public class


extends java.lang.Object



Gradle dependencies

compile group: '', name: 'camera-video', version: '1.2.0-alpha01'

  • groupId:
  • artifactId: camera-video
  • version: 1.2.0-alpha01

Artifact it located at Google repository (


A class represents the strategy that will be adopted when the device does not support all the desired Quality in QualitySelector in order to select the quality as possible.


public static FallbackStrategyhigherQualityOrLowerThan(Quality quality)

Returns a fallback strategy that will choose the quality that is closest to and higher than the input quality.

public static FallbackStrategyhigherQualityThan(Quality quality)

Returns a fallback strategy that will choose the quality that is closest to and higher than the input quality.

public static FallbackStrategylowerQualityOrHigherThan(Quality quality)

Returns a fallback strategy that will choose the quality that is closest to and lower than the input quality.

public static FallbackStrategylowerQualityThan(Quality quality)

Returns a fallback strategy that will choose the quality that is closest to and higher than the input quality.

from java.lang.Objectclone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


public static FallbackStrategy higherQualityOrLowerThan(Quality quality)

Returns a fallback strategy that will choose the quality that is closest to and higher than the input quality.

If that can not result in a supported quality, choose the quality that is closest to and lower than the input quality.

public static FallbackStrategy higherQualityThan(Quality quality)

Returns a fallback strategy that will choose the quality that is closest to and higher than the input quality.

public static FallbackStrategy lowerQualityOrHigherThan(Quality quality)

Returns a fallback strategy that will choose the quality that is closest to and lower than the input quality.

If that can not result in a supported quality, choose the quality that is closest to and higher than the input quality.

public static FallbackStrategy lowerQualityThan(Quality quality)

Returns a fallback strategy that will choose the quality that is closest to and higher than the input quality.


 * Copyright 2021 The Android Open Source Project
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.


import androidx.annotation.IntDef;
import androidx.annotation.NonNull;
import androidx.annotation.RequiresApi;


import java.lang.annotation.Retention;
import java.lang.annotation.RetentionPolicy;

 * A class represents the strategy that will be adopted when the device does not support all the
 * desired {@link Quality} in {@link QualitySelector} in order to select the quality as possible.
@RequiresApi(21) // TODO(b/200306659): Remove and replace with annotation on
public class FallbackStrategy {

    // Restrict access to sealed class
    private FallbackStrategy() {

     * Returns a fallback strategy that will choose the quality that is closest to and higher
     * than the input quality.
     * <p>If that can not result in a supported quality, choose the quality that is closest to
     * and lower than the input quality.
    public static FallbackStrategy higherQualityOrLowerThan(@NonNull Quality quality) {
        return new AutoValue_FallbackStrategy_RuleStrategy(quality,

     * Returns a fallback strategy that will choose the quality that is closest to and higher
     * than the input quality.
    public static FallbackStrategy higherQualityThan(@NonNull Quality quality) {
        return new AutoValue_FallbackStrategy_RuleStrategy(quality,

     * Returns a fallback strategy that will choose the quality that is closest to and lower than
     * the input quality.
     * <p>If that can not result in a supported quality, choose the quality that is closest to
     * and higher than the input quality.
    public static FallbackStrategy lowerQualityOrHigherThan(@NonNull Quality quality) {
        return new AutoValue_FallbackStrategy_RuleStrategy(quality,

     * Returns a fallback strategy that will choose the quality that is closest to and higher
     * than the input quality.
    public static FallbackStrategy lowerQualityThan(@NonNull Quality quality) {
        return new AutoValue_FallbackStrategy_RuleStrategy(quality,

    static final int FALLBACK_RULE_NONE = 0;

     * Choose the quality that is closest to and higher than the desired quality. If that can not
     * result in a supported quality, choose the quality that is closest to and lower than the
     * desired quality.
    static final int FALLBACK_RULE_HIGHER_OR_LOWER = 1;

     * Choose the quality that is closest to and higher than the desired quality.
    static final int FALLBACK_RULE_HIGHER = 2;

     * Choose the quality that is closest to and lower than the desired quality. If that can not
     * result in a supported quality, choose the quality that is closest to and higher than the
     * desired quality.
    static final int FALLBACK_RULE_LOWER_OR_HIGHER = 3;

     * Choose the quality that is closest to and lower than the desired quality.
    static final int FALLBACK_RULE_LOWER = 4;

     * The fallback strategies when desired quality is not supported.
    @interface FallbackRule {

     * The strategy that no fallback strategy will be applied.
    static final FallbackStrategy NONE =
            new AutoValue_FallbackStrategy_RuleStrategy(Quality.NONE, FALLBACK_RULE_NONE);

    abstract static class RuleStrategy extends FallbackStrategy {
        abstract Quality getFallbackQuality();

        abstract int getFallbackRule();