public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-core', version: '1.2.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-core
  • version: 1.2.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


Configurations needed for a capture request.

The CaptureConfig contains all the android.hardware.camera2 parameters that are required to issue a CaptureRequest.


public static final Config.Option<java.lang.Integer>OPTION_JPEG_QUALITY

Sets the compression quality of the captured JPEG image.

public static final Config.Option<java.lang.Integer>OPTION_ROTATION

Request that the implementation rotate the image.

public static final intTEMPLATE_TYPE_NONE

Indicates template type is not set.

public static CaptureConfigdefaultEmptyCaptureConfig()

Returns an instance of a capture configuration with minimal configurations.

public java.util.List<CameraCaptureCallback>getCameraCaptureCallbacks()

Obtains all registered CameraCaptureCallback callbacks.

public CameraCaptureResultgetCameraCaptureResult()

Returns an instance of CameraCaptureResult for reprocessing capture request.

public ConfiggetImplementationOptions()

public java.util.List<DeferrableSurface>getSurfaces()

Get all the surfaces that the request will write data to.

public TagBundlegetTagBundle()

public intgetTemplateType()

Gets the template type.

public booleanisUseRepeatingSurface()

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final int TEMPLATE_TYPE_NONE

Indicates template type is not set.

public static final Config.Option<java.lang.Integer> OPTION_ROTATION

Request that the implementation rotate the image.

Currently only applicable for ImageProxy which are of JPEG format. Option: camerax.core.rotation

public static final Config.Option<java.lang.Integer> OPTION_JPEG_QUALITY

Sets the compression quality of the captured JPEG image. See CaptureRequest. Option: camerax.core.captureConfig.jpegQuality


public static CaptureConfig defaultEmptyCaptureConfig()

Returns an instance of a capture configuration with minimal configurations.

public CameraCaptureResult getCameraCaptureResult()

Returns an instance of CameraCaptureResult for reprocessing capture request.



public java.util.List<DeferrableSurface> getSurfaces()

Get all the surfaces that the request will write data to.

public Config getImplementationOptions()

public int getTemplateType()

Gets the template type.

If not set, returns CaptureConfig.TEMPLATE_TYPE_NONE.

public boolean isUseRepeatingSurface()

public java.util.List<CameraCaptureCallback> getCameraCaptureCallbacks()

Obtains all registered CameraCaptureCallback callbacks.

public TagBundle getTagBundle()


 * Copyright 2019 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.hardware.camera2.CameraCaptureSession;
import android.hardware.camera2.CameraDevice;
import android.hardware.camera2.CaptureRequest;
import android.view.Surface;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

 * Configurations needed for a capture request.
 * <p>The CaptureConfig contains all the {@link android.hardware.camera2} parameters that are
 * required to issue a {@link CaptureRequest}.
@RequiresApi(21) // TODO(b/200306659): Remove and replace with annotation on
public final class CaptureConfig {
    /** Indicates template type is not set. */
    public static final int TEMPLATE_TYPE_NONE = -1;

     * Request that the implementation rotate the image.
     * <p> Currently only applicable for {@link} which are of
     * JPEG format.
     * Option: camerax.core.rotation
    public static final Config.Option<Integer> OPTION_ROTATION =
            Config.Option.create("camerax.core.captureConfig.rotation", int.class);

     * Sets the compression quality of the captured JPEG image.
     * See {@link CaptureRequest#JPEG_QUALITY}.
     * Option: camerax.core.captureConfig.jpegQuality
    public static final Config.Option<Integer> OPTION_JPEG_QUALITY =
            Config.Option.create("camerax.core.captureConfig.jpegQuality", Integer.class);

    /** The set of {@link Surface} that data from the camera will be put into. */
    final List<DeferrableSurface> mSurfaces;

    final Config mImplementationOptions;

     * The templates used for configuring a {@link CaptureRequest}. This must match the constants
     * defined by {@link CameraDevice}
    final int mTemplateType;

    /** The camera capture callback for a {@link CameraCaptureSession}. */
    final List<CameraCaptureCallback> mCameraCaptureCallbacks;

    /** True if this capture request needs a repeating surface */
    private final boolean mUseRepeatingSurface;

    /** The tag collection for associating capture result with capture request. */
    private final TagBundle mTagBundle;

     * The camera capture result for reprocessing capture request.
    private final CameraCaptureResult mCameraCaptureResult;

     * Private constructor for a CaptureConfig.
     * <p>In practice, the {@link CaptureConfig.Builder} will be used to construct a CaptureConfig.
     * @param surfaces               The set of {@link Surface} where data will be put into.
     * @param implementationOptions  The generic parameters to be passed to the
     *                               {@link CameraInternal} class.
     * @param templateType           The template for parameters of the CaptureRequest. This
     *                               must match the
     *                               constants defined by {@link CameraDevice}.
     * @param cameraCaptureCallbacks All camera capture callbacks.
     * @param cameraCaptureResult     The {@link CameraCaptureResult} for reprocessing capture
     *                               request.
            List<DeferrableSurface> surfaces,
            Config implementationOptions,
            int templateType,
            List<CameraCaptureCallback> cameraCaptureCallbacks,
            boolean useRepeatingSurface,
            @NonNull TagBundle tagBundle,
            @Nullable CameraCaptureResult cameraCaptureResult) {
        mSurfaces = surfaces;
        mImplementationOptions = implementationOptions;
        mTemplateType = templateType;
        mCameraCaptureCallbacks = Collections.unmodifiableList(cameraCaptureCallbacks);
        mUseRepeatingSurface = useRepeatingSurface;
        mTagBundle = tagBundle;
        mCameraCaptureResult = cameraCaptureResult;

    /** Returns an instance of a capture configuration with minimal configurations. */
    public static CaptureConfig defaultEmptyCaptureConfig() {
        return new CaptureConfig.Builder().build();

     * Returns an instance of {@link CameraCaptureResult} for reprocessing capture request.
     * @return {@link CameraCaptureResult}.
    public CameraCaptureResult getCameraCaptureResult() {
        return mCameraCaptureResult;

    /** Get all the surfaces that the request will write data to. */
    public List<DeferrableSurface> getSurfaces() {
        return Collections.unmodifiableList(mSurfaces);

    public Config getImplementationOptions() {
        return mImplementationOptions;

     * Gets the template type.
     * <p>If not set, returns {@link #TEMPLATE_TYPE_NONE}.
    public int getTemplateType() {
        return mTemplateType;

    public boolean isUseRepeatingSurface() {
        return mUseRepeatingSurface;

    /** Obtains all registered {@link CameraCaptureCallback} callbacks. */
    public List<CameraCaptureCallback> getCameraCaptureCallbacks() {
        return mCameraCaptureCallbacks;

    public TagBundle getTagBundle() {
        return mTagBundle;

     * Interface for unpacking a configuration into a CaptureConfig.Builder
    public interface OptionUnpacker {

         * Apply the options from the config onto the builder
         * @param config  the set of options to apply
         * @param builder the builder on which to apply the options
        void unpack(@NonNull UseCaseConfig<?> config, @NonNull CaptureConfig.Builder builder);

     * Builder for easy modification/rebuilding of a {@link CaptureConfig}.
    public static final class Builder {
        private final Set<DeferrableSurface> mSurfaces = new HashSet<>();
        private MutableConfig mImplementationOptions = MutableOptionsBundle.create();
        private int mTemplateType = TEMPLATE_TYPE_NONE;
        private List<CameraCaptureCallback> mCameraCaptureCallbacks = new ArrayList<>();
        private boolean mUseRepeatingSurface = false;
        private MutableTagBundle mMutableTagBundle = MutableTagBundle.create();
        private CameraCaptureResult mCameraCaptureResult;

        public Builder() {

        private Builder(CaptureConfig base) {
            mImplementationOptions = MutableOptionsBundle.from(base.mImplementationOptions);
            mTemplateType = base.mTemplateType;
            mUseRepeatingSurface = base.isUseRepeatingSurface();
            mMutableTagBundle = MutableTagBundle.from(base.getTagBundle());

         * Creates a {@link Builder} from a {@link UseCaseConfig}.
         * <p>Populates the builder with all the properties defined in the base configuration.
        public static Builder createFrom(@NonNull UseCaseConfig<?> config) {
            OptionUnpacker unpacker = config.getCaptureOptionUnpacker(null);
            if (unpacker == null) {
                throw new IllegalStateException(
                        "Implementation is missing option unpacker for "
                                + config.getTargetName(config.toString()));

            Builder builder = new Builder();

            // Unpack the configuration into this builder
            unpacker.unpack(config, builder);
            return builder;

        /** Create a {@link Builder} from a {@link CaptureConfig} */
        public static Builder from(@NonNull CaptureConfig base) {
            return new Builder(base);

         * Set the {@link CameraCaptureResult} for reprocessable capture request.
         * @param cameraCaptureResult {@link CameraCaptureResult}.
        public void setCameraCaptureResult(@NonNull CameraCaptureResult cameraCaptureResult) {
            mCameraCaptureResult = cameraCaptureResult;

        public int getTemplateType() {
            return mTemplateType;

         * Set the template characteristics of the CaptureConfig.
         * @param templateType Template constant that must match those defined by {@link
         *                     CameraDevice}
        public void setTemplateType(int templateType) {
            mTemplateType = templateType;

         * Adds a {@link CameraCaptureCallback} callback.
        public void addCameraCaptureCallback(@NonNull CameraCaptureCallback cameraCaptureCallback) {
            if (mCameraCaptureCallbacks.contains(cameraCaptureCallback)) {

         * Adds all {@link CameraCaptureCallback} callbacks.
        public void addAllCameraCaptureCallbacks(
                @NonNull Collection<CameraCaptureCallback> cameraCaptureCallbacks) {
            for (CameraCaptureCallback c : cameraCaptureCallbacks) {

         * Removes a previously added {@link CameraCaptureCallback} callback.
         * @param cameraCaptureCallback The callback to remove.
         * @return {@code true} if the callback was successfully removed. {@code false} if the
         * callback wasn't present in this builder.
        public boolean removeCameraCaptureCallback(
                @NonNull CameraCaptureCallback cameraCaptureCallback) {
            return mCameraCaptureCallbacks.remove(cameraCaptureCallback);

        /** Add a surface that the request will write data to. */
        public void addSurface(@NonNull DeferrableSurface surface) {

        /** Remove a surface that the request will write data to. */
        public void removeSurface(@NonNull DeferrableSurface surface) {

        /** Remove all the surfaces that the request will write data to. */
        public void clearSurfaces() {

        /** Gets the surfaces attached to the request. */
        public Set<DeferrableSurface> getSurfaces() {
            return mSurfaces;

        public void setImplementationOptions(@NonNull Config config) {
            mImplementationOptions = MutableOptionsBundle.from(config);

        /** Add a set of implementation specific options to the request. */
        public void addImplementationOptions(@NonNull Config config) {
            for (Config.Option<?> option : config.listOptions()) {
                @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Options/values are being copied directly
                        Config.Option<Object> objectOpt = (Config.Option<Object>) option;

                Object existValue = mImplementationOptions.retrieveOption(objectOpt, null);
                Object newValue = config.retrieveOption(objectOpt);
                if (existValue instanceof MultiValueSet) {
                    ((MultiValueSet) existValue).addAll(((MultiValueSet) newValue).getAllItems());
                } else {
                    if (newValue instanceof MultiValueSet) {
                        newValue = ((MultiValueSet) newValue).clone();
                            config.getOptionPriority(option), newValue);

        /** Add a single implementation option to the request. */
        public <T> void addImplementationOption(@NonNull Config.Option<T> option,
                @NonNull T value) {
            mImplementationOptions.insertOption(option, value);

        public Config getImplementationOptions() {
            return mImplementationOptions;

        public boolean isUseRepeatingSurface() {
            return mUseRepeatingSurface;

        public void setUseRepeatingSurface(boolean useRepeatingSurface) {
            mUseRepeatingSurface = useRepeatingSurface;

        /** Gets a tag's value by a key. */
        public Object getTag(@NonNull String key) {
            return mMutableTagBundle.getTag(key);

         * Sets a tag with a key to CaptureConfig.
        public void addTag(@NonNull String key, @NonNull Object tag) {
            mMutableTagBundle.putTag(key, tag);

         * Adds a TagBundle to CaptureConfig.
        public void addAllTags(@NonNull TagBundle bundle) {

         * Builds an instance of a CaptureConfig that has all the combined parameters of the
         * CaptureConfig that have been added to the Builder.
        public CaptureConfig build() {
            return new CaptureConfig(
                    new ArrayList<>(mSurfaces),