public abstract class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.appsearch', name: 'appsearch-compiler', version: '1.1.0-alpha05'

  • groupId: androidx.appsearch
  • artifactId: appsearch-compiler
  • version: 1.1.0-alpha05

Artifact androidx.appsearch:appsearch-compiler:1.1.0-alpha05 it located at Google repository (


A constructor or static method used to create a class annotated with @Document aka document class.

Takes in N input params, each corresponding to a value for an AnnotatedGetterOrField.

Moreover, may return the document class itself or a builder. All of the following are examples of valid creation methods:




public abstract javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElementgetElement()

The constructor/static method element.

public javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredTypegetEnclosingClass()

The enclosing class that the constructor/static method is a part of.

public java.lang.StringgetJvmName()

The static method/constructor element's name.

public abstract <any>getParamAssociations()

The AnnotatedGetterOrFields that each input param corresponds to (order sensitive).

public javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredTypegetReturnType()

The static method's return type/constructor's enclosing class.

public static CreationMethodinferParamAssociationsAndCreate(javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement method, java.util.Collection<AnnotatedGetterOrField> gettersAndFields, boolean returnsDocumentClass)

Infers which annotated getter/field each param corresponds to and creates a CreationMethod.

public booleanisConstructor()

Whether the creation method is a constructor.

public booleanreturnsBuilder()

Whether the creation method returns a builder instead of the document class itself.

public abstract booleanreturnsDocumentClass()

Whether the creation method returns the document class itself instead of a builder.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public CreationMethod()


public abstract javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement getElement()

The constructor/static method element.

public javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType getEnclosingClass()

The enclosing class that the constructor/static method is a part of.

public javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType getReturnType()

The static method's return type/constructor's enclosing class.

public java.lang.String getJvmName()

The static method/constructor element's name.

public boolean isConstructor()

Whether the creation method is a constructor.

public abstract <any> getParamAssociations()

The AnnotatedGetterOrFields that each input param corresponds to (order sensitive).

public abstract boolean returnsDocumentClass()

Whether the creation method returns the document class itself instead of a builder.

public boolean returnsBuilder()

Whether the creation method returns a builder instead of the document class itself.

public static CreationMethod inferParamAssociationsAndCreate(javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement method, java.util.Collection<AnnotatedGetterOrField> gettersAndFields, boolean returnsDocumentClass)

Infers which annotated getter/field each param corresponds to and creates a CreationMethod.


method: The creation method element.
gettersAndFields: The annotated getters/fields of the document class.
returnsDocumentClass: Whether the method returns the document class itself. If not, it is assumed that it returns a builder for the document class.


 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.appsearch.compiler;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;


import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;

import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.Modifier;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;

 * A constructor or static method used to create a class annotated with {@code @Document} aka
 * document class.
 * <p>Takes in N input params, each corresponding to a value for an
 * {@link AnnotatedGetterOrField}.
 * <p>Moreover, may return the document class itself or a builder. All of the following are
 * examples of valid creation methods:
 * <pre>
 * {@code
 * @Document
 * class MyEntity {
 *     static MyEntity create(String id, String namespace, int someProp);
 * //                  ^^^^^^
 *     MyEntity() {...}
 * //  ^^^^^^^^
 *     MyEntity(String id, String namespace, int someProp) {...}
 * //  ^^^^^^^^
 *     @Document.BuilderProducer
 *     static Builder newBuilder() {...}
 * //                 ^^^^^^^^^^
 *     @Document.BuilderProducer
 *     static class Builder {
 *         Builder() {...}
 * //      ^^^^^^^
 *         Builder(String id, String namespace, int someProp) {...}
 * //      ^^^^^^^
 *     }
 * }
 * }
 * </pre>
public abstract class CreationMethod {
     * The constructor/static method element.
    public abstract ExecutableElement getElement();

     * The enclosing class that the constructor/static method is a part of.
    public DeclaredType getEnclosingClass() {
        return (DeclaredType) getElement().getEnclosingElement().asType();

     * The static method's return type/constructor's enclosing class.
    public DeclaredType getReturnType() {
        return isConstructor()
                ? (DeclaredType) getElement().getEnclosingElement().asType()
                : (DeclaredType) getElement().getReturnType();

     * The static method/constructor element's name.
    public String getJvmName() {
        return getElement().getSimpleName().toString();

     * Whether the creation method is a constructor.
    public boolean isConstructor() {
        return getElement().getKind() == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR;

     * The {@link AnnotatedGetterOrField}s that each input param corresponds to (order sensitive).
    public abstract ImmutableList<AnnotatedGetterOrField> getParamAssociations();

     * Whether the creation method returns the document class itself instead of a builder.
    public abstract boolean returnsDocumentClass();

     * Whether the creation method returns a builder instead of the document class itself.
    public boolean returnsBuilder() {
        return !returnsDocumentClass();

     * Infers which annotated getter/field each param corresponds to and creates
     * a {@link CreationMethod}.
     * @param method The creation method element.
     * @param gettersAndFields The annotated getters/fields of the document class.
     * @param returnsDocumentClass Whether the {@code method} returns the document class itself.
     *                             If not, it is assumed that it returns a builder for the
     *                             document class.
     * @throws ProcessingException If the method is not invocable or the association for a param
     *                             could not be deduced.
    public static CreationMethod inferParamAssociationsAndCreate(
            @NonNull ExecutableElement method,
            @NonNull Collection<AnnotatedGetterOrField> gettersAndFields,
            boolean returnsDocumentClass) throws ProcessingException {
        if (method.getModifiers().contains(Modifier.PRIVATE)) {
            throw new ProcessingException(
                    "Method cannot be used to create a "
                            + (returnsDocumentClass ? "document class" : "builder")
                            + ": private visibility",

        if (method.getKind() == ElementKind.CONSTRUCTOR
                && method.getEnclosingElement().getModifiers().contains(Modifier.ABSTRACT)) {
            throw new ProcessingException(
                    "Method cannot be used to create a "
                            + (returnsDocumentClass ? "document class" : "builder")
                            + ": abstract constructor", method);

        Map<String, AnnotatedGetterOrField> normalizedNameToGetterOrField = new HashMap<>();
        for (AnnotatedGetterOrField getterOrField : gettersAndFields) {
            normalizedNameToGetterOrField.put(getterOrField.getNormalizedName(), getterOrField);

        ImmutableList.Builder<AnnotatedGetterOrField> paramAssociations = ImmutableList.builder();
        for (VariableElement param : method.getParameters()) {
            String paramName = param.getSimpleName().toString();
            AnnotatedGetterOrField correspondingGetterOrField =
            if (correspondingGetterOrField == null) {
                throw new ProcessingException(
                        ("Parameter \"%s\" is not an AppSearch parameter; "
                                + "don't know how to supply it.").formatted(paramName),

        return new AutoValue_CreationMethod(
                method,, returnsDocumentClass);