public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-core', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-core
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


Utility class for aspect ratio related operations.


public static final RationalASPECT_RATIO_16_9

public static final RationalASPECT_RATIO_3_4

public static final RationalASPECT_RATIO_4_3

public static final RationalASPECT_RATIO_9_16

public static booleanhasMatchingAspectRatio(Size resolution, Rational aspectRatio)

Returns true if the supplied resolution is a mod16 matching with the supplied aspect ratio.

public static booleanhasMatchingAspectRatio(Size resolution, Rational aspectRatio, Size mod16ResolutionLowerBound)

Returns true if the supplied resolution is a mod16 matching with the supplied aspect ratio.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final Rational ASPECT_RATIO_4_3

public static final Rational ASPECT_RATIO_3_4

public static final Rational ASPECT_RATIO_16_9

public static final Rational ASPECT_RATIO_9_16


public static boolean hasMatchingAspectRatio(Size resolution, Rational aspectRatio)

Returns true if the supplied resolution is a mod16 matching with the supplied aspect ratio.

A default lower bound resolution SizeUtil.RESOLUTION_VGA is adopted. That means only do mod 16 calculation if the size is equal to or larger than SizeUtil.RESOLUTION_VGA. It is because the aspect ratio will be affected critically by mod 16 calculation if the size is small. It may result in unexpected outcome such like 256x144 will be considered as 18.5:9.

public static boolean hasMatchingAspectRatio(Size resolution, Rational aspectRatio, Size mod16ResolutionLowerBound)

Returns true if the supplied resolution is a mod16 matching with the supplied aspect ratio.

Mod 16 calculation take effects only when the input resolution is smaller than mod16ResolutionLowerBound.


 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;

import android.util.Rational;
import android.util.Size;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.core.util.Preconditions;

import java.util.Comparator;

 * Utility class for aspect ratio related operations.
public final class AspectRatioUtil {
    public static final Rational ASPECT_RATIO_4_3 = new Rational(4, 3);
    public static final Rational ASPECT_RATIO_3_4 = new Rational(3, 4);
    public static final Rational ASPECT_RATIO_16_9 = new Rational(16, 9);
    public static final Rational ASPECT_RATIO_9_16 = new Rational(9, 16);

    private static final int ALIGN16 = 16;

    private AspectRatioUtil() {

     * Returns true if the supplied resolution is a mod16 matching with the supplied aspect ratio.
     * <p>A default lower bound resolution {@link SizeUtil#RESOLUTION_VGA} is adopted. That means
     * only do mod 16 calculation if the size is equal to or larger than
     * {@link SizeUtil#RESOLUTION_VGA}. It is because the aspect ratio will be affected
     * critically by mod 16 calculation if the size is small. It may result in unexpected outcome
     * such like 256x144 will be considered as 18.5:9.
    public static boolean hasMatchingAspectRatio(@NonNull Size resolution,
            @Nullable Rational aspectRatio) {
        return hasMatchingAspectRatio(resolution, aspectRatio, SizeUtil.RESOLUTION_VGA);

     * Returns true if the supplied resolution is a mod16 matching with the supplied aspect ratio.
     * <p>Mod 16 calculation take effects only when the input resolution is smaller than
     * {@code mod16ResolutionLowerBound}.
    public static boolean hasMatchingAspectRatio(@NonNull Size resolution,
            @Nullable Rational aspectRatio, @NonNull Size mod16ResolutionLowerBound) {
        boolean isMatch = false;
        if (aspectRatio == null) {
            isMatch = false;
        } else if (aspectRatio.equals(
                new Rational(resolution.getWidth(), resolution.getHeight()))) {
            isMatch = true;
        } else if (getArea(resolution) >= getArea(mod16ResolutionLowerBound)) {
            isMatch = isPossibleMod16FromAspectRatio(resolution, aspectRatio);
        return isMatch;

     * For codec performance improvement, OEMs may make the supported sizes to be mod16 alignment
     * . It means that the width or height of the supported size will be multiple of 16. The
     * result number after applying mod16 alignment can be the larger or smaller number that is
     * multiple of 16 and is closest to the original number. For example, a standard 16:9
     * supported size is 1920x1080. It may become 1920x1088 on some devices because 1088 is
     * multiple of 16. This function uses the target aspect ratio to calculate the possible
     * original width or height inversely. And then, checks whether the possibly original width or
     * height is in the range that the mod16 aligned height or width can support.
    private static boolean isPossibleMod16FromAspectRatio(@NonNull Size resolution,
            @NonNull Rational aspectRatio) {
        int width = resolution.getWidth();
        int height = resolution.getHeight();

        Rational invAspectRatio = new Rational(/* numerator= */aspectRatio.getDenominator(),
                /* denominator= */aspectRatio.getNumerator());
        if (width % 16 == 0 && height % 16 == 0) {
            return ratioIntersectsMod16Segment(Math.max(0, height - ALIGN16), width, aspectRatio)
                    || ratioIntersectsMod16Segment(Math.max(0, width - ALIGN16), height,
        } else if (width % 16 == 0) {
            return ratioIntersectsMod16Segment(height, width, aspectRatio);
        } else if (height % 16 == 0) {
            return ratioIntersectsMod16Segment(width, height, invAspectRatio);
        return false;

    private static boolean ratioIntersectsMod16Segment(int height, int mod16Width,
            Rational aspectRatio) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(mod16Width % 16 == 0);
        double aspectRatioWidth =
                height * aspectRatio.getNumerator() / (double) aspectRatio.getDenominator();
        return aspectRatioWidth > Math.max(0, mod16Width - ALIGN16) && aspectRatioWidth < (
                mod16Width + ALIGN16);

     * Comparator based on how close they are to the target aspect ratio by comparing the
     * transformed mapping area in the full FOV ratio space.
     * The mapping area will be the region that the images of the specific aspect ratio cropped
     * from the full FOV images. Therefore, we can compare the mapping areas to know which one is
     * closer to the mapping area of the target aspect ratio setting.
    public static final class CompareAspectRatiosByMappingAreaInFullFovAspectRatioSpace implements
            Comparator<Rational> {
        private final Rational mTargetRatio;
        private final RectF mTransformedMappingArea;
        private final Rational mFullFovRatio;

        public CompareAspectRatiosByMappingAreaInFullFovAspectRatioSpace(
                @NonNull Rational targetRatio, @Nullable Rational fullFovRatio) {
            mTargetRatio = targetRatio;
            mFullFovRatio = fullFovRatio != null ? fullFovRatio : new Rational(4, 3);
            mTransformedMappingArea = getTransformedMappingArea(mTargetRatio);

        public int compare(Rational lhs, Rational rhs) {
            if (lhs.equals(rhs)) {
                return 0;

            RectF lhsMappingArea = getTransformedMappingArea(lhs);
            RectF rhsMappingArea = getTransformedMappingArea(rhs);

            boolean isCoveredByLhs = isMappingAreaCovered(lhsMappingArea,
            boolean isCoveredByRhs = isMappingAreaCovered(rhsMappingArea,

            if (isCoveredByLhs && isCoveredByRhs) {
                // When both ratios can cover the transformed target aspect mapping area in the
                // full FOV space, checks which area is smaller to determine which ratio is
                // closer to the target aspect ratio.
                return (int) Math.signum(
                        getMappingAreaSize(lhsMappingArea) - getMappingAreaSize(rhsMappingArea));
            } else if (isCoveredByLhs) {
                return -1;
            } else if (isCoveredByRhs) {
                return 1;
            } else {
                // When both ratios can't cover the transformed target aspect mapping area in the
                // full FOV space, checks which overlapping area is larger to determine which
                // ratio is closer to the target aspect ratio.
                float lhsOverlappingArea = getOverlappingAreaSize(lhsMappingArea,
                float rhsOverlappingArea = getOverlappingAreaSize(rhsMappingArea,
                return -((int) Math.signum(lhsOverlappingArea - rhsOverlappingArea));

         * Returns the rectangle after transforming the input rational into full FOV aspect ratio
         * space.
        private RectF getTransformedMappingArea(Rational ratio) {
            if (ratio.floatValue() == mFullFovRatio.floatValue()) {
                return new RectF(0, 0, mFullFovRatio.getNumerator(),
            } else if (ratio.floatValue() > mFullFovRatio.floatValue()) {
                return new RectF(0, 0, mFullFovRatio.getNumerator(),
                        (float) ratio.getDenominator() * (float) mFullFovRatio.getNumerator()
                                / (float) ratio.getNumerator());
            } else {
                return new RectF(0, 0,
                        (float) ratio.getNumerator() * (float) mFullFovRatio.getDenominator()
                                / (float) ratio.getDenominator(), mFullFovRatio.getDenominator());

         * Returns {@code true} if the source transformed mapping area can fully cover the target
         * transformed mapping area. Otherwise, returns {@code false};
        private boolean isMappingAreaCovered(RectF sourceMappingArea, RectF targetMappingArea) {
            return sourceMappingArea.width() >= targetMappingArea.width()
                    && sourceMappingArea.height() >= targetMappingArea.height();

         * Returns the input mapping area's size value.
        private float getMappingAreaSize(RectF mappingArea) {
            return mappingArea.width() * mappingArea.height();

         * Returns the overlapping area value between the input two mapping areas in the full FOV
         * space.
        private float getOverlappingAreaSize(RectF mappingArea1, RectF mappingArea2) {
            float overlappingAreaWidth = mappingArea1.width() < mappingArea2.width()
                    ? mappingArea1.width() : mappingArea2.width();
            float overlappingAreaHeight = mappingArea1.height() < mappingArea2.height()
                    ? mappingArea1.height() : mappingArea2.height();
            return overlappingAreaWidth * overlappingAreaHeight;