public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-core', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-core
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


Utility class for transform.

The vertices representation uses a float array to represent a rectangle with arbitrary rotation and rotation-direction. It could be otherwise represented by a triple of a , a rotation degrees integer and a boolean flag for the rotation-direction (clockwise v.s. counter-clockwise). TODO(b/179827713): merge this with ImageUtil.


public static final RectFNORMALIZED_RECT

public static floatcalculateSignedAngle(float v1x, float v1y, float v2x, float v2y)

Calculates the clockwise angle between 2 vectors.

public static MatrixgetExifTransform(int exifOrientation, int width, int height)

Gets the transform matrix based on exif orientation.

public static MatrixgetNormalizedToBuffer(Rect viewPortRect)

Gets the transform from a normalized space (-1, -1) - (1, 1) to the given rect.

public static MatrixgetNormalizedToBuffer(RectF viewPortRect)

Gets the transform from a normalized space (-1, -1) - (1, 1) to the given rect.

public static MatrixgetRectToRect(RectF source, RectF target, int rotationDegrees)

Gets the transform from one to another with rotation degrees.

public static MatrixgetRectToRect(RectF source, RectF target, int rotationDegrees, boolean mirroring)

Gets the transform from one to another with rotation degrees and mirroring.

public static SizegetRotatedSize(Rect cropRect, int rotationDegrees)

Gets the size after cropping and rotating.

public static intgetRotationDegrees(Matrix matrix)

Returns the rotation degrees of the matrix.

public static booleanhasCropping(Rect cropRect, Size size)

Returns true if the crop rect does not match the size.

public static booleanis90or270(int rotationDegrees)

Returns true if the rotation degrees is 90 or 270.

public static booleanisAspectRatioMatchingWithRoundingError(Size size1, boolean isAccurate1, Size size2, boolean isAccurate2)

Checks if aspect ratio matches while tolerating rounding error.

public static booleanisAspectRatioMatchingWithRoundingError(Size size1, Size size2)

Checks if aspect ratio matches while tolerating rounding error.

public static booleanisMirrored(Matrix matrix)

Checks if the matrix contains a mirroring.

public static floatmax(float value1, float value2, float value3, float value4)

Returns the max value.

public static floatmin(float value1, float value2, float value3, float value4)

Returns the min value.

public static SizerectToSize(Rect rect)

Gets the size of the .

public static java.lang.StringrectToString(Rect rect)

Returns a formatted string for a Rect.

public static float[]rectToVertices(RectF rectF)

Converts a defined by top, left, right and bottom to an array of vertices.

public static SizereverseSize(Size size)

Reverses width and height for a .

public static SizeFreverseSizeF(SizeF sizeF)

Reverses width and height for a .

public static RectFrotateRect(RectF rect, int rotationDegrees)

Rotates according to the rotation degrees.

public static SizerotateSize(Size size, int rotationDegrees)

Rotates a according to the rotation degrees.

public static RectsizeToRect(Size size)

Transforms size to a with zero left and top.

public static RectsizeToRect(Size size, int left, int top)

Transforms a size to a with given left and top.

public static RectFsizeToRectF(Size size)

Transforms size to a with zero left and top.

public static RectFsizeToRectF(Size size, int left, int top)

Transforms a size to a with given left and top.

public static float[]sizeToVertices(Size size)

Converts a to a float array of vertices.

public static MatrixupdateSensorToBufferTransform(Matrix original, Rect cropRect)

Updates sensor to buffer transform based on crop rect.

public static RectFverticesToRect(float[] vertices[])

Converts an array of vertices to a .

public static intwithin360(int degrees)

Converts the degrees to within 360 degrees [0 - 359].

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static final RectF NORMALIZED_RECT


public static Size rectToSize(Rect rect)

Gets the size of the .

public static java.lang.String rectToString(Rect rect)

Returns a formatted string for a Rect.

public static Rect sizeToRect(Size size)

Transforms size to a with zero left and top.

public static Rect sizeToRect(Size size, int left, int top)

Transforms a size to a with given left and top.

public static boolean hasCropping(Rect cropRect, Size size)

Returns true if the crop rect does not match the size.

public static RectF sizeToRectF(Size size)

Transforms size to a with zero left and top.

public static RectF sizeToRectF(Size size, int left, int top)

Transforms a size to a with given left and top.

public static Size reverseSize(Size size)

Reverses width and height for a .


size: the size to reverse


reversed size

public static SizeF reverseSizeF(SizeF sizeF)

Reverses width and height for a .


sizeF: the float size to reverse


reversed float size

public static Size rotateSize(Size size, int rotationDegrees)

Rotates a according to the rotation degrees.


size: the size to rotate
rotationDegrees: the rotation degrees


rotated size

public static RectF rotateRect(RectF rect, int rotationDegrees)

Rotates according to the rotation degrees.

A 640, 480 rect rotated 90 degrees clockwise will become a 480, 640 rect.

public static boolean isMirrored(Matrix matrix)

Checks if the matrix contains a mirroring.

This is mostly for testing if a sensor-to-buffer transformation. This method returns true if the image has been mirrored by the pipeline.

public static float calculateSignedAngle(float v1x, float v1y, float v2x, float v2y)

Calculates the clockwise angle between 2 vectors.

public static Size getRotatedSize(Rect cropRect, int rotationDegrees)

Gets the size after cropping and rotating.


rotated size

public static int within360(int degrees)

Converts the degrees to within 360 degrees [0 - 359].

public static RectF verticesToRect(float[] vertices[])

Converts an array of vertices to a .

public static float max(float value1, float value2, float value3, float value4)

Returns the max value.

public static float min(float value1, float value2, float value3, float value4)

Returns the min value.

public static boolean is90or270(int rotationDegrees)

Returns true if the rotation degrees is 90 or 270.

public static float[] sizeToVertices(Size size)

Converts a to a float array of vertices.

public static float[] rectToVertices(RectF rectF)

Converts a defined by top, left, right and bottom to an array of vertices.

public static boolean isAspectRatioMatchingWithRoundingError(Size size1, Size size2)

Checks if aspect ratio matches while tolerating rounding error.

See also: TransformUtils.isAspectRatioMatchingWithRoundingError(Size, boolean, Size, boolean)

public static boolean isAspectRatioMatchingWithRoundingError(Size size1, boolean isAccurate1, Size size2, boolean isAccurate2)

Checks if aspect ratio matches while tolerating rounding error.

One example of the usage is comparing the viewport-based crop rect from different use cases. The crop rect is rounded because pixels are integers, which may introduce an error when we check if the aspect ratio matches. For example, when PreviewView's width/height are prime numbers 601x797, the crop rect from other use cases cannot have a matching aspect ratio even if they are based on the same viewport. This method checks the aspect ratio while tolerating a rounding error.


size1: the rounded size1
isAccurate1: if size1 is accurate. e.g. it's true if it's the PreviewView's dimension which viewport is based on
size2: the rounded size2
isAccurate2: if size2 is accurate.

public static Matrix getRectToRect(RectF source, RectF target, int rotationDegrees)

Gets the transform from one to another with rotation degrees.

Following is how the source is mapped to the target with a 90° rotation. The rect is mapped to .

  a----------b               d'-----------a'
  |  source  |    -90°->     |            |
  d----------c               |   target   |
                             |            |

public static Matrix getRectToRect(RectF source, RectF target, int rotationDegrees, boolean mirroring)

Gets the transform from one to another with rotation degrees and mirroring.

Following is how the source is mapped to the target with a 90° rotation and a mirroring. The rect is mapped to .

  a----------b                           a'-----------d'
  |  source  |    -90° + mirroring ->    |            |
  d----------c                           |   target   |
                                         |            |

public static Matrix getNormalizedToBuffer(Rect viewPortRect)

Gets the transform from a normalized space (-1, -1) - (1, 1) to the given rect.

public static Matrix updateSensorToBufferTransform(Matrix original, Rect cropRect)

Updates sensor to buffer transform based on crop rect.

public static Matrix getNormalizedToBuffer(RectF viewPortRect)

Gets the transform from a normalized space (-1, -1) - (1, 1) to the given rect.

public static Matrix getExifTransform(int exifOrientation, int width, int height)

Gets the transform matrix based on exif orientation.

public static int getRotationDegrees(Matrix matrix)

Returns the rotation degrees of the matrix.

The returned degrees will be an integer between 0 and 359.


 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import android.util.Size;
import android.util.SizeF;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.core.util.Preconditions;

import java.util.Locale;

 * Utility class for transform.
 * <p> The vertices representation uses a float array to represent a rectangle with arbitrary
 * rotation and rotation-direction. It could be otherwise represented by a triple of a
 * {@link RectF}, a rotation degrees integer and a boolean flag for the rotation-direction
 * (clockwise v.s. counter-clockwise).
 * TODO(b/179827713): merge this with {@link ImageUtil}.
public class TransformUtils {

    // Normalized space (-1, -1) - (1, 1).
    public static final RectF NORMALIZED_RECT = new RectF(-1, -1, 1, 1);

    private TransformUtils() {

     * Gets the size of the {@link Rect}.
    public static Size rectToSize(@NonNull Rect rect) {
        return new Size(rect.width(), rect.height());

    /** Returns a formatted string for a Rect. */
    public static String rectToString(@NonNull Rect rect) {
        return String.format(Locale.US, "%s(%dx%d)", rect, rect.width(), rect.height());

     * Transforms size to a {@link Rect} with zero left and top.
    public static Rect sizeToRect(@NonNull Size size) {
        return sizeToRect(size, 0, 0);

     * Transforms a size to a {@link Rect} with given left and top.
    public static Rect sizeToRect(@NonNull Size size, int left, int top) {
        return new Rect(left, top, left + size.getWidth(), top + size.getHeight());

     * Returns true if the crop rect does not match the size.
    public static boolean hasCropping(@NonNull Rect cropRect, @NonNull Size size) {
        return cropRect.left != 0 || != 0 || cropRect.width() != size.getWidth()
                || cropRect.height() != size.getHeight();

     * Transforms size to a {@link RectF} with zero left and top.
    public static RectF sizeToRectF(@NonNull Size size) {
        return sizeToRectF(size, 0, 0);

     * Transforms a size to a {@link RectF} with given left and top.
    public static RectF sizeToRectF(@NonNull Size size, int left, int top) {
        return new RectF(left, top, left + size.getWidth(), top + size.getHeight());

     * Reverses width and height for a {@link Size}.
     * @param size the size to reverse
     * @return reversed size
    public static Size reverseSize(@NonNull Size size) {
        return new Size(size.getHeight(), size.getWidth());

     * Reverses width and height for a {@link SizeF}.
     * @param sizeF the float size to reverse
     * @return reversed float size
    public static SizeF reverseSizeF(@NonNull SizeF sizeF) {
        return new SizeF(sizeF.getHeight(), sizeF.getWidth());

     * Rotates a {@link Size} according to the rotation degrees.
     * @param size            the size to rotate
     * @param rotationDegrees the rotation degrees
     * @return rotated size
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the rotation degrees is not a multiple of 90
    public static Size rotateSize(@NonNull Size size, int rotationDegrees) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(rotationDegrees % 90 == 0,
                "Invalid rotation degrees: " + rotationDegrees);
        return is90or270(within360(rotationDegrees)) ? reverseSize(size) : size;

     * Rotates {@link SizeF} according to the rotation degrees.
     * <p> A 640, 480 rect rotated 90 degrees clockwise will become a 480, 640 rect.
    public static RectF rotateRect(@NonNull RectF rect, int rotationDegrees) {
        Preconditions.checkArgument(rotationDegrees % 90 == 0,
                "Invalid rotation degrees: " + rotationDegrees);
        if (is90or270(within360(rotationDegrees))) {
            return new RectF(0, 0, /*right=*/rect.height(),  /*bottom=*/rect.width());
        } else {
            return rect;

     * Checks if the matrix contains a mirroring.
     * <p>This is mostly for testing if a sensor-to-buffer transformation. This method returns true
     * if the image has been mirrored by the pipeline.
    public static boolean isMirrored(@NonNull Matrix matrix) {
        // We create 2 vectors, (0, 1) and (1, 0) with -90 degrees angle between them. Then we map
        // the vectors with the matrix. If the angle changes to positive(90 degrees), we know that
        // the matrix contains a mirroring.
        float[] vectors = new float[]{0, 1, 1, 0};
        return calculateSignedAngle(vectors[0], vectors[1], vectors[2], vectors[3]) > 0;

     * Calculates the clockwise angle between 2 vectors.
    public static float calculateSignedAngle(float v1x, float v1y, float v2x, float v2y) {
        // Calculate the dot product
        float dotProduct = v1x * v2x + v1y * v2y;

        // Calculate the determinant (which is proportional to the sine of the angle)
        float det = v1x * v2y - v1y * v2x;

        // Calculate the magnitudes of the vectors
        double magV1 = Math.sqrt(v1x * v1x + v1y * v1y);
        double magV2 = Math.sqrt(v2x * v2x + v2y * v2y);

        // Calculate the cosine and sine of the angle
        double cosTheta = dotProduct / (magV1 * magV2);
        double sinTheta = det / (magV1 * magV2);

        // Calculate the angle in radians using atan2 (result ranges from -π to π)
        double angleRad = Math.atan2(sinTheta, cosTheta);

        // Convert the angle to degrees, if needed
        double angleDeg = Math.toDegrees(angleRad);

        return (float) angleDeg;

     * Gets the size after cropping and rotating.
     * @return rotated size
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the rotation degrees is not a multiple of.
    public static Size getRotatedSize(@NonNull Rect cropRect, int rotationDegrees) {
        return rotateSize(rectToSize(cropRect), rotationDegrees);

     * Converts the degrees to within 360 degrees [0 - 359].
    public static int within360(int degrees) {
        return (degrees % 360 + 360) % 360;

     * Converts an array of vertices to a {@link RectF}.
    public static RectF verticesToRect(@NonNull float[] vertices) {
        return new RectF(
                min(vertices[0], vertices[2], vertices[4], vertices[6]),
                min(vertices[1], vertices[3], vertices[5], vertices[7]),
                max(vertices[0], vertices[2], vertices[4], vertices[6]),
                max(vertices[1], vertices[3], vertices[5], vertices[7])

     * Returns the max value.
    public static float max(float value1, float value2, float value3, float value4) {
        return Math.max(Math.max(value1, value2), Math.max(value3, value4));

     * Returns the min value.
    public static float min(float value1, float value2, float value3, float value4) {
        return Math.min(Math.min(value1, value2), Math.min(value3, value4));

     * Returns true if the rotation degrees is 90 or 270.
    public static boolean is90or270(int rotationDegrees) {
        if (rotationDegrees == 90 || rotationDegrees == 270) {
            return true;
        if (rotationDegrees == 0 || rotationDegrees == 180) {
            return false;
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid rotation degrees: " + rotationDegrees);

     * Converts a {@link Size} to a float array of vertices.
    public static float[] sizeToVertices(@NonNull Size size) {
        return new float[]{0, 0, size.getWidth(), 0, size.getWidth(), size.getHeight(), 0,

     * Converts a {@link RectF} defined by top, left, right and bottom to an array of vertices.
    public static float[] rectToVertices(@NonNull RectF rectF) {
        return new float[]{rectF.left,, rectF.right,, rectF.right, rectF.bottom,
                rectF.left, rectF.bottom};

     * Checks if aspect ratio matches while tolerating rounding error.
     * @see #isAspectRatioMatchingWithRoundingError(Size, boolean, Size, boolean)
    public static boolean isAspectRatioMatchingWithRoundingError(
            @NonNull Size size1, @NonNull Size size2) {
        return isAspectRatioMatchingWithRoundingError(
                size1, /*isAccurate1=*/ false, size2, /*isAccurate2=*/ false);

     * Checks if aspect ratio matches while tolerating rounding error.
     * <p> One example of the usage is comparing the viewport-based crop rect from different use
     * cases. The crop rect is rounded because pixels are integers, which may introduce an error
     * when we check if the aspect ratio matches. For example, when
     * {@linkplain}'s
     * width/height are prime numbers 601x797, the crop rect from other use cases cannot have a
     * matching aspect ratio even if they are based on the same viewport. This method checks the
     * aspect ratio while tolerating a rounding error.
     * @param size1       the rounded size1
     * @param isAccurate1 if size1 is accurate. e.g. it's true if it's the PreviewView's
     *                    dimension which viewport is based on
     * @param size2       the rounded size2
     * @param isAccurate2 if size2 is accurate.
    public static boolean isAspectRatioMatchingWithRoundingError(
            @NonNull Size size1, boolean isAccurate1, @NonNull Size size2, boolean isAccurate2) {
        // The crop rect coordinates are rounded values. Each value is at most .5 away from their
        // true values. So the width/height, which is the difference of 2 coordinates, are at most
        // 1.0 away from their true value.
        // First figure out the possible range of the aspect ratio's ture value.
        float ratio1UpperBound;
        float ratio1LowerBound;
        if (isAccurate1) {
            ratio1UpperBound = (float) size1.getWidth() / size1.getHeight();
            ratio1LowerBound = ratio1UpperBound;
        } else {
            ratio1UpperBound = (size1.getWidth() + 1F) / (size1.getHeight() - 1F);
            ratio1LowerBound = (size1.getWidth() - 1F) / (size1.getHeight() + 1F);
        float ratio2UpperBound;
        float ratio2LowerBound;
        if (isAccurate2) {
            ratio2UpperBound = (float) size2.getWidth() / size2.getHeight();
            ratio2LowerBound = ratio2UpperBound;
        } else {
            ratio2UpperBound = (size2.getWidth() + 1F) / (size2.getHeight() - 1F);
            ratio2LowerBound = (size2.getWidth() - 1F) / (size2.getHeight() + 1F);
        // Then we check if the true value range overlaps.
        return ratio1UpperBound >= ratio2LowerBound && ratio2UpperBound >= ratio1LowerBound;

     * Gets the transform from one {@link RectF} to another with rotation degrees.
     * <p> Following is how the source is mapped to the target with a 90° rotation. The rect
     * <a, b, c, d> is mapped to <a', b', c', d'>.
     * <pre>
     *  a----------b               d'-----------a'
     *  |  source  |    -90°->     |            |
     *  d----------c               |   target   |
     *                             |            |
     *                             c'-----------b'
     * </pre>
    public static Matrix getRectToRect(
            @NonNull RectF source, @NonNull RectF target, int rotationDegrees) {
        return getRectToRect(source, target, rotationDegrees, /*mirroring=*/false);

     * Gets the transform from one {@link RectF} to another with rotation degrees and mirroring.
     * <p> Following is how the source is mapped to the target with a 90° rotation and a mirroring.
     * The rect <a, b, c, d> is mapped to <a', b', c', d'>.
     * <pre>
     *  a----------b                           a'-----------d'
     *  |  source  |    -90° + mirroring ->    |            |
     *  d----------c                           |   target   |
     *                                         |            |
     *                                         b'-----------c'
     * </pre>
    public static Matrix getRectToRect(
            @NonNull RectF source, @NonNull RectF target, int rotationDegrees, boolean mirroring) {
        // Map source to normalized space.
        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();
        matrix.setRectToRect(source, NORMALIZED_RECT, Matrix.ScaleToFit.FILL);
        // Add rotation.
        if (mirroring) {
            matrix.postScale(-1, 1);
        // Restore the normalized space to target's coordinates.
        return matrix;

     * Gets the transform from a normalized space (-1, -1) - (1, 1) to the given rect.
    public static Matrix getNormalizedToBuffer(@NonNull Rect viewPortRect) {
        return getNormalizedToBuffer(new RectF(viewPortRect));

     * Updates sensor to buffer transform based on crop rect.
    public static Matrix updateSensorToBufferTransform(
            @NonNull Matrix original,
            @NonNull Rect cropRect) {
        Matrix matrix = new Matrix(original);
        return matrix;

     * Gets the transform from a normalized space (-1, -1) - (1, 1) to the given rect.
    public static Matrix getNormalizedToBuffer(@NonNull RectF viewPortRect) {
        Matrix normalizedToBuffer = new Matrix();
        normalizedToBuffer.setRectToRect(NORMALIZED_RECT, viewPortRect, Matrix.ScaleToFit.FILL);
        return normalizedToBuffer;

     * Gets the transform matrix based on exif orientation.
    public static Matrix getExifTransform(int exifOrientation, int width, int height) {
        Matrix matrix = new Matrix();

        // Map the bitmap to a normalized space and perform transform. It's more readable, and it
        // can be tested with Robolectric's ShadowMatrix (Matrix#setPolyToPoly is currently not
        // shadowed by ShadowMatrix).
        RectF rect = new RectF(0, 0, width, height);
        matrix.setRectToRect(rect, NORMALIZED_RECT, Matrix.ScaleToFit.FILL);

        // A flag that checks if the image has been rotated 90/270.
        boolean isWidthHeightSwapped = false;

        // Transform the normalized space based on exif orientation.
        switch (exifOrientation) {
            case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_FLIP_HORIZONTAL:
                matrix.postScale(-1f, 1f);
            case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_180:
            case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_FLIP_VERTICAL:
                matrix.postScale(1f, -1f);
            case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_TRANSPOSE:
                // Flipped about top-left <--> bottom-right axis, it can also be represented by
                // flip horizontally and then rotate 270 degree clockwise.
                matrix.postScale(-1f, 1f);
                isWidthHeightSwapped = true;
            case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_90:
                isWidthHeightSwapped = true;
            case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_TRANSVERSE:
                // Flipped about top-right <--> bottom left axis, it can also be represented by
                // flip horizontally and then rotate 90 degree clockwise.
                matrix.postScale(-1f, 1f);
                isWidthHeightSwapped = true;
            case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_ROTATE_270:
                isWidthHeightSwapped = true;
            case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_NORMAL:
                // Fall-through
            case ExifInterface.ORIENTATION_UNDEFINED:
                // Fall-through

        // Map the normalized space back to the bitmap coordinates.
        RectF restoredRect = isWidthHeightSwapped ? new RectF(0, 0, height, width) : rect;
        Matrix restore = new Matrix();
        restore.setRectToRect(NORMALIZED_RECT, restoredRect, Matrix.ScaleToFit.FILL);

        return matrix;

     * Returns the rotation degrees of the matrix.
     * <p>The returned degrees will be an integer between 0 and 359.
    public static int getRotationDegrees(@NonNull Matrix matrix) {
        float[] values = new float[9];

        // Calculate the degrees of rotation using the sin and cosine values from the matrix
        float scaleX = values[Matrix.MSCALE_X];
        float skewY = values[Matrix.MSKEW_Y];

        return within360((int) Math.round(Math.atan2(skewY, scaleX) * (180 / Math.PI)));