public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-core', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-core
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


An edge between two Node that is based on a DeferrableSurface.

This class contains a single DeferrableSurface with additional info such as size, crop rect and transformation. It also connects the downstream DeferrableSurface or SurfaceRequest that provides the .

To set up a connection, configure both downstream/upstream nodes. Both downstream/upstream nodes can only be configured once for each connection. Trying to configure them again throws java.lang.IllegalStateException.

To connect a downstream node(Surface provider):

To connect a upstream node(surface consumer):

The connection ends when the SurfaceEdge.close() or SurfaceEdge.invalidate() is called. The difference is that SurfaceEdge.close() only notifies the upstream pipeline that the should no longer be used, and SurfaceEdge.invalidate() cleans the current connection so it can be connected again.


publicSurfaceEdge(int targets, int format, StreamSpec streamSpec, Matrix sensorToBufferTransform, boolean hasCameraTransform, Rect cropRect, int rotationDegrees, int targetRotation, boolean mirroring)

Please see the getters to understand the parameters.

public voidaddOnInvalidatedListener(java.lang.Runnable onInvalidated)

Adds a Runnable that gets invoked when the downstream pipeline is invalidated.

public voidaddTransformationUpdateListener(Consumer<SurfaceRequest.TransformationInfo> consumer)

Adds a listener to receive transformation info updates.

public final voidclose()

Closes the edge.

public <any>createSurfaceOutputFuture(int format, SurfaceOutput.CameraInputInfo cameraInputInfo, SurfaceOutput.CameraInputInfo secondaryCameraInputInfo)

Creates a SurfaceOutput that is linked to this SurfaceEdge.

public SurfaceRequestcreateSurfaceRequest(CameraInternal cameraInternal)

Creates a SurfaceRequest that is linked to this SurfaceEdge.

public SurfaceRequestcreateSurfaceRequest(CameraInternal cameraInternal, boolean isPrimary)

Creates a SurfaceRequest that is linked to this SurfaceEdge with the additional information whether camera is primary or secondary in dual camera case.

public final voiddisconnect()

Disconnects the edge.

public RectgetCropRect()

Gets the crop rect based on UseCase config.

public DeferrableSurfacegetDeferrableSurface()

Gets the DeferrableSurface for upstream nodes.

public DeferrableSurfacegetDeferrableSurfaceForTesting()

public intgetFormat()

Gets the buffer format of this edge.

public intgetRotationDegrees()

Gets the clockwise rotation degrees based on UseCase config.

public MatrixgetSensorToBufferTransform()

Gets the represents the transformation from camera sensor to the current .

public StreamSpecgetStreamSpec()

Returns StreamSpec associated with this edge.

public intgetTargets()

This field indicates that what purpose the will be used for.

public booleanhasCameraTransform()

Whether the current contains the camera transformation info.

public booleanhasProvider()

public voidinvalidate()

Resets connection and notifies that a new connection is ready.

public booleanisClosed()

public booleanisMirroring()

Gets whether the buffer needs to be horizontally mirrored based on UseCase config.

public voidremoveTransformationUpdateListener(Consumer<SurfaceRequest.TransformationInfo> consumer)

Removes a listener to stop receiving transformation info updates.

public voidsetProvider(DeferrableSurface provider)

Sets the downstream DeferrableSurface.

public voidupdateTransformation(int rotationDegrees)

public voidupdateTransformation(int rotationDegrees, int targetRotation)

Updates the transformation info.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public SurfaceEdge(int targets, int format, StreamSpec streamSpec, Matrix sensorToBufferTransform, boolean hasCameraTransform, Rect cropRect, int rotationDegrees, int targetRotation, boolean mirroring)

Please see the getters to understand the parameters.


public void addOnInvalidatedListener(java.lang.Runnable onInvalidated)

Adds a Runnable that gets invoked when the downstream pipeline is invalidated.

The added listeners are invoked when the downstream pipeline wants to replace the previously provided . For example, when SurfaceRequest.invalidate() is called. When that happens, the edge should notify the upstream pipeline to get the new Surface.

public DeferrableSurface getDeferrableSurface()

Gets the DeferrableSurface for upstream nodes.

This method throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if the current SurfaceEdge already has a Surface consumer. To remove the current Surface consumer, call SurfaceEdge.invalidate() to reset the connection.

public void setProvider(DeferrableSurface provider)

Sets the downstream DeferrableSurface.

Once connected, the value SurfaceEdge.getDeferrableSurface() and the provider will be in sync on the following matters: 1) surface provision, 2) ref-counting, 3) closure and 4) termination. See the list below for details:

  • Surface. the provider and the parent share the same Surface object.
  • Ref-counting. The ref-count of the SurfaceEdge.getDeferrableSurface() represents whether it's safe to release the Surface. The ref-count of the provider represents whether the SurfaceEdge.getDeferrableSurface() is terminated. As long as the parent is not terminated, the provider cannot release the surface because someone might be accessing the surface.
  • Closure. When SurfaceEdge.getDeferrableSurface() is closed, if the surface is provided via SurfaceOutput, it will invoke requestClose to decrease the ref-counter; if the surface is used by the camera-camera2, wait for the ref-counter to go to zero on its own. For the provider, closing after providing the surface has no effect; closing before providing the surface propagates the exception upstream.
  • Termination. On SurfaceEdge.getDeferrableSurface() termination, close the provider and decrease the ref-count to notify that the Surface can be safely released. The provider cannot be terminated before the SurfaceEdge.getDeferrableSurface() does.

This method is for organizing the pipeline internally. For example, using the output of one UseCase as the input of another UseCase for stream sharing.

This method is idempotent. Calling it with the same provider no-ops. Calling it with a different provider throws java.lang.IllegalStateException.

public SurfaceRequest createSurfaceRequest(CameraInternal cameraInternal)

Creates a SurfaceRequest that is linked to this SurfaceEdge.

The SurfaceRequest is for requesting a from an external source such as PreviewView or VideoCapture. SurfaceEdge uses the provided by SurfaceRequest.provideSurface(Surface, Executor, Consumer) as its source. For how the ref-counting works, please see the Javadoc of SurfaceEdge.setProvider(DeferrableSurface).

It throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if the current SurfaceEdge already has a provider.

public SurfaceRequest createSurfaceRequest(CameraInternal cameraInternal, boolean isPrimary)

Creates a SurfaceRequest that is linked to this SurfaceEdge with the additional information whether camera is primary or secondary in dual camera case.

public <any> createSurfaceOutputFuture(int format, SurfaceOutput.CameraInputInfo cameraInputInfo, SurfaceOutput.CameraInputInfo secondaryCameraInputInfo)

Creates a SurfaceOutput that is linked to this SurfaceEdge.

The SurfaceOutput is for providing a surface to an external target such as SurfaceProcessor.

This method returns a that completes when the SurfaceEdge.getDeferrableSurface() completes. The SurfaceOutput contains the surface and ref-counts the SurfaceEdge.

Do not provide the SurfaceOutput to external target if the fails.

This method throws java.lang.IllegalStateException if the current SurfaceEdge already has a Surface consumer. To remove the current Surface consumer, call SurfaceEdge.invalidate() to reset the connection.


format: output buffer format
cameraInputInfo: primary camera SurfaceOutput.CameraInputInfo
secondaryCameraInputInfo: secondary camera SurfaceOutput.CameraInputInfo

public void invalidate()

Resets connection and notifies that a new connection is ready.

Call this method to notify that the previously provided via SurfaceEdge.createSurfaceRequest(CameraInternal) or SurfaceEdge.setProvider(DeferrableSurface) should no longer be used. The upstream pipeline should call SurfaceEdge.getDeferrableSurface() or SurfaceEdge.createSurfaceOutputFuture(int, SurfaceOutput.CameraInputInfo, SurfaceOutput.CameraInputInfo) to get the new .

Only call this method when the surface provider is ready to provide a new . For example, when SurfaceRequest.invalidate() is invoked or when a downstream UseCase resets.

See also: SurfaceEdge.close()

public final void close()

Closes the edge.

Disconnects the edge and sets a tombstone so it will never be used again. This method is idempotent.

See also: SurfaceEdge.disconnect()

public final void disconnect()

Disconnects the edge.

Once disconnected, upstream should stop sending images to the edge, and downstream should stop expecting images from the edge.

This method notifies the upstream via / By calling , it also decrements the ref-count on downstream Surfaces so they can be released.

See also: DeferrableSurface.close(), SurfaceEdge.invalidate()

public int getTargets()

This field indicates that what purpose the will be used for.

public int getFormat()

Gets the buffer format of this edge.

public Matrix getSensorToBufferTransform()

Gets the represents the transformation from camera sensor to the current .

This value represents the transformation from sensor coordinates to the current buffer coordinates, which is required to transform coordinates between UseCases. For example, in AR, transforming the coordinates of the detected face in ImageAnalysis to coordinates in PreviewView.

If the SurfaceEdge is directly connected to a camera output and its aspect ratio matches the aspect ratio of the sensor, this value is usually an identity matrix, with the exception of device quirks. Each time a intermediate Node transforms the image buffer, it has to append the same transformation to this and pass it to the downstream Node.

public boolean hasCameraTransform()

Whether the current contains the camera transformation info.

Camera2 writes the camera transform to the . The info is typically used by /TextureView to correct the preview. Once it's buffer copied by post-processing, the info is lost. The app (e.g. PreviewView) needs to handle the transformation differently based on this flag.

public Rect getCropRect()

Gets the crop rect based on UseCase config.

public int getRotationDegrees()

Gets the clockwise rotation degrees based on UseCase config.

public void updateTransformation(int rotationDegrees)

See also: SurfaceEdge.updateTransformation(int, int)

public void updateTransformation(int rotationDegrees, int targetRotation)

Updates the transformation info.

If the surface provider is created via SurfaceEdge.createSurfaceRequest(CameraInternal), the returned SurfaceRequest will receive the rotation update by .


rotationDegrees: the suggested clockwise rotation degrees of the buffer.
targetRotation: the UseCase target rotation configured by the app. This value is needed if the SurfaceProvider is a TextureView without GL processing. TextureView will combine this value and the value in SurfaceTexture to correct the output.

public void addTransformationUpdateListener(Consumer<SurfaceRequest.TransformationInfo> consumer)

Adds a listener to receive transformation info updates.

public void removeTransformationUpdateListener(Consumer<SurfaceRequest.TransformationInfo> consumer)

Removes a listener to stop receiving transformation info updates.

public boolean isMirroring()

Gets whether the buffer needs to be horizontally mirrored based on UseCase config.

public StreamSpec getStreamSpec()

Returns StreamSpec associated with this edge.

public DeferrableSurface getDeferrableSurfaceForTesting()

public boolean isClosed()

public boolean hasProvider()


true if this edge is connected to a Surface provider.


 * Copyright 2022 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static androidx.core.util.Preconditions.checkArgument;
import static androidx.core.util.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static androidx.core.util.Preconditions.checkState;

import android.util.Size;
import android.view.Surface;
import android.view.SurfaceView;
import android.view.TextureView;

import androidx.annotation.MainThread;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import androidx.concurrent.futures.CallbackToFutureAdapter;
import androidx.core.util.Consumer;


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;

 * An edge between two {@link Node} that is based on a {@link DeferrableSurface}.
 * <p>This class contains a single {@link DeferrableSurface} with additional info such as size,
 * crop rect and transformation. It also connects the downstream {@link DeferrableSurface} or
 * {@link SurfaceRequest} that provides the {@link Surface}.
 * <p>To set up a connection, configure both downstream/upstream nodes. Both downstream/upstream
 * nodes can only be configured once for each connection. Trying to configure them again throws
 * {@link IllegalStateException}.
 * <p>To connect a downstream node(Surface provider):
 * <ul>
 * <li>For external source, call {@link #createSurfaceRequest} and send the
 * {@link SurfaceRequest} to the app. For example, sending the {@link SurfaceRequest} to
 * PreviewView or Recorder.
 * <li>For internal source, call {@link #setProvider} with the {@link DeferrableSurface}
 * from another {@link UseCase}. For example, when sharing one stream to two use cases.
 * </ul>
 * <p>To connect a upstream node(surface consumer):
 * <ul>
 * <li>For external source, call {@link #createSurfaceOutputFuture} and send the
 * {@link SurfaceOutput} to the app. For example, sending the {@link SurfaceOutput} to
 * {@link SurfaceProcessor}.
 * <li>For internal source, call {@link #getDeferrableSurface()} and set the
 * {@link DeferrableSurface} on {@link SessionConfig}.
 * </ul>
 * <p>The connection ends when the {@link #close()} or {@link #invalidate()} is called.
 * The difference is that {@link #close()} only notifies the upstream pipeline that the
 * {@link Surface} should no longer be used, and {@link #invalidate()} cleans the current
 * connection so it can be connected again.
public class SurfaceEdge {

    private final int mFormat;
    private final Matrix mSensorToBufferTransform;
    private final boolean mHasCameraTransform;
    private final Rect mCropRect;
    private final boolean mMirroring;
    private final int mTargets;
    private final StreamSpec mStreamSpec;

    // Guarded by main thread.
    private int mTargetRotation;

    // Guarded by main thread.
    private int mRotationDegrees;

    // Guarded by main thread.
    private boolean mHasConsumer = false;

    // Guarded by main thread.
    private SurfaceRequest mProviderSurfaceRequest;

    // Guarded by main thread.
    private SettableSurface mSettableSurface;

    // Guarded by main thread.
    private final Set<Runnable> mOnInvalidatedListeners = new HashSet<>();

    // Guarded by main thread.
    // Tombstone flag indicates whether the edge has been closed. Once closed, the edge should
    // never be used again.
    private boolean mIsClosed = false;

    private final List<Consumer<TransformationInfo>> mTransformationUpdatesListeners =
            new ArrayList<>();

     * Please see the getters to understand the parameters.
    public SurfaceEdge(
            @CameraEffect.Targets int targets,
            @CameraEffect.Formats int format,
            @NonNull StreamSpec streamSpec,
            @NonNull Matrix sensorToBufferTransform,
            boolean hasCameraTransform,
            @NonNull Rect cropRect,
            int rotationDegrees,
            @ImageOutputConfig.OptionalRotationValue int targetRotation,
            boolean mirroring) {
        mTargets = targets;
        mFormat = format;
        mStreamSpec = streamSpec;
        mSensorToBufferTransform = sensorToBufferTransform;
        mHasCameraTransform = hasCameraTransform;
        mCropRect = cropRect;
        mRotationDegrees = rotationDegrees;
        mTargetRotation = targetRotation;
        mMirroring = mirroring;
        mSettableSurface = new SettableSurface(streamSpec.getResolution(), mFormat);

     * Adds a Runnable that gets invoked when the downstream pipeline is invalidated.
     * <p>The added listeners are invoked when the downstream pipeline wants to replace the
     * previously provided {@link Surface}. For example, when {@link SurfaceRequest#invalidate()}
     * is called. When that happens, the edge should notify the upstream pipeline to get the new
     * Surface.
    public void addOnInvalidatedListener(@NonNull Runnable onInvalidated) {

     * Gets the {@link DeferrableSurface} for upstream nodes.
     * <p>This method throws {@link IllegalStateException} if the current {@link SurfaceEdge}
     * already has a Surface consumer. To remove the current Surface consumer, call
     * {@link #invalidate()} to reset the connection.
    public DeferrableSurface getDeferrableSurface() {
        return mSettableSurface;

     * Sets the downstream {@link DeferrableSurface}.
     * <p>Once connected, the value {@link #getDeferrableSurface()} and the provider will be
     * in sync on the following matters: 1) surface provision, 2) ref-counting, 3) closure and 4)
     * termination. See the list below for details:
     * <ul>
     * <li>Surface. the provider and the parent share the same Surface object.
     * <li>Ref-counting. The ref-count of the {@link #getDeferrableSurface()} represents whether
     * it's safe to release the Surface. The ref-count of the provider represents whether the
     * {@link #getDeferrableSurface()} is terminated. As long as the parent is not terminated, the
     * provider cannot release the surface because someone might be accessing the surface.
     * <li>Closure. When {@link #getDeferrableSurface()} is closed, if the surface is provided
     * via {@link SurfaceOutput}, it will invoke {@link SurfaceOutputImpl#requestClose()} to
     * decrease the ref-counter; if the surface is used by the camera-camera2, wait for the
     * ref-counter to go to zero on its own. For the provider, closing after providing the
     * surface has no effect; closing before providing the surface propagates the exception
     * upstream.
     * <li>Termination. On {@link #getDeferrableSurface()} termination, close the provider and
     * decrease the ref-count to notify that the Surface can be safely released. The provider
     * cannot be terminated before the {@link #getDeferrableSurface()} does.
     * </ul>
     * <p>This method is for organizing the pipeline internally. For example, using the output of
     * one {@link UseCase} as the input of another {@link UseCase} for stream sharing.
     * <p>This method is idempotent. Calling it with the same provider no-ops. Calling it with a
     * different provider throws {@link IllegalStateException}.
     * @throws DeferrableSurface.SurfaceClosedException when the provider is already closed.
    public void setProvider(@NonNull DeferrableSurface provider)
            throws DeferrableSurface.SurfaceClosedException {
        SettableSurface settableSurface = mSettableSurface;
        settableSurface.setProvider(provider, settableSurface::close);

     * Creates a {@link SurfaceRequest} that is linked to this {@link SurfaceEdge}.
     * <p>The {@link SurfaceRequest} is for requesting a {@link Surface} from an external source
     * such as {@code PreviewView} or {@code VideoCapture}. {@link SurfaceEdge} uses the
     * {@link Surface} provided by {@link SurfaceRequest#provideSurface} as its source. For how
     * the ref-counting works, please see the Javadoc of {@link #setProvider}.
     * <p>It throws {@link IllegalStateException} if the current {@link SurfaceEdge}
     * already has a provider.
    public SurfaceRequest createSurfaceRequest(@NonNull CameraInternal cameraInternal) {
        return createSurfaceRequest(cameraInternal, true);

     * Creates a {@link SurfaceRequest} that is linked to this {@link SurfaceEdge}
     * with the additional information whether camera is primary or secondary in dual camera case.
    public SurfaceRequest createSurfaceRequest(
            @NonNull CameraInternal cameraInternal,
            boolean isPrimary) {
        // TODO(b/238230154) figure out how to support HDR.
        SurfaceRequest surfaceRequest = new SurfaceRequest(
                () -> mainThreadExecutor().execute(() -> {
                    if (!mIsClosed) {
        try {
            DeferrableSurface deferrableSurface = surfaceRequest.getDeferrableSurface();
            SettableSurface settableSurface = mSettableSurface;
            if (settableSurface.setProvider(deferrableSurface, settableSurface::close)) {
                // TODO(b/286817690): consider close the deferrableSurface directly when the
                //  SettableSurface is closed. The delay might cause issues on legacy devices.
        } catch (DeferrableSurface.SurfaceClosedException e) {
            // This should never happen. We just created the SurfaceRequest. It can't be closed.
            throw new AssertionError("Surface is somehow already closed", e);
        } catch (RuntimeException e) {
            // This should never happen. It indicates a bug in CameraX code. Close the
            // SurfaceRequest just to be safe.
            throw e;
        mProviderSurfaceRequest = surfaceRequest;
        return surfaceRequest;

     * Creates a {@link SurfaceOutput} that is linked to this {@link SurfaceEdge}.
     * <p>The {@link SurfaceOutput} is for providing a surface to an external target such
     * as {@link SurfaceProcessor}.
     * <p>This method returns a {@link ListenableFuture<SurfaceOutput>} that completes when the
     * {@link #getDeferrableSurface()} completes. The {@link SurfaceOutput} contains the surface
     * and ref-counts the {@link SurfaceEdge}.
     * <p>Do not provide the {@link SurfaceOutput} to external target if the
     * {@link ListenableFuture} fails.
     * <p>This method throws {@link IllegalStateException} if the current {@link SurfaceEdge}
     * already has a Surface consumer. To remove the current Surface consumer, call
     * {@link #invalidate()} to reset the connection.
     * @param format output buffer format
     * @param cameraInputInfo primary camera {@link CameraInputInfo}
     * @param secondaryCameraInputInfo secondary camera {@link CameraInputInfo}
    public ListenableFuture<SurfaceOutput> createSurfaceOutputFuture(
            @CameraEffect.Formats int format,
            @NonNull CameraInputInfo cameraInputInfo,
            @Nullable CameraInputInfo secondaryCameraInputInfo) {
        SettableSurface settableSurface = mSettableSurface;
        return transformAsync(settableSurface.getSurface(),
                surface -> {
                    try {
                    } catch (DeferrableSurface.SurfaceClosedException e) {
                        return immediateFailedFuture(e);
                    SurfaceOutputImpl surfaceOutputImpl = new SurfaceOutputImpl(surface,
                            getTargets(), format, mStreamSpec.getResolution(),
                            cameraInputInfo, secondaryCameraInputInfo,
                    return immediateFuture(surfaceOutputImpl);
                }, mainThreadExecutor());

     * Resets connection and notifies that a new connection is ready.
     * <p>Call this method to notify that the {@link Surface} previously provided via
     * {@link #createSurfaceRequest} or {@link #setProvider} should no longer be used. The
     * upstream pipeline should call {@link #getDeferrableSurface()} or
     * {@link #createSurfaceOutputFuture} to get the new {@link Surface}.
     * <p>Only call this method when the surface provider is ready to provide a new {@link Surface}.
     * For example, when {@link SurfaceRequest#invalidate()} is invoked or when a downstream
     * {@link UseCase} resets.
     * @see #close()
    public void invalidate() {
        if (mSettableSurface.canSetProvider()) {
            // If the edge is still connectable, no-ops.

        // If the edge is already connected by a downstream node, reset the connection and notify.
        mHasConsumer = false;
        mSettableSurface = new SettableSurface(mStreamSpec.getResolution(), mFormat);
        for (Runnable onInvalidated : mOnInvalidatedListeners) {

     * Closes the edge.
     * <p> Disconnects the edge and sets a tombstone so it will never be used again. This method
     * is idempotent.
     * @see #disconnect()
    public final void close() {
        mIsClosed = true;

     * Disconnects the edge.
     * <p> Once disconnected, upstream should stop sending images to the edge, and downstream
     * should stop expecting images from the edge.
     * <p> This method notifies the upstream via {@link SettableSurface#close()}/
     * {@link SurfaceOutputImpl}. By calling {@link SettableSurface#close()}, it also decrements the
     * ref-count on downstream Surfaces so they can be released.
     * @throws IllegalStateException if the edge is already closed.
     * @see DeferrableSurface#close().
     * @see #invalidate()
    public final void disconnect() {

     * This field indicates that what purpose the {@link Surface} will be used for.
    public int getTargets() {
        return mTargets;

     * Gets the buffer format of this edge.
    public int getFormat() {
        return mFormat;

     * Gets the {@link Matrix} represents the transformation from camera sensor to the current
     * {@link Surface}.
     * <p>This value represents the transformation from sensor coordinates to the current buffer
     * coordinates, which is required to transform coordinates between UseCases. For example, in
     * AR, transforming the coordinates of the detected face in ImageAnalysis to coordinates in
     * PreviewView.
     * <p> If the {@link SurfaceEdge} is directly connected to a camera output and its
     * aspect ratio matches the aspect ratio of the sensor, this value is usually an identity
     * matrix, with the exception of device quirks. Each time a intermediate {@link Node}
     * transforms the image buffer, it has to append the same transformation to this
     * {@link Matrix} and pass it to the downstream {@link Node}.
    public Matrix getSensorToBufferTransform() {
        return mSensorToBufferTransform;

     * Whether the current {@link Surface} contains the camera transformation info.
     * <p>Camera2 writes the camera transform to the {@link Surface}. The info is typically used by
     * {@link SurfaceView}/{@link TextureView} to correct the preview. Once it's buffer copied by
     * post-processing, the info is lost. The app (e.g. PreviewView) needs to handle the
     * transformation differently based on this flag.
    public boolean hasCameraTransform() {
        return mHasCameraTransform;

    // The following values represent the scenario that if this buffer is given directly to the
    // app, these are the additional transformation needs to be applied by the app. Every time we
    // make a change to the buffer, these values need to be updated as well.

     * Gets the crop rect based on {@link UseCase} config.
    public Rect getCropRect() {
        return mCropRect;

     * Gets the clockwise rotation degrees based on {@link UseCase} config.
    public int getRotationDegrees() {
        return mRotationDegrees;

     * @see #updateTransformation(int, int)
    public void updateTransformation(int rotationDegrees) {
        updateTransformation(rotationDegrees, ROTATION_NOT_SPECIFIED);

     * Updates the transformation info.
     * <p>If the surface provider is created via {@link #createSurfaceRequest(CameraInternal)}, the
     * returned SurfaceRequest will receive the rotation update by
     * {@link SurfaceRequest.TransformationInfoListener}.
     * @param rotationDegrees the suggested clockwise rotation degrees of the buffer.
     * @param targetRotation  the UseCase target rotation configured by the app. This value is
     *                        needed if the SurfaceProvider is a TextureView without GL processing.
     *                        TextureView will combine this value and the value in
     *                        {@link SurfaceTexture#getTransformMatrix} to correct the output.
     * @ TODO(b/284336967): allow setting the crop rect and propagate it to the SurfaceProcessor.
    public void updateTransformation(
            int rotationDegrees,
            @ImageOutputConfig.OptionalRotationValue int targetRotation) {
        // This method is not limited to the main thread because UseCase#setTargetRotation calls
        // this method and can be called from a background thread.
        runOnMain(() -> {
            boolean isDirty = false;
            if (mRotationDegrees != rotationDegrees) {
                isDirty = true;
                mRotationDegrees = rotationDegrees;
            if (mTargetRotation != targetRotation) {
                isDirty = true;
                mTargetRotation = targetRotation;
            if (isDirty) {

     * Adds a listener to receive transformation info updates.
    public void addTransformationUpdateListener(@NonNull Consumer<TransformationInfo> consumer) {

     * Removes a listener to stop receiving transformation info updates.
    public void removeTransformationUpdateListener(@NonNull Consumer<TransformationInfo> consumer) {

    private void notifyTransformationInfoUpdate() {
        TransformationInfo transformationInfo = TransformationInfo.of(
                mCropRect, mRotationDegrees, mTargetRotation, hasCameraTransform(),
                mSensorToBufferTransform, mMirroring);
        if (mProviderSurfaceRequest != null) {
        for (Consumer<TransformationInfo> listener : mTransformationUpdatesListeners) {

     * Check the edge only has one consumer defensively.
    private void checkAndSetHasConsumer() {
        checkState(!mHasConsumer, "Consumer can only be linked once.");
        mHasConsumer = true;

     * Gets whether the buffer needs to be horizontally mirrored based on {@link UseCase} config.
    public boolean isMirroring() {
        return mMirroring;

     * Returns {@link StreamSpec} associated with this edge.
    public StreamSpec getStreamSpec() {
        return mStreamSpec;

    private void checkNotClosed() {
        checkState(!mIsClosed, "Edge is already closed.");

    public DeferrableSurface getDeferrableSurfaceForTesting() {
        return mSettableSurface;

    public boolean isClosed() {
        return mIsClosed;

     * @return true if this edge is connected to a Surface provider.
    public boolean hasProvider() {
        return mSettableSurface.hasProvider();

     * A {@link DeferrableSurface} that sets another {@link DeferrableSurface} as the source.
     * <p>This class provides mechanisms to link an {@link DeferrableSurface}, and propagates
     * Surface releasing/closure to the {@link DeferrableSurface}.
     * <p>Closing the parent {@link SettableSurface} does not close the linked
     * {@link DeferrableSurface}. This is by design. The lifecycle of the child
     * {@link DeferrableSurface} will be managed by the owner of the child. For example, the
     * parent could be {@link StreamSharing} and the child could be a {@link Preview}.
    static class SettableSurface extends DeferrableSurface {

        final ListenableFuture<Surface> mSurfaceFuture = CallbackToFutureAdapter.getFuture(
                completer -> {
                    mCompleter = completer;
                    return "SettableFuture hashCode: " + hashCode();

        CallbackToFutureAdapter.Completer<Surface> mCompleter;

        private DeferrableSurface mProvider;

        private SurfaceOutputImpl mConsumer;

        SettableSurface(@NonNull Size size, @CameraEffect.Formats int format) {
            super(size, format);

        protected ListenableFuture<Surface> provideSurface() {
            return mSurfaceFuture;

        boolean canSetProvider() {
            return mProvider == null && !isClosed();

        public void setConsumer(@NonNull SurfaceOutputImpl surfaceOutput) {
            checkState(mConsumer == null, "Consumer can only be linked once.");
            mConsumer = surfaceOutput;

        boolean hasProvider() {
            return mProvider != null;

         * Sets the {@link DeferrableSurface} that provides the surface.
         * <p>This method is idempotent. Calling it with the same provider no-ops.
         * @param provider         the provider to link.
         * @param onProviderClosed a callback to be invoked when the provider is closed. The
         *                         callback will be invoked on the main thread.
         * @return true if the provider is set; false if the same provider has already been set.
         * @throws IllegalStateException    if the provider has already been set.
         * @throws IllegalArgumentException if the provider's size is different than the size of
         *                                  this {@link SettableSurface}.
         * @throws SurfaceClosedException   if the provider is already closed.
         * @see SurfaceEdge#setProvider(DeferrableSurface)
        public boolean setProvider(@NonNull DeferrableSurface provider,
                @NonNull Runnable onProviderClosed)
                throws SurfaceClosedException {
            if (mProvider == provider) {
                // Same provider has already been set. Ignore.
                return false;
            checkState(mProvider == null, "A different provider has been set. To change the "
                    + "provider, call SurfaceEdge#invalidate before calling "
                    + "SurfaceEdge#setProvider");
                    String.format("The provider's size(%s) must match the parent(%s)",
                            getPrescribedSize(), provider.getPrescribedSize()));
            checkArgument(getPrescribedStreamFormat() == provider.getPrescribedStreamFormat(),
                    String.format("The provider's format(%s) must match the parent(%s)",
                            getPrescribedStreamFormat(), provider.getPrescribedStreamFormat()));
            checkState(!isClosed(), "The parent is closed. Call SurfaceEdge#invalidate() before "
                    + "setting a new provider.");
            mProvider = provider;
            Futures.propagate(provider.getSurface(), mCompleter);
            getTerminationFuture().addListener(provider::decrementUseCount, directExecutor());
            // When the child is closed, close the parent too to stop rendering.
            provider.getCloseFuture().addListener(onProviderClosed, mainThreadExecutor());
            return true;

        public void close() {
            runOnMain(() -> {
                if (mConsumer != null) {
                if (mProvider == null) {
                    // This could happen if the edge is connected to VideoCapture and recording is
                    // not started when the edge is closed. In that case, cancel the completer to
                    // avoid the "garbage collected" logging.