public abstract class


extends java.lang.Object

implements SafeParcelable




ObserverSpec, PackageIdentifierParcel, PropertyConfigParcel, PropertyConfigParcel.JoinableConfigParcel, PropertyConfigParcel.StringIndexingConfigParcel, PropertyConfigParcel.IntegerIndexingConfigParcel, PropertyConfigParcel.DocumentIndexingConfigParcel, PropertyConfigParcel.EmbeddingIndexingConfigParcel, PropertyParcel, GenericDocumentParcel, SchemaMigrationStats, GetSchemaResponse, StorageInfo, JoinSpec, SearchSuggestionSpec, SchemaVisibilityConfig, GetByDocumentIdRequest, SearchResultPage, VisibilityPermissionConfig, InternalVisibilityConfig, InternalSetSchemaResponse, SearchSpec, AppSearchSchema, SearchResult, SearchResult.MatchInfo, RemoveByDocumentIdRequest, SetSchemaResponse, SetSchemaResponse.MigrationFailure, EmbeddingVector, AppSearchBlobHandle, ReportUsageRequest, SearchSuggestionResult

Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.appsearch', name: 'appsearch', version: '1.1.0-alpha05'

  • groupId: androidx.appsearch
  • artifactId: appsearch
  • version: 1.1.0-alpha05

Artifact androidx.appsearch:appsearch:1.1.0-alpha05 it located at Google repository (


Implements SafeParcelable.

In Jetpack, the annotations from are moved here so NULL can be package private.

This class is put in Thus we can restrict the scope to avoid making it public.

DON'T modify this class unless it is necessary. E.g. port new annotations from SafeParcelable.



public final intdescribeContents()

public voidwriteToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)

To be implemented by child classes.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public AbstractSafeParcelable()


public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)

To be implemented by child classes.

This is purely for code sync purpose. Have writeToParcel here so we can keep "@Override" in child classes.

public final int describeContents()


 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package androidx.appsearch.safeparcel;

import android.os.Parcel;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;

 * Implements {@link SafeParcelable}.
 * <p>In Jetpack, the annotations from {@SafeParcelable} are moved here so {@code NULL} can be
 * package private.
 * <p>This class is put in Thus we can restrict the scope to avoid making it
 * public.
 * <p>DON'T modify this class unless it is necessary. E.g. port new annotations from SafeParcelable.
// @exportToFramework:skipFile()
public abstract class AbstractSafeParcelable implements SafeParcelable {
    // Note: the field name and value are accessed using reflection for backwards compatibility, and
    // must not be changed.
    static final String NULL = "SAFE_PARCELABLE_NULL_STRING";

    /** Use this annotation on members that you wish to be marshalled in the SafeParcelable. */
    public @interface Field {
         * Valid values for id are between 1 and 65535. This field id is marshalled into a Parcel
         * . To
         * maintain backwards compatibility, never reuse old id's. It is okay to no longer use
         * old id's
         * and add new ones in subsequent versions of a SafeParcelable.
        int id();

         * This specifies the name of the getter method for retrieving the value of this field. This
         * must be specified for fields that do not have at least package visibility because the
         * "creator" class will be unable to access the value when attempting to marshall this
         * field.
         * The getter method should take no parameters and return the type of this field (unless
         * overridden by the "type" attribute below).
        String getter() default NULL;

         * For advanced uses, this specifies the type for the field when marshalling and
         * unmarshalling
         * by the "creator" class to be something different than the declared type of the member
         * variable. This is useful if you want to incorporate an object that is not
         * SafeParcelable (or
         * a system Parcelable object). Be sure to enter the fully qualified name for the class
         * (i.e.,
         * android.os.Bundle and not Bundle). For example,
         * <pre>
         *   &#64;Class(creator="MyAdvancedCreator")
         *   public class MyAdvancedSafeParcelable implements SafeParcelable {
         *       public static final Parcelable.Creator&#60;MyAdvancedSafeParcelable&#62; CREATOR =
         *               new MyAdvancedCreator();
         *       &#64;Field(id=1, getter="getObjectAsBundle", type="android.os.Bundle")
         *       private final MyCustomObject myObject;
         *       &#64;Constructor
         *       MyAdvancedSafeParcelable(
         *               &#64;Param(id=1) Bundle objectAsBundle) {
         *           myObject = myConvertFromBundleToObject(objectAsBundle);
         *       }
         *       Bundle getObjectAsBundle() {
         *           // The code here can convert your custom object to one that can be parcelled.
         *           return myConvertFromObjectToBundle(myObject);
         *       }
         *       ...
         *   }
         * </pre>
        String type() default NULL;

         * This can be used to specify the default value for primitive types (e.g., boolean, int,
         * long),
         * primitive type object wrappers (e.g., Boolean, Integer, Long) and String in the case a
         * value
         * for a field was not explicitly set in the marshalled Parcel. This performs compile-time
         * checks for the type of the field and inserts the appropriate quotes or double quotes
         * around
         * strings and chars or removes them completely for booleans and numbers. To insert a
         * generic
         * string for initializing field, use {@link #defaultValueUnchecked()}. You can specify
         * at most
         * one of {@link #defaultValue()} or {@link #defaultValueUnchecked()}. For example,
         * <pre>
         *   &#64;Field(id=2, defaultValue="true")
         *   boolean myBoolean;
         *   &#64;Field(id=3, defaultValue="13")
         *   Integer myInteger;
         *   &#64;Field(id=4, defaultValue="foo")
         *   String myString;
         * </pre>
        String defaultValue() default NULL;

         * This can be used to specify the default value for any object and the string value is
         * literally added to the generated creator class code unchecked. You can specify at most
         * one of
         * {@link #defaultValue()} or {@link #defaultValueUnchecked()}. You must fully qualify any
         * classes you reference within the string. For example,
         * <pre>
         *   &#64;Field(id=2, defaultValueUnchecked="new android.os.Bundle()")
         *   Bundle myBundle;
         * </pre>
        String defaultValueUnchecked() default NULL;

     * There may be exactly one member annotated with VersionField, which represents the version of
     * this safe parcelable. The attributes are the same as those of {@link Field}. Note you can use
     * any type you want for your version field, although most people use int's.
    public @interface VersionField {
        int id();

        String getter() default NULL;

        String type() default NULL;

     * Use this to indicate the member field that holds whether a field was set or not. The member
     * field type currently supported is a HashSet&#60;Integer&#62; which is the set of safe
     * parcelable field id's that have been explicitly set.
     * <p>This annotation should also be used to annotate one of the parameters to the constructor
     * annotated with &#64;Constructor. Note that this annotation should either be present on
     * exactly
     * one member field and one constructor parameter or left out completely.
    public @interface Indicator {
        String getter() default NULL;

     * Use this on a parameter passed in to the Constructor to indicate that a removed field
     * should be
     * read on construction. If the field is not present when read, the default value will be used
     * instead.
    public @interface RemovedParam {
        int id();

        String defaultValue() default NULL;

        String defaultValueUnchecked() default NULL;

     * Use this to mark tombstones for removed {@link Field Fields} or {@link VersionField
     * VersionFields}.
    public @interface Reserved {
        int[] value();

     * Use this to indicate the constructor that the creator should use. The constructor annotated
     * with this must be package or public visibility, so that the generated "creator" class can
     * invoke this.
    public @interface Constructor {

     * Use this on each parameter passed in to the Constructor to indicate to which field id each
     * formal parameter corresponds.
    public @interface Param {
        int id();

     * To be implemented by child classes.
     * <p>This is purely for code sync purpose. Have {@code writeToParcel} here so we can keep
     * "@Override" in child classes.
    public void writeToParcel(@NonNull Parcel dest, int flags) {

    public final int describeContents() {
        return 0;