public abstract class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-effects', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-effects
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


Represents a frame that is about to be rendered.

Use this class to draw overlay on camera output. It contains a for the drawing. It also provides metadata for positioning the overlay correctly, including sensor-to-buffer transform, size, crop rect, rotation, mirroring, and timestamp.



public abstract RectgetCropRect()

Returns the crop rect.

public CanvasgetOverlayCanvas()

Get the canvas for drawing the overlay.

public abstract intgetRotationDegrees()

Returns the rotation degrees of the frame.

public abstract MatrixgetSensorToBufferTransform()

Returns the sensor to image buffer transform matrix.

public abstract SizegetSize()

Returns the resolution of the frame.

public abstract longgetTimestampNanos()

Returns the timestamp of the frame in nanoseconds.

public abstract booleanisMirroring()

Returns whether the buffer will be mirrored.

public booleanisOverlayDirty()

Internal API to check whether the overlay canvas has been drawn into.

public static Frameof(Surface overlaySurface, long timestampNanos, Size size, SurfaceRequest.TransformationInfo transformationInfo)

Internal API to create a frame.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public Frame()


public static Frame of(Surface overlaySurface, long timestampNanos, Size size, SurfaceRequest.TransformationInfo transformationInfo)

Internal API to create a frame.

public abstract Matrix getSensorToBufferTransform()

Returns the sensor to image buffer transform matrix.

The value is a mapping from sensor coordinates to buffer coordinates, which is, from the rect of the camera sensor to the rect defined by (0, 0, #getSize() #getWidth(), #getSize()#getHeight()).

The value can be set on the using API. This transforms the to the sensor coordinate system.

See also:

public abstract Size getSize()

Returns the resolution of the frame.

This is the size of the input SurfaceTexture created by the effect.

See also: SurfaceRequest.getResolution()

public abstract Rect getCropRect()

Returns the crop rect.

The value represents how CameraX intends to crop the input frame. The crop rect specifies the region of valid pixels in the frame, using coordinates from (0, 0) to the (width, height) of Frame.getSize(). Only the overlay drawn within the bound of the crop rect will be visible to the end users.

The crop rect is applied before the rotating and mirroring. The order of the operations is as follows: 1) cropping, 2) rotating and 3) mirroring.

See also:

public abstract int getRotationDegrees()

Returns the rotation degrees of the frame.

This is a clockwise rotation in degrees that needs to be applied to the frame. The rotation will be determined by camera sensor orientation and UseCase configuration such as Preview.setTargetRotation(int). The app must draw the overlay according to the rotation degrees to ensure it is displayed correctly to the end users. For example, to overlay a text, make sure the text's orientation is aligned with the rotation degrees.

The rotation is applied after the cropping but before the mirroring. The order of the operations is as follows: 1) cropping, 2) rotating and 3) mirroring.

See also:

public abstract boolean isMirroring()

Returns whether the buffer will be mirrored.

This flag indicates whether the buffer will be mirrored across the vertical axis by the pipeline. For example, for front camera preview, the buffer is usually mirrored before displayed to end users.

The mirroring is applied after the cropping and the rotating. The order of the operations is as follows: 1) cropping, 2) rotating and 3) mirroring.

See also:

public abstract long getTimestampNanos()

Returns the timestamp of the frame in nanoseconds.

This value will match the frames from other streams. For example, for a ImageAnalysis output that is originated from the same frame, this value will match the value of ImageInfo.getTimestamp().

See also: SurfaceTexture, ImageInfo.getTimestamp()

public Canvas getOverlayCanvas()

Get the canvas for drawing the overlay.

Call this method to get the for drawing an overlay on top of the frame. The is backed by a SurfaceTexture with a size equal to Frame.getSize(). To draw object in camera sensor coordinates, apply Frame.getSensorToBufferTransform() via before drawing.

Using this method introduces wait times to synchronize frame updates. The caller should only invoke this method when it needs to draw overlay. For example, when an object is detected in the frame.

public boolean isOverlayDirty()

Internal API to check whether the overlay canvas has been drawn into.


 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;

import android.util.Size;
import android.view.Surface;

import androidx.annotation.IntRange;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.Nullable;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;


 * Represents a frame that is about to be rendered.
 * <p>Use this class to draw overlay on camera output. It contains a {@link Canvas} for the
 * drawing. It also provides metadata for positioning the overlay correctly, including
 * sensor-to-buffer transform, size, crop rect, rotation, mirroring, and timestamp.
public abstract class Frame {

    private Surface mOverlaySurface;
    private Canvas mOverlayCanvas;

     * Internal API to create a frame.
    public static Frame of(
            @NonNull Surface overlaySurface,
            long timestampNanos,
            @NonNull Size size,
            @NonNull SurfaceRequest.TransformationInfo transformationInfo) {
        Frame frame = new AutoValue_Frame(transformationInfo.getSensorToBufferTransform(), size,
                transformationInfo.getCropRect(), transformationInfo.getRotationDegrees(),
                transformationInfo.isMirroring(), timestampNanos);
        frame.mOverlaySurface = overlaySurface;
        return frame;

     * Returns the sensor to image buffer transform matrix.
     * <p>The value is a mapping from sensor coordinates to buffer coordinates, which is,
     * from the rect of the camera sensor to the rect defined by {@code (0, 0, #getSize()
     * #getWidth(), #getSize()#getHeight())}.
     * <p>The value can be set on the {@link Canvas} using {@link Canvas#setMatrix} API. This
     * transforms the {@link Canvas} to the sensor coordinate system.
     * @see SurfaceRequest.TransformationInfo#getSensorToBufferTransform()
    public abstract Matrix getSensorToBufferTransform();

     * Returns the resolution of the frame.
     * <p>This is the size of the input {@link SurfaceTexture} created by the effect.
     * @see SurfaceRequest#getResolution()
    public abstract Size getSize();

     * Returns the crop rect.
     * <p>The value represents how CameraX intends to crop the input frame. The crop rect specifies
     * the region of valid pixels in the frame, using coordinates from (0, 0) to the (width,
     * height) of {@link #getSize()}. Only the overlay drawn within the bound of the crop rect
     * will be visible to the end users.
     * <p>The crop rect is applied before the rotating and mirroring. The order of the operations
     * is as follows: 1) cropping, 2) rotating and 3) mirroring.
     * @see SurfaceRequest.TransformationInfo#getCropRect()
    public abstract Rect getCropRect();

     * Returns the rotation degrees of the frame.
     * <p>This is a clockwise rotation in degrees that needs to be applied to the frame. The
     * rotation will be determined by camera sensor orientation and UseCase configuration
     * such as {@link Preview#setTargetRotation}. The app must draw the overlay according to the
     * rotation degrees to ensure it is displayed correctly to the end users. For example, to
     * overlay a text, make sure the text's orientation is aligned with the rotation degrees.
     * <p>The rotation is applied after the cropping but before the mirroring. The order of the
     * operations is as follows: 1) cropping, 2) rotating and 3) mirroring.
     * @see SurfaceRequest.TransformationInfo#getRotationDegrees()
    @IntRange(from = 0, to = 359)
    public abstract int getRotationDegrees();

     * Returns whether the buffer will be mirrored.
     * <p>This flag indicates whether the buffer will be mirrored across the vertical
     * axis by the pipeline. For example, for front camera preview, the buffer is usually
     * mirrored before displayed to end users.
     * <p>The mirroring is applied after the cropping and the rotating. The order of the
     * operations is as follows: 1) cropping, 2) rotating and 3) mirroring.
     * @see SurfaceRequest.TransformationInfo#isMirroring()
    public abstract boolean isMirroring();

     * Returns the timestamp of the frame in nanoseconds.
     * <p>This value will match the frames from other streams. For example, for a
     * {@link ImageAnalysis} output that is originated from the same frame, this value will match
     * the value of {@link ImageInfo#getTimestamp()}.
     * @see SurfaceTexture#getTimestamp()
     * @see ImageInfo#getTimestamp()
    public abstract long getTimestampNanos();

     * Get the canvas for drawing the overlay.
     * <p>Call this method to get the {@link Canvas} for drawing an overlay on top of the frame.
     * The {@link Canvas} is backed by a {@link SurfaceTexture} with a size equal to
     * {@link #getSize()}. To draw object in camera sensor coordinates, apply
     * {@link #getSensorToBufferTransform()} via {@link Canvas#setMatrix(Matrix)} before drawing.
     * <p>Using this method introduces wait times to synchronize frame updates. The caller should
     * only invoke this method when it needs to draw overlay. For example, when an object is
     * detected in the frame.
    public Canvas getOverlayCanvas() {
        if (mOverlayCanvas == null) {
            mOverlayCanvas = lockCanvas(mOverlaySurface);
        return mOverlayCanvas;

     * Internal API to check whether the overlay canvas has been drawn into.
    public boolean isOverlayDirty() {
        return mOverlayCanvas != null;