public class


extends Thing




Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.appsearch', name: 'appsearch-builtin-types', version: '1.1.0-alpha05'

  • groupId: androidx.appsearch
  • artifactId: appsearch-builtin-types
  • version: 1.1.0-alpha05

Artifact androidx.appsearch:appsearch-builtin-types:1.1.0-alpha05 it located at Google repository (


AppSearch document representing a Timer entity.


public static final intSTATUS_EXPIRED

The Timer is expired.

public static final intSTATUS_MISSED

The Timer is missed.

public static final intSTATUS_PAUSED

The Timer is paused.

public static final intSTATUS_RESET

The Timer is reset to its initial value.

public static final intSTATUS_STARTED

The Timer is started.

public static final intSTATUS_UNKNOWN

The Timer is in an unknown error state.

public longcalculateBaseTimeMillis(Context context)

Calculates the base time in milliseconds using the currentTimeMillis time base.

public longcalculateCurrentRemainingDurationMillis(Context context)

Calculates the current remaining time in milliseconds.

public longcalculateExpirationTimeMillis(Context context)

Calculates the expire time in milliseconds in the currentTimeMillis time base.

public longgetBaseTimeMillis()

Returns the point in time that the Timer counts down from, relative to its Timer.getRemainingDurationMillis().

public longgetBaseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime()

Returns the point in time that the Timer counts down from, relative to its Timer.getRemainingDurationMillis().

public intgetBootCount()

Returns the boot count of the device when this document is last updated.

public longgetDurationMillis()

Returns the total duration in milliseconds, including additional time added by the user.

public longgetOriginalDurationMillis()

Returns the original duration in milliseconds when the Timer was first created.

public longgetRemainingDurationMillis()

Returns the amount of time remaining in milliseconds for the Timer relative to its Timer.getBaseTimeMillis().

public java.lang.StringgetRingtone()

Returns the ringtone as a content URI to be played, or if no ringtone will be played.

public longgetStartTimeMillis()

Returns the start time in milliseconds using the currentTimeMillis time base.

public intgetStatus()

Returns the current status.

public booleanshouldVibrate()

Returns whether or not to activate the device vibrator when the Timer expires.

from ThinggetAlternateNames, getCreationTimestampMillis, getDescription, getDocumentScore, getDocumentTtlMillis, getId, getImage, getName, getNamespace, getPotentialActions, getUrl
from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final int STATUS_UNKNOWN

The Timer is in an unknown error state.

public static final int STATUS_STARTED

The Timer is started.

public static final int STATUS_PAUSED

The Timer is paused.

public static final int STATUS_EXPIRED

The Timer is expired.

public static final int STATUS_MISSED

The Timer is missed.

public static final int STATUS_RESET

The Timer is reset to its initial value.


public long getDurationMillis()

Returns the total duration in milliseconds, including additional time added by the user.

Applications may allow the user to add additional durations. The durationMillis will always return the new updated duration.

public long getOriginalDurationMillis()

Returns the original duration in milliseconds when the Timer was first created.

Applications may allow the user to add additional durations. The originalDurationMillis will always return the original duration before any change has taken place.

public long getStartTimeMillis()

Returns the start time in milliseconds using the currentTimeMillis time base.

The start time is the first time that a new Timer, or a Timer that has been reset is started. Pausing and resuming should not change its start time.

public long getBaseTimeMillis()

Returns the point in time that the Timer counts down from, relative to its Timer.getRemainingDurationMillis(). In milliseconds using the currentTimeMillis time base.

The expire time of the Timer can be calculated using the sum of its base time and remaining time.

Use Timer.calculateBaseTimeMillis(Context) to get a more accurate base time that accounts for the current boot count of the device.

public long getBaseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime()

Returns the point in time that the Timer counts down from, relative to its Timer.getRemainingDurationMillis(). In milliseconds using the time base.

ElapsedRealtime should only be used if the Timer.getBootCount() matches the bootCount of the current device. It is used to calculate {@link #calculateExpirationTimeMillis(Context).

The expire time of the Timer can be calculated using the sum of its base time and remaining time.

public int getBootCount()

Returns the boot count of the device when this document is last updated.

The boot count of the device can be accessed from Global Settings. See .

On older APIs where boot count is not available, this value should not be used.

If available, this value is used to calculate Timer.calculateExpirationTimeMillis(Context).

public long getRemainingDurationMillis()

Returns the amount of time remaining in milliseconds for the Timer relative to its Timer.getBaseTimeMillis().

The expire time of the Timer can be calculated using the sum of its base time and remaining time.

Use this method to get the static remaining time stored in the document. Use Timer.calculateCurrentRemainingDurationMillis(Context) to calculate the remaining time at runtime.

public java.lang.String getRingtone()

Returns the ringtone as a content URI to be played, or if no ringtone will be played.

public int getStatus()

Returns the current status.


public boolean shouldVibrate()

Returns whether or not to activate the device vibrator when the Timer expires.

public long calculateBaseTimeMillis(Context context)

Calculates the base time in milliseconds using the currentTimeMillis time base.

If the boot count retrieved from the context matches Timer.getBootCount(), then Timer.getBaseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime() will be used to calculate the base time in the currentTimeMillis time base. Otherwise return Timer.getBaseTimeMillis().

public long calculateExpirationTimeMillis(Context context)

Calculates the expire time in milliseconds in the currentTimeMillis time base.

MAX_VALUE will be returned if the Timer is Timer.STATUS_PAUSED or Timer.STATUS_RESET.

A negative value may be returned if the Timer is Timer.STATUS_MISSED or Timer.STATUS_EXPIRED to indicate it expired in the past.


context: The app context

public long calculateCurrentRemainingDurationMillis(Context context)

Calculates the current remaining time in milliseconds.

A negative value may be returned if the Timer is Timer.STATUS_MISSED or Timer.STATUS_EXPIRED to indicate it has already fired.

Use this method to calculate the remaining time at runtime. Use Timer.getRemainingDurationMillis() to get the static remaining time stored in the document.


context: The app context


 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.appsearch.builtintypes;

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.SystemClock;

import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.appsearch.annotation.Document;
import androidx.appsearch.utils.BootCountUtil;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.List;

 * AppSearch document representing a {@link Timer} entity.
@Document(name = "builtin:Timer")
public class Timer extends Thing {
    /** @exportToFramework:hide */
    public @interface Status {}

    /** The {@link Timer} is in an unknown error state. */
    public static final int STATUS_UNKNOWN = 0;
    /** The {@link Timer} is started. */
    public static final int STATUS_STARTED = 1;
    /** The {@link Timer} is paused. */
    public static final int STATUS_PAUSED = 2;
    /** The {@link Timer} is expired. */
    public static final int STATUS_EXPIRED = 3;
    /** The {@link Timer} is missed. */
    public static final int STATUS_MISSED = 4;
    /** The {@link Timer} is reset to its initial value. */
    public static final int STATUS_RESET = 5;

    private final long mDurationMillis;

    private final long mOriginalDurationMillis;

    private final long mStartTimeMillis;

    private final long mBaseTimeMillis;

    private final long mBaseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime;

    private final int mBootCount;

    private final long mRemainingDurationMillis;

    private final String mRingtone;

    private final int mStatus;

    private final boolean mShouldVibrate;

    Timer(@NonNull String namespace, @NonNull String id, int documentScore,
            long creationTimestampMillis, long documentTtlMillis, @Nullable String name,
            @Nullable List<String> alternateNames, @Nullable String description,
            @Nullable String image, @Nullable String url,
            @Nullable List<PotentialAction> potentialActions,
            long durationMillis, long originalDurationMillis, long startTimeMillis,
            long baseTimeMillis, long baseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime, int bootCount,
            long remainingDurationMillis, @Nullable String ringtone, int status,
            boolean shouldVibrate) {
        super(namespace, id, documentScore, creationTimestampMillis, documentTtlMillis, name,
                alternateNames, description, image, url, potentialActions);
        mDurationMillis = durationMillis;
        mOriginalDurationMillis = originalDurationMillis;
        mStartTimeMillis = startTimeMillis;
        mBaseTimeMillis = baseTimeMillis;
        mBaseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime = baseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime;
        mBootCount = bootCount;
        mRemainingDurationMillis = remainingDurationMillis;
        mRingtone = ringtone;
        mStatus = status;
        mShouldVibrate = shouldVibrate;

     * Returns the total duration in milliseconds, including additional time added by the user.
     * <p>Applications may allow the user to add additional durations. The durationMillis will
     * always return the new updated duration.
    public long getDurationMillis() {
        return mDurationMillis;

     * Returns the original duration in milliseconds when the {@link Timer} was first created.
     * <p>Applications may allow the user to add additional durations. The
     * originalDurationMillis will always return the original duration before any change has
     * taken place.
    public long getOriginalDurationMillis() {
        return mOriginalDurationMillis;

     * Returns the start time in milliseconds using the {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} time
     * base.
     * <p>The start time is the first time that a new Timer, or a Timer that has been reset is
     * started. Pausing and resuming should not change its start time.
    public long getStartTimeMillis() {
        return mStartTimeMillis;

     * Returns the point in time that the {@link Timer} counts down from, relative to its
     * {@link #getRemainingDurationMillis()}. In milliseconds using the
     * {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} time base.
     * <p>The expire time of the Timer can be calculated using the sum of its base time and
     * remaining time.
     * <p>Use {@link #calculateBaseTimeMillis(Context)} to get a more accurate base time that
     * accounts for the current boot count of the device.
    public long getBaseTimeMillis() {
        return mBaseTimeMillis;

     * Returns the point in time that the {@link Timer} counts down from, relative to its
     * {@link #getRemainingDurationMillis()}. In milliseconds using the
     * {@link android.os.SystemClock#elapsedRealtime()} time base.
     * <p>ElapsedRealtime should only be used if the {@link #getBootCount()} matches the
     * bootCount of the current device. It is used to calculate
     * {@link #calculateExpirationTimeMillis(Context).
     * <p>The expire time of the Timer can be calculated using the sum of its base time and
     * remaining time.
    public long getBaseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime() {
        return mBaseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime;

     * Returns the boot count of the device when this document is last updated.
     * <p>The boot count of the device can be accessed from Global Settings. See
     * {@link android.provider.Settings.Global#BOOT_COUNT}.
     * <p>On older APIs where boot count is not available, this value should not be used.
     * <p>If available, this value is used to calculate
     * {@link #calculateExpirationTimeMillis(Context)}.
    public int getBootCount() {
        return mBootCount;

     * Returns the amount of time remaining in milliseconds for the {@link Timer} relative to its
     * {@link #getBaseTimeMillis()}.
     * <p>The expire time of the Timer can be calculated using the sum of its base time and
     * remaining time.
     * <p>Use this method to get the static remaining time stored in the document. Use
     * {@link #calculateCurrentRemainingDurationMillis(Context)} to calculate the remaining time at
     * runtime.
    public long getRemainingDurationMillis() {
        return mRemainingDurationMillis;

     * Returns the ringtone as a content URI to be played, or
     * {@link android.provider.AlarmClock#VALUE_RINGTONE_SILENT} if no ringtone will be played.
    public String getRingtone() {
        return mRingtone;

     * Returns the current status.
     * <p>Status can be {@link #STATUS_UNKNOWN}, {@link #STATUS_STARTED}, {@link #STATUS_PAUSED},
     * {@link #STATUS_EXPIRED}, {@link #STATUS_MISSED}, or {@link #STATUS_RESET}.
    public int getStatus() {
        return mStatus;

    /** Returns whether or not to activate the device vibrator when the {@link Timer} expires. */
    public boolean shouldVibrate() {
        return mShouldVibrate;

     * Calculates the base time in milliseconds using the {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} time
     * base.
     * <p>If the boot count retrieved from the context matches {@link #getBootCount()}, then
     * {@link #getBaseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime()} will be used to calculate the base time
     * in the {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} time base. Otherwise return
     * {@link #getBaseTimeMillis()}.
    public long calculateBaseTimeMillis(@NonNull Context context) {
        int currentBootCount = BootCountUtil.getCurrentBootCount(context);
        if (currentBootCount == -1 || currentBootCount != mBootCount) {
            // Boot count doesn't exist, or it doesn't match the current device boot count.
            // Therefore return the wall clock time since elapsed realtime is not valid.
            return mBaseTimeMillis;
        } else {
            // Boot count matches the current device boot count. Therefore calculate the wall
            // clock base time using elapsed realtime.
            long elapsedTime = SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mBaseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime;
            return System.currentTimeMillis() - elapsedTime;

     * Calculates the expire time in milliseconds in the {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} time
     * base.
     * <p>{@link Long#MAX_VALUE} will be returned if the {@link Timer} is {@link #STATUS_PAUSED}
     * or {@link #STATUS_RESET}.
     * <p>A negative value may be returned if the {@link Timer} is {@link #STATUS_MISSED} or
     * {@link #STATUS_EXPIRED} to indicate it expired in the past.
     * @param context The app context
    public long calculateExpirationTimeMillis(@NonNull Context context) {
        if (mStatus == STATUS_PAUSED || mStatus == STATUS_RESET) {
            return Long.MAX_VALUE;

        return calculateBaseTimeMillis(context) + mRemainingDurationMillis;

     * Calculates the current remaining time in milliseconds.
     * <p>A negative value may be returned if the {@link Timer} is {@link #STATUS_MISSED} or
     * {@link #STATUS_EXPIRED} to indicate it has already fired.
     * <p>Use this method to calculate the remaining time at runtime. Use
     * {@link #getRemainingDurationMillis()} to get the static remaining time stored in the document.
     * @param context The app context
    public long calculateCurrentRemainingDurationMillis(@NonNull Context context) {
        if (mStatus == STATUS_PAUSED || mStatus == STATUS_RESET) {
            // The timer has not started, so the remaining time is the same as the last updated one.
            return mRemainingDurationMillis;

        long elapsedTime = System.currentTimeMillis() - calculateBaseTimeMillis(context);
        return mRemainingDurationMillis - elapsedTime;

    /** Builder for {@link Timer}. */
    public static final class Builder extends BuilderImpl<Builder> {
         * Constructor for {@link Timer.Builder}.
         * @param namespace Namespace for the Document. See {@link Document.Namespace}.
         * @param id Unique identifier for the Document. See {@link Document.Id}.
        public Builder(@NonNull String namespace, @NonNull String id) {
            super(namespace, id);

         * Constructor for {@link Timer.Builder} with all the existing values.
        public Builder(@NonNull Timer timer) {

    static class BuilderImpl<T extends BuilderImpl<T>> extends Thing.BuilderImpl<T> {
        protected long mDurationMillis;
        protected long mOriginalDurationMillis;
        protected long mStartTimeMillis;
        protected long mBaseTimeMillis;
        protected long mBaseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime;
        protected int mBootCount;
        protected long mRemainingDurationMillis;
        protected String mRingtone;
        protected int mStatus;
        protected boolean mShouldVibrate;

        BuilderImpl(@NonNull String namespace, @NonNull String id) {
            super(namespace, id);

        BuilderImpl(@NonNull Timer timer) {
            super(new Thing.Builder(timer).build());

            mDurationMillis = timer.getDurationMillis();
            mOriginalDurationMillis = timer.getOriginalDurationMillis();
            mStartTimeMillis = timer.getStartTimeMillis();
            mBaseTimeMillis = timer.getBaseTimeMillis();
            mBaseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime = timer.getBaseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime();
            mBootCount = timer.getBootCount();
            mRemainingDurationMillis = timer.getRemainingDurationMillis();
            mRingtone = timer.getRingtone();
            mStatus = timer.getStatus();
            mShouldVibrate = timer.shouldVibrate();

         * Sets the total duration in milliseconds, including additional time added by the user.
        public T setDurationMillis(long durationMillis) {
            mDurationMillis = durationMillis;
            return (T) this;

         * Sets the original duration in milliseconds when the {@link Timer} was first created.
        public T setOriginalDurationMillis(long originalDurationMillis) {
            mOriginalDurationMillis = originalDurationMillis;
            return (T) this;

         * Sets the start time in milliseconds using the {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} time
         * base.
         * <p>The start time is the first time that a new Timer, or a Timer that has been reset is
         * started. Pausing and resuming should not change its start time.
        public T setStartTimeMillis(long startTimeMillis) {
            mStartTimeMillis = startTimeMillis;
            return (T) this;

         * Sets the point in time that the {@link Timer} counts down from, relative to its
         * {@link #setRemainingDurationMillis(long)}.
         * <p>The expire time of the Timer can be calculated using the sum of its base time and
         * remaining time.
         * <p>Base time should be sampled in both the {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} and
         * {@link android.os.SystemClock#elapsedRealtime()} time base. In addition, the boot
         * count of the device is needed to check if the
         * {@link android.os.SystemClock#elapsedRealtime()} time base is valid.
         * @param baseTimeMillis The base time in milliseconds using the
         * {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} time base.
         * @param baseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime The base time in milliseconds using the
         * {@link android.os.SystemClock#elapsedRealtime()} time base.
         * @param bootCount The current boot count of the device. See
         * {@link android.provider.Settings.Global#BOOT_COUNT}.
        public T setBaseTimeMillis(long baseTimeMillis,
                long baseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime, int bootCount) {
            mBaseTimeMillis = baseTimeMillis;
            mBaseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime = baseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime;
            mBootCount = bootCount;
            return (T) this;

         * Sets the point in time that the {@link Timer} counts down from, relative to its
         * {@link #setRemainingDurationMillis(long)}.
         * <p>The expire time of the Timer can be calculated using the sum of its base time and
         * remaining time.
         * <p>See {@link #setBaseTimeMillis(long, long, int)}.
         * @param context The app context used to fetch boot count.
         * @param baseTimeMillis The base time in milliseconds using the
         * {@link System#currentTimeMillis()} time base.
         * @param baseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime The base time in milliseconds using the
         * {@link android.os.SystemClock#elapsedRealtime()} time base.
        public T setBaseTimeMillis(@NonNull Context context, long baseTimeMillis,
                long baseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime) {
            int bootCount = BootCountUtil.getCurrentBootCount(context);
            return setBaseTimeMillis(baseTimeMillis, baseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime, bootCount);

         * Sets the amount of time remaining in milliseconds for the {@link Timer} relative to its
         * {@link #setBaseTimeMillis(long, long, int)}.
         * <p>The expire time of the Timer can be calculated using the sum of its base time and
         * remaining time.
        public T setRemainingDurationMillis(long remainingDurationMillis) {
            mRemainingDurationMillis = remainingDurationMillis;
            return (T) this;

         * Sets the content URI for the ringtone to be played, or
         * {@link android.provider.AlarmClock#VALUE_RINGTONE_SILENT} if no ringtone will be played.
        public T setRingtone(@Nullable String ringtone) {
            mRingtone = ringtone;
            return (T) this;

         * Sets the current status.
         * <p>Status can be {@link #STATUS_UNKNOWN}, {@link #STATUS_STARTED},
         * {@link #STATUS_PAUSED}, {@link #STATUS_EXPIRED}, {@link #STATUS_MISSED}, or
         * {@link #STATUS_RESET}.
        public T setStatus(@Status int status) {
            mStatus = status;
            return (T) this;

        /** Sets whether or not to activate the device vibrator when the {@link Timer} expires. */
        public T setShouldVibrate(boolean shouldVibrate) {
            mShouldVibrate = shouldVibrate;
            return (T) this;

        /** Builds the {@link Timer}. */
        public Timer build() {
            return new Timer(mNamespace, mId, mDocumentScore, mCreationTimestampMillis,
                    mDocumentTtlMillis, mName, mAlternateNames, mDescription, mImage, mUrl,
                    mDurationMillis, mOriginalDurationMillis, mStartTimeMillis, mBaseTimeMillis,
                    mBaseTimeMillisInElapsedRealtime, mBootCount, mRemainingDurationMillis,
                    mRingtone, mStatus, mShouldVibrate);