewer.children(nextItem));
            return nextItem;

  private enum TraversalStrategy {
      <T> void combineNewChildren(LinkedList<T> nodes, Collection<T> newChildren) {
      <T> void combineNewChildren(LinkedList<T> nodes, Collection<T> newChildren) {
        nodes.addAll(0, newChildren);

    abstract <T> void combineNewChildren(LinkedList<T> nodes, Collection<T> newChildren);

    <T> T next(LinkedList<T> nodes) {
      return nodes.removeFirst();

   * A TreeView providing access to the children of a given View.
   * <p>The only way views can have children is if they are a subclass of ViewGroup.
  static class ViewTreeViewer implements TreeViewer<View> {
    public Collection<View> children(View view) {
      if (view instanceof ViewGroup) {
        ViewGroup group = (ViewGroup) view;
        int childCount = group.getChildCount();
        List<View> children = Lists.newArrayList();
        for (int i = 0; i < childCount; i++) {
        return children;
      } else {
        return Collections.<View>emptyList();

   * Provides a tree view of items of instance T and records their distance from a well known root.
   * <p>It is assumed that this TreeViewer will only be called with nodes that it has processed via
   * its children method, or the root node itself. Otherwise it will not be able to determine
   * distance from the root and an exception will be thrown.
   * <p>This class is stateful and only provides the correct distances after the underlying tree has
   * been iterated over.
  static class DistanceRecordingTreeViewer<T> implements TreeViewer<T> {
    private final T root;
    private final Map<T, Integer> nodeToDistance = Maps.newHashMap();
    private final TreeViewer<T> delegateViewer;

    DistanceRecordingTreeViewer(T root, TreeViewer<T> delegateViewer) {
      this.root = checkNotNull(root);
      this.delegateViewer = checkNotNull(delegateViewer);

    int getDistance(T node) {
      return checkNotNull(nodeToDistance.get(node), "Never seen %s before", node);

    public Collection<T> children(final T node) {
      if (node == root) {
        // base case.
        nodeToDistance.put(node, 0);

      int myDistance = getDistance(node);
      final int childDistance = myDistance + 1;
      Collection<T> children = delegateViewer.children(node);

      for (T child : children) {
        nodeToDistance.put(child, childDistance);
      return children;

   * Provides a way of viewing any instance of T as a tree so long as there exists a method for
   * converting the instance of T into a Collection of that instance's direct children.
   * <p>This nice, sensible abstraction for dealing with objects with treelike properties was stolen
   * from Guava's bug tracker. The Guava team is still working out the way trees should be exposed
   * as Guava collections - so we have to provide our own.
  interface TreeViewer<T> {

    /** Returns a collection view of the children of this node. */
    Collection<T> children(T instance);

  /** Represents the distance a given view is from the root view. */
  public static class ViewAndDistance {
    private final View view;
    private final int distanceFromRoot;

    private ViewAndDistance(View view, int distanceFromRoot) {
      this.view = view;
      this.distanceFromRoot = distanceFromRoot;

    public View getView() {
      return view;

    public int getDistanceFromRoot() {
      return distanceFromRoot;