public final class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-effects', version: '1.5.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-effects
  • version: 1.5.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


A OpenGL render with a buffer queue and overlay support.

It allows 3 types of rendering:

  • Rendering the input texture directly to the output Surface,
  • Rendering the input texture to a texture in the queue, and
  • Rendering a texture in the queue to the output Surface.

It also allows the caller to overlay a texture when rendering to Surface.


publicGlRenderer(int queueDepth)

public int[]createBufferTextureIds(Size size)

Creates an array of textures and return.

public intgetInputTextureId()

Gets the external input texture ID created during initialization.

public intgetOverlayTextureId()

Gets the external overlay texture ID created during initialization.

public voidinit()

Initializes the renderer.

public voidregisterOutputSurface(Surface surface)

Registers an output surface.

public voidrelease()

Releases the renderer.

public BitmaprenderInputToBitmap(int width, int height, float[] textureTransform[])

Renders the input texture to a Bitmap and returns.

public voidrenderInputToQueueTexture(int textureId)

Renders the input texture to a texture in the queue.

public voidrenderInputToSurface(long timestampNs, float[] textureTransform[], Surface surface)

Renders the input texture directly to the output surface.

public BitmaprenderQueueTextureToBitmap(int textureId, int width, int height, float[] textureTransform[])

Renders a queued texture to a Bitmap and returns.

public voidrenderQueueTextureToSurface(int textureId, long timestampNs, float[] textureTransform[], Surface surface)

Renders a queued texture to the output surface.

public voidunregisterOutputSurface(Surface surface)

Unregisters the output surface.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public GlRenderer(int queueDepth)


public void init()

Initializes the renderer.

Must be called before any other methods.

public void release()

Releases the renderer.

Once released, it can never be accessed again.

public int getInputTextureId()

Gets the external input texture ID created during initialization.

public int getOverlayTextureId()

Gets the external overlay texture ID created during initialization.

public int[] createBufferTextureIds(Size size)

Creates an array of textures and return.

This method creates an array of textures with the GlRenderer.mQueueDepth from constructor, and return their IDs. If the array already exists, calling this method deletes the current array before creating a new one.


size: the size of the texture in this queue. The size usually matches the size of the input texture.

public void registerOutputSurface(Surface surface)

Registers an output surface.

Once registered, the can be used by GlRenderer.renderInputToSurface(long, float[], Surface) and GlRenderer.renderQueueTextureToSurface(int, long, float[], Surface).

public void unregisterOutputSurface(Surface surface)

Unregisters the output surface.

Once unregistered, calling GlRenderer.renderInputToSurface(long, float[], Surface) or GlRenderer.renderQueueTextureToSurface(int, long, float[], Surface) with the throws an exception.

public void renderInputToSurface(long timestampNs, float[] textureTransform[], Surface surface)

Renders the input texture directly to the output surface.

This is used when the queue depth is 0 and no buffer copy is needed. The surface must be registered via GlRenderer.registerOutputSurface(Surface).

public void renderQueueTextureToSurface(int textureId, long timestampNs, float[] textureTransform[], Surface surface)

Renders a queued texture to the output surface.

Draw the content of the texture to the output surface. The surface must be registered via GlRenderer.registerOutputSurface(Surface). The texture ID must be from the latest return value of GlRenderer.createBufferTextureIds(Size).

public void renderInputToQueueTexture(int textureId)

Renders the input texture to a texture in the queue.

The texture ID must be from the latest return value ofGlRenderer.createBufferTextureIds(Size).

public Bitmap renderQueueTextureToBitmap(int textureId, int width, int height, float[] textureTransform[])

Renders a queued texture to a Bitmap and returns.

public Bitmap renderInputToBitmap(int width, int height, float[] textureTransform[])

Renders the input texture to a Bitmap and returns.


 * Copyright 2023 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static androidx.core.util.Preconditions.checkState;

import android.opengl.GLES11Ext;
import android.opengl.GLES20;
import android.util.Size;
import android.view.Surface;

import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.RestrictTo;

 * A OpenGL render with a buffer queue and overlay support.
 * <p>It allows 3 types of rendering:
 * <ul>
 * <li>Rendering the input texture directly to the output Surface,
 * <li>Rendering the input texture to a texture in the queue, and
 * <li>Rendering a texture in the queue to the output Surface.
 * </ul>
 * <p>It also allows the caller to overlay a texture when rendering to Surface.
public final class GlRenderer {

    private static final String TAG = "GlRenderer";

    private boolean mInitialized = false;

    private Thread mGlThread = null;
    private final GlContext mGlContext = new GlContext();
    private final int mQueueDepth;
    private final GlProgramOverlay mGlProgramOverlay;
    private final GlProgramCopy mGlProgramCopy = new GlProgramCopy();

    // Texture IDs.
    private int mInputTextureId = -1;
    private int mOverlayTextureId = -1;
    private int[] mQueueTextureIds = new int[0];
    private int mQueueTextureWidth = -1;
    private int mQueueTextureHeight = -1;

    // --- Public methods ---

    public GlRenderer(int queueDepth) {
        mQueueDepth = queueDepth;
        mGlProgramOverlay = new GlProgramOverlay(queueDepth);

     * Initializes the renderer.
     * <p>Must be called before any other methods.
    public void init() {
        checkState(!mInitialized, "Already initialized");
        mInitialized = true;
        mGlThread = Thread.currentThread();
        try {
            mInputTextureId = createTextureId();
            mOverlayTextureId = createTextureId();
        } catch (IllegalStateException | IllegalArgumentException e) {
            throw e;

     * Releases the renderer.
     * <p>Once released, it can never be accessed again.
    public void release() {

        mInitialized = false;
        mGlThread = null;
        mQueueTextureWidth = -1;
        mQueueTextureHeight = -1;


        if (mInputTextureId != -1) {
            GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, new int[]{mInputTextureId}, 0);
            mInputTextureId = -1;
        if (mOverlayTextureId != -1) {
            GLES20.glDeleteTextures(1, new int[]{mOverlayTextureId}, 0);
            mOverlayTextureId = -1;
        if (mQueueTextureIds.length > 0) {
            GLES20.glDeleteTextures(mQueueTextureIds.length, mQueueTextureIds, 0);
            mQueueTextureIds = new int[0];

     * Gets the external input texture ID created during initialization.
    public int getInputTextureId() {
        return mInputTextureId;

     * Gets the external overlay texture ID created during initialization.
    public int getOverlayTextureId() {
        return mOverlayTextureId;

     * Creates an array of textures and return.
     * <p>This method creates an array of {@link GLES20#GL_TEXTURE_2D} textures with the
     * {@link #mQueueDepth} from constructor, and return their IDs. If the array already exists,
     * calling this method deletes the current array before creating a new one.
     * @param size the size of the texture in this queue. The size usually matches the size
     *             of the input texture.
    public int[] createBufferTextureIds(@NonNull Size size) {
        // Delete the current buffer if it exists.
        if (mQueueTextureIds.length > 0) {
            GLES20.glDeleteTextures(mQueueTextureIds.length, mQueueTextureIds, 0);

        mQueueTextureIds = new int[mQueueDepth];
        // If the queue depth is 0, return an empty array. There is no need to create textures.
        if (mQueueDepth == 0) {
            return mQueueTextureIds;

        // Create the textures.
        GLES20.glGenTextures(mQueueDepth, mQueueTextureIds, 0);
        mQueueTextureWidth = size.getWidth();
        mQueueTextureHeight = size.getHeight();
        for (int textureId : mQueueTextureIds) {
                    GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GLES20.GL_RGB, size.getWidth(), size.getHeight(), 0,
        return mQueueTextureIds;

     * Registers an output surface.
     * <p>Once registered, the {@link Surface} can be used by {@link #renderInputToSurface} and
     * {@link #renderQueueTextureToSurface}.
    public void registerOutputSurface(@NonNull Surface surface) {

     * Unregisters the output surface.
     * <p>Once unregistered, calling {@link #renderInputToSurface} or
     * {@link #renderQueueTextureToSurface} with the {@link Surface} throws an exception.
    public void unregisterOutputSurface(@NonNull Surface surface) {

     * Renders the input texture directly to the output surface.
     * <p>This is used when the queue depth is 0 and no buffer copy is needed. The surface must
     * be registered via {@link #registerOutputSurface}.
    public void renderInputToSurface(long timestampNs, @NonNull float[] textureTransform,
            @NonNull Surface surface) {
        checkState(mQueueDepth == 0, "Queue depth must be zero");
        mGlProgramOverlay.draw(GLES11Ext.GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, mInputTextureId,
                mOverlayTextureId, textureTransform, mGlContext, surface, timestampNs);

     * Renders a queued texture to the output surface.
     * <p>Draw the content of the texture to the output surface. The surface must be registered via
     * {@link #registerOutputSurface}. The texture ID must be from the latest return value of
     * {@link #createBufferTextureIds}.
    public void renderQueueTextureToSurface(int textureId, long timestampNs,
            @NonNull float[] textureTransform, @NonNull Surface surface) {
        checkState(mQueueDepth > 0, "Queue depth must be non-zero");
        mGlProgramOverlay.draw(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureId, mOverlayTextureId,
                textureTransform, mGlContext, surface, timestampNs);

     * Renders the input texture to a texture in the queue.
     * <p>The texture ID must be from the latest return value of{@link #createBufferTextureIds}.
    public void renderInputToQueueTexture(int textureId) {
        mGlProgramCopy.draw(mInputTextureId, textureId, mQueueTextureWidth, mQueueTextureHeight);

     * Renders a queued texture to a Bitmap and returns.
    public Bitmap renderQueueTextureToBitmap(int textureId, int width, int height,
            @NonNull float[] textureTransform) {
        checkState(mQueueDepth > 0, "Queue depth must be non-zero");
        return mGlProgramOverlay.snapshot(GLES20.GL_TEXTURE_2D, textureId, mOverlayTextureId,
                width, height, textureTransform);

     * Renders the input texture to a Bitmap and returns.
    public Bitmap renderInputToBitmap(int width, int height, @NonNull float[] textureTransform) {
        checkState(mQueueDepth == 0, "Queue depth must be zero");
        return mGlProgramOverlay.snapshot(GLES11Ext.GL_TEXTURE_EXTERNAL_OES, mInputTextureId,
                mOverlayTextureId, width, height, textureTransform);

    // --- Private methods ---

    private void checkGlThreadAndInitialized() {
        checkState(mInitialized, "OpenGlRenderer is not initialized");
        checkState(mGlThread == Thread.currentThread(),
                "Method call must be called on the GL thread.");