public final class


extends AbstractSafeParcelable




Gradle dependencies

compile group: 'androidx.appsearch', name: 'appsearch', version: '1.1.0-alpha05'

  • groupId: androidx.appsearch
  • artifactId: appsearch
  • version: 1.1.0-alpha05

Artifact androidx.appsearch:appsearch:1.1.0-alpha05 it located at Google repository (


This class represents the specifications for the joining operation in search.

Joins are only possible for matching on the qualified id of an outer document and a property value within a subquery document. In the subquery documents, these values may be referred to with a property path such as "" or "entityId" or a property expression. One such property expression is "this.qualifiedId()", which refers to the document's combined package, database, namespace, and id.

Note that in order for perform the join, the property referred to by JoinSpec.getChildPropertyExpression() has to be a property with AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.getJoinableValueType() set to AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig.JOINABLE_VALUE_TYPE_QUALIFIED_ID. Otherwise no documents will be joined to any SearchResult.

Take these outer query and subquery results for example:

 Outer result {
   id: id1
   score: 5
 Subquery result 1 {
   id: id2
   score: 2
   entityId: pkg$db/ns#id1
   notes: This is some doc
 Subquery result 2 {
   id: id3
   score: 3
   entityId: pkg$db/ns#id2
   notes: This is another doc

In this example, subquery result 1 contains a property "entityId" whose value is "pkg$db/ns#id1", referring to the outer result. If you call JoinSpec.Builder with "entityId", we will retrieve the value of the property "entityId" from the child document, which is "pkg$db#ns/id1". Let's say the qualified id of the outer result is "pkg$db#ns/id1". This would mean the subquery result 1 document will be matched to that parent document. This is done by adding a SearchResult containing the child document to the top-level parent SearchResult.getJoinedResults().

If JoinSpec.getChildPropertyExpression() is "notes", we will check the values of the notes property in the subquery results. In subquery result 1, this values is "This is some doc", which does not equal the qualified id of the outer query result. As such, subquery result 1 will not be joined to the outer query result.

It's possible to define an advanced ranking strategy in the nested SearchSpec and also use SearchSpec.RANKING_STRATEGY_JOIN_AGGREGATE_SCORE in the outer SearchSpec. In this case, the parents will be ranked based on an aggregation, such as the sum, of the signals calculated by scoring the joined documents with the advanced ranking strategy.

In terms of scoring, if SearchSpec.RANKING_STRATEGY_JOIN_AGGREGATE_SCORE is set in SearchSpec.getRankingStrategy(), the scores of the outer SearchResults can be influenced by the ranking signals of the subquery results. For example, if the JoinSpec.getAggregationScoringStrategy() is set to:

Referring to "this.childrenRankingSignals()" in the ranking signal of the outer query will return the signals calculated by scoring the joined documents using the scoring strategy in the nested SearchSpec, as in SearchResult.getRankingSignal().



Score the aggregation of joined documents using the average ranking signal.


Score the aggregation of joined documents using the largest ranking signal.


Score the aggregation of joined documents using the smallest ranking signal.


Do not score the aggregation of joined documents.


Score the aggregation of joined documents by counting the number of results.


Score the aggregation of joined documents using the sum of ranking signal.

public static final <any>CREATOR

Creator class for JoinSpec.

public static final java.lang.StringQUALIFIED_ID

A property expression referring to the combined package name, database name, namespace, and id of the document.

public intgetAggregationScoringStrategy()

Gets the joined document list scoring strategy.

public java.lang.StringgetChildPropertyExpression()

The property expression that is used to get values from child documents, returned from the nested search.

public intgetMaxJoinedResultCount()

Returns the max amount of SearchResult objects to return with the parent document, with a default of 10 SearchResults.

public java.lang.StringgetNestedQuery()

Returns the query to run on the joined documents.

public SearchSpecgetNestedSearchSpec()

Returns the search spec used to retrieve the joined documents.

public voidwriteToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)

To be implemented by child classes.

from AbstractSafeParcelabledescribeContents
from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final <any> CREATOR

Creator class for JoinSpec.

public static final java.lang.String QUALIFIED_ID

A property expression referring to the combined package name, database name, namespace, and id of the document.

For instance, if a document with an id of "id1" exists in the namespace "ns" within the database "db" created by package "pkg", this would evaluate to "pkg$db/ns#id1".


Do not score the aggregation of joined documents. This is for the case where we want to perform a join, but keep the parent ranking signal.


Score the aggregation of joined documents by counting the number of results.


Score the aggregation of joined documents using the smallest ranking signal.


Score the aggregation of joined documents using the average ranking signal.


Score the aggregation of joined documents using the largest ranking signal.


Score the aggregation of joined documents using the sum of ranking signal.


public java.lang.String getNestedQuery()

Returns the query to run on the joined documents.

public java.lang.String getChildPropertyExpression()

The property expression that is used to get values from child documents, returned from the nested search. These values are then used to match them to parent documents. These are analogous to foreign keys.


the property expression to match in the child documents.

See also: JoinSpec.Builder

public int getMaxJoinedResultCount()

Returns the max amount of SearchResult objects to return with the parent document, with a default of 10 SearchResults.

public SearchSpec getNestedSearchSpec()

Returns the search spec used to retrieve the joined documents.

If JoinSpec.Builder.setNestedSearch(String, SearchSpec) is never called, this will return a SearchSpec with all default values. This will match every document, as the nested search query will be "" and no schema will be filtered out.

public int getAggregationScoringStrategy()

Gets the joined document list scoring strategy.

The default scoring strategy is JoinSpec.AGGREGATION_SCORING_OUTER_RESULT_RANKING_SIGNAL, which specifies that the score of the outer parent document will be used.


public void writeToParcel(Parcel dest, int flags)

To be implemented by child classes.

This is purely for code sync purpose. Have writeToParcel here so we can keep "@Override" in child classes.


 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.os.Parcel;
import android.os.Parcelable;

import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;
import androidx.appsearch.annotation.CanIgnoreReturnValue;
import androidx.appsearch.flags.FlaggedApi;
import androidx.appsearch.flags.Flags;
import androidx.appsearch.safeparcel.AbstractSafeParcelable;
import androidx.appsearch.safeparcel.SafeParcelable;
import androidx.appsearch.safeparcel.stub.StubCreators.JoinSpecCreator;
import androidx.core.util.Preconditions;

import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;
import java.util.Objects;

 * This class represents the specifications for the joining operation in search.
 * <p> Joins are only possible for matching on the qualified id of an outer document and a
 * property value within a subquery document. In the subquery documents, these values may be
 * referred to with a property path such as "" or "entityId" or a property
 * expression. One such property expression is "this.qualifiedId()", which refers to the
 * document's combined package, database, namespace, and id.
 * <p>Note that in order for perform the join, the property referred to by
 * {@link #getChildPropertyExpression} has to be a property with
 * {@link AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig#getJoinableValueType} set to
 * {@link AppSearchSchema.StringPropertyConfig#JOINABLE_VALUE_TYPE_QUALIFIED_ID}. Otherwise no
 * documents will be joined to any {@link SearchResult}.
 * <p> Take these outer query and subquery results for example:
 * <pre>{@code
 * Outer result {
 *   id: id1
 *   score: 5
 * }
 * Subquery result 1 {
 *   id: id2
 *   score: 2
 *   entityId: pkg$db/ns#id1
 *   notes: This is some doc
 * }
 * Subquery result 2 {
 *   id: id3
 *   score: 3
 *   entityId: pkg$db/ns#id2
 *   notes: This is another doc
 * }
 * }</pre>
 * <p> In this example, subquery result 1 contains a property "entityId" whose value is
 * "pkg$db/ns#id1", referring to the outer result. If you call {@link Builder} with "entityId", we
 * will retrieve the value of the property "entityId" from the child document, which is
 * "pkg$db#ns/id1". Let's say the qualified id of the outer result is "pkg$db#ns/id1". This would
 * mean the subquery result 1 document will be matched to that parent document. This is done by
 * adding a {@link SearchResult} containing the child document to the top-level parent
 * {@link SearchResult#getJoinedResults}.
 * <p> If {@link #getChildPropertyExpression} is "notes", we will check the values of the notes
 * property in the subquery results. In subquery result 1, this values is "This is some doc", which
 * does not equal the qualified id of the outer query result. As such, subquery result 1 will not be
 * joined to the outer query result.
 * <p> It's possible to define an advanced ranking strategy in the nested {@link SearchSpec} and
 * also use {@link SearchSpec#RANKING_STRATEGY_JOIN_AGGREGATE_SCORE} in the outer
 * {@link SearchSpec}. In this case, the parents will be ranked based on an aggregation, such as
 * the sum, of the signals calculated by scoring the joined documents with the advanced ranking
 * strategy.
 * <p> In terms of scoring, if {@link SearchSpec#RANKING_STRATEGY_JOIN_AGGREGATE_SCORE} is set in
 * {@link SearchSpec#getRankingStrategy}, the scores of the outer SearchResults can be influenced
 * by the ranking signals of the subquery results. For example, if the
 * {@link JoinSpec#getAggregationScoringStrategy} is set to:
 * <ul><li>
 * {@link JoinSpec#AGGREGATION_SCORING_MIN_RANKING_SIGNAL}, the ranking signal of the outer
 * {@link SearchResult} will be set to the minimum of the ranking signals of the subquery results.
 * In this case, it will be the minimum of 2 and 3, which is 2.
 * </li>
 * <li>
 * {@link JoinSpec#AGGREGATION_SCORING_MAX_RANKING_SIGNAL}, the ranking signal of the outer
 * {@link SearchResult} will be 3.
 * </li>
 * <li>
 * {@link JoinSpec#AGGREGATION_SCORING_AVG_RANKING_SIGNAL}, the ranking signal of the outer
 * {@link SearchResult} will be 2.5.
 * </li>
 * <li>
 * {@link JoinSpec#AGGREGATION_SCORING_RESULT_COUNT}, the ranking signal of the outer
 * {@link SearchResult} will be 2 as there are two joined results.
 * </li>
 * <li>
 * {@link JoinSpec#AGGREGATION_SCORING_SUM_RANKING_SIGNAL}, the ranking signal of the outer
 * {@link SearchResult} will be 5, the sum of 2 and 3.
 * </li>
 * <li>
 * {@link JoinSpec#AGGREGATION_SCORING_OUTER_RESULT_RANKING_SIGNAL}, the ranking signal of the outer
 * {@link SearchResult} will stay as it is.
 * </li>
 * </ul>
 * <p> Referring to "this.childrenRankingSignals()" in the ranking signal of the outer query will
 * return the signals calculated by scoring the joined documents using the scoring strategy in the
 * nested {@link SearchSpec}, as in {@link SearchResult#getRankingSignal}.
@SafeParcelable.Class(creator = "JoinSpecCreator")
public final class JoinSpec extends AbstractSafeParcelable {
    /** Creator class for {@link JoinSpec}. */
    public static final Parcelable.Creator<JoinSpec> CREATOR = new JoinSpecCreator();

    @Field(id = 1, getter = "getNestedQuery")
    private final String mNestedQuery;

    @Field(id = 2, getter = "getNestedSearchSpec")
    private final SearchSpec mNestedSearchSpec;

    @Field(id = 3, getter = "getChildPropertyExpression")
    private final String mChildPropertyExpression;

    @Field(id = 4, getter = "getMaxJoinedResultCount")
    private final int mMaxJoinedResultCount;

    @Field(id = 5, getter = "getAggregationScoringStrategy")
    private final int mAggregationScoringStrategy;

    private static final int DEFAULT_MAX_JOINED_RESULT_COUNT = 10;

     * A property expression referring to the combined package name, database name, namespace, and
     * id of the document.
     * <p> For instance, if a document with an id of "id1" exists in the namespace "ns" within
     * the database "db" created by package "pkg", this would evaluate to "pkg$db/ns#id1".
     * <!--@exportToFramework:hide-->
    public static final String QUALIFIED_ID = "this.qualifiedId()";

     * Aggregation scoring strategy for join spec.
     * @exportToFramework:hide
    // NOTE: The integer values of these constants must match the proto enum constants in
    // {@link JoinSpecProto.AggregationScoreStrategy.Code}
    @IntDef(value = {
    public @interface AggregationScoringStrategy {

     * Do not score the aggregation of joined documents. This is for the case where we want to
     * perform a join, but keep the parent ranking signal.
    /** Score the aggregation of joined documents by counting the number of results. */
    public static final int AGGREGATION_SCORING_RESULT_COUNT = 1;
    /** Score the aggregation of joined documents using the smallest ranking signal. */
    public static final int AGGREGATION_SCORING_MIN_RANKING_SIGNAL = 2;
    /** Score the aggregation of joined documents using the average ranking signal. */
    public static final int AGGREGATION_SCORING_AVG_RANKING_SIGNAL = 3;
    /** Score the aggregation of joined documents using the largest ranking signal. */
    public static final int AGGREGATION_SCORING_MAX_RANKING_SIGNAL = 4;
    /** Score the aggregation of joined documents using the sum of ranking signal. */
    public static final int AGGREGATION_SCORING_SUM_RANKING_SIGNAL = 5;

            @Param(id = 1) @NonNull String nestedQuery,
            @Param(id = 2) @NonNull SearchSpec nestedSearchSpec,
            @Param(id = 3) @NonNull String childPropertyExpression,
            @Param(id = 4) int maxJoinedResultCount,
            @Param(id = 5) @AggregationScoringStrategy int aggregationScoringStrategy) {
        mNestedQuery = Objects.requireNonNull(nestedQuery);
        mNestedSearchSpec = Objects.requireNonNull(nestedSearchSpec);
        mChildPropertyExpression = Objects.requireNonNull(childPropertyExpression);
        mMaxJoinedResultCount = maxJoinedResultCount;
        mAggregationScoringStrategy = aggregationScoringStrategy;

     * Returns the query to run on the joined documents.
    public String getNestedQuery() {
        return mNestedQuery;

     * The property expression that is used to get values from child documents, returned from the
     * nested search. These values are then used to match them to parent documents. These are
     * analogous to foreign keys.
     * @return the property expression to match in the child documents.
     * @see Builder
    public String getChildPropertyExpression() {
        return mChildPropertyExpression;

     * Returns the max amount of {@link SearchResult} objects to return with the parent document,
     * with a default of 10 SearchResults.
    public int getMaxJoinedResultCount() {
        return mMaxJoinedResultCount;

     * Returns the search spec used to retrieve the joined documents.
     * <p> If {@link Builder#setNestedSearch} is never called, this will return a {@link SearchSpec}
     * with all default values. This will match every document, as the nested search query will
     * be "" and no schema will be filtered out.
    public SearchSpec getNestedSearchSpec() {
        return mNestedSearchSpec;

     * Gets the joined document list scoring strategy.
     * <p> The default scoring strategy is {@link #AGGREGATION_SCORING_OUTER_RESULT_RANKING_SIGNAL},
     * which specifies that the score of the outer parent document will be used.
    public int getAggregationScoringStrategy() {
        return mAggregationScoringStrategy;

    public void writeToParcel(@NonNull Parcel dest, int flags) {
        JoinSpecCreator.writeToParcel(this, dest, flags);

    /** Builder for {@link JoinSpec objects}. */
    public static final class Builder {

        // The default nested SearchSpec.
        private static final SearchSpec EMPTY_SEARCH_SPEC = new SearchSpec.Builder().build();

        private String mNestedQuery = "";
        private SearchSpec mNestedSearchSpec = EMPTY_SEARCH_SPEC;
        private final String mChildPropertyExpression;
        private int mMaxJoinedResultCount = DEFAULT_MAX_JOINED_RESULT_COUNT;
        private int mAggregationScoringStrategy =

         * Create a specification for the joining operation in search.
         * <p> The child property expressions Specifies how to join documents. Documents with
         * a child property expression equal to the qualified id of the parent will be retrieved.
         * <p> Property expressions differ from {@link PropertyPath} as property expressions may
         * refer to document properties or nested document properties such as ""
         * as well as a property expression. Currently the only property expression is
         * "this.qualifiedId()". {@link PropertyPath} objects may only reference document properties
         * and nested document properties.
         * <p> In order to join a child document to a parent document, the child document must
         * contain the parent's qualified id at the property expression specified by this
         * method.
         * @param childPropertyExpression the property to match in the child documents.
        // TODO(b/256022027): Reword comments to reference either "expression" or "PropertyPath"
        //  once wording is finalized.
        // TODO(b/256022027): Add another method to allow providing PropertyPath objects as
        //  equality constraints.
        // TODO(b/256022027): Change to allow for multiple child property expressions if multiple
        //  parent property expressions get supported.
        public Builder(@NonNull String childPropertyExpression) {
            mChildPropertyExpression = childPropertyExpression;

        /** @exportToFramework:hide */
        public Builder(@NonNull JoinSpec joinSpec) {
            mNestedQuery = joinSpec.getNestedQuery();
            mNestedSearchSpec = joinSpec.getNestedSearchSpec();
            mChildPropertyExpression = joinSpec.getChildPropertyExpression();
            mMaxJoinedResultCount = joinSpec.getMaxJoinedResultCount();
            mAggregationScoringStrategy = joinSpec.getAggregationScoringStrategy();

         * Sets the query and the SearchSpec for the documents being joined. This will score and
         * rank the joined documents as well as filter the joined documents.
         * <p>If {@link SearchSpec#RANKING_STRATEGY_JOIN_AGGREGATE_SCORE} is set in
         * the outer {@link SearchSpec}, the resulting signals will be used to rank the parent
         * documents. Note that the aggregation strategy also needs to be set with
         * {@link JoinSpec.Builder#setAggregationScoringStrategy}, otherwise the default will be
         * {@link JoinSpec#AGGREGATION_SCORING_OUTER_RESULT_RANKING_SIGNAL}, which will just use
         * the parent documents ranking signal.
         * <p> If this method is never called, {@link JoinSpec#getNestedQuery} will return an empty
         * string, meaning we will join with every possible document that matches the equality
         * constraints and hasn't been filtered out by the type or namespace filters.
         * @see JoinSpec#getNestedQuery
         * @see JoinSpec#getNestedSearchSpec
        // See getNestedQuery & getNestedSearchSpec
        public Builder setNestedSearch(@NonNull String nestedQuery,
                @NonNull SearchSpec nestedSearchSpec) {
            mNestedQuery = nestedQuery;
            mNestedSearchSpec = nestedSearchSpec;

            return this;

         * Sets the max amount of {@link SearchResults} to return with the parent document, with a
         * default of 10 SearchResults.
         * <p>This does NOT limit the number of results that are joined with the parent
         * document for scoring. This means that, when set, only a maximum of
         * {@code maxJoinedResultCount} results will be returned with each parent document, but
         * all results that are joined with a parent will factor into the score.
        public Builder setMaxJoinedResultCount(int maxJoinedResultCount) {
            mMaxJoinedResultCount = maxJoinedResultCount;
            return this;

         * Sets how we derive a single score from a list of joined documents.
         * <p> The default scoring strategy is
         * {@link #AGGREGATION_SCORING_OUTER_RESULT_RANKING_SIGNAL}, which specifies that the
         * ranking signal of the outer parent document will be used.
        public Builder setAggregationScoringStrategy(
                @AggregationScoringStrategy int aggregationScoringStrategy) {
                    AGGREGATION_SCORING_SUM_RANKING_SIGNAL, "aggregationScoringStrategy");
            mAggregationScoringStrategy = aggregationScoringStrategy;
            return this;

         * Constructs a new {@link JoinSpec} from the contents of this builder.
        public JoinSpec build() {
            return new JoinSpec(