public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.wear.protolayout', name: 'protolayout-expression-pipeline', version: '1.2.0'

  • groupId: androidx.wear.protolayout
  • artifactId: protolayout-expression-pipeline
  • version: 1.2.0

Artifact androidx.wear.protolayout:protolayout-expression-pipeline:1.2.0 it located at Google repository (


Helper class for Animations in ProtoLayout. It contains helper methods used in rendered and constants for default values.


public static voidapplyAnimationSpecToAnimation(Animation animation, AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec spec)

Sets animation parameters (duration, delay, easing, repeat mode and count) to the given animation.

public static voidapplyAnimationSpecToAnimator(ValueAnimator animator, AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec spec)

Sets animation parameters (duration, delay, easing, repeat mode and count) to the given animator.

public static java.time.DurationgetMainDelayOrDefault(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec spec)

Returns the main delay from the given AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec or default value if not set.

public static java.time.DurationgetMainDurationOrDefault(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec spec)

Returns the main duration from the given AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec or default value if not set.

public static InterpolatorgetMainInterpolatorOrDefault(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec spec)

Returns the main easing converted to the Interpolator from the given AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec or default value if not set.

public static java.time.DurationgetOverrideReverseDurationOrDefault(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec spec)

public static intgetRepeatCountOrDefault(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec spec)

Returns the repeat count from the given AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec or default value if not set

public static intgetRepeatModeOrDefault(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec spec)

Returns the repeat mode from the given AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec or default value if not set.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static java.time.Duration getMainDurationOrDefault(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec spec)

Returns the main duration from the given AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec or default value if not set.

public static java.time.Duration getMainDelayOrDefault(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec spec)

Returns the main delay from the given AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec or default value if not set.

public static Interpolator getMainInterpolatorOrDefault(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec spec)

Returns the main easing converted to the Interpolator from the given AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec or default value if not set.

public static int getRepeatCountOrDefault(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec spec)

Returns the repeat count from the given AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec or default value if not set

public static int getRepeatModeOrDefault(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec spec)

Returns the repeat mode from the given AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec or default value if not set.

public static java.time.Duration getOverrideReverseDurationOrDefault(AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec spec)

public static void applyAnimationSpecToAnimator(ValueAnimator animator, AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec spec)

Sets animation parameters (duration, delay, easing, repeat mode and count) to the given animator. These will be values from the given AnimationSpec if they are set and default values otherwise.

public static void applyAnimationSpecToAnimation(Animation animation, AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec spec)

Sets animation parameters (duration, delay, easing, repeat mode and count) to the given animation. These will be values from the given AnimationSpec if they are set and default values otherwise.


 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.pipeline;

import android.animation.ValueAnimator;
import android.view.animation.Animation;
import android.view.animation.Interpolator;
import android.view.animation.LinearInterpolator;
import android.view.animation.PathInterpolator;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.core.util.Pair;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationParameterProto.AnimationParameters;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationParameterProto.AnimationSpec;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationParameterProto.CubicBezierEasing;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationParameterProto.Easing;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationParameterProto.RepeatMode;
import androidx.wear.protolayout.expression.proto.AnimationParameterProto.Repeatable;

import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.Map;

 * Helper class for Animations in ProtoLayout. It contains helper methods used in rendered and
 * constants for default values.
public class AnimationsHelper {

    private static final Duration DEFAULT_ANIM_DURATION = Duration.ofMillis(300);
    private static final Interpolator DEFAULT_ANIM_INTERPOLATOR = new LinearInterpolator();
    private static final Duration DEFAULT_ANIM_DELAY = Duration.ZERO;
    private static final int DEFAULT_REPEAT_COUNT = 0;
    private static final int DEFAULT_REPEAT_MODE = ValueAnimator.RESTART;
    private static final Map<RepeatMode, Integer> sRepeatModeForAnimator =
            new EnumMap<>(RepeatMode.class);

    static {
        sRepeatModeForAnimator.put(RepeatMode.REPEAT_MODE_UNKNOWN, DEFAULT_REPEAT_MODE);
        sRepeatModeForAnimator.put(RepeatMode.REPEAT_MODE_RESTART, ValueAnimator.RESTART);
        sRepeatModeForAnimator.put(RepeatMode.REPEAT_MODE_REVERSE, ValueAnimator.REVERSE);

    private AnimationsHelper() {

    /** Returns the main duration from the given {@link AnimationSpec} or default value if not
     * set. */
    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // Make sure the deprecated method is valid for compatibility
    public static Duration getMainDurationOrDefault(@NonNull AnimationSpec spec) {
        return spec.hasAnimationParameters()
                && spec.getAnimationParameters().getDurationMillis() > 0
                ? Duration.ofMillis(spec.getAnimationParameters().getDurationMillis())
                : spec.getDurationMillis() > 0
                        ? Duration.ofMillis(spec.getDurationMillis())
                        : DEFAULT_ANIM_DURATION;

    /** Returns the main delay from the given {@link AnimationSpec} or default value if not set. */
    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // Make sure the deprecated method is valid for compatibility
    public static Duration getMainDelayOrDefault(@NonNull AnimationSpec spec) {
        return spec.getAnimationParameters().hasDelayMillis()
                ? Duration.ofMillis(spec.getAnimationParameters().getDelayMillis())
                : spec.getStartDelayMillis() > 0
                        ? Duration.ofMillis(spec.getStartDelayMillis())
                        : DEFAULT_ANIM_DELAY;

     * Returns the main easing converted to the Interpolator from the given {@link AnimationSpec} or
     * default value if not set.
    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") // Make sure the deprecated method is valid for compatibility
    public static Interpolator getMainInterpolatorOrDefault(@NonNull AnimationSpec spec) {
        Interpolator interpolator = DEFAULT_ANIM_INTERPOLATOR;

        Easing easing = null;
        if (spec.getAnimationParameters().hasEasing()) {
            easing = spec.getAnimationParameters().getEasing();
        } else if (spec.hasEasing()) {
            easing = spec.getEasing();
        if (easing != null) {
            switch (easing.getInnerCase()) {
                case CUBIC_BEZIER:
                    if (easing.hasCubicBezier()) {
                        CubicBezierEasing cbe = easing.getCubicBezier();
                        interpolator = new PathInterpolator(cbe.getX1(), cbe.getY1(), cbe.getX2(),
                case INNER_NOT_SET:

        return interpolator;

     * Returns the repeat count from the given {@link AnimationSpec} or default value if not set
    public static int getRepeatCountOrDefault(@NonNull AnimationSpec spec) {
        int repeatCount = DEFAULT_REPEAT_COUNT;

        if (spec.hasRepeatable()) {
            Repeatable repeatable = spec.getRepeatable();
            if (repeatable.getIterations() <= 0) {
                repeatCount = ValueAnimator.INFINITE;
            } else {
                // -1 because ValueAnimator uses count as number of how many times will animation be
                // repeated in addition to the first play.
                repeatCount = repeatable.getIterations() - 1;

        return repeatCount;

    /** Returns the repeat mode from the given {@link AnimationSpec} or default value if not set. */
    public static int getRepeatModeOrDefault(@NonNull AnimationSpec spec) {
        int repeatMode = DEFAULT_REPEAT_MODE;

        if (spec.hasRepeatable()) {
            Repeatable repeatable = spec.getRepeatable();
            Integer repeatModeFromMap = sRepeatModeForAnimator.get(repeatable.getRepeatMode());
            if (repeatModeFromMap != null) {
                repeatMode = repeatModeFromMap;

        return repeatMode;

    // public static Duration getOverrideForwardDurationOrDefault(@NonNull AnimationSpec spec) {...}

    public static Duration getOverrideReverseDurationOrDefault(@NonNull AnimationSpec spec) {
        if (spec.hasRepeatable()) {
            Repeatable repeatable = spec.getRepeatable();
            if (repeatable.hasReverseRepeatOverride()) {
                AnimationParameters reverseParameters = repeatable.getReverseRepeatOverride();
                return reverseParameters.getDurationMillis() > 0
                        ? Duration.ofMillis(reverseParameters.getDurationMillis())
                        : getMainDurationOrDefault(spec);

        return getMainDurationOrDefault(spec);

     * Returns true when a reverse duration which is different from forward duration is provided
     * for a reverse repeated animation.
    static boolean hasCustomReverseDuration(@NonNull AnimationSpec spec) {
        return spec.hasRepeatable()
                && getRepeatCountOrDefault(spec) != 0
                && getRepeatModeOrDefault(spec) == ValueAnimator.REVERSE
                && getOverrideReverseDurationOrDefault(spec).toMillis()
                != getMainDurationOrDefault(spec).toMillis();

    static class RepeatDelays {
        long mForwardRepeatDelay;
        long mReverseRepeatDelay;

        RepeatDelays(long forwardRepeatDelay, long reverseRepeatDelay) {
            mForwardRepeatDelay = forwardRepeatDelay;
            mReverseRepeatDelay = reverseRepeatDelay;

    /** Return the pair of forward repeat delay and reverse repeat delay */
    static RepeatDelays getRepeatDelays(AnimationSpec spec) {
        long mainDelay = getMainDelayOrDefault(spec).toMillis();
        long forwardRepeatDelay = mainDelay;
        long reverseRepeatDelay = mainDelay;
        int repeatCount = getRepeatCountOrDefault(spec);
        if (repeatCount > 0 || repeatCount == ValueAnimator.INFINITE) {
            if (spec.getRepeatable().getForwardRepeatOverride().hasDelayMillis()) {
                forwardRepeatDelay =

            if (getRepeatModeOrDefault(spec) == ValueAnimator.REVERSE
                    && spec.getRepeatable().getReverseRepeatOverride().hasDelayMillis()) {
                reverseRepeatDelay =

        return new RepeatDelays(forwardRepeatDelay, reverseRepeatDelay);

     * When a reverse duration which is different from forward duration is provided for a reverse
     * repeated animation, the spec would be split into main and aux specs. Main spec is for the
     * animator which require/release quota and plays the forward part of animation; and aux spec is
     * for the animator which plays the reverse part of animation, syncs with the main animator and
     * consumes no quota. These two specs are passed into {@link QuotaAwareAnimatorWithAux} to
     * create
     * main and aux animators which are played alternately. For other cases, null is returned as no
     * split would happen.
    static Pair<AnimationSpec, AnimationSpec> maybeSplitToMainAndAuxAnimationSpec(
            @NonNull AnimationSpec spec) {
        if (!hasCustomReverseDuration(spec)) {
            return null;

        long forwardDuration = getMainDurationOrDefault(spec).toMillis();
        long reverseDuration = getOverrideReverseDurationOrDefault(spec).toMillis();
        Repeatable repeatable = spec.getRepeatable();
        RepeatDelays repeatDelays = getRepeatDelays(spec);

        Easing easing = null;
        if (spec.getAnimationParameters().hasEasing()) {
            easing = spec.getAnimationParameters().getEasing();

        AnimationParameters.Builder mainParametersBuilder =
        if (easing != null) {
        AnimationSpec mainAnimatorSpec =
                                        .setIterations((repeatable.getIterations() + 1) / 2)

        AnimationParameters.Builder auxParametersBuilder =
                        // The aux animator plays the reverse part of animation, so wait until
                        // the first pass of forward animation has run, plus repeat delay if any.
                        .setDelayMillis(forwardDuration + repeatDelays.mReverseRepeatDelay);
        if (spec.getRepeatable().getReverseRepeatOverride().hasEasing()) {
            easing = spec.getRepeatable().getReverseRepeatOverride().getEasing();
        if (easing != null) {
        AnimationSpec auxAnimatorSpec =
                                        .setIterations(repeatable.getIterations() / 2)
        return Pair.create(mainAnimatorSpec, auxAnimatorSpec);

     * Sets animation parameters (duration, delay, easing, repeat mode and count) to the given
     * animator. These will be values from the given AnimationSpec if they are set and default
     * values otherwise.
    public static void applyAnimationSpecToAnimator(
            @NonNull ValueAnimator animator, @NonNull AnimationSpec spec) {

     * Sets animation parameters (duration, delay, easing, repeat mode and count) to the given
     * animation. These will be values from the given AnimationSpec if they are set and default
     * values otherwise.
    public static void applyAnimationSpecToAnimation(
            @NonNull Animation animation, @NonNull AnimationSpec spec) {