public class


extends FrameLayout

implements NestedScrollingParent, androidx.wear.widget.drawer.FlingWatcherFactory.FlingListener




Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.wear', name: 'wear', version: '1.3.0-alpha02'

  • groupId: androidx.wear
  • artifactId: wear
  • version: 1.3.0-alpha02

Artifact androidx.wear:wear:1.3.0-alpha02 it located at Google repository (

Androidx artifact mapping:


Androidx class mapping:



Top-level container that allows interactive drawers to be pulled from the top and bottom edge of the window. For WearableDrawerLayout to work properly, scrolling children must send nested scrolling events. Views that implement NestedScrollingChild do this by default. To enable nested scrolling on frameworks views like , set android:nestedScrollingEnabled="true" on the view in the layout file, or call View in code. This includes the main content in a WearableDrawerLayout, as well as the content inside of the drawers.

To use WearableDrawerLayout with WearableActionDrawerView or WearableNavigationDrawerView, place either drawer in a WearableDrawerLayout.

 <androidx.wear.widget.drawer.WearableDrawerLayout [...]>
     <FrameLayout android:id=”@+id/content” />

         android:layout_height=”match_parent” />

         android:layout_height=”match_parent” />


To use custom content in a drawer, place WearableDrawerView in a WearableDrawerLayout and specify the layout_gravity to pick the drawer location (the following example is for a top drawer). Note: You must either call WearableDrawerView.setDrawerContent(View) and pass in your drawer content view, or specify it in the app:drawerContent XML attribute.

 <androidx.wear.widget.drawer.WearableDrawerLayout [...]>
         android:layout_height=”match_parent” />

         app:drawerContent="@+id/top_drawer_content" >

             android:layout_height=”match_parent” />



publicWearableDrawerLayout(Context context)

publicWearableDrawerLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

publicWearableDrawerLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr)

publicWearableDrawerLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes)

public voidaddView(View child, int index, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params)

public voidcomputeScroll()

public intgetNestedScrollAxes()

public WindowInsetsonApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets insets)

public voidonFlingComplete(View view)

public booleanonInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev)

protected voidonLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)

public voidonLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom)

public booleanonNestedFling(View target, float velocityX, float velocityY, boolean consumed)

public booleanonNestedPreFling(View target, float velocityX, float velocityY)

public voidonNestedPreScroll(View target, int dx, int dy, int[] consumed[])

public voidonNestedScroll(View target, int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed)

public voidonNestedScrollAccepted(View child, View target, int axes)

public booleanonStartNestedScroll(View child, View target, int nestedScrollAxes)

public voidonStopNestedScroll(View target)

public booleanonTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev)

public voidsetDrawerStateCallback(WearableDrawerLayout.DrawerStateCallback callback)

Sets a listener to be notified of drawer events.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public WearableDrawerLayout(Context context)

public WearableDrawerLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs)

public WearableDrawerLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr)

public WearableDrawerLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes)


public WindowInsets onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets insets)

public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev)

public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev)

public void computeScroll()

public void addView(View child, int index, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params)

public void onLayoutChange(View v, int left, int top, int right, int bottom, int oldLeft, int oldTop, int oldRight, int oldBottom)

public void setDrawerStateCallback(WearableDrawerLayout.DrawerStateCallback callback)

Sets a listener to be notified of drawer events.

protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom)

public void onFlingComplete(View view)

public int getNestedScrollAxes()

public boolean onNestedFling(View target, float velocityX, float velocityY, boolean consumed)

public boolean onNestedPreFling(View target, float velocityX, float velocityY)

public void onNestedPreScroll(View target, int dx, int dy, int[] consumed[])

public void onNestedScroll(View target, int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed, int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed)

public void onNestedScrollAccepted(View child, View target, int axes)

public boolean onStartNestedScroll(View child, View target, int nestedScrollAxes)

public void onStopNestedScroll(View target)


 * Copyright (C) 2017 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.wear.widget.drawer;

import static androidx.wear.widget.drawer.WearableDrawerView.STATE_IDLE;
import static androidx.wear.widget.drawer.WearableDrawerView.STATE_SETTLING;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Handler;
import android.os.Looper;
import android.util.AttributeSet;
import android.util.DisplayMetrics;
import android.util.Log;
import android.view.Gravity;
import android.view.MotionEvent;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.view.ViewTreeObserver.OnGlobalLayoutListener;
import android.view.WindowInsets;
import android.view.WindowManager;
import android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager;
import android.widget.FrameLayout;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.core.view.NestedScrollingParent;
import androidx.core.view.NestedScrollingParentHelper;
import androidx.core.view.ViewCompat;
import androidx.customview.widget.ViewDragHelper;
import androidx.wear.widget.drawer.FlingWatcherFactory.FlingListener;
import androidx.wear.widget.drawer.FlingWatcherFactory.FlingWatcher;
import androidx.wear.widget.drawer.WearableDrawerView.DrawerState;

 * Top-level container that allows interactive drawers to be pulled from the top and bottom edge of
 * the window. For WearableDrawerLayout to work properly, scrolling children must send nested
 * scrolling events. Views that implement {@link androidx.core.view.NestedScrollingChild} do
 * this by default. To enable nested scrolling on frameworks views like {@link
 * android.widget.ListView}, set <code>android:nestedScrollingEnabled="true"</code> on the view in
 * the layout file, or call {@link View#setNestedScrollingEnabled} in code. This includes the main
 * content in a WearableDrawerLayout, as well as the content inside of the drawers.
 * <p>To use WearableDrawerLayout with {@link WearableActionDrawerView} or {@link
 * WearableNavigationDrawerView}, place either drawer in a WearableDrawerLayout.
 * <pre>
 * &lt;androidx.wear.widget.drawer.WearableDrawerLayout [...]&gt;
 *     &lt;FrameLayout android:id=”@+id/content” /&gt;
 *     &lt;androidx.wear.widget.drawer.WearableNavigationDrawerView
 *         android:layout_width=”match_parent”
 *         android:layout_height=”match_parent” /&gt;
 *     &lt;androidx.wear.widget.drawer.WearableActionDrawerView
 *         android:layout_width=”match_parent”
 *         android:layout_height=”match_parent” /&gt;
 * &lt;/androidx.wear.widget.drawer.WearableDrawerLayout&gt;</pre>
 * <p>To use custom content in a drawer, place {@link WearableDrawerView} in a WearableDrawerLayout
 * and specify the layout_gravity to pick the drawer location (the following example is for a top
 * drawer). <b>Note:</b> You must either call {@link WearableDrawerView#setDrawerContent} and pass
 * in your drawer content view, or specify it in the {@code app:drawerContent} XML attribute.
 * <pre>
 * &lt;androidx.wear.widget.drawer.WearableDrawerLayout [...]&gt;
 *     &lt;FrameLayout
 *         android:id=”@+id/content”
 *         android:layout_width=”match_parent”
 *         android:layout_height=”match_parent” /&gt;
 *     &lt;androidx.wear.widget.drawer.WearableDrawerView
 *         android:layout_width=”match_parent”
 *         android:layout_height=”match_parent”
 *         android:layout_gravity=”top”
 *         app:drawerContent="@+id/top_drawer_content" &gt;
 *         &lt;FrameLayout
 *             android:id=”@id/top_drawer_content”
 *             android:layout_width=”match_parent”
 *             android:layout_height=”match_parent” /&gt;
 *     &lt;/androidx.wear.widget.drawer.WearableDrawerView&gt;
 * &lt;/androidx.wear.widget.drawer.WearableDrawerLayout&gt;</pre>
public class WearableDrawerLayout extends FrameLayout
        implements View.OnLayoutChangeListener, NestedScrollingParent, FlingListener {

    private static final String TAG = "WearableDrawerLayout";

     * Undefined layout_gravity. This is different from {@link Gravity#NO_GRAVITY}. Follow up with
     * frameworks to find out why (b/27576632).
    private static final int GRAVITY_UNDEFINED = -1;

    private static final int PEEK_FADE_DURATION_MS = 150;

    private static final int PEEK_AUTO_CLOSE_DELAY_MS = 1000;

     * The downward scroll direction for use as a parameter to canScrollVertically.
    private static final int DOWN = 1;

     * The upward scroll direction for use as a parameter to canScrollVertically.
    private static final int UP = -1;

     * The percent at which the drawer will be opened when the drawer is released mid-drag.
    private static final float OPENED_PERCENT_THRESHOLD = 0.5f;

     * When a user lifts their finger off the screen, this may trigger a couple of small scroll
     * events. If the user is scrolling down and the final events from the user lifting their finger
     * are up, this will cause the bottom drawer to peek. To prevent this from happening, we prevent
     * the bottom drawer from peeking until this amount of scroll is exceeded. Note, scroll up
     * events are considered negative.
    private static final int NESTED_SCROLL_SLOP_DP = 5;
    @VisibleForTesting final ViewDragHelper.Callback mTopDrawerDraggerCallback;
    @VisibleForTesting final ViewDragHelper.Callback mBottomDrawerDraggerCallback;
    private final int mNestedScrollSlopPx;
    private final NestedScrollingParentHelper mNestedScrollingParentHelper =
            new NestedScrollingParentHelper(this);
     * Helper for dragging the top drawer.
    final ViewDragHelper mTopDrawerDragger;
     * Helper for dragging the bottom drawer.
    final ViewDragHelper mBottomDrawerDragger;
    private final boolean mIsAccessibilityEnabled;
    private final FlingWatcherFactory mFlingWatcher;
    private final Handler mMainThreadHandler = new Handler(Looper.getMainLooper());
    private final ClosePeekRunnable mCloseTopPeekRunnable = new ClosePeekRunnable(Gravity.TOP);
    private final ClosePeekRunnable mCloseBottomPeekRunnable = new ClosePeekRunnable(
     * Top drawer view.
    @Nullable WearableDrawerView mTopDrawerView;
     * Bottom drawer view.
    @Nullable WearableDrawerView mBottomDrawerView;
     * What we have inferred the scrolling content view to be, should one exist.
    @Nullable View mScrollingContentView;
     * Listens to drawer events.
    DrawerStateCallback mDrawerStateCallback;
    private int mSystemWindowInsetBottom;
     * Tracks the amount of nested scroll in the up direction. This is used with {@link
     * #NESTED_SCROLL_SLOP_DP} to prevent false drawer peeks.
    private int mCurrentNestedScrollSlopTracker;
     * Tracks whether the top drawer should be opened after layout.
    boolean mShouldOpenTopDrawerAfterLayout;
     * Tracks whether the bottom drawer should be opened after layout.
    boolean mShouldOpenBottomDrawerAfterLayout;
     * Tracks whether the top drawer should be peeked after layout.
    boolean mShouldPeekTopDrawerAfterLayout;
     * Tracks whether the bottom drawer should be peeked after layout.
    boolean mShouldPeekBottomDrawerAfterLayout;
     * Tracks whether the top drawer is in a state where it can be closed. The content in the drawer
     * can scroll, and {@link #mTopDrawerDragger} should not intercept events unless the top drawer
     * is scrolled to the bottom of its content.
    boolean mCanTopDrawerBeClosed;
     * Tracks whether the bottom drawer is in a state where it can be closed. The content in the
     * drawer can scroll, and {@link #mBottomDrawerDragger} should not intercept events unless the
     * bottom drawer is scrolled to the top of its content.
    boolean mCanBottomDrawerBeClosed;
     * Tracks whether the last scroll resulted in a fling. Fling events do not contain the amount
     * scrolled, which makes it difficult to determine when to unlock an open drawer. To work around
     * this, if the last scroll was a fling and the next scroll unlocks the drawer, pass {@link
     * #mDrawerOpenLastInterceptedTouchEvent} to {@link #onTouchEvent} to start the drawer.
    private boolean mLastScrollWasFling;
     * The last intercepted touch event. See {@link #mLastScrollWasFling} for more information.
    private MotionEvent mDrawerOpenLastInterceptedTouchEvent;

    public WearableDrawerLayout(Context context) {
        this(context, null);

    public WearableDrawerLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs) {
        this(context, attrs, 0);

    public WearableDrawerLayout(Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr) {
        this(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, 0);

    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") /* getDefaultDisplay */
    public WearableDrawerLayout(
            Context context, AttributeSet attrs, int defStyleAttr, int defStyleRes) {
        super(context, attrs, defStyleAttr, defStyleRes);

        mFlingWatcher = new FlingWatcherFactory(this);
        mTopDrawerDraggerCallback = new TopDrawerDraggerCallback();
        mTopDrawerDragger =
                ViewDragHelper.create(this, 1f /* sensitivity */, mTopDrawerDraggerCallback);

        mBottomDrawerDraggerCallback = new BottomDrawerDraggerCallback();
        mBottomDrawerDragger =
                ViewDragHelper.create(this, 1f /* sensitivity */, mBottomDrawerDraggerCallback);

        WindowManager windowManager = (WindowManager) context
        DisplayMetrics metrics = new DisplayMetrics();
        mNestedScrollSlopPx = Math.round(metrics.density * NESTED_SCROLL_SLOP_DP);

        AccessibilityManager accessibilityManager =
                (AccessibilityManager) context.getSystemService(Context.ACCESSIBILITY_SERVICE);
        mIsAccessibilityEnabled = accessibilityManager.isEnabled();

    static void animatePeekVisibleAfterBeingClosed(WearableDrawerView drawer) {
        final View content = drawer.getDrawerContent();
        if (content != null) {
                            new Runnable() {
                                public void run() {

        ViewGroup peek = drawer.getPeekContainer();


     * Shows the drawer's contents. If the drawer is peeking, an animation is used to fade out the
     * peek view and fade in the drawer content.
    static void showDrawerContentMaybeAnimate(WearableDrawerView drawerView) {
        final View contentView = drawerView.getDrawerContent();
        if (contentView != null) {

        if (drawerView.isPeeking()) {
            final View peekView = drawerView.getPeekContainer();

            if (contentView != null) {
        } else {
            if (contentView != null) {

    @SuppressWarnings("deprecation") /* getSystemWindowInsetBottom */
    public WindowInsets onApplyWindowInsets(WindowInsets insets) {
        mSystemWindowInsetBottom = insets.getSystemWindowInsetBottom();

        if (mSystemWindowInsetBottom != 0) {
            MarginLayoutParams layoutParams = (MarginLayoutParams) getLayoutParams();
            layoutParams.bottomMargin = mSystemWindowInsetBottom;

        return super.onApplyWindowInsets(insets);

     * Closes drawer after {@code delayMs} milliseconds.
    void closeDrawerDelayed(final int gravity, long delayMs) {
        switch (gravity) {
            case Gravity.TOP:
                mMainThreadHandler.postDelayed(mCloseTopPeekRunnable, delayMs);
            case Gravity.BOTTOM:
                mMainThreadHandler.postDelayed(mCloseBottomPeekRunnable, delayMs);
                Log.w(TAG, "Invoked a delayed drawer close with an invalid gravity: " + gravity);

     * Close the specified drawer by animating it out of view.
     * @param gravity Gravity.TOP to move the top drawer or Gravity.BOTTOM for the bottom.
    void closeDrawer(int gravity) {

     * Close the specified drawer by animating it out of view.
     * @param drawer The drawer view to close.
    void closeDrawer(WearableDrawerView drawer) {
        if (drawer == null) {
        if (drawer == mTopDrawerView) {
                    mTopDrawerView, 0 /* finalLeft */, -mTopDrawerView.getHeight());
        } else if (drawer == mBottomDrawerView) {
                    .smoothSlideViewTo(mBottomDrawerView, 0 /* finalLeft */, getHeight());
        } else {
            Log.w(TAG, "closeDrawer(View) should be passed in the top or bottom drawer");

     * Open the specified drawer by animating it into view.
     * @param gravity Gravity.TOP to move the top drawer or Gravity.BOTTOM for the bottom.
    void openDrawer(int gravity) {
        if (!isLaidOut()) {
            switch (gravity) {
                case Gravity.TOP:
                    mShouldOpenTopDrawerAfterLayout = true;
                case Gravity.BOTTOM:
                    mShouldOpenBottomDrawerAfterLayout = true;
                default: // fall out

     * Open the specified drawer by animating it into view.
     * @param drawer The drawer view to open.
    void openDrawer(WearableDrawerView drawer) {
        if (drawer == null) {
        if (!isLaidOut()) {
            if (drawer == mTopDrawerView) {
                mShouldOpenTopDrawerAfterLayout = true;
            } else if (drawer == mBottomDrawerView) {
                mShouldOpenBottomDrawerAfterLayout = true;

        if (drawer == mTopDrawerView) {
                    .smoothSlideViewTo(mTopDrawerView, 0 /* finalLeft */, 0 /* finalTop */);
        } else if (drawer == mBottomDrawerView) {
                    mBottomDrawerView, 0 /* finalLeft */,
                    getHeight() - mBottomDrawerView.getHeight());
        } else {
            Log.w(TAG, "openDrawer(View) should be passed in the top or bottom drawer");

     * Peek the drawer.
     * @param gravity {@link Gravity#TOP} to peek the top drawer or {@link Gravity#BOTTOM} to peek
     * the bottom drawer.
    void peekDrawer(final int gravity) {
        if (!isLaidOut()) {
            // If this view is not laid out yet, postpone the peek until onLayout is called.
            if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) {
                Log.d(TAG, "WearableDrawerLayout not laid out yet. Postponing peek.");
            switch (gravity) {
                case Gravity.TOP:
                    mShouldPeekTopDrawerAfterLayout = true;
                case Gravity.BOTTOM:
                    mShouldPeekBottomDrawerAfterLayout = true;
                default: // fall out
        final WearableDrawerView drawerView = findDrawerWithGravity(gravity);

     * Peek the given {@link WearableDrawerView}, which may either be the top drawer or bottom
     * drawer. This should only be used after the drawer has been added as a child of the {@link
     * WearableDrawerLayout}.
    void peekDrawer(WearableDrawerView drawer) {
        if (drawer == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "peekDrawer(WearableDrawerView) received a null drawer.");
        } else if (drawer != mTopDrawerView && drawer != mBottomDrawerView) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "peekDrawer(WearableDrawerView) received a drawer that isn't a child.");

        if (!isLaidOut()) {
            // If this view is not laid out yet, postpone the peek until onLayout is called.
            if (Log.isLoggable(TAG, Log.DEBUG)) {
                Log.d(TAG, "WearableDrawerLayout not laid out yet. Postponing peek.");
            if (drawer == mTopDrawerView) {
                mShouldPeekTopDrawerAfterLayout = true;
            } else if (drawer == mBottomDrawerView) {
                mShouldPeekBottomDrawerAfterLayout = true;


    public boolean onInterceptTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
        // Do not intercept touch events if a drawer is open. If the content in a drawer scrolls,
        // then the touch event can be intercepted if the content in the drawer is scrolled to
        // the maximum opposite of the drawer's gravity (ex: the touch event can be intercepted
        // if the top drawer is open and scrolling content is at the bottom.
        if ((mBottomDrawerView != null && mBottomDrawerView.isOpened() && !mCanBottomDrawerBeClosed)
                || (mTopDrawerView != null && mTopDrawerView.isOpened()
                && !mCanTopDrawerBeClosed)) {
            mDrawerOpenLastInterceptedTouchEvent = ev;
            return false;

        // Delegate event to drawer draggers.
        final boolean shouldInterceptTop = mTopDrawerDragger.shouldInterceptTouchEvent(ev);
        final boolean shouldInterceptBottom = mBottomDrawerDragger.shouldInterceptTouchEvent(ev);
        return shouldInterceptTop || shouldInterceptBottom;

    public boolean onTouchEvent(MotionEvent ev) {
        if (ev == null) {
            Log.w(TAG, "null MotionEvent passed to onTouchEvent");
            return false;
        // Delegate event to drawer draggers.
        return true;

    public void computeScroll() {
        // For scrolling the drawers.
        final boolean topSettling = mTopDrawerDragger.continueSettling(true /* deferCallbacks */);
        final boolean bottomSettling = mBottomDrawerDragger.continueSettling(true /*
        deferCallbacks */);
        if (topSettling || bottomSettling) {

    public void addView(View child, int index, ViewGroup.LayoutParams params) {
        super.addView(child, index, params);

        if (!(child instanceof WearableDrawerView)) {

        WearableDrawerView drawerChild = (WearableDrawerView) child;
        drawerChild.setDrawerController(new WearableDrawerController(this, drawerChild));
        int childGravity = ((FrameLayout.LayoutParams) params).gravity;
        // Check for preferential gravity if no gravity is set in the layout.
        if (childGravity == Gravity.NO_GRAVITY || childGravity == GRAVITY_UNDEFINED) {
            ((FrameLayout.LayoutParams) params).gravity = drawerChild.preferGravity();
            childGravity = drawerChild.preferGravity();
        WearableDrawerView drawerView;
        if (childGravity == Gravity.TOP) {
            mTopDrawerView = drawerChild;
            drawerView = mTopDrawerView;
        } else if (childGravity == Gravity.BOTTOM) {
            mBottomDrawerView = drawerChild;
            drawerView = mBottomDrawerView;
        } else {
            drawerView = null;

        if (drawerView != null) {

    public void onLayoutChange(
            View v,
            int left,
            int top,
            int right,
            int bottom,
            int oldLeft,
            int oldTop,
            int oldRight,
            int oldBottom) {
        if (v == mTopDrawerView) {
            // Layout the top drawer base on the openedPercent. It is initially hidden.
            final float openedPercent = mTopDrawerView.getOpenedPercent();
            final int height = v.getHeight();
            final int childTop = -height + (int) (height * openedPercent);
            v.layout(v.getLeft(), childTop, v.getRight(), childTop + height);
        } else if (v == mBottomDrawerView) {
            // Layout the bottom drawer base on the openedPercent. It is initially hidden.
            final float openedPercent = mBottomDrawerView.getOpenedPercent();
            final int height = v.getHeight();
            final int childTop = (int) (getHeight() - height * openedPercent);
            v.layout(v.getLeft(), childTop, v.getRight(), childTop + height);

     * Sets a listener to be notified of drawer events.
    public void setDrawerStateCallback(DrawerStateCallback callback) {
        mDrawerStateCallback = callback;

    protected void onLayout(boolean changed, int left, int top, int right, int bottom) {
        super.onLayout(changed, left, top, right, bottom);
        if (mShouldPeekBottomDrawerAfterLayout
                || mShouldPeekTopDrawerAfterLayout
                || mShouldOpenTopDrawerAfterLayout
                || mShouldOpenBottomDrawerAfterLayout) {
                            new OnGlobalLayoutListener() {
                                public void onGlobalLayout() {
                                    if (mShouldOpenBottomDrawerAfterLayout) {
                                        mShouldOpenBottomDrawerAfterLayout = false;
                                    } else if (mShouldPeekBottomDrawerAfterLayout) {
                                        mShouldPeekBottomDrawerAfterLayout = false;

                                    if (mShouldOpenTopDrawerAfterLayout) {
                                        mShouldOpenTopDrawerAfterLayout = false;
                                    } else if (mShouldPeekTopDrawerAfterLayout) {
                                        mShouldPeekTopDrawerAfterLayout = false;

    public void onFlingComplete(View view) {
        boolean canTopPeek = mTopDrawerView != null && mTopDrawerView.isAutoPeekEnabled();
        boolean canBottomPeek = mBottomDrawerView != null && mBottomDrawerView.isAutoPeekEnabled();
        boolean canScrollUp = view.canScrollVertically(UP);
        boolean canScrollDown = view.canScrollVertically(DOWN);

        if (!canScrollUp && !canScrollDown) {
            // The inner view isn't vertically scrollable, so this fling completion cannot have been
            // fired from a vertical scroll. To prevent the peeks being shown after a horizontal
            // scroll, bail out here.

        if (canTopPeek && !canScrollUp && !mTopDrawerView.isPeeking()) {
        if (canBottomPeek && (!canScrollUp || !canScrollDown) && !mBottomDrawerView.isPeeking()) {

    @Override // NestedScrollingParent
    public int getNestedScrollAxes() {
        return mNestedScrollingParentHelper.getNestedScrollAxes();

    @Override // NestedScrollingParent
    public boolean onNestedFling(@NonNull View target, float velocityX, float velocityY,
            boolean consumed) {
        return false;

    @Override // NestedScrollingParent
    public boolean onNestedPreFling(@NonNull View target, float velocityX, float velocityY) {
        mLastScrollWasFling = true;

        if (target == mScrollingContentView) {
            FlingWatcher flingWatcher = mFlingWatcher.getFor(mScrollingContentView);
            if (flingWatcher != null) {
        // We do not want to intercept the child from receiving the fling, so return false.
        return false;

    @Override // NestedScrollingParent
    public void onNestedPreScroll(@NonNull View target, int dx, int dy, @NonNull int[] consumed) {

    @Override // NestedScrollingParent
    public void onNestedScroll(@NonNull View target, int dxConsumed, int dyConsumed,
            int dxUnconsumed, int dyUnconsumed) {

        boolean scrolledUp = dyConsumed < 0;
        boolean scrolledDown = dyConsumed > 0;
        boolean overScrolledUp = dyUnconsumed < 0;
        boolean overScrolledDown = dyUnconsumed > 0;

        // When the top drawer is open, we need to track whether it can be closed.
        if (mTopDrawerView != null && mTopDrawerView.isOpened()) {
            // When the top drawer is overscrolled down or cannot scroll down, we consider it to be
            // at the bottom of its content, so it can be closed.
            mCanTopDrawerBeClosed =
                    overScrolledDown || !mTopDrawerView.getDrawerContent()
            // If the last scroll was a fling and the drawer can be closed, pass along the last
            // touch event to start closing the drawer. See the javadocs on mLastScrollWasFling
            // for more information.
            if (mCanTopDrawerBeClosed && mLastScrollWasFling) {
            mLastScrollWasFling = false;

        // When the bottom drawer is open, we need to track whether it can be closed.
        if (mBottomDrawerView != null && mBottomDrawerView.isOpened()) {
            // When the bottom drawer is scrolled to the top of its content, it can be closed.
            mCanBottomDrawerBeClosed = overScrolledUp;
            // If the last scroll was a fling and the drawer can be closed, pass along the last
            // touch event to start closing the drawer. See the javadocs on mLastScrollWasFling
            // for more information.
            if (mCanBottomDrawerBeClosed && mLastScrollWasFling) {
            mLastScrollWasFling = false;

        mLastScrollWasFling = false;

        // The following code assumes that neither drawer is open.

        // The bottom and top drawer are not open. Look at the scroll events to figure out whether
        // a drawer should peek, close it's peek, or do nothing.
        boolean canTopAutoPeek = mTopDrawerView != null && mTopDrawerView.isAutoPeekEnabled();
        boolean canBottomAutoPeek =
                mBottomDrawerView != null && mBottomDrawerView.isAutoPeekEnabled();
        boolean isTopDrawerPeeking = mTopDrawerView != null && mTopDrawerView.isPeeking();
        boolean isBottomDrawerPeeking = mBottomDrawerView != null && mBottomDrawerView.isPeeking();
        boolean scrolledDownPastSlop = false;
        boolean shouldPeekOnScrollDown =
                mBottomDrawerView != null && mBottomDrawerView.isPeekOnScrollDownEnabled();
        if (scrolledDown) {
            mCurrentNestedScrollSlopTracker += dyConsumed;
            scrolledDownPastSlop = mCurrentNestedScrollSlopTracker > mNestedScrollSlopPx;

        if (canTopAutoPeek) {
            if (overScrolledUp && !isTopDrawerPeeking) {
            } else if (scrolledDown && isTopDrawerPeeking && !isClosingPeek(mTopDrawerView)) {

        if (canBottomAutoPeek) {
            if ((overScrolledDown || overScrolledUp) && !isBottomDrawerPeeking) {
            } else if (shouldPeekOnScrollDown && scrolledDownPastSlop && !isBottomDrawerPeeking) {
            } else if ((scrolledUp || (!shouldPeekOnScrollDown && scrolledDown))
                    && isBottomDrawerPeeking
                    && !isClosingPeek(mBottomDrawerView)) {

     * Peeks the given drawer if it is not {@code null} and has a peek view.
    private void maybePeekDrawer(WearableDrawerView drawerView) {
        if (drawerView == null) {
        View peekView = drawerView.getPeekContainer();
        if (peekView == null) {

        View drawerContent = drawerView.getDrawerContent();
        int layoutGravity = ((FrameLayout.LayoutParams) drawerView.getLayoutParams()).gravity;
        int gravity =
                layoutGravity == Gravity.NO_GRAVITY ? drawerView.preferGravity() : layoutGravity;

        if (drawerContent != null) {

        if (gravity == Gravity.BOTTOM) {
                    drawerView, 0 /* finalLeft */, getHeight() - peekView.getHeight());
        } else if (gravity == Gravity.TOP) {
                    drawerView, 0 /* finalLeft */,
                    -(drawerView.getHeight() - peekView.getHeight()));
            if (!mIsAccessibilityEnabled) {
                // Don't automatically close the top drawer when in accessibility mode.
                closeDrawerDelayed(gravity, PEEK_AUTO_CLOSE_DELAY_MS);


    void openDrawerWithoutAnimation(WearableDrawerView drawer) {
        if (drawer == null) {

        int offset;
        if (drawer == mTopDrawerView) {
            offset = mTopDrawerView.getHeight();
        } else if (drawer == mBottomDrawerView) {
            offset = -mBottomDrawerView.getHeight();
        } else {
            Log.w(TAG, "openDrawer(View) should be passed in the top or bottom drawer");

        if (mDrawerStateCallback != null) {
            mDrawerStateCallback.onDrawerOpened(this, drawer);

     * @param gravity the gravity of the child to return.
     * @return the drawer with the specified gravity
    WearableDrawerView findDrawerWithGravity(int gravity) {
        switch (gravity) {
            case Gravity.TOP:
                return mTopDrawerView;
            case Gravity.BOTTOM:
                return mBottomDrawerView;
                Log.w(TAG, "Invalid drawer gravity: " + gravity);
                return null;

     * Updates {@link #mScrollingContentView} if {@code view} is not a descendant of a {@link
     * WearableDrawerView}.
    private void maybeUpdateScrollingContentView(View view) {
        if (view != mScrollingContentView && !isDrawerOrChildOfDrawer(view)) {
            mScrollingContentView = view;

     * Returns {@code true} if {@code view} is a descendant of a {@link WearableDrawerView}.
    private boolean isDrawerOrChildOfDrawer(View view) {
        while (view != null && view != this) {
            if (view instanceof WearableDrawerView) {
                return true;

            view = (View) view.getParent();

        return false;

    private boolean isClosingPeek(WearableDrawerView drawerView) {
        return drawerView != null && drawerView.getDrawerState() == STATE_SETTLING;

    @Override // NestedScrollingParent
    public void onNestedScrollAccepted(@NonNull View child, @NonNull View target,
            int axes) {
        mNestedScrollingParentHelper.onNestedScrollAccepted(child, target, axes);

    @Override // NestedScrollingParent
    public boolean onStartNestedScroll(@NonNull View child, @NonNull View target,
            int nestedScrollAxes) {
        mCurrentNestedScrollSlopTracker = 0;
        return true;

    @Override // NestedScrollingParent
    public void onStopNestedScroll(@NonNull View target) {

    boolean canDrawerContentScrollVertically(
            @Nullable WearableDrawerView drawerView, int direction) {
        if (drawerView == null) {
            return false;

        View drawerContent = drawerView.getDrawerContent();
        if (drawerContent == null) {
            return false;

        return drawerContent.canScrollVertically(direction);

     * Listener for monitoring events about drawers.
    public static class DrawerStateCallback {

         * Called when a drawer has settled in a completely open state. The drawer is interactive at
         * this point.
        public void onDrawerOpened(WearableDrawerLayout layout, WearableDrawerView drawerView) {

         * Called when a drawer has settled in a completely closed state.
        public void onDrawerClosed(WearableDrawerLayout layout, WearableDrawerView drawerView) {

         * Called when the drawer motion state changes. The new state will be one of {@link
         * WearableDrawerView#STATE_IDLE}, {@link WearableDrawerView#STATE_DRAGGING} or {@link
         * WearableDrawerView#STATE_SETTLING}.
        public void onDrawerStateChanged(WearableDrawerLayout layout, @DrawerState int newState) {

    void allowAccessibilityFocusOnAllChildren() {
        if (!mIsAccessibilityEnabled) {

        for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {

    void allowAccessibilityFocusOnOnly(WearableDrawerView drawer) {
        if (!mIsAccessibilityEnabled) {

        for (int i = 0; i < getChildCount(); i++) {
            View child = getChildAt(i);
            if (child != drawer) {

     * Base class for top and bottom drawer dragger callbacks.
    private abstract class DrawerDraggerCallback extends ViewDragHelper.Callback {

        public abstract WearableDrawerView getDrawerView();

        public boolean tryCaptureView(@NonNull View child, int pointerId) {
            WearableDrawerView drawerView = getDrawerView();
            // Returns true if the dragger is dragging the drawer.
            return child == drawerView && !drawerView.isLocked()
                    && drawerView.getDrawerContent() != null;

        public int getViewVerticalDragRange(@NonNull View child) {
            // Defines the vertical drag range of the drawer.
            return child == getDrawerView() ? child.getHeight() : 0;

        public void onViewCaptured(@NonNull View capturedChild, int activePointerId) {
            showDrawerContentMaybeAnimate((WearableDrawerView) capturedChild);

        public void onViewDragStateChanged(int state) {
            final WearableDrawerView drawerView = getDrawerView();
            switch (state) {
                case ViewDragHelper.STATE_IDLE:
                    boolean openedOrClosed = false;
                    if (drawerView.isOpened()) {
                        openedOrClosed = true;
                        if (mDrawerStateCallback != null) {
                                    .onDrawerOpened(WearableDrawerLayout.this, drawerView);

                        // Drawers can be closed if a drag to close them will not cause a scroll.
                        mCanTopDrawerBeClosed = !canDrawerContentScrollVertically(mTopDrawerView,
                        mCanBottomDrawerBeClosed = !canDrawerContentScrollVertically(
                                mBottomDrawerView, UP);
                    } else if (drawerView.isClosed()) {
                        openedOrClosed = true;
                        if (mDrawerStateCallback != null) {
                                    .onDrawerClosed(WearableDrawerLayout.this, drawerView);
                    } else { // drawerView is peeking

                    // If the drawer is fully opened or closed, change it to non-peeking mode.
                    if (openedOrClosed && drawerView.isPeeking()) {
                default: // fall out

            if (drawerView.getDrawerState() != state) {
                if (mDrawerStateCallback != null) {
                    mDrawerStateCallback.onDrawerStateChanged(WearableDrawerLayout.this, state);

     * For communicating with top drawer view dragger.
    private class TopDrawerDraggerCallback extends DrawerDraggerCallback {
        TopDrawerDraggerCallback() {

        public int clampViewPositionVertical(@NonNull View child, int top, int dy) {
            if (mTopDrawerView == child) {
                int peekHeight = mTopDrawerView.getPeekContainer().getHeight();
                // The top drawer can be dragged vertically from peekHeight - height to 0.
                return Math.max(peekHeight - child.getHeight(), Math.min(top, 0));
            return 0;

        public void onEdgeDragStarted(int edgeFlags, int pointerId) {
            if (mTopDrawerView != null
                    && edgeFlags == ViewDragHelper.EDGE_TOP
                    && !mTopDrawerView.isLocked()
                    && (mBottomDrawerView == null || !mBottomDrawerView.isOpened())
                    && mTopDrawerView.getDrawerContent() != null) {

                boolean atTop =
                        mScrollingContentView == null || !mScrollingContentView
                if (!mTopDrawerView.isOpenOnlyAtTopEnabled() || atTop) {
                    mTopDrawerDragger.captureChildView(mTopDrawerView, pointerId);

        public void onViewReleased(@NonNull View releasedChild, float xvel, float yvel) {
            if (releasedChild == mTopDrawerView) {
                // Settle to final position. Either swipe open or close.
                final float openedPercent = mTopDrawerView.getOpenedPercent();

                final int finalTop;
                if (yvel > 0 || (yvel == 0 && openedPercent > OPENED_PERCENT_THRESHOLD)) {
                    // Drawer was being flung open or drawer is mostly open, so finish opening.
                    finalTop = 0;
                } else {
                    // Drawer animates to its peek state and fully closes after a delay.
                    finalTop = mTopDrawerView.getPeekContainer().getHeight() - releasedChild
                    if (mTopDrawerView.isAutoPeekEnabled()) {
                        closeDrawerDelayed(Gravity.TOP, PEEK_AUTO_CLOSE_DELAY_MS);

                mTopDrawerDragger.settleCapturedViewAt(0 /* finalLeft */, finalTop);

        public void onViewPositionChanged(@NonNull View changedView, int left, int top, int dx,
                int dy) {
            if (changedView == mTopDrawerView) {
                // Compute the offset and invalidate will move the drawer during layout.
                final int height = changedView.getHeight();
                mTopDrawerView.setOpenedPercent((float) (top + height) / height);

        public WearableDrawerView getDrawerView() {
            return mTopDrawerView;

     * For communicating with bottom drawer view dragger.
    private class BottomDrawerDraggerCallback extends DrawerDraggerCallback {
        BottomDrawerDraggerCallback() {

        public int clampViewPositionVertical(@NonNull View child, int top, int dy) {
            if (mBottomDrawerView == child) {
                // The bottom drawer can be dragged vertically from (parentHeight - height) to
                // (parentHeight - peekHeight).
                int parentHeight = getHeight();
                int peekHeight = mBottomDrawerView.getPeekContainer().getHeight();
                return Math.max(parentHeight - child.getHeight(),
                        Math.min(top, parentHeight - peekHeight));
            return 0;

        public void onEdgeDragStarted(int edgeFlags, int pointerId) {
            if (mBottomDrawerView != null
                    && edgeFlags == ViewDragHelper.EDGE_BOTTOM
                    && !mBottomDrawerView.isLocked()
                    && (mTopDrawerView == null || !mTopDrawerView.isOpened())
                    && mBottomDrawerView.getDrawerContent() != null) {
                // Tells the dragger which view to start dragging.
                mBottomDrawerDragger.captureChildView(mBottomDrawerView, pointerId);

        public void onViewReleased(@NonNull View releasedChild, float xvel, float yvel) {
            if (releasedChild == mBottomDrawerView) {
                // Settle to final position. Either swipe open or close.
                final int parentHeight = getHeight();
                final float openedPercent = mBottomDrawerView.getOpenedPercent();
                final int finalTop;
                if (yvel < 0 || (yvel == 0 && openedPercent > OPENED_PERCENT_THRESHOLD)) {
                    // Drawer was being flung open or drawer is mostly open, so finish opening it.
                    finalTop = parentHeight - releasedChild.getHeight();
                } else {
                    // Drawer should be closed to its peek state.
                    finalTop = getHeight() - mBottomDrawerView.getPeekContainer().getHeight();
                mBottomDrawerDragger.settleCapturedViewAt(0 /* finalLeft */, finalTop);

        public void onViewPositionChanged(@NonNull View changedView, int left, int top, int dx,
                int dy) {
            if (changedView == mBottomDrawerView) {
                // Compute the offset and invalidate will move the drawer during layout.
                final int height = changedView.getHeight();
                final int parentHeight = getHeight();

                mBottomDrawerView.setOpenedPercent((float) (parentHeight - top) / height);

        public WearableDrawerView getDrawerView() {
            return mBottomDrawerView;

     * Runnable that closes the given drawer if it is just peeking.
    private class ClosePeekRunnable implements Runnable {

        private final int mGravity;

        ClosePeekRunnable(int gravity) {
            mGravity = gravity;

        public void run() {
            WearableDrawerView drawer = findDrawerWithGravity(mGravity);
            if (drawer != null
                    && !drawer.isOpened()
                    && drawer.getDrawerState() == STATE_IDLE) {